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Alexandra Fields

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[04 Mar 2002|04:18pm]
[ mood | mellow ]
[ music | Aerials-- System of A Down ]

Well. I'm done being sick. :o)

I got to go back to work Saturday afternoon at 3:30 and worked until 10, it was wonderful. Oh how I missed it. So I worked Saturday night, then Sunday from 9:30-2 and then starting today I'm back on my regular schedule. Oh, I am quite pleased. :)

I, unfortunately am not going to be able to attend the banquet on March 7 to pick up my scholarship check :( So, someone else is going to go get it and present it to me at our Awards Day at school in May. Which is fine with me, that way both of my parents will get to see me receiving it. Speaking of scholarships-- I have finish filling out and writing essays (or copying and pasting from previous essays) for two other applications by March 13th so that I can get them to Mr. Santana and he can get them in for me. One of the is the Mason's Lodge and the other is something from the county. One is $500 and the other is $200. It's money, and hey-- the more I get, the more they add up, right? :o) So, I've also applied for the ESA Foundation Scholarship, Annie Lee Chesnutt Memorial Scholarship, Kiwanis Club Scholarship; and there's another really big one that if I got, I could go to Purdue. I also have to finish reading The Fountainhead and write the essay on it for the Ayn Rand Foundation Essay Contest (1st prize is a check for $10,000).

Besides all of the scholarship stuff...

I'm getting an eye exam on Tuesday, March 12 @ 4:00. This is so I can go ahead and get my eyes all straightened out, new glasses and contacts before I go see Les Miserables next weekend. Dad needs to get his done too, otherwise, it doesn't matter WHERE we sit, neither one of us are going to be able to see it. I'm also at some point going to get my hair cut again (just a *little* bit shorter) and I'm having highlights/lowlights put in; either red and blonde or brown and blonde. I'd like to do that before we go see the show as well. I don't know why, I'm not going to see anyone important but piiiff.. whatever. :) Sam and Mom are leaving for New York City on Thursday at 11pm. Oh how I wish I could go. *sigh* They're going to see The Crucible and Les Miserables on Broadway. Puh. Why is it that National Art Honor Society is going to see Broadway shows but when the Concert Choir went we didn't see ANYTHING?! Argh! They'll be home Sunday night. So, it's just me and Dad all weekend. Yay. Maybe me and Adam can hang out since he'll be home and Sam won't. Or maybe I'll sleep all weekend. Owen comes home this weekend. Hrm. I'll be able to hang out with him if I'm not working. I don't know if I am or not.

Anyhoo.. so this is what I have to do before this week is over:

-Write speech on flag etiquette for Pub. Speaking
-Re-write paper for Exp. Writing
-Look into plane tickets/places to go for Spring Break
-Order graduation invitations
-Finish Scholarship applications
-Try to finish The Fountainhead
-Order Les Mis tickets
-Put money to side for eye exam/new glasses/contacts
-Make appointment for hair

And now I have to go call Ticketmaster and check out some things on the Les Mis tix.

See you all later.

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I only did it because everyone else is doing it! [02 Mar 2002|11:54am]

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[28 Feb 2002|10:53pm]
[ mood | drained ]

Just when I thought my $500 scholarship was a big thing, two people I know received full scholarships to North Carolina State University. Am I jealous? oh hell yes. But am I happy for them? You better believe it.


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[28 Feb 2002|10:44am]
[ mood | crappy ]
[ music | air.. ]

Well. Douglas called and said I should take the rest of the week off, and he needs me Saturday night. *shrugs* I think I'll be OK by then. I hope.

I can't really think of much to say except-- Night-Time Thera Flu has reverse affects for me. It's supposed to make you sleepy, right? Well-- I drank some last night before going to bed and I slept from 12-2 and then from 2-5 I was up.. I wandered downstairs onto the couch and watched re-runs of Caroline In The City, Mad About You, and The Carebears. I think it was the Carebears that finally put me to sleep. And usually I'm pretty entertained by 80s cartoons.. Oh well.

