LiveJournal for Kain.
Thursday, March 21st, 2002 |
Say it. You'll feel better. | ||||
Wednesday, March 20th, 2002 |
*sighs and shakes her head* I'm tired of playing this game. |
Monday, March 18th, 2002 |
1. What time is it? 03:11 2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate: [She Who Must Not Be Named] 3. Nicknames (s): Kain, Hoop, Mulder, O Evil One 4. Parents names: [Those Who Must Not Be Named] 5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake: 23. Or not. It's three AM, I have yet to actually see a birthday cake, but hypothetically speaking, y'know... 6. Date that you regularly blow them out? Today. Go me. I actually survived this long. Who knew? 7. Pets: Cat, Hotfoot 8. Eye color: Amber-hazel. Think cat-eyes. 9. Hair color: Red 10. Piercing: Ears 11. Tattoos: Yes. A red and blue yin-yang with a red and a blue fish in it. One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish :) 12. How much do you love your job: HAH!! Oh, please, PLEEZ don't get me started... 13. Favorite color: Green 14. Hometown: Middle o' Nowhere, Kansas 15. Favorite food(s): Seafood, junk food, white chocolate chunk macadamia nut cookies 16. Been to Africa? No 17. Whatcha got on right this very minute? Ratty sneakers, the baggiest jeans I own, oversized black sweater, and a green Yogi Bear ballcap 18. Been toilet papering? Yes. And yarning, and silly-stringing, and ballooning, and paper-wadding, and upside-downing, and... See what tech-support people are *really* doing while you're talking to them? 19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? Have to say that's a 'no'. Been hellishly annoyed by someone so much it made me cry? Actually, yes. 20. Been in a car accident: Yes. I was in the car when the person who sent me this was hit by Dan, and once ran off the road in an icestorm 21. Croutons or bacon bits? Croutons! I'm from the planet Crouton, after all... (Bonus pts if you catch the reference) 22. Sprite or 7UP? : 'Ike' or 'Ike'? It's hard to decide which way I want to throw up... 23. Favorite Movie: "Vampire Hunter 'D': Bloodlust" 24. Favorite Holiday: USed to be Halloween when I didn't have to work through it. Now it's prolly Christmas. 25. Favorite day of the week: Friday 26. Favorite word or phrase: "DIE, BI-OTCH!" and "Goddamned, motherfucking sonuvawhore!" Those are for video games. In normal daily use we have "Sweet", "PH34R M3", "Yo", "Gaaah!", "Aiyah!", and "crack" and/or "acid" in various contexts 27. Favorite Toothpaste: Whatever I get at the store 28. Favorite Restaurant: I have no idea. I dont' eat out that often. 30. Favorite Drink: Hard Lemonade (but not if I wanna get drunk), Triple Fuzzy (again, not to get drunk), plain old beer (doesn't matter what kind, I'm getting drunk), Chocolate Black Russian (like chocolate milk with a buzz) 31. Favorite sport to watch: Ice skating 32. Preferred type of ice cream: 33. Favorite Sesame Street Character: The yup-yupper aliens 34. Disney or Warner Bros.? MADHOUSE! Wait, that wasn't an option... EItehr Disney or WB is okay 35. Favorite fast food restaurant? Gumby's? Is pizza fast food? If it is, then Gumby's 36. When was your last hospital visit? I don't remember 37. Color of your carpet? Blue in the living room, brown in the studio 38. Passed your drivers test? Yes 39. Which single store would you choose to max out your credit card? Digital Shelf. I would SO be abusing that poor man's willingness to special order anime 40. What do you do most often when you are bored? [cue maniacal laughter] VIDEO GAMES!! 41. Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest away? Well, anyone, if you start walkignthe wrong direction... Maybe Anre in Phoenix? 42. Most annoying thing people ask me: "Can I escalate this?" 43. Bedtime: Sometime before dawn 44. Who will respond the quickest to this? NOBODY! MUAHAAHHAAAA! Because I didn't send it to anybody! MUAHAHAHAAAA!! 45. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond? EVERYBODY! MUAHAAHHAAAA! Because I didn't send it to anybody! MUAHAHAHAAAA!! 46. Favorite all time TV show: Errgh. TV. When was the last time I watched TV... I have no answer to this one. 47. Last person you went out to dinner with: I went out with my roommate a couple of weeks ago, I think. 48. Last movie you saw in a theater: Lord of the Rings 49. Say something nice about the person that sent this to you: She's not as evil as me. Although she apparently does send me junk mail, so I don't know... :) |
Tuesday, March 5th, 2002 |
http://www.epilogue.net | ||||
"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain... Time to die..." -Roy Batty "Blade Runner" |
