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Creating a New Journal Creating a new LiveJournal is easy, just follow the instructions below!
Username Each LiveJournal user must have their own unique username. Your username is what appears in the address to your journal and what you use to log into the LiveJournal server. It also shows up when you post comments in other people's journal.
Your Name What's your name or handle? This will appear at the top of your journal, and in the user directory should you choose to be listed in it. You do not have to provide your full name or even your real name.
Your email address For verification and security purposes, we need your email address. It will be never ever, under any circumstances, be sold or given away to spammers. We hate that more than anything. Read our privacy policy for more information.
Password Select a password.
Notice to AOL Users If you are an AOL User, make sure you go to Keyword: Mail Controls and turn off any of AOL's "useful" mail controls. You must be able to receive mail from the Internet or you will not recieve your confirmation code. If your parents have this restricted, perhaps you really shouldn't be using LiveJournal.com.
Age Are you under 13 years of age?
Yes, I am under 13 years old.
Proceed Press the button below and you're on your way to having your very own LiveJournal!