I think I'm going to go take a shower now.. I feel gross. My entire shirt is like soaked in sweat.. stupid fever.. BLAHHHHHHH... I wanna get BETTER.

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[27 Feb 2002|06:19pm]
[ mood | sick ]

I won a $500.00 scholarship. I won money! I know, I know-- only $500.. but thats books!

Other than that.. I'm still sick.

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Hey Guess Who.. [27 Feb 2002|10:53am]
[ mood | sicker ]

Didn't make it to work today.

It's travelled down my body to my stomach. Still affecting my head/nose/throat/eyes mind you-- but now also a delightful little gift to my stomach. Lovely.

So.. Mom went off and bought me some thera-flu, tussin (props to chris rock), chicken noodle soup (which I will be picking all of the chicken out of), sprite, and ricola throat drops. Yum. What a great combination.. now she's gone to Elizabeth City with Wanda-- so I guess this is a little preview of how I will have to do without her when I go to college and get sick.. For a little while I was quite pleasant because my dear puppy, Morgan, came and sat with me on the couch-- but then I guess she got tired of my coughing fits and got down.. So.. alone I was. I ventured up here to see if someone was online to could talk with.. but no, of course not. So.. I'm going to take my fever-running, dizzy, headachy, itchy eyes, runny nose, coughing fits, wheezing, sick to my stomach self back downstairs where I can get warm under my favorite quilt.. which I'm sure Sam will feel very obliged to spray down with Lysol when she gets home.. as she has done with everything else I have touched. What a ninny.

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[27 Feb 2002|07:05am]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | Sam's hairdryer.. ]

It's 7am, and I'm awake. What the hell is wrong with me? I've actually been awake since about 5 and have been on/off sleeping since then. I guess I finally just couldn't do that anymore. So I'm up. I pretty much feel better except for the right side of my nose being stuffed up, my throat hurting a little, and my tummy being a little uneasy (probably due to the fact that I've eaten anything of real substance in about two days). My throat is probably hurting mostly from having to sleep with my mouth open since my nose is stuffy. *shrugs* I guess I'm better. It's back to work I go today, regardless.

Anyhoo.. I don't have anything else to say, really-- except for thanks to everyone who kept sending me good wishes for getting better (and offering to write my paper/take my sickness.. you know who you are..)

See you all later!

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Soooo bored. [26 Feb 2002|02:55pm]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | I Alone- Live ]

1. First name: Alexandra
2. Middle name: Marie
3. Last name: Fields
4. Nickname(s): Alex, Duck, Al, Allie, Lex, and Lucky
5. Screen names: LuckyCharms930, angel_babie02
6. Gender: female
7. Age: 17
8. Type of Music: just about anything. I can only stand rap and country for so long though..
9. Birthdate: September 30, 1984
10. Birthplace: Fredericksburg, VA
11. Zodiac sign: Libra
12. Current location: Edenton, NC
13. Live with: Mom, Dad, Sam, Morgan, and Murphy
14. Name of current school: John A. Holmes High School and College of the Albemarle
15. Grade/Year(if in college): Early Completion Senior in High School, Freshman in college.
16. Graduation Date: May 31, 2002; BABY. :) (everyone, btw, is invited to my graduation and party)
17. GPA: 3.8
18. Height: 5'9''
19. Hair color: dark brown
20. Highlights/dyed: the burgundy/purple is growing out right now, and next week sometime I'm going to be getting blonde and brown highlights
21. Hair length: about 3 inches below my shoulders
22. Eye color: Blue
23. Contacts/glasses: glasses; when I get my eyes checked again it'll be glasses and contacts
24. Freckles: some
25: Birthmark(s): I have one on the back of my neck, right at the base of my skull, and another one at the very end of my spine.
26. Scar(s): Right middle finger, left middle finger, left hand just below the knuckles, left thumb, right leg just below the knee, and many many many more.
27. Type(s) of clothes you wear:
Monday-Saturday black slacks and a white button-up mens dress shirt.
Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Sunday Afternoon/Nights: jeans and t-shirts
My dressing up has become very very very rare lately only because I never go anywhere except work, school, and play rehersal.
28. Cologne/Perfume you wear: Fressia, Moonflower, Vanilla Peach, and Sweet Pea :)
29: Deodorant you use: Secret Unscented or Secret Baby Powder Fresh

