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[15 Nov 2001|07:24am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | shake ya bon la la in my HEAD. grrRR ]

im at school. proud? I talked to Izzy yay! I feel better now.

I dont think Justin is here today :/ I havent talked to him in a while. hmph.

Well, I have to go..We have a guest speaker in 1st block today, Hmm...nap time. :P

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Christmas List part 1 [14 Nov 2001|06:51pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | radio doll ]

Clothes from Delias:
Sindi Skirt $28
Caviar Beaded Thermal $20
Multi-Stripped Hoodie $24.99
OverLock Thermal $20
Hooded Tee $18
Long-Sleeve Raglan Tee $16

Carolyn Boots $42

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school tomorrow...for real this time. lol. [14 Nov 2001|06:07pm]
[ mood | drained ]
[ music | staind - waste ]

So, I am gonna go to school tomorrow whether my Mom wants me to or not. She has kept me home for the past two days because of some stuff. I miss everyone though.

A lot of things have been on my mind recently. I need to talk to Izzy, I mean I can talk to a lot of people about it, but he is brutally honest and tells me what I need to hear.

I was gonna do the whole Christmas list thing today, like posting it on my journal and all. But I mean everytime I try and link something it puts a link to livejouranl infront of my code and it gets all fucked up and stuff. i know the code to make links and stuff and Im not making a mistake I dunno whats going on.

I want a Gameboy Advance and a Power Puff Girls game! :D

Oooh..and I want The Cures greatest hits <3

Any ways..Im gonna go and make the list crap in notebook and then wait for someone to comment and tell me why the link thing does that. Hehe.

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god [14 Nov 2001|01:31pm]
can anything else go wrong?! :'(
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oh i doubt it [14 Nov 2001|01:02pm]

I am 52% Grunge.

I am pretty dirty, all right and, I reek of teen spirit... I would sell my own children for a moldy hotpocket, man.

Take the Grunge Test at!

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no school [14 Nov 2001|10:19am]
I was supposed to go back to school Tuesday. I havent been back though. I dont feel good. *gag* In this free time Ive came up with most of my Christmas list. Hehe. Im gonna post it later. :P
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haha [14 Nov 2001|12:55am]

I am 54% EMO.

Emo Kid.
Well.. I've made the cut! Now I'll go buy some promise rings and knit myself a sweater.

Take the EMO Test at!

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wtf? [12 Nov 2001|11:26pm]
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yeah... [12 Nov 2001|11:09pm]
SanctifiedxPure: and..
SanctifiedxPure: i have boobs
SanctifiedxPure: THE END!
sHiNdiGloVer7: and i have boobs and a critch
sHiNdiGloVer7: i mean crotch
sHiNdiGloVer7: lol
SanctifiedxPure: critch?!?!
SanctifiedxPure: LMFAO
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silly test [12 Nov 2001|06:34pm]
[ mood | calm ]

Take the MONSTER RANCHER test at!

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im home. [12 Nov 2001|04:57pm]
[ mood | calm ]

I just got home from visiting hayse in the hospital. he seems to be in good spirits. bev, his wife, has had like 1 hour of sleep and she is taking things really hard. When we were leaving to come home I gave him a hug and told him Id see him later. I feel so uncomfortable in situations like that. I dunno...

I stopped by my Grandpas and gave him a hug! :D I talked to my Gramma for a little bit and she told me my cousin Ryan got another delay, he was supposed to go into the Marines in September but they have him waiting till after Christmas. So thats good. He gets to come in for the holidays now. All 8 of my aunts and uncles are coming in...with there wives...and kids...and grandkids...I love this time of year because I get to see everyone again. My Grandma cooks way too much for Thanksgiving...she is already preparing things that can be frozen and I told her to call and let me know If she wants me to come down and help her because Im off school all next week. She asked me to make two apple pies and my aunt Lisa wants me to make some kind of cake she gave me the recipe for. Bleh. Ill do it, so my Grandma doesnt have to stand and cook all that time, I feel bad for her, she never gets enough rest.

I have to go study for another Chemistry test now.

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good morning [12 Nov 2001|08:58am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | tool - 46 & 2 ]

*yawns* i sleepy.

we are off school today. weeee. we were off friday too. how cool is that?!!
We go tuesday-friday this week and then we are off next week! :D

I was talking to Brandon last night, who was drunk out of his mind so he sounded like a mexican, why a mexican? I dunno. But my Grandma called right after I hung up and told me Hayse was in ICU. :/ I dunno what time we are gonna leave to go down there. I have to get ready and stuff.

psst..izzy im sorry i missed you last night. love ya. *hugs*

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[11 Nov 2001|09:35pm]
[ music | Dashboard Confessionals - Standard Lines ]

juniper liked to play in a meadow of tea leaves. one day her kneecap fell off onto the ground. she taped it to her leg and said "it'll be fine." but the tape wore off and it fell to the ground again. she wished upon it and buried it under tea leaves. days later, she tripped on it and her other kneecap fell off. this time, she taped it to the ground. soon the tape wore off and it fell back onto her knee. juniper went home happy and smelling of tea.

