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Friday, November 9th, 2001
5:34 pm

Here I am, on a Friday evening at 5.30pm, updating LJ cos I've time to while away. ON A FRIDAY NIGHT. Yes folks, I've to go to a reception for work!

Ah, it shouldn't be too bad actually. It's a joint venture between Greece, Denmark and Ireland-based associations to try and help disabled people with getting mainstream jobs in IT. It's a pretty cool idea. A lot to do with what I did in my Info Studies diploma, about accessibility etc.

So I was supposed to be gehen ins Kino mit meinen Freunden Aaron und Jeff und einige andere Menschen, but that's been put off... however I should still be able to meet them after the thing!

Haven't updated in a good while, not since I heard Sorcha's news anyway! And, me, a bride of honour?! jaysus... but I'm well chuffed! Thank you pet! :-)

I'm hoping to have a party on the night of the 15th Dec, for my impending quarter of a century-ness. And Sorcha'll be home at the same time, so it really is an excuse for you lot of me mates reading, who can, to get your arses in gear and come and party!

Thing is, I have no home in Dublin anymore. But hey, when did that ever stop anyone?!

Off now!


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Friday, October 26th, 2001
4:29 pm
The past 2 weeks:
Dang and Manicman
Too Much Work
Presidential Visits
Late nights
Much wine
Good memories

Cleaning Flat
Chilling out (finally)
Much sleep

E visiting for the week
Late nights
Much wine
Good memories
Hopefully a better LJ entry...


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Monday, October 1st, 2001
4:55 pm - some stats...
Copied from katchuri

number of people on my lj friends list: 8, if you don't count communities.
number of people listed me as a friend: 8
whom I've met in person: 5
whom I've met in person more than once: 5
whose house I've been to: Been to, 5. Lived in, 2.
who have been to my house: 2, but soon to be 4!
whose precise geographic location I know offhand: 7
whose full names I know offhand: 5
whom I've followed/been in touch with for more than 3 years: 5
who live outside my country: haha, all of them!
whose journal I consider myself "addicted" to: nah, yis are all boring... not. All - I always check my friends page first!
whom I've lived with: 2
who's an ex: 0
who I'd do: 0
who I've done: 0
who I have a secret crush on: 0

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4:36 pm - hmmm...
After a comment from someone I realise I've been posting almost exclusively to my friends list, which must make my journal (and life, by implication) pretty boring-looking!

I think I've been posting for people I know because I'm afraid any of the names I use or the people I mention or the things I have to do in work or wherever might come back to haunt me! Also, many of my non-LJ friends have fundamental problems with being written about on the Web, to the extent that I generally only use initials, even on my friends-only posts.

Anyway, to update EVERYONE on what's going on in my life at the moment. I've moved to Greece, and am having a pretty darn good time in Athens so far. I've acquired a big flat to rattle around in all by myself, and am currently engaged in such wonderful pursuits as trying to make throw X match duvet cover Y and rug Z.

I have, in other words, turned into my mother.

But then I've never had the opportunity to have my own place before, and do it up exactly the way I want it (money permitting, which at the moment it doesn't really!).

Speaking of de Mammy, she actually flew over to visit me last week, which was cool! Gave me an opportunity to do some of the touristy stuff I haven't yet got around to doing myself. Namely, the Acropolis. Bloody cool stuff!

Work is grand, social life is getting there (tis tough being in a new country and knowing no-one, but I have inherited some friends from the guy I replaced here, which is cool!).

Actually met up with another Irish girl there yesterday - she has just arrived. She's the only other Irish person my age, it seems, in Athens! Gas thing is, she went to Cardiff uni for 2 years!

I simply must go as I've such important things to do as check my mail and continue the "ha ha ha" conversation I'm currently engaged in with one of my very mature mates at home!

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Wednesday, September 12th, 2001
2:40 pm
To all of you in the States, I hope everyone out there, and your friends and families, are OK - everyone is stunned by what's happened - thoughts and prayers are with you.