Family Life

30. Mom's name: Susan
31. Dad's name: Gordon
33. Closest family member: My sister
34. Family member you could live without: Any of them!
35. Last family member you've seen: Mom
36. Oldest: grandpa bob, I think
37. Youngest: my one-month old neice, McKenna Arwen :)
38. Family member who lives the farthest away: My brother Jason, sister in-law Ronda, and nieces/nephew Krissy, Faerlan, McKenna, and Bryan in Idaho.
39. Fondest memory: I really have no idea.
40. Memory you miss the most: going shopping with my Dad and sister every Saturday morning in downtown Fredericksburg, VA
41. Family member you wish the mafia would kill: None.
42. Memory you wish you had: Uh. I dunno.
43. What you did yesterday: Slept. I'm sick.
44. What you did so far today: Woke up at 11:30, laid in bed til 12, checked my email and LJ stuff, ate three pieces of toast, came up stairs around 12:30 and typed my paper, lounged around til 1:55, went to COA dropped off my test and paper to Mr. Rabey found out my paper isn't due til next week, told him I wasn't staying, came home got online started survey at 2:55.
45. Last person you talked to on the phone: Sam
46. Last person you talked to online: Owen
47. Last movie you've seen: Princess Diaries
48. Last song you heard on the radio: I haven't listened to the radio in over a month.
49. Last CD you played: The Beatles; Sargent Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band
50. Last thing you said out loud: "Can I change the channel?"
51. Last time you showered: Yesterday afternoon around 5
52. Last book you read: The last book I read and finished was "A Walk To Remember" by Nicolas Sparks (before all of the movie hoopla)-- I'm currently working on "The Fountainhead" by Ayn Rand, "The Mothman Prophecies" by John Keel, and "Diary of Ellen Rimbauer: My Life at Rose Red" by Joyce Reardon
53. Last time you sang: Sunday at some point, I'm sure.
54. Last time you danced: Last thursday night at play rehersal
55. Last thing you ate/drank: peanut butter and strawberry jelly sandwich, sugar free oreo-type cookies, and a diet coke

Believe It or Not

57. Aliens: Sure.
58. Angels: Without a Doubt.
59: Demons: Yes.
60. Heaven & Hell: Most definitely.
61: God: Heh. Sure. :) I don't know how concrete I am about there only being One. But sure. :)
62. Your friends: A few of them.


64. Best friend: online- Bill and Lisa E. (though I will be meeting her soon!) IRL- Lauren Ross
65. Last friend: Uh. Someone at work. :)
66. Funniest: They're all pretty funny, they have to have a sense of humor to hang out with me. ;-)
67. Silliest: Krystyan
68. Loudest: Krystyan/Jamie
70. Stupidest: I can't put the names here, but he/she has made a lot of stupid decisions in life that I have a feeling he/she will end up regretting down the road. :(
71. Sweetest: All of them. :)
72. Weirdest: Kaitlyn. But she's not weird, she's just different.
73. Best at keeping secrets: Jackie
74. Most hyper: Megan/Catherine
75. Most annoying: Annoying? I don't know. Owen really gets on my nerves sometimes.
76. Friend you miss: Lauren. I miss her more than anything.
77. Friend you've known the longest: Katie (since I was 5 and she was 7)
78. Friend you haven't known long: Jackie, Krystyan, Catherine, Megan-- unfortunately we don't have much longer before I go away!! :(