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lizzie [11 Nov 2001|09:33pm]
[ music | Radio Doll - New England ]

lizzie grew a pair of wings to fly to the moon. she wanted to taste what kind of cookie dough it was made of. her wings grew broken and crooked, covered in powder membrane. she could not flap them, much less fly. her parents scolded her for her silliness. "you'll have to live with those wings forever," they told her and sent her to bed without dinner. she jumped out of her window, aiming for the crescent moon. lizzie pricked her finger on its tip and bled chocolate chip.

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hah [11 Nov 2001|09:06pm]
[ music | Staind - Waste ]

chicken soup covered the ground like grass. "it's good for the sole," my mammy would say. the dog swam in it, and then licked noodles out of its fur. after seeing this display of animalistic hunger, i lost my appetite. mammy got annoyed when i didn't eat. suddenly, i noticed the dog was missing. and mammy was brewing a new stew in her pot...

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<3 madlibs [11 Nov 2001|08:59pm]
[ music | Staind - Sober (tool cover) ]

Dear Fuckhead,

I killed your goldfish . I did it out of lust. I had lots of fun doing it. He deserved to die. I got hisr semen all over me. It was a mess. That's what I get for using a(n) serrated meat knife though, right? I hope you didn't mind me writing "Twinkie Wuz Here" on your toilet seat in his blood. If you did mind, oh well, eat spam guts . By the way, I hope you don't feel that this killing was an isolated incident. I've killed twenty million other people. Victims walk the street in children's clothing. I'll be fucking more people tomorrow. And there's nothing you can do to stop me. So ha ha ha! The police are pigs . The people of this city are at my mercy. I am your pimp . Anyway, I must go now. It's time for a quickie . Have a nice day.

Sincerely, yo motha

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Pez and Jizz and the Throne From Hispania [11 Nov 2001|08:51pm]
[ music | Staind - It's Been Awhile ]

The world would be a cool place if serial killers armed themselves with pez dispensers. I bet the pez dispensers would riot, though. We’d have broken pez littering the street, and it’d stay there forever ‘cause no one would eat it. The serial killers would then get really pissed off and go to Toucan Sam for help. He would give them Froot Loops and send them away. The serial killers would be mystified at this and they’d eat the Froot Loops. Poor them, for they are poisoned Froot Loops! Had only they known! The pez dispensers mourn at the grave sites for the poor lost serial killers. All is lost!

But wait, all is not lost! The zombies rise from their graves and the pez dispensers run in fear. The people lock themselves away, but the zombies keep coming. Away, away evil zombie serial killers! And suddenly, out comes the only hope for salvation! It’s the priest, the priest! All hail the priest! But alas, he only came out to molest some innocent child of god. Away goes the priest, into the cloudy night. And the zombies keep coming. They catch up with the priest, and he chants a spell. In the end, it’s only “I am a pedophile” repeated over and over in Latin. Who knew, ‘eh? So the zombies suck his brains out and the priest eats the child’s brain. Ow. The child does not become a zombie, because he was a stupid kid and deserved to die. And on come the zombies.

The towns people run in fear. Gone, they are gone! The town is empty! Wait, but there are children left!

And so, along comes nobody in particular, and he tells the children a story about the good old days when serial killers stayed buried. But all these damned new-fangled laws have screwed the world over, and everyone seems to be getting the fuck outta their coffins these days. Then the old man left, and the children were left crying with nightmares of nuclear-powered space zombies from mars running through their heads. And on come the zombies! But wait, they don’t want the children! They eat the old man, with his damned stupid bedtime stories! And the old man is eaten, head and foot and toe. He does not have any chance of being a zombie. Poor old man. He sucked, anyway, though.

The zombies go on to take over the world. Finally, when they run out of humans to eat, they choke on dirt. That’s when the pez dispensers rise up from their hiding place and sit on their rightful place as queen mistress lords of the world. Thus, pez dispensers make a new breed of serial killers. Ones that don’t choke on dirt. And they live happily ever after. The fucking end.

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bored [11 Nov 2001|08:44pm]
[ music | Dashboard Confessional - Fear The Most ]

Weena the Psycho
(to the tune of “Frosty”)

Weena the psycho
Killed most everyone in town,
And when she died
Nobody cried,
So she came out the damn ground.

Her skin flaked off in giant clumps
Cause she was really dead
And when she tripped over a stone
Off dropped her lumpy head.

Weena the psycho
Could control an army tank,
Since she was insane
She cut out her brain
And she robbed a fuckin bank.

As she was drinking beer one day
These people got her pissed
She somehow got herself so drunk
Their faces met her fist.

Weena the psycho
Had a body full of lead,
She used super glue
To attach her shoe
And her leg fell off instead.

She bought a new computer
And with it a new axe
When she made a fatal error
The thing became compact.

Weena the psycho
In her smile resides her hate
For with her sneer
You’ll hide your fear
And it’s all left up to fate.

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radio doll [11 Nov 2001|07:39pm]
Radio Doll has added a few new songs to their mp3 site. So check it out.

psst...if you join the mailing list, you will know when there is more added...
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*pouts* [11 Nov 2001|07:35pm]
[ mood | sore ]

I have a headache. =(

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