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ariael liddel

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Saying is foolish [11 Nov 2001|09:16pm]
[ mood | soft ]
[ music | Terrence mc Kenna samples cheap acid mix ]

And I know how you get repelled
By that useless accuracy
That of an infans
{The one who cannot tell}
Made able to name

Darkness? I don't see...

The slowing-down and
The suspension
In a ray of still
Of dust dancing

Resumed the minute
It blows up

Ash snow dirt shrout
Outline and make you eventually
See the tangible the things
You care about

But you only remember
How you used to care
And they're already dust
To their heart

No erratum

Nota Bene: I don't fancy murders any time
But you are right friends
I happen to and you know I would act
As ever
As swift as oblivion

< oh I am happy though: the lovely house amongst the gum trees, the eucalyptus, and the monstera deliciosa and the etching art studio and our forthcoming monstre, promise of virgin beaches; even if now it rains and freezes and I'm sleepy with lag and too idle; but : yoga supple feliness, a wide linen bed and a growing sense of shameless paganism... upon you*>

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nichivo=parfait [08 Nov 2001|08:04pm]
[ mood | absolut ]
[ music | a faraway piano plys at the chic airport bar ]

Je vous rassure, j'ai ete courageuse et arrete de pleurnicher des la disparition de maman, qui m'a promis de venir* No, I shall not fear anything, because my love is stronger, wider than the World.
I am wearing my roman cornaline ring, the glory of Athena crowning, and papa's talisman: a moonstone raindrop.
Headaches flying: I open an eye to read we are above Novosibirsk, south of Siberia, south of Ulan Bator, the fringe of Gobi desert; outside air temperature -57C -74F; attitude 11000m 36500 feet; ground speed 972 km/h 603mph; disatnce to destination 2540kms 1574m...
I painfully crawl on my seat, sleep I want it.
Illusiory day follows: the misty outlines of the islands and its wrapped brand new skyscrapers. Screens and civic mellow hostesses at every corner, voices wishing you to relax and enjoy... Empty galleries, all steel and glass, for a momet I am lost and alone.And so free, so safe, why?
I of course find a way to escape the touristy center and watch some marvellous fishes and gigantic seashells on the market. I eat some unknown sticky white steamed sweet. I melt in exhaustion down along Nathan Road at the end of the day. This is the anteroom to Tokyo.
oh and I buy millions of fanfreluches, froufrous and slashed deshabilles.
I am leaving again in two hours.
A Dieu Vat/ Alea Jacta Est.
Je vous embrasse, vous que j'ai laisse*

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Offering [07 Nov 2001|11:20am]
[ mood | heart-race ]
[ music | Cut Here, The Cure ]

So if you are
lovely & on my way:
Paris Charles-de-Gaulle 2001 nov 7th 13.05 am
Hong Kong new air. 2001 nov 8th 8.05 pm
11.30 am
Melbourne hum* 24°C 2001 nov 9th 11.35 pm
You are very welcome
To pick me up!
(to be continued...)

If you are out of my route, poke your blessings to the skies, please?

(dreams of Lachrymose to which I shall ask pardon for yesterday being so unavailable/simili babbles, Mademoiselle Vignette and Decomposure... and others... all of unspeakable nature and luxurious decadence)

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Mortel ennui = impudeur [04 Nov 2001|02:54pm]
Long idle afternoons
Missing toys

My hands are suspiciously slender
The piano velvety

Her sleep was cotton
How I loved to flutter upon...