Word Association

79. Bill Clinton: Sexual Relations
80. Lollipops: Watermelon Blowpop
81. Whipped Cream: Chocolate Sauce & Condoms (Jamie's christmas gift to me this year)
82. Dreams: Vivid
83. Love: Family
84. South Park: Weeeeelllllll.... She's a Bitch, she's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world.. bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch BITCH! :) (lol)
85. Guys: lacking commitment
86. Girls: too willing to commit
87. Death: coming
88. Bubble gum: Bazooka Joe
89. Water: $1.65 (thats how much Kramer's charges for our bottled Evian)
90. Ice Cream: vanilla bean
91. Oil: tanning
92. Phone: $$$
93. Food: fat
94. Kiss: 2 years
95. Pretzels: yuck.
96. Britney Spears: Hit her baby three more times.
97. School: almost over.
98. Floppy: woppy, boppy, lop. Or something like that. It was the name of my friend Amanda Decker's bunny in middle school.
99. Shoes: Expensive.

Have you ever (FYI answer yes or no)

100. Been on a plane: Yes
101. Cried in public: Yes
102. Climbed a tree: Yes
103. Gotten in a physical fight: Yes
104. Drank alcohol: Yes
105. Fell asleep in a movie theater: Yes
106. Driven a car: Yes
107. Been arrested: No
108. Broken curfew: Yes
109. Been pulled over when driving: No
110. Farted in public: No
111. Met a celebrity: Yes
112. Skipped school: Yes
113. Went to a pro sports game: Yes
114. Met president: No
115. Been scared to get a shot: Yes
116. Smoke a cigarette: Yes
117. Gotten a cavity: No
118: Done any drugs: Absolutely Not.
119: Shopped at Abercrombie & Fitch: Nope. But I've watched the extremely hot guys inside the store from the bench outside. :)
120: Gone skinny-dipping: Yes.


121. Food: Hudson. The Vegetarian Sandwich from Kramers. Grilled portabello mushroom, mozzarella cheese, red pepper, dressed with basil-vinegarette on a multigrain roll. Mmm.
122. Drink: Smirnoff Ice or Mikes Hard Lemondade
123. TV show: Saturday Night Live
124. Movie: Mr. Hollands Opus, Moulin Rouge, Now & Then, A Walk In The Clouds, The Princess Bride, Shrek, Center Stage, Elizabeth, & Shakespeare In Love
125. CD: Right now? Metallica S&M;, Harry Potter Soundtrack, Lord of the Rings Soundtrack
126. Song: Right now? Probably "Come What May" from the Moulin Rouge Soundtrack
127. Color: Blue, Purple, Yellow
128. Day of the week: I don't have one.. *shrugs*
129. Month: Well, it depends on where I am. Here in NC, it's April/May when it's just becoming warm.. but not too warm and the sky is brilliant and everything is blooming and it's beautiful.. October/November is good too here-- when the leaves are turning colors and all. :)
130. Number: Lucky 13 of course! :)
132. Favorite car: 1964 1/2 Mustang Convertible :)
133. Cookie: oatmeal butterscotch that my mom makes.
134. Toothpaste: Crest Advanced Care
135. Ice Cream: Plain Chocolate or Orange Sorbet
137. Candy Bar: Twix w/Peanut Butter
138. TV channel: I don't watch much TV.
139. Radio station: Rock99, 103.7 HotFM, 102.5 The Shark, 106.9 The Fox. :)
140. Artist/band: Metallica, DMB, The Vandals, Van Morrison, Live (thank you, Bill for introducing them to me), The Beatles, Kansas etc. etc. etc.
141. Shampoo/conditioner: Pantene Pro-V
143. Website:,,
144. Sports to play: Marching Band. :) Basketball, Softball, and Volleyball.
145. Sports to watch: Wrestling (the *real* stuff, not WWF or whatever), football, and high school/college basketball
146. Place: Asheville, NC :) Also Norfolk, Fredericksburg, and Richmond, VA-- New Port Richey, FL & DISNEY WORLD! :)
147. Vacation spot: Vacation? Whats that? For Spring Break I'm probably going to Florida or Indiana. Woop.
148. Kind of candle: The kind you burn! FIRE FIRE! ;-)
149. Color eyes: blue/green

