Wednesday, November 14th, 2001
10:05 pm - New Jersey or Bust.
Hey, the Doglaw crew might be heading out to Jersey for the weekend for the Primer show. If anyone is from this area or is going, let us know, we need to split a room with someone or whatever. It should be badtacular.. Hopefully. Never been to Jersey. Hope we can pull it off, we're still in the middle of planning it right now.
-more later-
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9:38 pm - Not Tonight, Josephine.
So Ashley and I are back at Nicci's house tonight, just hanging out in the bedroom, drinking Heinekins and typing reviews. Listening to Tori Amos, yippeee. Ashley is doing a VOD review and I'm acting like I'm coding, haha.
So like, Clif was online and I started IM'ing him. He looks just like a cross between Tommy Decker (Spineshank) and Shifty (Crazytown)... Probably more like Tommy with Shifty's tats and piercings. Anyway, I was like yo me and my girls wanna party, it's Nicci's birthday and we need some males here, haha.
So he's all like, okay I'll bring Tim and Nick over. I'm like yeah okay NO. First of all Tim looks like Sully (Godsmack) and is annoying and has a little cock. Nick think she's fucking Eminem and acts like an idiot. So I was like, well, they can't come over but bring Kenny, he's fucking hotalicious. So he's like, yeah, I'll call him and see what he's up to tonight and then he was like Well, I'll brb and logged off... He better get back on and hook me the fuck up.
current mood: horny current music: Tori Amos - Datura
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2:59 am - Stolen from Psycho
| Tuesday, November 13th, 2001
11:58 pm - DzZzzZZ
My Dad is about to have a coniption because I've been listening to Vertigo Motel on repeat all night. Ashley is out on the town somwhere, but she'll be back sometime tonight. We just all need to get a house and chill. I need out of this town.
New pictures up at my site... Yum.
current mood: blank current music: Dog Fashion Disco - Vertigo Motel
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| Monday, November 12th, 2001
9:10 pm - mMmm Casper...
3:21 am - Help!!!
Hey, if anyone has a Livejournal new user number code they can give me - so I can get my girl Ashley a livejournal, please email me or IM me at Drowninglush@aol.com... A million thank you's in your direction!!
Bed Time ;)
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| Sunday, November 11th, 2001
8:26 pm - Well Stick A Fork In Me.
Alright, so Nicci, Kris, Ashley and I are finally home from roaming the east coast. We only meant to go to the one Primer 55, Reveille, Darwin's Waiting Room show in Columbus, but knowing how things always go, we ended up being out for four days.
So I'll run down the story for those who care, and for those who don't well, you can just skip this. It's another longass story post.
Columbus, Ohio Well, we meant to show up at the Alrosa Villa early to hang out with everyone, but due to unforseen circumstances (ie. shitty weather) Nicci and I showed up exactly 10 minutes before doors open. We got there and Lindsay and Ashley were already there (they had been with Darwin's all day, celebrating Eddie's birthday). So we said hi to them when we arrived, and came in through the backdoors... Said our hellos to Eddie and Jabe (Darwins: so nice to see cool friends again finally!) and then went to watch them and Drew (Reveille) play a game of pool.
Well the show started, and first up was a forgetable opener from somewhere in Ohio. They weren't anything to memorable, in my opinion. All of us just basically sat up by the bar, drinking and chatting during this set.
Next up was Darwin's and Lindsay, Ashley, and I watched their entire set--It was great, energetic, and I'll have to use that one for my review definatly. Then was Reveille's set, and I caught most of it, but I went outside to eat pizza and talk about my relationship woes with Jabe... poor guy lol, he has to deal with so much of my self pity haha. Then Primer played, and we went to hang with Reveille and chat and catch up on old times and all that happy horse shit. We partied, drank, listened to music, and at buscall we said our goodbyes and hopped in our seperate vehicles.
Well, we noticed Lindsay had disapeared and left Ashley at the venue, so (being she lives in Mansfield and would be stranded) we loaded her into our car and told her she could stay with us.. she's a cool chica so it was all good.
So we came home and went to bed--at this time, we now decided with everyone that we would go to the next show tomorrow in West Virginia.
