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NO MORE MARCHING!!! [10 Nov 2001|10:05pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | Shit on the radio- Nelly Furtado ]

YES!! Today was the New Berlin Christmas parade. What is so exciting about that, you ask? Well, it's the last time I will ever have to wear the New Berlin West marching uniform!!! AHAHAHAHAHA!! I may never march in the NBW band ever again, either! That is so awesome! I hate that band! Unfortunately this means concert band resumes, which sucks more than marching. Oh well, atleast I don't have to wear those ugly uniforms again!

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Ah, memories.... [09 Nov 2001|08:34pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | the game is over- nsync ]

Today I drove to Cedarburg to visit my old teachers... it was so incredibly fun. I love my old teachers! They are all so nice- well, the ones I visited, hehe. I must be really old, cause almost all of my teachers either retired, or are really close to retiring! One of the teachers I wanted to visit most had a baby and didn't come back,though, which made me really sad. But, my 1st grade teacher has a picture of my class up on her wall :) that was really cool! She got married since I was there, and she's now Mrs. Ingham.. but to me she's still Miss Bilodeau... I can't believe how much some of my teachers have changed. A couple of them look exactly the same, like Ms. Koch Mrs. Jarr and Mr. Roberts, but others I hardly recognized, like Mrs. Klotz, and Mrs. Roberts, Miss Bilodeau. It was fun, though... I don't think Mrs. Friedland remembers how much she hated me when I was in first grade haha. I wasn't going to visit her, but Mrs. Roberts wanted me to, and Mrs. Friedland acted like a was her favorite student lol. And I got some of their email addresses, so I will be able to keep in touch with them... that's really cool. Haha, I'm such a dork, I keep in touch with my teachers. That's okay, though. Westlawn (my K-2nd grade school) is sooo small!!! I can't believe it actually qualifies as a school! You can walk from one end to the other in like 10 seconds lol! Thorson (2nd-5th grade) and Webster (6th and 7th) were completely redone, and both are completely carpeted now. Both schools look so incredibly rich. Well, they are, but still. The inside of Thorson is nothing like what it used to be.. I couldn't tell it was the same school I used to go to! Some of Webster was atleast still the same. Lalala, now I'm bored... I hate being bored. Sometimes it's nice, though. I'm kind of totally sick of thinking- I'm so glad we have a 4 day weekend! If we had had a full week, I probably wouldn't have made it. I would have broken down and stayed home. I can't believe I haven't had to do that yet this year, and that I haven't had a breakdown where I just start crying about school... last year that happened so much, cause school is just so much to handle... I've actually made it through an entire quarter without having that happen, though, and I'm very happy about that. I hate it when school gets to me... Oh well, it hasn't happened yet, and HOPEFULLY it won't happen at all!

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oh yea! oh shit! [07 Nov 2001|11:23pm]
[ mood | sore ]
[ music | the hip soul funky jazz blues, or some gay name like that.. ]

yeah, okay, i got the top appliance taken out of my mouth a few weeks ago, and I got an appointment for today scheduled for 3:30, and then they changed it to 2 cause they decided "its going to take a long time"... I thought, oh great. well, i show up at 2, and i ask "so what are we doing today?" and they said its a surprise... even better.. i come out with something like a cross between head gear and braces. they hurt like HELL!! i have to wear 3 rubber bands on each side of my mouth??? PLUS the brackets and wire?? OW! its so gay... but, i guess its a good kind of hurt, since its going to benifit me in the long run. Hehe, but today was senior skip day, but i didnt skip cause A) its gay B) i had way too much that i would have had to make up... but since i had to leave early for the appointment, i was on the list of seniors who werent at school, and my german teacher saw the list and saw my name on it and thought i was skipping, she told me she saw my name and was like "Brianna Kase????" and they were like, "no, no, shes valid, she was called out" haha! thats funny- yeah, im such a slacker! well actually i am, but i dont come across that way cause i LOOK like im trying hehe. but yeah, im bored now and i cant sleep cause my mouth hurts too much.

