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Kat said...
@ 2001-01-23 17:32:00

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    Current Mood: pissed off
    Current Music:You Make Me Sick - Pink

    People I Hate
    you know what kind of people i hate? the kind that manage to ruin what is supposed to be a really good day. the kind that don't care about how their actions might have consequences that can really hurt someone. the kind that care more about their own special fucking (literally) needs than others feelings.
    today started off soooo wonderful. 3 month anniversary. a dozen roses and a cd from the SWEETEST kid in the world without a doubt. i felt on top of the world all day...not even crazy cygan or my bratty sisters could piss me off.
    Wait, lets backtrack for a sec: laura asked me to give her some quotes for the westerner article about how kids manage time between friends and boyfriends. i was psyched..never been in the westerner before. then she asked for a picture of me and braulio for the article too. even cooler! so yeah, even if she didnt use it, big deal, i just thought it was cool to be in teh westerner at all...but i have to say that having a pic of me and braulio in teh westerner would be soo cool and i'd keep it forever. its just one of those things that would be awesome your senior year. anyways...back to today:
    After school...chattin in the hallway with mark sison, when i notice none other than kelly harrington and her boyfriend, posing by the lockers down the hallway. how precious. it seems that kelly will be replacing my place in the paper. fucking slut. heres a good caption for the pic: "I don't have any problem balancing time between my friends and boyfriend...i like to fuck them all!!!" said sophomore kelly harrington. SLUT. i swear to god, i was so fucking pissed..and now that im writing it, im feeling it all over again. the whole thing just affected me in some weird way, and i had to go into the yearbook office so mark wouldnt see me cry. im a big overreacting baby, i know, but it just got to on my day, i was so incredibly happy, then i have to see her, doing exactly what i wanted to do, and i got exactly the same feelings I felt a few months ago when i heard about the whole thing. i try not to think about it, or let it bother me..and i know this sounds really crazy and kinda scary, but sometimes i cant help thinking about it, and i cant help but get these awful pictures in my head. and then i try and think about soemting else, but its hard. i hate her for making me upset. i hate her for making me cry today, and for taking away the smile i had all day. i hate her for being so pretty adn skinny all the time. i hate her for getting away with things that no one should get away with, and for never realizing that she did anything wrong. i hate her for having braulio's attention for just one nite. i hate her for making me think about things that hurt. i just hate her, period. enough of this, its ruining my day more than it should. later.

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