Highlights from Columbus: + Partied at the bar for Eddie's birthday + Jabe started on his pteredactyle noise kick. + Nicci didn't get any hickies. + We kidnapped Ashley. + We almost ran over Carl (Reveille) while he was laying down on the road. + Justin (Reveile) met Jesus In Our Trunk. + Got free donuts from Tim Hortons--Jeah! + I got drunk in Lindsay's van, heh heh. + Carl was on his cellphone all night.
Huntington, West Virginia So we made the 87329873 year trip to WV. Let me just tell you now, West Virginia is a beautiful place, but I will be damned if they aren't just the rudest people in the fucking universe. Anyway, we went to McGettigans venue--some shitty place that puts all the minors upsatirs--just as Dog Fashion Disco (who finally was back on the tour) was finishing up their set. Their music is fucking incredible and can best be described as Evil Polka. I was so glad to hear their original sound.
When they were done, Ashley and I (on day two of her kidnapping) watched Darwin's set on stage again. Then, Nicci and I decided to hang out in back and harass Jason and Preston from Primer 55. Poor boys, they are terrified of the Doglaw Team, haha. Then we watched Reveille's set from the back of the venue, where we chilled with the Dog Fashion Disco boys on top of the pool table--In the course of this, we also managed to spill about 9273598745 million alcoholic beveraged on the pool table, thus causing the venue to hate our guts.
After Primer's set, they kicked all the kids out of the club and threw an after party. Justin, for whatever reason, told them to spin hip hop all night--Hey, I'm a dancer, so it was cool with me! Nicci, Kris, Ashley, Justin, Todd, John and I all danced for hours on the dance floor, drunk and skunks and wired to no end. It was fabulous.
Oh yah, we went to a gas station to get gas before bus call, and a cop in a fucking go cart pulled us over. Wtf?! A fucking go cart? I told Nicci to just lay on the fucking gas--What the fuck is he going to do, race after us at 10 miles an hour, honking?
So buscall was around 2:30 am and we all hopped in our vehicles to make the drive to Pittsburgh for the next show.
Highlight from Huntington: + Pulled over by the go cart cop. + Dog Fashion Disco and us all managed to ruin the venue pool table by spilling various alcoholic drinks on it. + Hip hop night at the bar, and Reveille, DFD and us all dancing our little metal hearts out. + Finally met Primer 55. + Ashley and Kris kicked fat people ass in the pit. + Carl was on the cell phone all night.
On The Road
On the road to PIttsburgh, the busses decided to stop at a truck stop, and so we all decided to go inside and pick up some chow and our nightly coffee. Well, all of Primer was up and awake and got off their bus to come in and, since their was an argument about gas, we were forced to wait in line for like, ten minutes with Primer, all of us in our fucking pajamas and Kobie in his god damned duck slippers. Stylin'.
So anyway, in my 3am drunken insaness, I figured this was the perfect time to make my move on Bobby (haha). Ashley was asleep in the car, and Nicci and Kris were at Arby's with Reveille, or some shit. Jason and Kobie are roaming the allies and Bobby is behind me, holding his ice cream sandwhich and milk. Me: Uh, hey. Bobby: *waves and smiles* Me: I see you have some ice cream there. Bobby: Yeah. It's cold. Me: *wets pants and babbles uncontrollably*
So yeah. As you can see, I was so smooth that he paid for his ice cream and went out to shower. Then the girls and boys come back to pay for our shit, and as we're standing there, Kobie walks by again with his HUGE BRIGHT YELLOW DUCK SLIPPERS on: All of Us: BAHAHAHAH NICE! Kobie: *grumbles and walks by*
Well after everyone showered, we got back to our vehicles and went back on the road. Now let me explain to you, we four girls have a road system which is: Nicci, Ashley and I switch the driving, while Kris stays in the passenger seat and keeps the current driver awake. Nicci drove a while and when it was my turn, she stopped in the middle of the highway and switched me. When we stopped at the rest area to look at the map and chat with the bus drivers, Ashley took over.
Nicci and I wake up around 7am--daylight and still on the road. Ashley is fine, but Kris is going fucking batshit from being awake so long.. screaming and being incoherent and giggling and what not. We knew we had to sleep soon, or she would go stark raving mad. So when we got to Pittsburgh, we pulled to a rest station and finally slept until around 4pm.