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I'm kicking, out fiercly, at the world around me, what went wrong? [24 Oct 2001|09:14pm]
[ mood | sad ]
[ music | Every time i look for you- Blink 182 ]

yesterday jackson was puking up mouthfulls of blood and now he's in the hospital, and they don't know what's wrong with him :*( That makes me soooo sad, I'm like going to cry. I'm scared for him now, and I miss him so much, and I can't call him cause he can't talk when he's puking up blood... I wish there was some way I could help him, or atleast comfort him. argh! why did this have to happen??

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BAND IS SO GAY [14 Oct 2001|10:54pm]
[ mood | frustrated ]
[ music | Nsync (go ahead, laugh all you want!) ]

ARGH!!! I am so sick of band! I love music, I love marching, but not when I am stuck in the shittiest band in Wisconsin! And, seriously, we probably are the shittiest band in Wisconsin. Yeah, today we went to a competition and completely humiliated ourselves, it's not even funny. I was seriously embarrassed to even be seen in the West uniform. How much more pathetic can you get than to lose, 6th place out of 6 bands, and to have lost by 20 points? Seriously, 44 points?? That's got to be an all time low. What happened to our band? Sophomore year, we took 1st a couple times, and got scores of like 69, and once it was even like 72. How did we get this bad?? It's really depressing to me, as do maybe a handful of others. Whoo hoo, a whole maybe 15 people in our band truly CARE. Wow, that really gives us a chance against the bands of 188 people who care and work their asses off. You know theres something not right about how you're learning the show when not even one of the seniors or people who work so hard can get it right. Only one week left, though. Then, the next tiem I march will be college and I will be in a really good band! No way!

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Argh, life [08 Oct 2001|10:10pm]
[ mood | pissed ]
[ music | Believe- Cher ]

Yeah, okay, homecoming was fun, I guess. The music sucked, but it was fun. But then afterward, I was going bowling with my friends, and halfway there I realized I hadn't told my parents. I was in Kristin's car, and mine was at Lisa's house, and I used Kristin's car phone to call home, and my dad flipped suddenly and decided to make me come home, and if I didn't go home he would take my car away! So, Kristin had to drive me all the way back to Lisa's house so I could go home, and that made her about 20 minutes late to the alley where my other friends were... that pissed me off so much. He totally blew up, and it's not like I did anything! And then last night, I asked him how many pieces of pizza he ate, and flipped again! He was like don't you ever ask me how many pieces of pizza I had again! Damn! I can't wait to get out of here! I hate him. Yeah, oh well. Most of my life is decent. So I don't really care.

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PINK HAIR?! [22 Sep 2001|10:21pm]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | Got You Where I Want You- The Flys (stuck in my head) ]

Hey I think I'm gonna dye my hair fushia. That would be so cool! It would be like totally unexpected by like everyone cause nobody would guess that I would do that haha! It would be fun though. I think I will just streak it first, though, so it's not so drastic. Then if I like it, make it all fushia. So, I must go to hot topic within the next week. They better have it! This is gonna be fun :)

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Randomness [17 Sep 2001|08:26pm]
[ mood | yea!!! ]
[ music | Canon in D- Johann Pachelbel ]

Lalalala I'm boooooored. I don't know what to do... I have homework but I don't have school tomorrow cause of a field trip, so there's no point in doing it tonight hehe. But, now I'm bored man. I am listening to my favorite song in the entire world, though, which makes me very happy. And I'm happy about the field trip tomorrow. And I'm happy that our tennis meet was cancelled today. And I'm happy that I'm doing well in (atleast passing) all my classes. So I'm in a good mood today :) I'm not looking forward to being at school by 7am tomorrow, though. That's not my idea of a good way to start the day. Oh well, field trips are fun, so it's worth it! yea!