Saturday, March 2nd, 2002 |
And so... Here is Love laid out before me With all its many advertised splendours And each one A beautifully bejewelled spike Stabbing deep into my heart and Ripping through my soul --- No name for that one yet... I usually think of names later on when someone feels like I need to have a name for it... In other news, my job has become one big pissing contest after another. Not for me, but for management. Every day is a new adventure in 'What Policies Are We Following Today?' otherwise known as 'Who's in Charge Today, So I Know What Crap to be Pretending to Care About?' aka 'PLEEZ, Just This Once, Can't I Do My Goddamned Job Without Getting My Arse Chewed for It?' *boinks her head off the monitor* Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfssssking damnit all... And in the world of humor, my cat decided to see how fast he could tear around the house while trying to escape the tattered remnants of a grocery bag that he had somehow gotten wrapped around one of his front legs. That was worth ten minutes curled up into a little shaking ball of giggles on the kitchen floor. After I'd saved him from his agressor, of course... |
Sunday, January 6th, 2002 |
FINAL FANTASY X!! Oh, my holiest Mother of all the Gods, this game is SW33T! Anyone who has a PS2 needs to play this game. Anyone who doesn't have a PS2 needs to buy or steal one and play this game. The cinematics fsking rock, the gameplay and battle transitions are just SW33T...**drooool**The water...oooh, the *water*Pretty-pretty**drooool** And the yaoi opportunity! Not even to Kiliki Port and I'm slashing Tidus and Wakka "Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages" and "Pokemon Gold"... Well, hell, what is there to be said except it's Link and Cute Fuzzy Things? What is it about them that makes them so damned addictive? Really, the Zelda: Oracles games are cool... What is there besides 'they're classic Zelda' that I can say to make them sound better? And Pokemon, are well, Cute Fuzzy Things. LOTS of Cute Fuzzy Things. Just...[lots of pointless handwaving]. Damn you, Justin! Your only redemption is that you also got me started on Harry Potter. Which brings us to... Ta-DAH! Harry Potter. If you read the books and still haven't seen the movie, DO IT!! And then see "Lord of the Rings" while you're at it, cuz, *dayum*. Collectively, quite possibly the best $10-$15 you'll spend this week if you do. If you havne't read the books, at least give them a shot. If you have and didn't like them, I suppose I have to forgive you because one of you pathetic lot is my best friend and I have yet to master hypocrisy and selective social sight. "Independence Day" Special Edition DVD... Find this and watch it! DAVID: "Why are people always telling me not to touch things? There! [smacks hand down repeatedly on alien scoutship console*thwap*thwap*thwap*] Hah! There... [makes face at dust on hand]" *sigh* It's the small things... Cake's new CD "Comfort Eagle". [sings and bops around] "I wanna girl with a mind like a diamond. I wanna girl who knows what's best. I wanna girl with shoes that cut and eyes that burn like cigarettes... I wanna girl with the right allocations, who is fast and thorough and sharp as a tack. She is playing with her jewelry. She's putting up her hair. She is touring the facility and picking up slack. I wanna girl with a short skirt and a looooonnnnnng jacket. Nananana, na-nanana naah..." Love that song. "Symphony In C" is cool, too. Nuff said. TRIGUN!!! Ohhhh, yesss... THE big one right now, hee! See? Bored Saturdays spent digging thorugh your roommate's video collection *do* turn up more than tentacle-monsters and five-year missions! Or is TNG 'Our continuing mission...'? Oh, well, 'oo cares... I still haven't had time to get past, like, ep 10, so I have to keep an eye on spoilers a bit. Not really, since I already know a lot of what happens... And yes, I do know who dies when, so NO REMINDERS, PLEASE! In my world its much nicer. And yummier. It's YAOI TIME! I HEART VASH X WOLFWOOD!! They are soooo kawaii and soooo, sooooooo meant for each other! Is so *sweet*...*giggle* [blink] *achem* You didn't just hear that. No, I did not just gush and giggle like a teeny fiend. Really. It was that little black cat behind the curtain. I swear. But yes, Trigun is totally in the Filing Cabinet of Fetishes and Obsessions. Which reminds me... [adds donuts to her grocery list] And KOOL-AID!! eee-YEHSS, PINKY! Kool-aid is awesome. Kool-aid is cool. [grumbles]Especially since James the under-aged got to take what was left of the 24-pack home with him after we finished w/ FFX for the night... And LOOK! I've completely lost internet access because the firmware ITO'd and now I have to power cycle the router! YAY! No beer and idle time outs... There better be some new yaoi in my inbox or I'm gonna have no good excuse for being up at 7am. Well, dammit, hurry up and get light out so I can walk down to Digital Bookshelf and hunt up some more Trigun and then go pick up that stuff at the mall for Mom. And then sleep for a while, I suppose... |