Highlights from The Road: + Kris talking about roadkill ALL FUCKING NIGHT. + Nicci and I switching drivers, while driving. + Attempting to follow Reveille's insane bus driver. + Drew getting left behind by his bus: "It's okay, I'm easy to forget, I'm only the fucking lead singer!" + Kris going batshit from not enough sleep and too much alcohol. + Nicci seeing invisible cows on the road. + Kobie and his fucking duck slippers. + Bobby in his pj's: "Yeah. Ice cream. Cold." + Making an ass of ourselves at the gas stop. + "Carl, if the trailor hit us, would you dedicate a song to us?"
Pittsburgh, Pennyslvania Ahh, good ole' Pittsburgh, the site of our last meeting with Reveille during their cd release bash. This time the venue was an incredible little bar called Nick's Fat City... A great place with a great sound.
We got in just in time to get front row for Dog Fashion Disco's set, and clap and jump along. We stayed there for Darwin's set, also, Ashley and I dancing and singing our little hearts out to Mario Andretti and Jabe trying to refrain from laughing at us on stage, haha.
I watched Primer 55's set from side stage, totally drooling over Bobby of course, and then watched Reveille from the merch table, cheering along with the crowd when Drew made the move and became the first musician ever to jump off the balcony and into the crowd. It was so metal. We also go to meet up with our girl Foster again an pizarty with her, haha.
After the show, we hung out in DFD's van for a while and chatted with them, and then I went to Primer's bus and forced them all to sign my poster (I'm so juvenille, i know, but I'm a fan). Hung out with Jason for a while, until he called me a hippie at which point at had to fire him.
And then Bobby came out, which was my cue to make a totaly ass of myself. Actualy, I was doing fine at first... He said "Hey, your the ice cream gas station girl!" and we chatted about the shows and traveling and all that happy horseshit. He invited us up onto the bus and so all of us (exept Nicci who was off with Reveille) chilled there for most of the night and all that bla bla bla.
Highlights from Pittsburgh: + Kris almost getting hit by cars again. + The fucking Leopard Print Lady, drunk as a skunk and chasing Bobby down the street. + Oh hell, Bobby in general, haha. + Marking our territory on DFD's van haha. + Forgetting most of the night because we were plastered. + Bobby: "Yeah, the bus is definatly green." + Jason: "Kris-I want to have your babies." (Hah!) + Scaring Preston, which is hard to do, heh.
Home And we're finally home and in recovery. So much happened but it would be menial to even try and get it all down in an entry. We got tons of great pitcures which will be up on the site as soon as I get the hell out of Nicci's house... So look for those later hehe.
Okay, my hands hurt from typing, I'm going to go do other stuff now.. I'll write later of course.
current mood: jubilant current music: Dog Fashion Disco - Valley Girl Ventriliqiust
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| Wednesday, November 7th, 2001
11:57 pm - METALLICIOUS.
Hell yes. Tomorrow is Primer 55 / Reveille / Darwin's Waiting Room. Bobby Burns, eat your heart out, I'm coming for you big boy... lol, just joking. It's going to be fucking rocktabulous. I'm so excited I could eat the world--I'm currently doing my nails; long ass hawk nails, painted red. They are going to metalriffic.
Jesus I had too much sugar today. It must be all the muffin jokes Janelle made earlier.
My outfit tomorrow, from bottom to top: -Clear stilettos heels with tan wood trimming. -Tight, low riding hip huggers with rips in them. -My double riveted black belt. -A white wife beater tank with a big spray-painted pair of cherries on it, which have little red rhinestones on em. -My silver egyptian armband -A ring on ever finger -Long, ruby red hawk nails. -My rocker jelly and metal bracelets. -My rhinestone V necklace. -Hair held back in a checkered red rag. -My hair dyed black with bright red stripes. -Sunglasses on my head: heart shaped pink with rhinestones around the edges.
How fucking ghetto am I? Okay, Aly and I have been talking about clothes for the past hour... I'll be back!
current mood: energetic
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3:45 am - Fun Qoutes Of The Night
Jessica: If I were an animal, what kind of animal would I be? Joe: wow. thinking. Joe: wolverine Jessica: Why? Joe: all cute and whatnot, but can rip someone apart
Aly: candy ass candy ass candy ass SHIT I AM LOSING my freakin mind!!! you are witnessing the downward spiral to insanity!!! Aly: stupidass aly decides to try "sally hanson sugar waxing" on her eyebrows..ok, the ENTIRE bathroom, floor, sink, EVERYTHING is covered in WAX..not to mention my FACE which looks exactly the same as it did prior to waxing, except i am flourescent red..greaaat..
