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[22 Aug 2001|04:54pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | none ]

I've been playing this for a while. Keeps messing up my comp. Growl. Its kinda cute I guess. :-P

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[20 Aug 2001|06:17pm]
[ mood | pissed off ]

al;dkjfa;lekruj3o7290834723lkjda;nfe;nz;vjkadpoifueAL;KJRHA;ERKJA;H;ndndlkajer; f


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[20 Aug 2001|05:29pm]

try to shut me up

put rockstar shut-me-ups on your own page!
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paws off [19 Aug 2001|04:58pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | tv ]

Time for an actual update on this thing. Soo.. yeah.. This was the weekend my boy came to see me. I must say, I had a great time. It was so great seeing him again. I enjoyed every minute I spent with him. I had to get up real early, like 9 in the morning Saturday, just to get ready so he could come pick me up. I was a little nervous, but more excited then anything. As soon as I got in the car, I wasn't nervous at all. I was just so happy to see him. I kept bouncing around and stuff. We went and picked up Megan, then we went to the Oakdale mall. First we got some food, that was pretty interesting. Some little kid kept balling his (?) eyes out. Josh kept trying to make it cry even more. lol weirdo ;] After that we went to the pet store, then to the arcade. I played air hockey against my boy. I got kind of sick of playing so I just kept throwing the puck thingy around. It was giving me a bad headache. After that whole experience, we went into Claires, oh boy. Then Spencers.. then um hot topic I believe. I bought a new silver star necklace (yaaay) hair dye, and pink undies. Waho! :] We left shortly after that. Went to the Hoyts Cinema place and saw Planet of the Apes. Pretty good movie. I liked it. It was nice seeing a movie with my boy :]

So all in all I had an excellent weekend with Josh. I really miss him though. More so now than ever :[ Can't wait until I can talk to him again. *sigh* Anyways, i'm going to go finish watching Jawbreaker, to get my mind of my boy.

<3 me

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[17 Aug 2001|06:08pm]
[ music | none ]

The current mood of at
Wahoooo! Its Friday! Tomorrow is Saturday! *jumps around* *humps screen* teehee

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[15 Aug 2001|03:31am]
Sometimes it really disgusts me how utterly careless and emotionless some people are towards others. A person could live their whole life without one person being kind to them. Growl. That makes me mad and disgusts me.
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[15 Aug 2001|01:34am]
The current mood of at
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Are you a freak? [15 Aug 2001|01:04am]
[ mood | tired ]

Are you a freak?

My results:

Need to be unique: 60%
Need to NOT conform: 84%
Willingness to express dissent: 96%
Overall: 73%

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Quit biting my balls [15 Aug 2001|12:42am]
[ mood | uncomfortable ]
[ music | none ]

ok.. thats odd.. my brother just said that to my dog.. eeep.. *hides*

Anyways, heres a quick update. Nothing has been going on with me lately. Josh is coming in less than 4 days. I can't wait. I'm getting so excited. It'll be great to see him and be with him again. I love that boy.

I've had a horrible headache for the past 3 days. I found out tonight I should start eating more or somethin. hehe... Doh, i'm a retard.

ok that is all.

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[13 Aug 2001|03:35am]
I miss Josh.
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cruel to be kind [11 Aug 2001|11:06pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | none ]

Went shopping today. Bought 2 new pairs of pants and a long black shirt thingy. I likes it. Had an alright time.

Afterwards I went to my Aunts house and went to some birthday party for one of my distant Uncles. That sucked. Got ice cream on the way home. So i'm happy.


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Hippie me [11 Aug 2001|04:27am]
[ mood | tired ]

Took a new picture earlier today a leetle while after I took my shower. Very plain picture. Figured i'd post it up anyways. So here it is. I look like a hippie :-P

Yay... so thats the icky picture of me. I'm getting ready for beddy-by soon. Very sweepy. Josh might be going camping this weekend, so i'm going to miss him a lot :[ But hes coming in about a week now soo... that makes me smile :] Ok stephies going to bed.

*runs off to bed*

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[10 Aug 2001|04:32am]

my fuck duck.
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What do I want in a man? [09 Aug 2001|07:03pm]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | Stella soleil ]

I just took the "what do you want in a man" quiz. And here were my results. They are pretty accurate.