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[13 Sep 2001|09:05pm]
[ mood | disappointed ]
[ music | With Arms Wide Open- Creed ]

Huh well... yeah this is a bit late, since it's now 2 days since the terrorism shit... but this is all so confusing. It was really weird, cause on tuesday, at 7 I was at school, doing a biology lab, and at about 20 to 8, I was drying a beaker, and it was all wet and slipped out of my hand, shattering into a million pieces all over the place... and about 5 minutes later, the first plane crashed into the first tower. Talk about irony... creepy irony. My opinion on all this is that this is only the beginning. I mean, the rest of the world sees now how easy it was to kill thousands of Americans in one day. Are those jealous technologically-less-advanced countries going to see this and continue being scared to do anything about us? My hypothesis is that they are going to try to attack us, and there is a number of countries that hate us, and why wouldn't they team up? Who knows, we might have a war. And if we do, I doubt America's ability to win. Not that I'm not proud to be an American, nor that I think we should give up. America is not at it's optimum, though, and we are not at all prepared for a war... I am scared. It doesn't matter, though. Whatever happens is God's will, and being scared won't make a difference. I'm scared for my cousin, though- she is in the army for the educational sponsorship. A while ago, I asked her "what if you have to go to war?" and she replied "i won't have to, there's nothing close to a war going on"... This is so stupid. Why do we have armies and wars. Why can't people and countries settle these damn things without KILLING? Killing anybody should be ILLEGAL in every single context, unless you are being attacked. Wars should be illegal. What is wrong with the human race? Why can't things be settled as HUMANS, we ARE the most intelligent life-form on earth, aren't we?? So why do we settle conflicts like animals? We are better than this. The problem is that all anybody in the fucking world cares about is money. They kill people because they want power, and they want power because then they get money. Fuck money. Why is money the center of the universe? You can't fucking LIVE without money. That is completely wrong. Things essential to life (food, clothing, shelter) should NOT cost money. Extras, things we can live without, can cost money, but it is not right that LIFE HAS A PRICE. Life shouldn't be expensive. No wonder other countries hate us. In a lot of those countries, people starve like crazy because they have no money. But we are a world power, and our problem of that is less. How is that fair? There shouldn't be world powers. Life should be fair for everyone. Screw humans, and the world. Life is not fair, and people are messed up. When are we going to learn that there is more to life than money, power, and killing...

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[10 Sep 2001|10:11pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Forest- SOAD (would I be listening to anything else?? ]

Yea! I finally got my driver's license! I suddenly feel so free. I drove to school today, and I drove to Office Max and got lost cause I forgot what way I came from haha. That is okay, though, it was fun. Hehe when I got in my car after tennis, I saw a slip of paper under my wiper and I thought I got a ticket! I was like, no not my first day driving!! On closer inspection, though, it was a note from Jamie that said congratulations see you tomorrow lol! Ah well I am done cause I get to be at school by 7 am tomorrow whoo hoo! great fun... atleast I get to DRIVE there! hehe

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Whoo hoo! [07 Sep 2001|10:28pm]
[ mood | giddy ]
[ music | Bounce- System of a Down ]

Today was fun. Very fun I enjoyed it a lot. We made Amino Acids in ap bio, and had a work day in astronomy, and in Stats we watched a video, and there was this thing that looked like a heart rate meter, and this line moved across and made different musical notes at each height of the line, and the guy's like "Can you guess what this is? I bet you don't know. It's a new-born baby's urine sample set to music." We laughed sooooo hard and we rewound it to hear it again cause the guy sounded sooo funny, and cause duh, how is someone supposed to guess what the hell it is?? So that was great fun. After school Kristin and I went to McDonalds with her sister and neighbor cause they really wanted her to take them, then they took her keys when she wasn't looking and wouldn't give them back, then went to her car and got in then locked us out. We got the keys back and then they held the locks shut inside but I tricked them cause I took the key off the chain and threw the chain to Krisin so they thought she had the key and then I got the door open mmmmwwwahahahahaha. But, we ended up missing the early movie so we had to wait till 7. So we hung out at her house and cut out pictures to hang on our lockers at school to piss off the administration hehe. It doesn't make any sense cause last year people had pictures and stuff taped to their lockers, and we hang up a few funny pictures and they tear them down! So we took some signs that were hanging near the office and put them on our lockers, and they threw those out!!! Idiots! So we cut out a ton of pictures so we can put up one each day and they'll have to take one down each day aahahahaha. Maybe they will get sick of it and give up! So, anyway, then we went to Target and I got the new System of a Down cd, Toxicity. It is awesome! I love it. And then we went to see Rat Race that is the best movie I have seen in a long time, possibly my favorite ever. One of them, for sure. It was hilarious!!!! Yeah, then after the movie it was pooring and we couldn't find her car! So we ran around the parking lot in the pouring rain cause she forgot where she parked! Stupid Kristin! Hehe I'm kidding. Then the windows wouldn't unfog and we had to park for a while while they unfogged- it was very fun, though! Yeah, that was my day and it was great. PLUS I found out that I didn't actually end up failing the ap bio test, I got a D+.. not great, but I originally failed. And it will go up even more, maybe to a C or so. Okay I'm done.