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[26 Feb 2002|12:33pm]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | Cats In The Cradle- Simon and Garfunkel ]

You know that noise that Darth Vader makes when he breathes? Thats what I sound like now. "Ahhhh... Lukkkkeee I amm youuurrr Fatherrrrr ahhhhh"

I'm burning up and my headache comes and goes. So I'm debating on whether or not I should go to class. I have about an hour and 1/2 to decide. I did my paper and although it's not as good as I would like it to be, it's done.

*sidenote to Dan: Thank you *so* much for the offer last night, you are incredibly sweet for offering to do the paper for me, but it's done now-- I went in my room and scratched it out on paper and then got on here this morning and typed it but again THANK YOU*

Douglas (my boss) was extremely caring and called last night and told my parents that I could have today off too so that I could get better. Hopefully I will be better by tomorrow-- because eeps! I need the money! I've missed two days already, can't afford to be out anymore!

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[25 Feb 2002|09:21pm]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | Me: Wheezing, Coughing, Barely Able To Breathe, Moaning.. ]

still sick-- no better, just worse.


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[25 Feb 2002|09:17am]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | Me, wheezing, coughing, and barely able to breath.. ]

I knew that migrane was a sign of something. Bill told me not to go to work, but I did anyway. I should have listened to good ole Bill.

I have to miss work now, a whole days worth of pay-- because I can't breathe without coughing, and coughing hurts *really really really* bad. Ugh. My throat hurts, I'm wheezing when I breathe (right before I go into the next coughing fit), and I've got weird stuff in my throat...yuck. This is really starting to remind of the days when I would get bronchitis and it would stay with me for 5 to 6 months. Medications would cost us upwards of $600 and I felt like I was dying. I very, VERY rarely get sick anymore and when I do-- I get *sick*. Like last December when my temperature was reaching 104+, I was shaking so bad I couldn't stand and my entire body was turning blue. So please, lets all pray that this is just a morning bug and I'll be well enough to go back to work tonight at 5:45-- and back to my regular schedule starting tomorrow. Because I really don't want to be in bed for more than this morning and I/we can't afford the medication to take care of me. So *please* pray, dance, and/or chant to the wellness Gods/Goddesses for me.

And now that I've made my plee.. it is time for me to go back to bed.

Fare thee well, my friends.

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[24 Feb 2002|11:24am]
[ mood | dirty ]
[ music | Aerials-- System of A Down ]

So, I didn't go out with Kaitlyn friday night. I went with Jackie and Jordon to Perquimans County High School to a Youth Rally. There I saw Jonathan, Catherine, Sydney, Kendall Sykes-Wills, Jarrin, Rebeccca, Billy, and many many many more Edenton people who I haven't seen in *ages* most of them, since before Christmas on my last day of school. It was glorious. The rally was pretty interesting, really. But I've never been one for that sort of thing. I don't know why-- but it sorta bothers me when I'm *made* to feel guilty about things I've never felt guilty about-- and when I see people go onto a stage and "take jesus into their lives" after they've done it before (multiple times) only to go out and sin again & again & again. You can't be saved once a month, folks-- this isn't a cleansing ritual. This is accepting Christ. For me, it was Baptism and eventually Confirmation (when I finally find an Anglican-Catholic church I can go to). But for so many people around here-- it's standing on a stage in front of hundreds of other people, saying a prayer, usually there is some crying-- and then they leave the stage feeling whole, and very good-- but unfortunately many of those people who were on stage will be off to their normal life the next day. It's just like so many of the people just in this town! They sin all week: sex, drugs, envy, disrespect, etc. etc. etc-- and then they go to church on sunday acting all high and mighty, and don't forget that they're constantly preaching at others the greatness of the Lord and Jesus Christ and how you should go to church on Sunday; but damnit-- they're hypocrites. I can guarantee that well over 50% of the people in that room on Friday night were hypocrites-- just like I described. And it makes me so mad-- Jackie isn't like this, Catherine isn't like this-- nor is Jonathan, Jarrin, Rebecca, or Billy. But there are *so* many of those people in this town and area in general.. and it's one of the things I really HATE about this place. The music was great Friday night, being with my friends who I haven't seen in ages was even better-- but feeling the way I always do after things like that reminded me of why I don't go to church anymore.