I want to give Lucy a congratulations for being one website running crazy fool... Good luck chica, if anyone can do it, it's you :D
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| Tuesday, November 6th, 2001
8:27 pm - teehee, i like privacy, so let me post my life on the internet, dur.
Various Person: Can I ask you a favor? Jessica: (Keeping in mind I have no clue who this is)Uh, you can ask, but I probably won't adhere. Various Person: Since I don't know you, will you take me off your friends list on Livejournal?
Bahahaha. Yeah, let me get right on that.
Here's the deal. I have a lot of people linked on my 'friends' list because there are a lot of random journals I just like to read. Basically I stay up at night, clicking the random button and adding journals I find interesting. I like to read. It's a public forum. It's easier for me to add them to my friend's list so I can go to my friends page and read them, other than bookmarking 872387 LJ pages. If you're going to bitch about this and really want removed that bad a) it helps if you tell me who you are, since I have 70 people linked and am not telepathic and b) relax and give a hello first or something, jesus.
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5:05 am - Tests: Stolen From Kara.
This is going to be a huge post because I am just putting all my results in one posts.
LOVE TEST 1. You chose the short road. This means you fall in love quickly and easily. (Jessica: Yeah this is true.. I fall in love lik every day, haha.)
2. You chose 5 red rose(s) with 15 white rose(s). Therefore, you GIVE 25% to your relationship and expect to RECEIVE 75% back. (Jessica: Ahah. Yeah, this is probably right, too.)
3. You went and got your loved one yourself, so you are direct. If there is a problem, you confront it and deal with it. You want to work it out right away. (Jessica: I am a VERY direct person.)
4. You chose to place the roses on the bed. You need lots of reassurance in your relationship, and you'd loke to see your loved one every day, if possible. (Jessica: Yeah... I lie and say I like my space, but secretly, I love so much attention from my guy.)
5 Finding your boyfriend/ girlfriend ASLEEP: You accept your loved one the way they are. (Jessica: Yeah, I usually do. I never get people I think I need to change.)
6. You chose the long road. You tend to stay IN love for a long time. (Jessica: Yeah, tell me about it!!)
LOVE TEST II You are basically a person who enjoys reminiscing. Your love life is Very messy! Are you a very confused person? Sometimes you like to be left alone. Sometimes you want to be loved. Sometimes you need her/him. Sometimes you don't. Does it sound familiar? You better sort this out about yourself before you cause another party to be hurt. (Jessica: Hell, I'm probably the most guy-fickle gal I know, heh.)
PSYCHOLOGICAL TEST 1. You chose murky. This means you are confused. (Jessica: Gee, yah think??)
2. How ambitious you are depends on the height that you gave. Your answer is: In a cave. (Jessica: Bahaha. it's funny cause it's true.)
3 . Again, the object reveals something about your personality. You chose triangle. You are stubborn. The size of that personality is MIDDLE. And... diamond means stubborn personality. (Jessica: Jesus. Think they could drill it into my head anymore? But yeah, I'm a Taurus.. I'm VERY stubborn hah.)
4. You are also unpredictable, wild and exciting. (Jessica: No, me? You don't say!) 5. You are an opportunist. (Jessica: Hell yeah. It's all about me.) 6. Your preference of a confidant in times of trouble--a good friend (Jessica: Depends on what is going on, but sometimes.)
COLORS AND NAMES My Results: 1. Somebody who will never forget you: CJ (Jessica: I don't know about that... but I wish and hope it's true...)
2. Someone who you can consider as your real friend: Kris (Jessica: Well I KNOW that is true! I trust Kris more than anyone.)
3. Someone you really love: Nicci (Jessica: Yeah I've known her so long it's safe to say I love her.. as a friend of course lol.)
4. Your soulmate: Mikie (Jessica: It's weird that I put Mikie down because really, I rarely ever bring him up and it's also funny because, if someone were to ask me of all the people I've been with who I thought my soulmate was, Mikie would be my answer. I've always felt something for him, even after so much time.)
5. A person who you will remember for the rest of your life: Robb (Jessica: Oh, defintaly.)
THE PIG 1. Your pig is in the middle. You are a realist. (Jessica: Hum. Yeah, I guess so.)
