Sunday, December 23rd, 2001
12:38 pm
i just thought i'd add. i <3 the holidays. i'm so excited to see all of my family. \o/!
well i must drive. . .and go eat some brunch. <3 oh yeah oh yeah..i bought you something for xmas call me!! maybe i'll stop by if you're around when i drive to detroit to visit cousins and such :) oh yeah i added kate to my lj. .and someone's whose journal i found interesting. i just like the way they write. it's neat. k thx i gotta go <3
current mood: ecstatic current music: my mom just asked me if remembered richie hawtin...teehee
(tell me i'm dreaming )
10:56 am - rah rah raaahhhhtttt
hahahaha. i've been up since 4 this morning. i woke up and i was brought donuts in bed and grapefruitjuusu. <3 ty nate. anywayhahaha. . .my partie went off well. all though, i was the LAST person to arrive (i suck). and the food was yummy, and thepeople were fun. and it was neat. i miss seeing all these kids. i bet it was the first time in forever we'd all been together. but of course. i am a loser x80009. i can't believe i told people to come over at 7, and i got here at almost 10. >:o. that was like the most retarded thing i've ever done. hahaha i felt like such an ass. but itw as my dad's fault. he didn't give me my car back so ihad no way of getting here. andi don't know many people who would drive to detroit, and then drive back to whitehall for no apparent reason. hahahaha. and i THINK my mom stole my mark farina cd!!!! scandalous!! i'd like to listen to that one right about now. i heard the new janet jackson cd (well, notnew, but newest)and i totally thought of stevie!!!!! i miss that kid so much. i got him something for xmas <3. i hope i eventually see him. he's a cool kid and the last time i saw him he was being REALLY weird. like he was being mean or something i don't remember but i think he was just really fucked up or something. bleh. anyhow. i gotta go jump in the shower cos i gotta drive to holland and give someone their xmas present :P. AND IM REALLY DISAPPOINTED THAT A FEW OF YOU DID NOT SHOW UP FOR MY PARTIE. *cough*philbrendanrocky*cough*. i think aaron was pissed cos i forgot to invite him. =x sorry. you were welcome to come. :P
i'm off. <33
current mood: freezing!!!! current music: uranium
(1 dream | tell me i'm dreaming )
Thursday, December 20th, 2001
4:30 am - maybe i'm digging myself a hole.....trying to find myself.........................
okay so your minimizing sounds..that your computer makes is annoying style was cute in the beginning but the 24 minute escapade thru videogame land is uhhh..time consuming and eats up the mp3 sounds. :P which, by all means, are more important than those funkay window sounds. bFF neega! so i'm not sleeping tonight, for the simple fact that if i do....i'd sleep all gd day.
so yeah i'm a lose-er. but not really. i like how i'm at kt's..wait nm i gotta keep it on the d/l NM! so i no longer use my computer cos i said f paying for a phone i only use to get online with..and noone knows that number anyway. so i'm getting a cable modem. fuck yeah!
now i know how jeff and ryan are.
wait jk!1 hahahahaha. stop me from laughing outloud cos i'm cracking the hell out.
but i don't know what to say. i'm having a party on friday :). hopefully all goes well. . .a lil xmas jesis/ non jesus fest. you know how that goes. ;) to add to this random post; i am sending in a bunch of my digital pictures i took and having them printed out, you know..for the book :) so yeah. i hope i find equally cool ones. because i want to have a better album, most of which is online because i'm a loser-ville.
hahahaha i'm actually quite awake right now for it being 4:34. i look like a total hoosier but it's all good. i'm just going to the denteest because i have *gasp* cavities. i have never had a cavity in my life and now all of a sudden i do? it's not like i'm a dirtball and don't brush my teeth or anything. :(. cos i do. sheet. and hopefully i'll have enough time to do everything i need to. because that'd suck ass if i didn't. i wanted to go to the roadshow cos i haven't been there in so long. i kinda wanna buy a new bowl. bleh. iunno. i'm in a weirdass mood today. haha omg kt ordered some FUNKY pizza earlier...chicken + artichokes?? funkmeisterfunk ;) <3 you i'm out for now. i'll probably post when i go to mommy's house later on. love you guys. and if i don't talk to any of you before then. have a wonderful holiday/xmas/break/ whateves. > <3 much love.!1 efresh
current mood: hyper current music: bff - best imitation of myself.