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Thursday, August 23rd, 2001
10:31 am - Hmmm...
Apparently, my Porn Star Name is Thunder Macartan's Villas, my Blues Singer Name is Hot Robinson, my Punk Rock Band is called the Corny Fingers, and my name as an extra in "Star Wars" is Spoodlenicious the Spatula Spatula.


If you're curious about such wonderful things go to

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Wednesday, July 4th, 2001
1:49 pm - curious...
Did anyone else get a spam mail recently, called "Opportunity of a Lifetime"? I opened my online mail account today and there, sitting slap bang in the inbox, were ten identical mails, miles long. The funny thing was, they were all seemingly from different ISPs (, cs,com,, etc). And at the end you were given the option to be removed from the mailing list... via a Yahoo email address!

This happened once before to me - I suspect someone has discovered how to hack into (my email provider) and is resurrecting all sorts of old email hoaxes. I for one never give out my address unless absolutely necessary, and then it's always with the box ticked for "no further info". But then I am most likely very naíve about the power of a hacker or spammer..!

I'll have to wait to hear back from all the ISPs to see what they say!

Don't you just love spam?

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Tuesday, July 3rd, 2001
1:49 pm - The Webbies
Last chance...

If you like LiveJournal, and want to see the people who make it what it is get some well-deserved recognition, PLEASE vote for LJ in the Webby Awards!

I've already voted, but they only let you vote once...

Just go to to vote. LiveJournal is nominated in both the Personal category and the Services category.

LJ is in the lead, but only by a very small margin. Do what you can, now, while you can!!!

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Friday, June 29th, 2001
2:44 am - RANT
Landlord informed us last night that he will be refurbishing our house for a month from the end of July.

In other words, he wants us out, belongings and all, for the duration.

Effectively, this means I will be homeless for my last 3 weeks in the country.

I will have to try and find some sort of place to store all my things, including the stuff I have already bought for the move to Athens, along with the furniture etc I still have to buy (we're talking beds, couches etc).

In effect, I will be moving house twice in the space of 4 weeks.

It also means I won't even have my own BED for my last 3 weeks in Ireland. I will be sleeping on someone's couch, or in a spare room. I can't afford a hotel or a B&B.;

I won't be able to throw any going-away parties at home, or have friends from around the country stay with me so I can see them before I go away.

I am very very, pissed off.

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Wednesday, June 27th, 2001
10:26 am
Thanks to Dee for this:

There are only two things to worry about: either you are well or you are sick. If you are well, then there is nothing to worry about: but if you are sick; there are two things for you to worry about: either you will get well or you will die. If you get well, then there is nothing to worry about. If you die; there are two things for you to worry about: either you will go up or down. If you go up, then there is nothing for you to worry about. But if you go down you will be so busy shakin hands with old friends you won't have time to worry.

current music: My Star - Naimee Coleman

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Tuesday, June 26th, 2001
11:37 am
Chocolate cravings will be the death of me.

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Monday, June 25th, 2001
3:38 pm - Woohoo...
...this has turned into quite a debate!

Well, it turns out that the comment that sparked my furies was actually only made as a sarcastic jibe at another friend, and was in no way meant to be taken as the commenter's actual opinion on matters.

Tip for onlookers though: don't slag me country off within earshot (or should that be eyeshot?!) of me!!!

National pride and sensitivities aside... best to let the debate drop at this point, I think!

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10:35 am
Someone mentioned on LJ recently that Ireland is part of Britain.

*blood boiling*

I would be interested to know, is that the general perception of Ireland by English people...? Is that being taught in schools, or is it the media? How on earth are people getting this idea?

Ireland is a sovereign republic, and has been since the end of British rule in the early part of the last century.

We have our own government, currency, language, identity and a culture and heritage that stretches back thousands of years.

And it becomes tiring, after a while, finding we have to define ourselves repeatedly, against a country whose imperial notions of superiority still persist in the national consciousness (no offence).

I am just surprised, that's all.

It's one thing to come across this sort of thing while abroad (white skin, speaking English, etc - people can be forgiven. I've been called Welsh or Scottish more than once, which I consider a compliment).

It's another to come across it now... as what seems to be the general English perception of our country.