Ridicule ma chérie...
"I love it when it goes all akward, strayed and dotty"
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(Following the :c.h.e.s.h/i/r.e sphinx) [04 Nov 2001|01:23pm]
Shut, the darkness in my eyes, and no habituation, but I could smell the wetness and hear it glistening, blind hands brushing the walls. Before bluish ghosts of your mind own greed to see. Something? I saw some stars I remember having seen many times when a child I would push hard and hold my palms upon my orbits. I also used to walk in a similar state of dizziness, staring down a mirror reflecting the ceiling, each step taking further a nonsense of unspeakable nature: my own disappering in an impossible house.
Say I wasn't thinking about all this in the anteroom and this is a straightforward further analysis, what was in my mind at the time; I cannot say. I felt safe I think. Sort of self-contained walking deeper deeper down the insides. I made a joke about the fact we might think we got lost, though I can't figure now what sort of joke this would be. Then I explained the anterooms might as well be thought of as drawers or keys. To make the cactus understand what a maze was.
The old man was still of a delightful company, but quite useless as a guide: he mysteriously mumbled something about finding your own way and the story of a little boy we might meet further down the subterrainian grottos. The cactus good sense hold it for a cliché and I wasn't sure anymore.
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[29 Oct 2001|11:42pm]
So I spend half of the day twirling around dancing on
(you* find it sickly-sweet, I lick my fingers with delight: miaou-miaou I say)
and the rest of it rushing after rendez-vous (absurd: I wear a far too loose jacquart v-neck hiding a far too short pleated-skirt , turn back on school's doorstep, gently advise my bloodless banker yoga training).
and try to keep in mind I am not lingering haphazardly but racing with all the other hollow-fishheads along the Champs-Elysées the ultramarine dior shopwindows, racing for no reason I know of. Oh yes, to stop and get off the tracks.
{Now raspberry pie: sablée pastry, frangipane (almond paste), custard, fresh raspberries in a light syrup on top.}

* * * *
"Do you wanna see? Explosions in my eyes?"
* * * *

"Lay her, unwrap the red coat, let me see... hum..."
The doctor is not only an ogre, but also the most bogey undertaker-chef of the forest.
So, huge furry olive-hands come across her narrow chest
The ogre listening carefully through a mother-of-pearl
A conductor asking for silence: bim-ba... pin...
All the novice toads rolling eyes around the master
"the girl looks pretty all-right to me... from meninx to metatarsals: all-pink and ivory...iris reflex... supple limbs... hum... she turned mute all of a sudden... a few days that it? Drawing a map all over the walls? Calculus and verses... electrodes show high cerebral activity... dreaming ok...
her heart is late!"

& she runs wordlessly across the woods
since she's lost her twin... on a forgetfull night
about a month ago... &she; loves too late

_ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ : wasn't it S.O.S in morse?

Ce qui est grave, c'est que moi non plus je n'y crois plus...
That reminds me of the Never Ending Story (by Michael Ende, read it when I was 12, it was made a film with a great dog-faced white dragon, Falcor)
When parts of the Dreamland are turning into nothingness
A humming sound, a white glare, and a sense of sorrow
They were parts where people had simply stopped to believe.
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...give me ideas... [27 Oct 2001|04:09pm]
for tentacle... hum*
{oooh how dare you?/ I don't know...?}
I eventually know what I'm wearing for Halloween: what about the abused manga-doll/ toygirl (define haircut, striped thighs, tulle torn dress, wires and tentacles all around, and screwed lipstick).
I am going to unplug the whole house: need black thick wires, monstery hoover pipes... does anyone have tentacle for me?
bad. puss-wuss. stalks.
It's just a game anyway, fancy...
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However vast The Forest, I might just think of a certain great lion [26 Oct 2001|02:08pm]
My great friend S.A.S (H.S.H) C. called and it's utter joy to hear his rolling blames for forgetting him down in the mists of Milano (another time/ another life, but we always dance, one step up/ one step back)
: my dearest monsieur, you are the crepa-cuore (le crève-coeur, "heartbreak" isn't quite right hum... the heart-puncher?). Shooting star little lady leaving for austral lands: it is virginity and strangeness, heavy mangogroves rotting flowers under animal devouring lovebeats, the archaic nature of incest, I seek out. I guess Patrick White's Australia is equivalent to Baudelaire's Paris though. But I'll certainly land with all these literary girlish fantasies...
The australian embassy shows a peculiar sense of seriousness: the hall is full of old front-wheel lemons and oil-skin wrapped-up cheap mannequins...
I feel insecure to sign down a piece of paper forbidding you to work (recreational activities only!) & allowing a 3-months-only stay (articles 8503 is simple: "NO FURTHER STAY" in capitals). Then I might be a little too accurate in my demand for the employer not to kindly observe "I am only saying this for you mademoiselle but you shouldn't let know you intend to settle there...": I hiccup confused "oh do I? hum_ I actually don't know!"ssshhh clueless doll, go back to bed if you believe it's a nave...
So I go back and read the form eating zucchini purée and a pear for it's the only food allowed (doctor's orders: urticaria rash, just like when I was 6 and deprived of strawberries and seafood but cared only about s.t.r.a.w.b.e.r.r.i.e.s).
CRUCIAL REQUEST: Halloween party theme is "we're all dead and in Heaven (light nice naïve colours) because we're victims of a murder (so you wear it obviously so that everyone can guess)... Yes, I know, we French People are only recently introduced to Halloween & I despise it is only a merchandising initiative...
The Raped Maiden is a good idea...
A short-circuited replicant okay...
Most murders leave inelegant marks: yuk.Except poisons (Madame de Pompadour, Louis XIV favourite courtesan was brilliant at these, the poisoned letter a classic...) and fresh drowning (I love wet hair and clothes but I do remember from hah the Spice Girl pop promo I was supposed to be frozen in a bath, it is not good fun to keep for a few hours!)
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extracts... [24 Oct 2001|02:04pm]
[ mood | simmered ]
[ music | charlotte gainsbourg "zéro pointé à l'infini" ]