(1 dream | tell me i'm dreaming )
Monday, December 17th, 2001
3:03 am - its 3:03....SUP
sup with the time sup with the time
so like...i slept 'til like 3 today..or something? i don't even know what time it was when i woke up was dragging on real slow style.
so i met santiago on friday..and we drove to kzoo to go see jarule...i don't recall if i posted since then? haha iunno we didn't stay there more than 10 minutes :P but the whole liquid 109 thing was ghetto as fuck. liquid can kiss my ass :) the only thing i was sad about was i didn't get to see casey or kelly, or ryan..or brandy...or anyone else lame. but i did see steven in the gasstation!!! hell yeah i haven't seen that kid in so long it was so random to see him. i was like hell yes!!!! he called me from cali not that long ago and we talked for a lil while. but that was the last time we talked, i didn't even know he was back from ca. :D hell yeah i think he's just home for xmas break :P he said he'd call me. he better :D i gotta drive to detroit tomorrow..i think. i haven't talked to my dad yet but i might just stop at justins cos i haven't seen him in a while and i talked to him online yesterday. :) i had a pretty cool weekend though. i might have a new roomie <33 i hope so that'd rock :) i was gonna go over to bobby's but i took too long of a shower..and i figured it'd be kinda gay to go over there 3 hours later ...loser.. anyway i don't have anything to say really. . .except i missed 311 cos i'm a homo. :'( loserrrrrrrrr... so i did nooothinnnnggggg...... absolutely nothing.... absolutely nothing that day.... i'm gonna go. later kids <3 peace
current mood: refreshed current music: bran van - drinking in la.
(tell me i'm dreaming )
Friday, December 14th, 2001
5:14 pm - headz still ain't ready.
wow. it snowed while i was sleeping. there's slushy snow on the ground and atop all the buildings is snow. :P driving in the snow sux0r. i was hoping it'd wait until after xmas..but nooooooo it's not even cold enough for snow. it was really nice out yesterday :( losers
i want to go grocery shopping, i'm hungry as all getup..i thiink i'm going to. after i shower. smelly!!
and i wish k-chan were here. i wanna talk to her <3.
iunno man...i went to brandys last nite and hung out w/ her. and ryan somewhat. cheap rum + cheap dank...k...i didn't drink much though..i don't like drinking that much, especially with people i know...(?) which is kinda retarded so to speak. bleh.
i'm just enthralled that i have NO mO classes. THANK YOUUUUUUUUU....
and i'm not sure if i'm going to that ja rule i want to..sort of...but then again i don't..and i definately do NOT want to spend 30 dollars to get in to see djs i could care less irene, miss lisa, humpty vission, ja rule, lowlife, tyeland and some honestly i could give a fuck less. :P
so yeah i think that ones out of the picture, gregs gonna be home tonight so maybe i'll hang out w/ him and get blazed. i really want to go see monsters inc x901. :P i still have yet to see it and i'm feeling left out. but i'm gonna go jump in the shower. love ya guys. peace out. <3
current mood: naughty current music: dj krush + dj vadim.
(tell me i'm dreaming )
Wednesday, December 12th, 2001
3:31 am
i just thought i'd add.....
i'm not sleeping. and i'd like ass.
ohyeah hahahaha. tomorrow is my last day of class w/ kame sensei (HAHAHAHA) and i'd like to bring it to kt's attention that she will no longer see sexy bitch erick..thurman san. her sexy bitch. hahaha he's a sexy bitch though. and i wonder if sam's mad at us???? i don't see why he would be he's pretty understanding but i did fuck up our speaking examkinda hardcore :(. *etard!!*
iunno i guess whats his face is spinning at the temple thursday, and ryan and brandy are gonna come over. and then harold invited me to amanda's to get fucked up over there. i don't think he'd mind if i had more people come.