Saturday, November 17th, 2001 |
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Tuesday, October 23rd, 2001 |
The Mind's Eye Gallery Presents Artspace.com - The Art of David Bollt Stephanie Pui-Mun Law - Shadowscapes Something Wonderful |
Tuesday, October 16th, 2001 |
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Monday, October 15th, 2001 |
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Wednesday, September 26th, 2001 |
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Friday, August 17th, 2001 |
Y'know, it must really suck to get a login error for four days, then wait on hold listening to bad hold music for twenty minutes, only to be told you've been mispelling the domain name that's been sitting RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU in THREE DIFFERENT PLACES the entire time. I mean, seriously. That *really* has to suck. |
Friday, August 10th, 2001 |
Breaking CD's. This is interesting. And difficult apparently... |
For anyone who hasn't heard about the newly announced title fo Episode II... You're lucky. And I can't stand that, so go here - http://www.starwars.com/episode-ii/news/2001/08/news20010806.html and read about it. Then go find your inhaler. You'll need it to start breathing again. I did. Then go look at this http://www.penny-arcade.com/view.php3?date=2001-08-08 And while you're there, check out the archives. It's good therapy. |
Saturday, July 21st, 2001 |
I logged into my AOLIM and Bam! Bam! Bam! w/in like a few seconds of each other are three IMs and none of them from people I know... Wierd. Old Settler's Day... To go or not to go. And is my roommate home or not? His bag, his sunglasses, his planner, and his car are all here. But I odn't see his keys lying about, so maybe not. Well, regardless, if he is, he'll just have to put up with my music. Ha-HAH! |
Wednesday, July 18th, 2001 |
Woohoo! I finally found the October Project CD I've been looking for for...what... five? six? years!! *has an Anakin moment* Yippeee! And I bought another CD on impulse because I liked the cover... Milla's "The Divine Comedy". I'm finding out now that it's Milla Jovovich from Return to Blue Lagoon and was Leeloo in Fifth Element, among other things... And it's a really cool CD on top of that. Kinda a celtic-y, folk-rock-y, new age-y in places kinda thing. This theory of buying CD's on impulse is workign so far very well. And, yes, I welcome all attempts to diagram that last sentence. Excuse me. Sen-TANCE. Anyway, another Quest has been ripped out of the files and tossed to the shredder! |
Sunday, July 15th, 2001 |
My roommate, who can't stand *Nsync - but *loves* Aerosmith, is listening to the Superbowl halftime thingy. It's just so fucking wierd to hear "Bye, Bye, Bye" coming out of his speakers. This is truly vulked up and OUCH Justin's voice just cracked... | ||||||||
Friday, July 13th, 2001 |
Aargh! I just keep reminding myself of all the reasons why one shouldn't hunt down other techs and strangle them with their own phone cords (or kill them in other more inventive manners) and leave their bodies in various states of repair in strategic places for their colleagues to find and otherwise emulate a bad slasher movie... I'm not coming up with very many. Especially since Scott so kindly pointed out that, while my fear of small confined spaces has been enough to keep me pretending ot be sane and non-violent, I really do spend nine hours a day already in a small, confined space. Dammit. And they changed my schedule again. now it's 3p-1a MT and RF. And I've been sneezing like mad, lately, and *gods* my head hurts again. I think I need to actually go in and see my doctor in stead of calling in and having her write me a scrip for my sinuses. This is going on seven months now... And now Mom and a friend of hers are picking my brain for my otherwise useless talent of dream analysis and equally useless knowledge of symbology, mythos, and all things archetypal. Yes, I do believe in the collective unconscious. I'm a bit Jungian, what can I say? The man had some really good points. |
LiveJournal for Kain.