2. Your pig is facing the front. You are direct, enjoy playing devil's advocate and neither fear nor avoid discussions. (Jessica: Devil's advocate describes me PERFECTLY!.)
3. You've drawn a pig with many details. You are analytical, cautious, and distrustful. (Jessica: Well no shit, Sherlock..)
4. You've drawn a pig with four legs. You are secure, stubborn, and stick to your ideals. (Jessica: Again with the stubborn thing...)
5. The size of the ears indicates how good a listener you are. The bigger the better. You are an average listener. (Jessica: Okay.) 6. The length of the tail indicates the quality of your sex life!!!! (More is better!) Your pig has a long tail. (Jessica: Fuckin' metal it is!.)
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| Monday, November 5th, 2001
11:55 pm - Because I Am Eternally Banned From Posting There...
Was Groupie Central BORN retarded or did it take years and years of it's webmistress dropping it on the head for it to be so stupid? If it was a person, would it walk around smacking it's self in the chest, drooling on it's bib overalls and moaning "ME GWOOPIE!"?
Yes, I am sure.
I am bored as shit so let's go over some fun things with this. PS: This is just in fun, so no one IM me bitching about shit, I'm not in the mood.
Stupid Line Number 1 Someone says: "Saliva info please!! whats the best way to meet and or hook up with these guys?" Jessica says: You fucking idiot. It's Saliva. You could put a bra on a lobster, and they would hump on it like an estrogen-infested dog in heat.
Stupid Line Number 2 Someone says: "I consider [Mudvayne] my friends. And I honestly dont like seeing them messing around with the obsessive type..." Jessica says: Oh, yeah. Obsessive groupies are deffinatly bad. Always buying tickets and merchandise and shit. How dare they. But hey--Heroin? Cocaine? Meth? Well hell! That's okay! So eat your heart out Mudvayne!
Stupid Line Number 3 Someone says: "I know Fred [Durst]'s been talked about a lot on here, but iI was wondering what's been going on with him lately. Is he still enegaged? Is he married already? Is he faithful?" Jessica says: Ahahaha. Next, please.
Stupid Line Number 4 Someone says: "[Various musician] is an ass. hes dirty & gets around" Jessica says: As opposed to what? Every girl who leaves anonymous, STD laced messages on this forum?
Stupid Line Number 5 Someone says: "anyone know anything about the band Pure Rubbish??? Jessica says: Oh yes I do, Various Anonymous Groupie. THEY ARE LIKE FUCKING TWELVE YEARS OLD. But I heard Hanson just got legal, you sick freak, you.
Stupid Line Number 6 Someone says: can someone please tell if stephen pearcy is still married or not!! Jessica says: Are you fucking serious? Can you say 'Midlife Crisis'..?
Stupid Line Number 7 Someone says: "Bla bla bla bla... (something about Bebe Buell) bla bla bla..." Jessica says: Who the fuck cares? I couldn't pick out Bebe Buell's wrinkle infested body out of a lineup between Martha Stewart, Barbra Walters and Mother Theresa. Don't real groupies have better things to do?
Stupid Line Number 8 Someone says: [Beautiful Creatures] will tell u a lie to get u in bed..!" Jessica says: What? Are you shitting me? Beautiful Creatures? Into groupie?!?!?! No way!!!!
Okay, I'm done venting.
current mood: cranky current music: Late Show on TV
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| Friday, November 2nd, 2001
7:17 pm - Stolen from GOOD OLE' NICCI
I could be at Cringe's CD release party right now but 1) Victim is playing and I am eternally boycotting them and 2) Heather the Troll will be there, so I figure what is the point of even going if I'm just going to get kicked out. So the Nicciis going and I get to stay in and listen to my pile of demos and hopefully actually get around to getting a review of 'em. Yeah right. I didn't get to see CJ today because of course God hates me and had to make shitty weather. But luckily it will all be a-ok tomorrow morning and we can go early--Did you hear that Liz? EARLY. Haha. Goddamn tomorrow is going to kick ass. Hopefully.
Dude, if Janelle was a muffin, I would order her from Tim Hortons and keep her on a shelf with all my legos.