OMG HAHAHAHAH this guy in my class invited me to some party!!!!1 i thought it was mad funny cos he always would look at me and then finally on my last day of class he had the nerve to ask me out :). i think that's cute. iunno i gave him my number, maybe we'll hang out or something. and freaking jason should send me a webcam now. plz. k. thx. bye.
i saw harold in front of a&s; earlier today. it was kinda cool we talked for a while. .him and his tetCHno music. whatever the hell that shit is. hahahaha. he scared some girl talking about basslines. it was funny shit...
omifuck *tosses hair*
haha jk. i saw clarissa and amanda today when i was in the parking ramp it was tight. i miss those girls. i've went into their old work a few times but they didn't work that was worthless. and alfonso doesn't work at steak and shake anymore so i had no clue how to get ahold of them. but i guess suzbag lives w/ amanda now. iunno it was cool. i tried to get ahold of nate a couple minutes ago..cos like...i wanna see if he wants to go to carbon this thursday, even though everyone wants to go to the temple, i'd rather go to detroit and hear some tight dnb, than go to old towne lansing and listen to some detroit know how that goes. and plus carbon is WAY cheaper. like who the hell wants to pay 10 dollars for a club? til 2?! no!!!!!!!!!11 even though sam san works there. <3 sam rocks. and i just thought i'd add, me and geoff talked about how queercore will is. he's such a deject, he's like hi you didn't let me make out with you, and you didn't want in my pants so i will no longer talk to you and you are NOT my friend.
anyway >:o i have to pee like what and my legs are cos i'm sitting in the leather chair. .cos amanda moved out all her stuff. i no longer have a roomie :) . i'm sure jenifer is glad to hear that.
and what the hell malena. ya hooker.i like how yo'ure in detroit and you haven't called me yet >:o
k, i'm done rambling. .but i just thought i'd add. i love sam, *hugs******* <3 efresh.
current mood: sleepy current music: supply + demand -delicious.
(tell me i'm dreaming )
2:07 am - i wish it was.......last september.
k sup... i guess i don't have much to say, but i 4 pointed arts171. thank ya. even though everyone should 4.0 art classes cos that's queer. but it was pretty hard and a lot of work....who would have thought, eh?
anyway. i saw nate dawg this weekend. that fucking whore monger got a brand new navigator. he should so give me more money. hahahaha. *selfish*
jk. i love that boy but i'm not too sure about him. haha i suppose i've regressed to how i used to be. which is kind of sad, and lame. .but i'm moving on. i hung out w/ jeff and ryan and kt today. i know noone really likes ryan thats why i invited him to go out to eat with us. i really think ryan has potential to be cool..he just uses up jeff to be an "individual". but k-chan went to the hospital last night!!!!!!!!!!1 what the shit san. she had like kidney failure and kidney stones and whatnot??? she called me last nite when i was in aof doing make up work and i was like yah i'll take you. but she never called back. dood i felt so bad for her. i knew she was mad sick in class today cos she had left the room about 25x during our final in japanese. :( i <3 k-loc. get better soon home girl. well, i talked to ryan and he's gonna come over on thursday. and nick's coming over tomorrow. so we're gonna have fun. i wanna get mad amounts of fucked up since school is over. ..i deserve it, right?
ryan said he'd teach me how to play chess, but ever time i lose, i owe him a blowjob. probably not ryan. haha. NEGATORy cpt kirk.
anyway. i'm off to bed cos i gotta get up early am style. cos i have the written final for jPan asita no asa :) ( tomorrow morning) haha anyway. i'm out <333 xoxho
current mood: thoughtful current music: ben folds five - song for the dumped
(1 dream | tell me i'm dreaming )
12:54 am - ....just like the first kiss.
hey kt....2 for 1, 5 for 4......half ounces.....quarter pounds......lbs (long playings)...and kiiiilooos...
ahahahahah you sux0r for getting sick and dying and not being able to go to shows!!!!!!!!111111 drew OWNS for sending me this cd. *brocks out*
yaaay \o/ !
