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the melmacian

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[17 Mar 2002|07:37pm]

Didn't your mother tell you not to play with mysterious puzzle boxes?

Find out How would you die in a horror movie?

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"you are, my fire. my one desire. believe. when i say. i want it that way." [16 Mar 2002|02:41am]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | i want it that way - allister ]

i got my lip pierced. woohoo! then we went to ruby tuesdays and i ate a shitload of food, they also served me. then we went to goodnoes for a little. bryon and lauren took naps in my car for about an hour and a half and i went in with shelly to have coffee with john. then tiff came and me and her met james at my house. we just sat outside for a little while talking. it was a great night.
and allister does a great cover of this way!

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[14 Mar 2002|07:45pm]

Take the Which of Dan's Favorite Bands Are You? Test

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[08 Mar 2002|04:53am]
3 songs left til im done the cd. woohoo. now heres the question... do i try to take a nap before work or not? i need to be up at the latest 630.
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[05 Mar 2002|12:19am]
dammit. im to gullible.
beth, cathy, and ken got me good tonight.
good job!

Take the Monopoly Piece Quiz!

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[04 Mar 2002|04:47pm]
yay. hockey on saturday. thats all.
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[28 Feb 2002|03:11pm]
im going to go take a nap. im tired. i had fun at work. ate a lot again. mmm, food. im going to get more food then take a nap. heres some quizzes. im proud of the evil one.

I'm so like Bart!

I'm Bart, who are you? by Lexi

Which "Saved By The Bell" Character Are You?

Check it out, man! I'm evil, are you?
How can I even attempt to find mere words to try to capture the true essence of sensual mystery and grand wickedness- that which surrounds you in a permanent aura of pure EVIL?!?!

(Wow.. And I seriously thought I had rigged this test so that you couldn't possibly achieve such a high rank!)
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[28 Feb 2002|08:30am]
im tired. i want to go back to sleep. fuck work.
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[27 Feb 2002|04:43pm]
work was fun. i liked it. all the *free* food i can eat. it went by really fast. im going to take a quick shower then im going up to pep boys with bryon so he can get a new review mirror. first i think ill put the ring back in my lip for the night tho. now for some tests...



You are very perceptive and smart. You are clear and to the point and have a great sense of humor. You are always learning and searching for understanding.

Find out your color at!

You're a factory reject!
You're one of those candy bars that just never made it off the assembly line, or once you did, you were only bought by 44-year-old men with bladder bags. Now, if you like that sort of thing...

What is your meaning of life?

I am 99.9% Sheeple; how about ewe?

Take the Sheeple test!
By mannequin.

Take the Which Breakfast Food Are You? Quiz.

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[26 Feb 2002|03:38am]
what the fuck?
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some quissez i "borrowed" [26 Feb 2002|01:55am]
[ music | pretty girl (the way) ]

i dont know why i decided to switch the s's and the z's, im just dumb.

Take The Quiz And Find Out What Color You'd Be!

What if I refused to give any results? What
if this page refused to load? You're quite
the inquitive one, always questioning the
norm. You're into repetition and cliches.
You're also a creature of habit. Although,
you may just simply be a creature. Who am
I to judge?
The ABC's of Smashing Pumpkins songs; Which "A" song are you?

Take the What Johnny the Homicidal Maniac character are you? quiz!

Red: 5/100 Blue: 11/100 White: 26/100 Yellow: 3/100

Take the Color Code Test
by Dano

i think i was supossed to go to bed.
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diahrea cha cha cha! [25 Feb 2002|06:24pm]

I am Diarrhea .

Diarrhea's are by far the most humorous of all the shits going for the big laugh at all costs. From fart jokes to slapstick humor Diarrhea's are know for pulling out the stops when it comes to shits and giggles... though Diarrhea's do have their down sides.. And like the sad clowns they are, Diarrhea's are actually dying inside and prone to suicide and even murder...
What Kinda Shit Are You?
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women just cant get enough of me. yeah. right. [25 Feb 2002|03:02am]

What Sex Toy Are You?
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smile! [24 Feb 2002|09:11am]
since i didnt wake up at all yesterday....

.... i give you all bryons ass.
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[24 Feb 2002|08:29am]
14 missed calls. 5 messages. damn. thats never happened to me before.
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[22 Feb 2002|12:05am]
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me being bored [21 Feb 2002|11:18pm]

Which Grunge Band Are You?

Which Chess Piece Are You?

I'm Jareth!

I'm Jareth! I'm calculating and determined, and I may well burst into song for no reason. I want to get the girl, rule the kingdom, and wear tight pants. Ahhh, who doesn't?

Take the "Which Labyrinth character are you most like?" quiz by smarmy

Which 80's tv toon are YOU? | made by kt of

What Video Game Character Are You? I am a Gauntlet Adventurer.I am a Gauntlet Adventurer.

I strive to improve my living conditions by hoarding gold, food, and sometimes keys and potions. I love adventure, fighting, and particularly winning - especially when there's a prize at stake. I occasionally get lost inside buildings and can't find the exit. I need food badly. What Video Game Character Are You?

i think this is all ill do for the nite. time for sleep.
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[19 Feb 2002|03:48am]

I took the What Mythological Creature Are you? test by
peacefulchaos !

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[18 Feb 2002|11:25am]
i think im going to go clean my room up a little. yea, thats exactly what im going to do.
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[18 Feb 2002|08:07am]
"i love you like a bullet to the back of the head"
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