Current mood: Excited and nervous. Current music: Me Times Ten Current taste: I'm drinking Gatorade. It's so metal, it's all Reveille drinks. Current hair: Chin length, straight and black with red stripes. Current dress: Black stretchy pants and a leopard print tank top. Where the fuck are my diamond pants? I think I left 'em at Hicci's. Current grievance: An email I got today (long story). Current annoyance: This fucking weather and broken windshield wipers. And whoever keeps calling and hanging up in my machine. Current smell: My room smells like muffins. Current stupid musing: Wait, isn't it called LIVEjournal? As opposed to BIGTOPSECRETjournal? Isn't that why they allow you to make locked posts..? Current longing: I've been sober all day. I just want to get to Dayton and DRINK. Current game: The game called "Chupon wants petted so he won't let me leave the room when I go to check on him". It's a fun game. Ask him. Current thing I ought to be doing: Writing and uploading my reviews. Current windows open: Livejournal, my Yahoo scrapbook, America Online, Nicci and Ryan IM'ing me. Current desktop picture: Black and white edited still of Bif Naked. Current favorite group: Me Times Ten hehe. DROWNING POOL. Current book: "In Search Of The Dead". Current CDs in stereo: Me Times Ten, Bif Naked, Taproot, Tori Amos Current color of toenails: Silver glittery Current earring: Just hoops. Current refreshment: Good ole' gatorade! Drink of champions! Current worry: Everything better go smoothly. I only have passes for 6 people but I need passes for 8 people total. How are we gonna work that out? We'll just get there early and harasses Dan or Mike or something. Current malicious intent: Oh hell, getting my cat neutered and declawed on the same day, haha. Current misguided opinion: I want to say I hate girls, but then I remember people like Liz and Laura and Janelle and Danielle and Lindsay and I remember they aren't all so bad! Current crush: Ahah, I have too many. I like Joe and CJ and Matt and Jeff and Robb and Laz and Dave and all my road boys haha. Nah, everyone knows who my major crush is right now. Current hate: Drama, always drama. And the weather.
current mood: pessimistic current music: Give It Back - Me Times Ten
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1:28 pm - S s s s a a a a f f f f e e e e t t t t y y y y
Fucking Christ. Daddy waking me up at 1 so I can use Mapquest for him. Should have known it would be a bad day right then. At least I didn't have any nightmares. Then I read my journal and god forbid, drama is made and of course I'm the last to ever know what the fuck is going on. Communication, people! Things get sorted out a lot easier if you T-A-L-K.
The only way this day can be made right is if Nicci wakes the fuck up and carts my ass over to Drowining Pool's room. I'm freaking out just knowing my boy is 30 minutes from me. I hope we get out there, I need that medicine. I need to get plastered with Dave haha. Then everything will be a-okay.
Robb emailed me today, just talking about recording and writing new music and missing the road and about the most unpersonal static letter you could ever get. I read it and wanted to put a hole in my head. How did things get so fucked up? Oh well.
Talked to Eddie last night. I guess Joe broke his arm (!) so they need a replacement for the rest of the tour. I guess Justin filled in for them the other night haha, Nicci was flipping out. Oh well, it will all go well for them. He's such a sweetiepie hehe.
Man, Ken's birthday was a few days ago and tomorrow is CJ's Birthday, and Nicci's is coming up soon. How can I think about present when you pile these birthdays on me people!! Okay, time to go will the Hickster to wake up.
current mood: moody current music: Janelle Murdering My IM Sound
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| Thursday, November 1st, 2001
9:27 pm
Okay so like I said, we went to go see Puddle Of Mudd--The Band So Hip, It Uses To D's, Tuesday night at the Alrosa, playing with Mesh(stl). So me, Nicci and Kris got all dolled up and made our way over. We came in through the back, because the security that night loved us haha. Anyway, we immediatly saw our friend Lindsay from Mansfield, and so we forced her to hang out with us the rest of the night. We get to see her again next week, at Primer 55, Reveille, Dog Fashion Disco and Darwin's--Rock!
Then we saw Danielle and Sharon--the two girls we met from Distrubed's bus, so that was badass and we hung out with them a lot of the night also. After that, we watched the Mesh performance, which was fun, and afterwards they all came down into the crowd to pass out signed photos. Danielle and I went and hung out with them for a while, got some signed pictures and body parts haha, and drank and all that happy horseshit. They are the silliest boys, hehe.