(tell me i'm dreaming )
Tuesday, December 4th, 2001
5:30 pm
ahahahahaha. NO LJ, NO.
what's up w/ lj NOT working? hUH!!!!!
haha anyway..i'm goin back up to the school. <3
i have class 'til 9. k peace out <3
current mood: dorky
(tell me i'm dreaming )
Sunday, December 2nd, 2001
8:36 am
um, one world got cancelled. how freaking gay bob. don't know the whole story but i heard about the venue dilemma and what have you, that sucks and i'm sorry. i know you guys put a lot of time and money into this shindig. <3
blah. .so instead of going to detroit i went to nicks. and i figured we'd just hang out but um no..i did way too much k and i was fine for a while, and then all of a sudden i was like WHOA..i couldn't see shit, i would try and look at people and everything was all wobbly..i couldn't smoke. i was in k-tron mode hardcore. i was like wtf. . .and i haven't done k in probably six months so um, yeah.... and this shit was good too. like ketamymomide. i don't know what it was they were busy rattling it off i could care less i didn't even wanna do it. and then i didn't wanna do it even more because kim and kelly were supposta do it w/ us. and i was like fuck no i am not railing all that k. i will pass the fuck out. and what did i do...i passed the fuck out, sorta..on the table. i was such a retard. i couldn't hear people speaking to me it was all wah wah wah wahhhh blah. i was like huHH...anyway..that's the first time i've EVER passed out. .i mean i was somewhat awake. like if someone would grab my shoulders or something i'd know but like i couldn't move, i was just stuck. arr. and then we go over to lonnie's and he's all WATCHING porn when i get over there. i was kinda scared. hahahaha. the lights are all off, lonnie has no shirt on. SCARY HAIRY CHEST-san. never again yo. never again. and then he tried to get me all fucked up wheni had to drive back home. :\ he's like just snoot a lil. it'll make you more alert while you're driving. i'm like no thx i'm tight on the yay situation. good lookin out though. omg hahahaha i saw k dawg tonight!!! hahaha i haven't seen him in forever, since the amnesia days. it was weird. he was like what the're so quiet..?? i was getting weirded out. iunno. . . wow. .i just thought of red team, chad team. i wonder how chad's doin? <3 RED TEAM <3 blah. i still havent slept, besides my lil episode on maddie's kitchen table. =x foot in mouth . i'm so dumb hahaha. my head is all retarded. i should probably sleep now, i'm thinkin. :Pmaybe. maybe not. and my moms chicken + dumpling soup whatevers = not good right now. it's making my tummy hurt. WAH. oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! today is Ryan's BIRTHDAY!!! happy 21st homeboy <3 ya. and thanks to lil josh for making me a tape for gary <3 rock on =w= san. <3 anyway. i'm gonna take some vitamins and take a lil nappy. cos i have mad amounts of studying to do for exams. blah!!! on exams too. current mood: rushed current music: fiona apple - track 9? haha.
(tell me i'm dreaming )
Friday, November 30th, 2001
10:42 pm - f i96 traffic....
soooo...i drove to skeetown today. and i stopped in gr along the way to nicks. iunno it was kinda different. it's weird that we're "friends" again. i guess. i don't know. and lil josh drove with me to muskegon and gave me 1.50 for driving him. hahaha. <3 josh you're crazy. and plus the lil etard left all his bags in my car? were you THAT excited to get ass-san? hahaha. iunno it took so fucking long on 96 to get here because there was some accident. i mean bummer dood..but you forced me to drive five mph for forty five minutes on the freeway. LOSERS. >:o eh. i made some cds for ian, geoff, and joe. i hope you guys enjoi. <3 and what's up with all this whitetrash around here? it's creepy and it weirds me out. k thx bye... AND WHAT is up w/ everyone taking these stupid test things? like if i was a foreign object..i would be this...or if i was a drug i'd be wth lol. crackers.