Yesterday I noticed something I had already observed before: a sort of daze and utter confusion coating me whenever I have to be meeting people; I certainly smile and always end answering too late and they never know if I'm kitting and while I chitchat I'm always away somewhere splitting like a plum... oui je suis encore plus vague depuis que tu es parti; always lost in timeless daydreams, sometimes remembered sometimes gone like bubbles, suddenly snapped out... oui "si tu veux contempler les espaces infinis, agis dans toutes les dimensions du réel" says schopenhauerian dada on the cellular...
so I shake different dimensions like salt and pepper
sprinkle it and it all melts tomorrows like acids and I lick
with my tongue the colours on the floor and go for another
dream knitting myself a new body with stranger hands and explore
for a bit and forget it.
I am delirious
still in bed
so many things
"she's not here,things!
see that red ruined ribbon
she rubs, it's Ariane wire,
she's dreaming herself out
and one day the dream will
rub out her silky emptied cocoon
the ashy flavour of blackberries
& thorns on bare-legged girls"

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first step [20 Oct 2001|09:40pm]
[ mood | bit lost kiddo ]
[ music | with a thick hood and a T-shirt spelling soothie ]

Possibly high above the clouds
Bits of furnitures: floating
and parts of buildings, roofless
The pale boy with crimson lips
Emmanuel who played the cello
in an octuor asking me who
I would like to join to the two
of us... I point the girl he smiles
smoothly: Myryam, 12, éolienne
(from Eole islands, Greece?).
She passes behind him, a brush
To his lower back
she glances mischieviously
her long dark curls swing
Then we jump alternatively
from those colourful rooms
suspended high in the sky
with thin transparent wires
and I feel vertigo
and we smile dizzily
and in a hollow tower
A friend of mine climbs
tumbling up towards us
along a central beam
catch then leave it

oh daddy oh daddy: weeping, on the other side of the dusty train window, daddy draws my name "daijobu M-tchan" (quiet, it will be fine), I rarely face his look and this time, safe with the mirrored screen and wrestling/ alarmed by the perspective of not seeing him for four months, I watch his eyes, all of his goodness, and his face looking older than I remember having seen it, and all of his wishes and his peaceful strength when he tries to soothe me makes me think of an old bronze sun god and I cry. For all I can't cast out, all the sulkings and the fights, all the griefs and silences, I never manage to admit to feel_ love; and I'm thinking of when it will be too late for us. You say "we, parents, are the arch and you are the arrow, go my child and don't look back, do not worry for your mother nor me, you know however far we got I'll always take care of her".

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Are my eyes turning transparent [18 Oct 2001|12:51pm]
[ mood | pink-grey: a mouse ]
[ music | geopolitic talks. ]

What is / Who is shota? A person who is also a place? A gesture who is a word? A figure? A fruit?
And can I be shota if I want to? Or am I? Can we?
Oh... yum& playful... indeed.