Well anyway next we watched the Puddle Of Mudd performance, and afterwards we went outside and hung and chatted with them for a bit, but nothing too interesting to gossip. We got pictures of us and both the bands, but they are on Danielle's roll, so I will have to wait until we see her this weekend to get 'em.
Well, then we decided we were going to kidnap Dustin and Joe and bring them back to our house, so Nicci left to drop Krisoff, and I road with Joe to Nicci's, while Dustin followed us. So we finally all arrived and watched movies all night and stayed up until like, 9am or some shit. How fab.
So anyway. Like I said, we're going to Dayton tomorrow to spend time with the Drowning Pool boys, hopefully that works out and goes well. Then their concert is Saturday, huzzah! Liz is coming down Saturday morning to get ready with us, then we are all going to carpool up there and take over the scene, muaha. She is the mutherfuckin' best. TRUCKLOADS.
Speaking of the best I HEARD IT WAS JANELLE'S BIRTHDAY, CAN YOU HEAR ME SINGING?!??! This means I owe you a present girl heh heh. Hit me up lol. I love ya!!
Okay, gotta do some shit, I'll post some pictures in a minute.
current mood: anxious current music: Will and Grace on TV
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6:04 pm - Ahhhhggg!!
Okay, fuck me gently with a chainsaw. CJ just called--They have three days off in Dayton, they are there right now. My favorite freaking band in the universe has three days off just thirty minutes away from me. Kill me now lol. Anyway, he was all like "Come out now!" and I'm like "Shit, I have to work tonight," plus I don't have a ride at the moment. I need more Ohio friends, I tell you what. So I told him I would try to come out tomorrow, hopefully I can, I'm so psyched haha. Okay, I'm a fucking nerd.
Back to fixing my computer, love ya alls and I'll write more later when I know what's up.
current mood: enthralled current music: Limp Bizkit - Hold On
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| Wednesday, October 31st, 2001
5:24 pm - I Like The Way You DON'T Smack My Ass
Just a quick update, then I have like, 27948936 friend journal entires to catch up on, then I will write more. Hung out with Puddle Of Mudd and Mesh(stl) last night... Sweet boys! Well, Mesh were really cool, goofing aroudn with us and buying us drinks, really cool. They are so playful, I loved em--We got pictures, but they are on Danielle's roll, so I'll have to scan 'em from her when she gets 'em back. Puddle of Mudd was cool, but there was a rather 'interesting' incident going on with all that.. That will be a friends only post later, haha.
Last Nights Highlights: -Mesh signing my 8x10, thanking me for last night haha (scans later). -My new Puddle Of Mudd 'tattoo' -"Yeah Greta is putting a show in the lounge... wait... nevermind, she's puking." -Seeing Danielle and Sharon again and planning for this Saturday -"I'm so metal, Slipknot is going to open for me." -Getting to chill with Lindsay all night -Okay, I'm tired, more later heh.
Didn't get to bed until 8am--I feel like caca, haha. Now, for me, a list of things I need to do, so I can just check back here if I forget. -Update my journal throughouly. (And learn to spell heh) -Read all my friend's entires and discuss, haha. I sound so serious. -Update the Doglaw. -Scan the pictures from the Disturbed party. -Scan my Mesh and extras. -Update my yahoo briefcase. -Return and write emails -Fix my walls -Take a goddamned nap!
Okay, later.
current mood: tired current music: Puddle Of Mudd - Control
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| Tuesday, October 30th, 2001
2:28 am - Jeah! I Fucking Love Sw1tched!!!!
It's weird, I keep running across all these entries about Jeff in other people's LJ. I wonder if he is the same with them, he's such an oddball. I guess Dan asked Nicci if I was mad at him, and Nicci said not that I know of... I'm not mad at him but he kinda weirded me out with the whole Incubus situation. Well, maybe I should call him or something because I feel shitty if he thinks I'm mad at him, but at the same time I don't want to hear what he has to say since the last deal. I don't feel like having some big discussion about some shit that is old now. Fuck it, I'll either call him tomorrow night when I'm drunk or I'll ask Dan when he logs on. Fuck man, why am I even worried about it? I guess I just feel bad.