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[03 Sep 2001|10:46pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | With You- Linkin Park ]

Man, I'm glad to be out of my hyper-depressive mood again. For some reason on friday, I suddenly fell into it. I've been on this "life is awesome, everything is great, yea!" attitude since like 1/2 way through June- I knew something had to give sooner or later. Well, it did on friday... during tennis I just started crying cause I felt worthless again. Not that I really ever don't feel worthless, it just caught up with me. All kinds of crappy things happened to me on friday, so the rest of friday and most of Saturday I was in a sulking mood. But I'm feeling better now. It rather went away. That is quite good. But, yeah, Mrs. Patterson told me I would pass our test on friday (THIRD DAY OF SCHOOL DAMN IT) and I got a 63... what a liar! Geez, no fair. I should get a 65 just cause she said I'd pass! Oh well, she let me take it home and make corrections, which I did, and it's worth up to 10 more points. So I should have a 73, which is a C... that's a little better. But damn it! We've had 3 days of school, and I'm failing a class??? Whatever!

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Another day [28 Aug 2001|08:56pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | The Business- Takers and Users ]

Man, oh man. I can't believe today is the last day of summer! I'm glad, though. This is going to be a good year I have a feeling. Hahahahahaha my locker is sooo cool! Jamie, Steph, Katlin, and I were cutting out pictures of people and taping other heads to them... Jamie has a Ricky Martin with a woman's head and a skirt on hehe. And on the front of my locker I have a picture of a backstreet boy kissing a man! AHAHAHAHAHA And we put a tampon ad on someone else's locker cause we don't like her hehe. Ah, it was fun! And to add to my good day, I won my tennis match :) It was soooo close. I won the first 2, then she won 5, then I won 2 more, so it was 4-5, then it went back and forth, I'd win one, she'd win one, till it got to 8-7, then I won one more and it was 8-8 so we had a tie breaker... and that was close too! I won 2, then she won 2, then I won one, she won one, blah blah blah, till it was 5-4, then I won another one and it was 6-4, then it was 6-5, and I won the final one. So I won 7-5, but it was soooo close. I played awful today... my knees hurt from marching, and I forgot my water at home (DUH). I can't believe I won. And the girl cheated! When it was out on my side, she'd say "are you sure that's out, that was in!" and when it was on the line on her side, she called it out! GRrrrrr but I won, and that's all that matters! YEA I WON!! And it was all thanks to the song that was stuck in my head- Strangled, by Osker. Hehe it goes "Grab the wrist, pull away, I don't want to die today, SO I WON'T" I just kept thinking " I don't want to lose this game, SO I WON'T" lol Hey, it worked!

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Yay! [17 Aug 2001|09:15pm]
[ mood | bitchy ]
[ music | L.A.P.D.- The Offspring ]

Today was fun, it was the first tennis meet of the season, the Tosa WEst Quad. I had to play doubles, which pisses me off, though. It's not fair, V knows how much I like singles and how much I don't like doubles, and she let me play one match against Claudia, and I beat Claudia 6-3. Claudia got to play singles, though, and I got stuck in doubles! That's not fair, plus my doubles partner and I like haven't played together, and V had us play a really bad doubles team the other day, but that was it, and we got placed in the lowest doubles position on our team, but we never even had a chance to be any higher! That makes me so mad. But, Sara and I did win our first match (lost our second), which is great because many people on our team lost both matches. So I am very happy about that :) I don't want to play with Sara ever again though, damn when we are winning she's like all nice and friendly, and when we're losing she bitches at me non-stop and insults me on every shot. And then the worst part of the day was that I had to sit around most of 8 hours when I wasn't playing my matches, frying in the sun and now my skin is bright red and it hurts like hell. FUCK! Okay, I'm done complaining now!