Although you're a sucker for romance, you'll probably cut a guy some slack even if he doesn't constantly pamper you with gifts and affection. You crave passion in your relationships, so you want a guy who can (and will) express his deepest feelings for you through his actions. Someone like Richard Gere or George Clooney, perhaps? But you know that men aren't very romantic, so you're willing to lower your standards in this area if need be. Chances are you're willing to stick around once the courting period ends, though it's still very important that your guy occasionally dote upon you. Your realistic-yet-hopeful outlook will guarantee you a good catch

There's no denying that men are like fine wine — they definitely get better with age. It's not hard to understand why, when you consider all the benefits of getting older, which is why you like your guys a bit older and more mature. Suave and sophisticated, a mature-yet-fun man — like Regis Philbin or Kelsey Grammer's "Frasier" character — would be more likely to settle down into a real relationship and make a lasting commitment. On the other hand, your answers show that you don't go for stiffs who can't crack a joke. What's the point if there's no spontaneity, right? It sounds like you go for guys with experience and a sense of humor that's dry as a fine Chablis, but with a hint of spice.

Love doesn't come cheap, but it doesn't have to be all that expensive, either. It sounds like you're not very concerned about your ideal man's financial situation. Of course, we all dream of living well, but it's a mistake to mix your expectations of love with your hopes for a first-class lifestyle. Based on your answers, it seems like money isn't a real romantic concern for you. On the airplane of love, you're just as happy traveling coach as first class. (Two TV guys who live up to your financial expectations — or lack thereof — are Chandler and Ross from "Friends.") Being detached from materialist concerns is a healthy, realistic attitude and should help make you happy. It means that when Mr. Right crosses your path, you'll be sure to recognize him and not worry about the size of his wallet.

No doubt about it — love is blind. You seem to realize that ruling out potential suitors because they're not drop-dead gorgeous could jeopardize a perfect love match. Good for you! Your good nature and open mind let you look past the surface and see the true person inside before you judge the chemistry between the two of you. Sure, you notice a good-looking guy when you see one (who doesn't?!), and you probably think good looks are a nice bonus. But physical appearance isn't the number one item on your list of important things to look for in a man. Jay Leno? Kramer from "Seinfeld"? You'd date 'em in a second. Not only does this characteristic reflect your sweet nature and genuine desire to find true love, it also means that you'll be more apt to find your ideal guy than someone who shuts the door on every guy who doesn't look like he stepped off a magazine cover.

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[09 Aug 2001|06:29pm]
soo... I re-took the IQ test thing. I got a 112 on it. *shrugs*
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My emotional age [09 Aug 2001|04:09pm]
[ mood | surprised ]
[ music | Drain STH ]

There are countless reasons why people may act or feel a certain age at any given point in their lives. Feeling a certain age is not a static thing, nor is it something that always follows a pre-determined pattern. Some people act older when they are children then have a second childhood in their retirement years. Others act like children until they become parents and then seem to click into a different mode. It can be helpful and insightful to learn which stage you're at right now, and why.

Nobody fits neatly into a given category. There are several components in your emotional age: behavior, emotion, and responsibility. In the area of behavior, you seem to fall very clearly into the "mature" category. There is no doubt that others can rely on you and that your behavior is probably consistent and dependable. This is great, but it probably also means that you don't allow yourself to have too much fun or act "outside the box." Most of your actions might be dictated by how they are going to affect other people. Basically, you might want to lighten up a little. Try to focus more on your own feelings. And, most of all -- have a little fun!

In the realm of emotions, you seem to fall into the "adult" category. This means that you are probably in control of your emotions. You can recognize your feelings and express them clearly. You are probably rational and composed, but you make sure that you do not neglect your own emotions. This healthy balance allows you to interact well with others, while staying true to yourself.

When it comes to the level of responsibility you assume, for yourself or others, you fall into the "adult" category. This means that you are probably someone who can be relied on to come through in any situation. People around you likely consider you dependable and strong. Don't let your dominant care-taking side force you to neglect your own needs. Keep a healthy balance and continue to take care of yourself too.

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Im the best you ever had [09 Aug 2001|03:57pm]
[ mood | hot ]
[ music | Genitorturers ]

Taking a few quiz thingys at According to the IQ test thingy, my IQ is 108. Boing. I just took The Identity Test. Here are my results.

Openness To Experience

Your high score in the Openness category means that you probably have a strong creative streak. Your broad intellectual curiosity and your interest in the various arts set you apart. Some people may consider you somewhat of a dreamer, and your taste for variety often means moving quickly on to the next experience. This tendency makes you appear a bit flighty and inconsistent. But these elements of your personality simply reflect a character full of new ideas and charged with emotions.


Your medium score in the Conscientiousness category means that you have achieved a solid balance in your outlook towards responsibility. You are probably somewhat organized, with a little room for improvement. Your priorities probably reflect a mix of work and play. Thoughtfulness characterizes your thinking style, so you give gravity to important decisions without making a big deal out of minor issues. You are probably serious about achieving success, but do not feel completely driven by this motivation. All in all, you've got a very healthy perspective on work and duty.