Hell jeah! Dustin and Joe are going to see Puddle Of Mudd tomorrow also. I'm so happy I could eat the world. I need to practive stuffing my bra or some shit *takes the duct tape from Nicci* haha just kidding. This is going to rock, I'm just going to get pissed (Like that, Lucy? I've made it into my vocabulary) and be on my *so and so* like a bad suite, haha.
Well, since Sw1tched is done toruing right now, we're trying to get them to come down and party at our house for a few days and party at the PUM concert tomorrow. That should be awesome, I hope they can make it and we can all chill before they are off on the road again. Jessica: Well, come down to Columbus tomorrow Brian: he said hes is down before...... jason might come maybe Jessica: Yay! A sw1tched party! Tell your one Cleveland friend that we are hot, legal, blonde, big titted road bimbos. Brian: lol ok i already did Jessica: Wait im not blonde! Nor do I have big tits but I DID get hired at Hooters..... Brian: umm... oh yeah... wait...you got ajob?? That will be so badass if they come down. Chimaira is on break right now too, but I think they are in Toledo or some shit because APPARANTLY they missed the part where all the cool Ohio bands stay the night at our crib this week haha. Just kidding lol, I love 'em all! So we'll see how it goes. I fucking love this city sometimes, it's like a teeny tiny hick LA.
Okay Kris, Nicci, you guys are never going in a chatroom on my screen name again, because if I get one more porn email I am going to go insane.
Alright, Brian is causing mayhem, so I must go save the world from his evils: Brian: whats one of the creed sounding bands, besides creed? Jessica: Lifehouse Brian: thats it i think, definetly it. heheheh Jessica: Oh lord, what are you up to...?
PS - Liz, I need to talk to you about the trip Saturday dammit, so expect a SOBER phone call this week haha
Jessica: JEAH I FUCKING LOVE CLEVELAND!!! Jessica: DO YOU HEAR?!?! Jessica: TRUCKLOADS. Jessica: Okay I need to go take my ritalin, I'll be back never K i dd i E: haha k
Jessica: TONIGHT IS NATIONAL CAPS LOCK NIGHT. Jessica: DO NOT BE AFRAID, MY WESTERN EUROPEAN FRIEND Lucy: it's not tonight here..it's morning Jessica: oh. Jessica: well fuck, it was fun while it lasted.
Motherfuck! How are you going to sign my god damned guestbook yet not even return my freaking phone call! You are fired! Do you hear me? F-I-R-E-D.
Okay, I have had WAY too much Halloween Candy, I need my beauty sleep for real, for tomorrow, hehehehe.
current mood: excited current music: Rendez-View on TV
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| Monday, October 29th, 2001
10:26 pm - Dustin Is Fired
Dustin: fired. i dunno what that means but i said it Jessica: lol, well it's not as funny when I'm sober Dustin: what does it mean Jessica: Well, when someone does soemthing you don't like, ya fire 'em. Dustin: hmm......interesting Jessica: Like... Joe is fired for not calling me. Or Robb is fired for being emo with me.. Or Kris is fired when she doesn't give me my messages. Or Nicci is always fired.
For those of you always asking what it means to fire people, now ya know.
Nicci and I have to wake up early tomorrow because we have our interview at Hooters. Huzzah! How hussy are we? So we're going to do that and then tomorrow night we have the Puddle Of Mudd / Default concert to go to. I'm not really too big on either band but it's free (for us) and boys we like will be there, heehee. We're such retards, we need to get over this hah.
Now I'm just eating pizza, drinking jager and DIET coke heh, and harassing cute boys online and gossiping my ass off. And watching Family Law! I love law shows. Well, I need to go clean my room and pick out some secksy clothes for tomorrow and compliment Lauraon her new pics. Ta ta!
current mood: flirty current music: Family Law on TV
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4:11 am - For Laurie:
If you could have one night with me only, what would you do with me? Probably just sit around at one of our houses, play online, get dressed up and do our makeup and nails and then take lots of cam pictures a gossip lol.
what about one week? Travel somewhere. Maybe to New York. get dolled up, do some shopping, take picnics and go out clubbing, dancing and getting sloshed.
what about a year? Oh lord, we'd be at each other's throats. If it was just us for a year I'm sure we'd move somewhere but w'ed have to spend time apart before we hated eahc other to death
and finally... what about one life? Isn't that what we have? We'd be different people.
Good night everyone!
current mood: sleepy current music: News on TV
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