kookamonga cracka killas. eh, anyway. malena is gonna come to michigan for her xmas break. she's gonna come stay w/ me for a few :)) i'm so blimmin' excited. <33333. yay <3 for mal <3.
anywayyyyssssss.....i'm gonna go. peaz ouh.
*mwa* e.
ps. george was my fav beatle :(. rip holmes.
current mood: cold current music: wzzm 13, fool.
(tell me i'm dreaming )
Thursday, November 29th, 2001
1:28 pm - \o/
Wednesday, November 28th, 2001
2:47 pm
12:40 am - so so so sooooo cunningly.......
so that josh wink tape is in my car. . . .thanks sarah and paul <3
AND i got a sweet ass cd from torque. thank ya! aaaaannnnd iunno haha. i had class all day today. it was arrite. i'm working ona layout for my website in my photoshop class, it's sweet. i'm doing it for my final. man fuck final exams too. x-( bitches. pirate bitches.
peg legs
talking parrots
red striped shirts
gold hoop earrings
skull + crossbones.
and iunno what went wrong...but yeah. i'm over it. my mom just called me and i was real irritated to hear from her, i don't know why. i'm just in a weird ass mood. i saw nate up at the school and he was a total monger to me. like he was too busy smoking cloves to even talk to me. like wtf retard. and like a few days ago everything was fine and dandy. and now he's a lil bitchmonger again. and wtf..his roomie called me last nite when josh was over..and i was like what the hell i don't have anything to say to you. he's so weird. i think he wants in my pants or something. but he doesn't at the same time. like he's super mean to me...then he'll be really nice to me. anyway i could care less. . .i think he's annoying..and he talked shit about me to nate so that nate would hate me and i'd feel depressed and fuck him or something. so he can toss my salad. *cough*. i don't really have anything to say. i'd like to go to bed though....i'd like to poke him in the eye..*rambles on* i kinda did some jenky shit to nate anyway so i'm fucking over it i just thought we were friends again. he can toss my salad, too. if he ever reads this, which he won't..thank god. haha i'm funny sometimes. i'm so excited about tomorrow. *dances* i have japanese, and i think i'm supposta study w/ kt and sam and do our skit thing ...because the exam is in like 2.5. *cry*
iunno i'm a weirdo today. i think it was the leftovers i ate. motherfuckers. anyway. like i said..i'm weird today. i should probably sleep. since i have to wake up in like.....2.5
i don't feel like it though. like at all, to say the least. i'm just overly happy or something at this point in time. even though the whole nate thing went down the drain and i no longer have a roomie. and you know what's weird about she left me a note the other day and was like i need to talk to you come home during your i did...and theni get here..and she doesn't even say anything to me and she just leaves. .hmf. anyway. i just don't understand her all lately.
but i'm a bitch so i'm over it, i suppose.
and i can't wait to go to sf. like no fucking lie and a half. i'm overjoyed w/ excitement. and freakin yes YES YESSSSS *glitta*
anyway..if that ONE person, that i live w/ reads this..ever...i don't hate you.
blingblingbling. . . .i sent some people some stuff in the mail <3 i hope you guys like it. AND i got my tshirt from ebay. hell yeah <3
hehe anyway i'm out. i'm talkin to kt, and i'm peacin out of this bitch...speaking of bitch..what the hell is up w/ lj's whore ass lately? it never connects anymore :\
current mood: excited current music: cd thatandrewsent
(tell me i'm dreaming )
Tuesday, November 27th, 2001
1:02 am - is that alright?
| i posted something the other day and it never posted??? wts livejournal???