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Lalalalalalalalalala [13 Aug 2001|09:34pm]
[ mood | complacent ]
[ music | This Is How You Remind Me- who sings that?? ]

Ah I'm bored. Yesterday was fun, though. I went to state fair. YEA LLAMAS!!! HIS NAME IS ALPACA !! hehe AH school starts in like 15 days!!! That sucks so much! How did this summer go by so fast??? Geez. ah it's been a great summer though, boring a lot of the time, but summer is always that way. Nonetheless, it was probably the most fun summer I can ever remember. I'm kind of glad it's almost over, though, I want to get into this year and finish it, get into college. I'm soooo sick of this damn school, this will be my 5th year in that hell hole. I'm so tired of seeing that piece of shit school every day. Thank goodness I'm almost done with it.

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Whoo Hoo!!!! [09 Aug 2001|09:20pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Sister Hazel- Think About Me ]

I'm so happy, instead of having next week and the following week of band camp, it's only the 20th to the 24th! Something happened to Rindt and he can't have it next week yea!!!! So that means I DON'T have to be at school for 7 hours every day for the next 2 weeks, instead during week after next ill have to be there every day for 8 hours. That kind of sucks, but it's better than originally. I can't believe this is my 5th year with Rindt, and 3 years I had him for 2 years... I don't know how I made it! I can't stand him. But this is my last year, and I don't plan on ever coming back to visit him. (I'm not stupid like some people) I hate band, I hate Rindt, and I would have quit band last year if I didn't need it. And I especially dislike band camp, so I'm really glad it was cancelled next week. I need more summer!!!!

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If I had wings and I could fly, I'd still walk with you.... [08 Aug 2001|08:58pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | Concede- Sister Hazel ]

Life has just been getting better and better for me. I truly can't believe it, how a couple weeks ago it was disasterous and suddenly it's better than anything as far as I can remember. Everything is going my way, now I'm just waiting for the catch... things don't just go my way and stay good. But last night was awesome, probably the most fun I've had this summer. It may not have been as exciting as other things I've done, just sitting around talking to people, but to me it was awesome. I got to sit outside Oscar's for an hour and a half talking to a bunch of people I haven't seen in a long time. Two of these people are two of my best friends, and I haven't seen either since December. It was just so great seeing them and everyone else again, and getting to talk like we used to back in the day... and finding out that we're still good friends even though they're in their second years of college and I'm still a lowly highschool senior, and we haven't seen eachother in such a long time. I don't know what's so awesome about it, it was just amazing to me... and I thought that I didn't really have any true friends anymore :) Maybe they moved away, but they remain true friends.

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[05 Aug 2001|08:22pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Machinehead- Bush ]

I'm so bored... It sucks, tomorrow is basically the last day of my summer since tennis starts tuesday, and then band camp runs next week and the following week, so this week I'll be at school 2 hours every day, and then the next 2 weeks for 7 hours a day, then school starts!! I'm kind of looking forward to it, though. Summer is starting to get a little boring, but once school starts I'll wish it was summer, that's how it always works. But that's okay. I can't wait until I get my license... I can't BELEIVE I don't have it by now! Geez. Oh well, now I have a car to drive (Yea!) since my parents bought me a car a few days ago. I'm so happy :)

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:( [31 Jul 2001|10:07pm]
[ mood | sore ]
[ music | Falling For the First Time- BNL ]

My mouth hurts soooo bad. I got stupid appliances cemented in today to correct my teeth, and the pain of them is making me close to passing out. So I took Advil (MMmmmmm Advil) but it didn't help at all. So I just have to suffer... But after all the pain, atleast my teeth will look decent. Owowowowow It hurts.

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Ah what a fun day [25 Jul 2001|09:42pm]
[ mood | crappy ]
[ music | Love Fool- The Cardigans ]

This day was nothign but shit! Okay, I found out I won't be able to go to the BNL concert in August, then I got stung by something 3 times! Then I had a stupid physical that took a fricken hour. Talk about a crappy day. And that's all I did all day! Arrggghhh!!!

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