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Luggage... Genève-Paris/Paris-Hong Kong/ HongKong-Sydney [14 Oct 2001|11:28pm]
[ mood | bare and all-pink ]
[ music | tick tock the swiss clock ]

I might start thinking about "walking around without clothes because clothes are ostentious fitments of middle-class imagination".
Or just decide to pass tokyo for its capsules here the Green Plaza Shinjuku
{curls back to her favourite cushion, one of many..}

howls: Nonono! I swear I did as you told ever so gently told me... {pouts again with impatience due to used easiness}

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Reversed butchery/ Oedipus gone wrong [13 Oct 2001|01:42pm]
Can I kill my father at saturday's brunch?
I can not stand that man. Whenever starts a discussion, he constantntly has to know better than anyone else, louder, louder, me, me, me, showing off to stupid clueless women he needs to be surrounded by: he can't with me, I won't let him go, he doesn't even follow any logic, he doesn't even listen whatever you say for answer, he just knows from before, but things change and often it's just revolutions over revolutions (we were arguing about quantum theory, basic metabolism linked to blood rhesus); when he doesn't have a clue he won't admit it he would talk about something about it without even realizing it and just take your argument without it actual meaning and direction and throw something about back. Not following any rigourous, methode or logic and always missing the point because
you're egomaniac and never admit a failure; you're so much superior, you're such a genius and nobody knows...

Go on puncture me with your own visions of despair
"Oh only child fruit of my flesh do not be scared
I know what to do as always, I always knew
You children would live in rotten society
With extremism, terrorism, mercantilism, capitalism, imperialism ruling for you, biological attacks, pollution,
my dear heir, the World uncoils called by its End
I'm sorry, come to me, whenever you fear..."
me (terrified, shut mute, sickened, nightmarished) I accept your tranquilizer. father: hands the pill with a beneficial smile.

Just disappear
Just shut your damn face
And leave me alone

In cannot breathe
I stopped eating properly
I stick my fingers in my ears and turn back

Now you can make up your voice all soft and all
I don't care
It still hurts

I try to recover and I 'm just surviving
Any beneficial erased by his mere presence

Yeah, you can feel regrets now to have behaved "immaturely" at the time, needing more of your everyday whores.
Maman shut in since that time
For this you will ever be the ennemy
The stranger
I'll make sure you miss me
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being a lonely* girl in Geneva [13 Oct 2001|12:34am]

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[07 Oct 2001|07:34pm]
[ mood | broken ballerina ]
[ music | Fix me quick ]

Dear Surgeon,
I give you the steel, keep my ankle ivory
Don’t forget your watch, your wallet or parrot in me
And please don’t forget to wake me!

Wish me good for my oneweek stay at the Swiss Clinic!

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Miss O. [07 Oct 2001|06:25pm]
In the middle of the afternoon
Slipping off my coat my dress
I shiver
Into the glasshouse
Its bare body loose
My new size

xxs china white

Doll tired in still snow esthers
Sucking ice fingered memories
Locked in a blacktoy box
Lost deep inner sea
“Your arlequin room
Mesmerised me
Sap&aniseed; salt oh
And how we...”

Doll moves my hand over my cheek my chest
Deep sleep
Rubs imaginary kiss
I swallow
The sun outside
She draws softly outlines my blush
Holds my secret
Part my lips a sigh

xxs china white

Orangeblossom of Brandybuck of Buckland: {reverence}
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Unveil/ Replicant [06 Oct 2001|01:11pm]
[ mood | another way to pass the time ]
[ music | chips shivering= sensual ]

Say I have installed contradictions device:
I do value human life
&My; eyes do glow when I'm about disintegrating petty human
Click here to find out what robot you really are
Be my friend
Call me softly
Mechanical Android Yearning for Assassination

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guess i'm back {holding eyes tight shut} [04 Oct 2001|05:21pm]
[ mood | embrace my shell ]
[ music | thom yorke whining he's not here ]

mmmutters, blanket over her head, fluffies spilt over her bed:
" Come in, you are very welcome indeed, sit down, tell me a story, with lots of stripey furry things in it, you know, i'm not feeling quite well today neither..."

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Another escape [24 Sep 2001|07:57pm]
[ mood | anguish: airport at 3.30am am ]

I'll be AWAY for seven days.
If you need me, hit F13. Or go go here : 28°x36°.
Rhodes, Ancient Greece, at the center of the world.
I will worship the gods * hello Bacchus*
Dance with the virgins
Burn leaves of glory
Sing to the Sea

I will
Quicken cosmos revolution

Until I'll get to
*You sibling

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Like a looking glass girl.....................................................................................................In her own little world [23 Sep 2001|08:32pm]

*I will meet
You My Dear
At the edge of the World*
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