anyway....i failed that test in japanese, hardcore. i have never felt more retarded in my life. *sigh*
i should go to bed though..i have class all freakin day tomorrow..10-9..fuuuuck that. she told me that i'd feel guilty for the things that i did.....but the truth of it is....that i feel guilty for not givin a shit..... <3 efresh
current mood: indifferent current music: aim chimes *ding ding ding*
(tell me i'm dreaming )
Tuesday, November 20th, 2001
5:26 pm - sansan
4:54 pm - BUT do you think that i.....
uhh..yeah...about that.
hope to see everyone on the 21st of dec :)
....the cruelest lies are often told with out a word
MY MYyyyy....the kindest truths are often spoke but never heard....
man fuck this shit..i gotta go back up to the school i suck ass and i'm never going to complete my final. :'(
in a minute it will all be coming down.
current mood: annoyed current music: radiohead - pyramid song
(3 dreams | tell me i'm dreaming )
Monday, November 19th, 2001
9:52 pm - if he really loved me, she said.......i wouldn't have to be so mean.
sha la la, sha la la lo li... today was interesting, i suppose ;). kt spent the night last night, and we went to go "study" w/ sam. haha that didn't work out very well. we hung out at blue note and i didn't get anything done. i'm a loser. and then we went to class today..and it was pretty..the same. but i realized today i have NO idea what i'm doing =x. so um scratch the whole taking the second part of this class next semester. :P.
super loser.
haha. . .me and kt took pictures w/ gary oldman..cos we're cool hahahaha.
supz0r...i'm so incredibley cool this evening. . .but i'm really bored. and i want a fucking ciggarette...but considering all my money is gone, that's not happening. *cough* thanks. . .bitchfaces.
hey nate you still gonna throw me money for carryin yo rekkids? ;) <3
ahh fuck. . .
john called me today, and we talked about school. . .he's gonna come visit me ;) bill called me today too, i guess better days is opening back up for one night >:D. guestlist only type-a-steez. it's really sneaky dl underground lol. .or somethin. .he's gonna come up here too. i wanna go see my fam for thanksgiving. this sux0r. . . . . .*sad*
i'll have some tight news friday though OH FUCK YEAH I ALMOST FORGOT TO MENTION.... after i got home from blue note last nite, i talked to, YES talked to....lil ryan <333. i love that kid. he's outta jail for a while on bond. and stuff. i'm gonna go visit him real soonlike :) i love lil ryan.
anyway i gotta go haha i'm rambling about nothing...
---e. <3
current mood: hopeful current music: ben folds five - the last polka
(tell me i'm dreaming )
Sunday, November 18th, 2001
4:18 pm - when i raise my trigga finga....all ya fuckas hit the deXxxx..
haha..i outlast robots, cos i'm a vampire. . . .
no iunno hahahha. . .nick came over last nite and we hung out, and talked about the ol skoo days (aka 6 months ago) and just chilled, it was cool. i miss nick :)
i ate chinese food for breakfast, it was yummy. . . .i woke up to the lovely sounds of jay-z, and that h to the izzo song..cos some loser was cleaning out his explorer and BLARING that lame ass song. .i'm
and i guess kt's on her way over so i should shower, cos i'm a dirtbag. . ..
BUT----i guess derek went to jail last nite? and like a bunch of other people? iunno what happened =x that sux ass though. it's their own damn fault. drug bust. . .news via greg
oh yeah..and mark called me last night too..and told me about the meteor shower, that i missed because it was so damned foggy.. .i hope you got to see it :P
anyways, i'm out. . .peacez0r
current mood: ditzy current music: aural pleasure via ian...japanese hiphop steez
(1 dream | tell me i'm dreaming )
Friday, November 16th, 2001
1:42 pm
trfishermi: wanna sell your panties? trfishermi: lol ghettolicious303: HAHAHa trfishermi: I'd buy them!
wtf lol!! i'm scared.
current mood: dirty current music: gattaca
(tell me i'm dreaming )