I am amazed, as other people have just told me they've had the same experience. One girl I work with was in France with a bunch of other foreigners, including some British people. An English guy decided he was going to have a UK-France football match, and couldn't understand why Irish people weren't playing for the UK, as "after all, it was all the same".

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Tuesday, June 19th, 2001
1:52 pm - Fiona's Album of the Year
The Big Romance by David Kitt.

GO AND BUY IT. It's only £10.99...

It's been out here for a while, and was released yesterday in the UK.

Incredibly soulful music with brilliant guitar, melancholy but not sad, fantastic stuff.

current music: You Know What I Wanna Know - David Kitt

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Monday, June 18th, 2001
5:25 pm - Webby Awards
Just voted for LJ in the Webby awards. You have to register with them (so that you only get one vote!) and as LJ isn't a named nominee, you nominate them yourself, in the Community and/or Personal Site categories, in the boxes provided.

A bit roundabout, but it'd be nice to see a great site like this get the recognition it deserves. Don't know about anyone else, but it's put me back in touch with a few old friends, and made me a few new ones, so here's hoping LJ does well!

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Friday, June 8th, 2001
10:44 am

Well, after yesterday's excitement, I better settle back in to work! (yeah right Fi...)

Still on cloud nine, made all the better by (hopefully) having resolved some other issues from over the last few days.

Missed going to the pub to celebrate last night (just as well, I wouldn't be here otherwise!) but I am sure I'll hit it with a vengeance tonight!

Anybody been to Athens? Anybody wanna go...?!

current music: Some Kind of Perfect Bliss - Bellefire

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9:15 am
Well, I'm off home now, as I'm going to Ardal O'Hanlon after all, and I wann have a nice shower anna dinner anna glass of sumtin nice before I go out!

Have a good weekend all, and talk to ye again on Monday (no doubt I'll be broke again... I can feel a major shopping spree coming on...!)

current music: Ride Wit Me - Nelly (arg! get out!!)

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Thursday, June 7th, 2001
11:27 am - Today's horoscope from astrocenter... they really are psychic
Your sensitivity may hit new extremes, Fiona. As a Sagittarian, it's already part of your nature to feel things deeply. With the influence from this day's aspects, it can get to the point where you're overwhelmed. Don't be too hard on yourself if the slightest thing has you weepy or agitated. Try to get through the day with as much control as you can muster, and trust that tomorrow will be easier.

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Tuesday, June 5th, 2001
12:28 pm
Got through a nice, relaxing, stress-free weekend without thinking or talking about postings.

Come back into work and bam! it's all that's talked about at coffee break. Despite the fact that I asked people to stop. I mean, I was the only one there who was involved in the whole thing anyway...! (apart from N, but he's top of the list, so HE has no worries...!)

Moan moan moan!

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10:27 am - whew...

Don't go out and get lamped on the Friday of a bank holiday weekend, because it will wreck you for the whole three days afterwards...!

Me and M ended up plastered after wine, some of the infamous duty-free vodka and a trip to Rosie's (the local) on Friday night.

Spontaneity is always a good thing, but...!

I broke a new pair of shoes, acted the complete eejit, and am informed I was having a rather loud phone conversation in Macari's chipper in Harold's Cross. Think Dom Joly in Trigger Happy TV (HELLO! NO, I'M IN THE CHIPPERS! NO, IT'S SHITE!!!). Apparently I was talking to my other housemate and she was very insulted that I couldn't remember talking to her, the next day...

And then E turned up at the house locked as well... there must have been something in the water (possibly alcohol!).

Woke up the next morning and went urrrgh.

But all in all, it was a great night, and worth it...! *ahem*

Spent Saturday recovering, and went into town on Sunday and bought Bridget Jones' Diary (the saddest thing is that I found myself identifying with it!) and the new Terry Pratchett, Thief Of Time. Both very good.

And yesterday made a half-hearted attempt to study for this fecking French exam tonight. I have no idea of my verbs and tenses and will probably make a mess of it, but I'm not really the bothered - after all, it's not a degree exam, and the only reason I'm sitting it at this stage is cos I paid an extra £20 to do so!

current music: Cruisin' - Gwyneth Paltrow and Huey Lewis

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