Your medium score in the Extraversion category defines your social identity. You are probably comfortable in either a crowd or by yourself, and spending time alone or with company is equally enjoyable. When among others, you tend to stand in the foreground, although you may not always wish to take the position of a leader. Instead, you seem to prefer moving between the role of leader and follower, as the situation requires. You probably keep a moderately active social life; you're generally on the lookout for excitement, but certainly don't require it. You tend to keep a fairly positive emotional outlook, and people can usually count on your for some good cheer.


The Agreeableness category refers to your social disposition. Your medium score indicates someone who balances the priorities of your own inner voice with the needs of others. You tend to be concerned with the harmony of the group, while maintaining a certain independence. Depending on the situation, you might adopt a stance that defers to the wishes of others, or else assert your own individuality. In this way, you have a great deal of tact, and believe in the situational equality of people. You probably have an approachable and kind personality. People probably admire you for your ability to speak your mind when appropriate.

Negative Emotionality

Negative Emotionality refers to your emotional reactivity. Your medium score means that you're someone who negotiates your emotions depending on your situation. Sometimes you may feel quite sensitive and emotional, while other times you may remain resilient to outside pressures. This quality of adaptation best describes your emotional character. You maintain a rational outlook, which is moderated by feelings. For example, you can sometimes feel sad, stressed, worried or embarrassed under the weight of a situation, but you are able to act quite calm and reserved, without yielding to the stress. Responsive, without being overly reactive, is the best way to describe you.

and theres more to come :] Josh got me into this whole quiz thing again. You little poop head. <3
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[09 Aug 2001|12:41am]
[ mood | happy ]

omggggggg *dies*

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say it once say it twice take a chance and roll the dice [08 Aug 2001|03:00am]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | Nightmare Before X-mas - This is Halloween ]

Well Megan went home today. I was kind of glad to see her go. I <3 meggie to death, but spending like 4-5 days with her can get to be to much. We took a walk down to the dam and went swimming before she left. I didn't go in past my stomach. The water was brown, and yucky.

In about.. 10 days My baby will be here! Yaaay! I really can't wait. I <3 that boi lots! I got to talk to him on the phone for a while today. Not about anything specific, which is usually why he calls, but we just talked. I like it when we do that. Usually he just calls to say goodnight, which always makes me happy until I go to bed. :]

I forgot to welcome this Gal into my LJ friends :] So welcome. She <3's Michael Jackson. (hehe)

Due to the fact that he never bothers to talk to me anymore, i'm removing Jason from my friends list. So goodbye, as if you care.

I love how people get pissed off at me for no good reason. Pretty funny. Anyways, thats all for now. Update more later.

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Shake it baby shake it [05 Aug 2001|08:40pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | tv in background ]

Ok so i'm home. Actually i've been home for a while now. Saturday night Megans sister Julie finally came and got me at like 8:30 or so. Megan and I just ended up hanging out talking all night until 4 in the morning. Then earlier today when I came home, Megan came with me. I was so glad to be back home. I missed my Josh SOOOO freaking much. It was insane. All I talked about was Josh. I think Megan got a bit annoyed. O'well.

Anyways.. As soon as I got home, i got online and Josh was on so I had him call me for a bit. I even had Megan say hi to him. After I got off the phone with him we were going to take a walk into Unadilla, but my mom showed up and took us down there to go swimming at my great grandmas. Megan and I walked around town a bit, got ice cream, and a slushie (yaaaaaay!) Once we were finished walking around we went swimming for a few. It was kind of fun. Megan put on these goggles and they like suctioned her face. I laughed so hard I enhaled water and started choking. hehe. pretty funny. Hehe same thing happened to me when I got home in the shower. I enhaled soap through my nose and uh that wasn't cool. Sucked very much. Megs and I played playstation for a while. I challenged her to an x-men fighting game. Whooped her asssssss! ;] Pretty cool game. Then I made her sit and watch the X-men movie since shes never seen it before. And thats what shes doing, and this is what i'm doing. Tomorrow we might either go walking, talk my dad into taking us to the movies (yay right), or just sleep all day. Kaleb and Brooke (her niece and nephew) woke us both up real early this morning. Kaleb has this huge crush on me. Hes 3 years old, and just follows me every where. Pulling on my shirt and poking my butt telling me he loves me. It was quite annoying, yet cute. Ok well thats my update for now. Going to go watch the movie.


Bob the corn on the cob
I am a child of the cooooooooorn!

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