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[22 Feb 2002|09:57am]
[ mood | sore ]
[ music | My tummy yelling.. "Heeeelp me!!!" ]

Owwwwwww... my tummy hurts!! I don't feel like going to work.. it hurts *so* bad..

But I will tough it out! Because I want to go out with my dear Kaitlyn tonight! Rah!

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I took these a while ago.. but.. [21 Feb 2002|06:04pm]
Twice the same..

I'm Rogue
What X-Men Character are You?
Well Ah do declare, Sugah! Looks like you're everyone's favourite Southern Belle: Rogue. You're beautiful, charming and tough as nails, but you've got a romantic streak as wide as the white in your hair. Yup, it appears you've got it all, except for the fact that you have to keep people at arm's length all the time and then angst about it incessantly.

Which Star-Crossed Marvel Lover Are You?
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All at once now.. :) [21 Feb 2002|09:52am]
[ mood | bored ]

Which Winona Are You?

You're Caramilk!
Just stuffed full of surprises. No one ever knows what you're going to do next. The greatest mystery to you is, naturally, "how do they get the caramel in the Caramilk bars?"

Which tarot card are you?


You are restricted. Well done, you're now
practically adult in nature, and plus, you
get to see nudity - have fun.

"Which Movie Classification Are You?"
Test created by Jamie - take it here.
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[20 Feb 2002|05:11pm]

Which Chess Piece Are You?
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[19 Feb 2002|12:03am]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Tonight- Blast! ]

After going completely crazy and renting three DVDs for two nights at Video Zone I realized that I'm never home and will probably never have a chance to watch them-- but guess what! I've already watched two of them. Moulin Rouge and The Princess Diaries. They both rocked very very much. I don't care what anyone thinks of either of them. They're great movies.

Moulin Rouge is just a beautiful film to begin with.. the cinematography is fabulous-- and then you add the story to it, and wow. Loved it. I think I'll probably buy it (along with The Fast and The Furious sometime this weekend or next). Princess Diaries was so Disney. Thats why I liked it so much. Disney rules. ;-) It was a very cute and very happy movie. All I have left is Atlantis, and I should be able to watch that after class-- before I go to play practice-- tomorrow afternoon before they have to go back. Yay!

Speaking of class.. it's going to be held at the park behind Kramer's tomorrow.. I'm really pysched about that because I've always wanted to have class outside.. and it's just so beautiful at the park.. right on the Bay.. ahh..very lovely. I just hope Candy will be back at work tomorrow so I have time to do the reading assignment! *eek!* Since I accidently left my book at work today. Douglas is going to be upset with me because I was teasing Tania about forgetting her Bio book there over the weekend.. but at least I just left it one evening! And not ALL WEEKEND! *giggles*

Anyway.. speaking of work-- since I have to be there in eleven hours, I suppose I shall hit the sack.. goodnight world!

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[18 Feb 2002|10:06am]

You're a giant oven shaped like, suprise, a brazen bull. A fire is lit under your belly, and the person inside is roasted alive. You really blow your top when someone makes you mad, though that can take a bit of work on their part.

What torture would you be?
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[17 Feb 2002|07:22pm]
Don't you just love people who post comments in response to something you've said-- only to stop allowing "non-friends" to post comments. I can't decide if it's because she's afraid what I say is right or what.

Also, Sorry Bill-- couldn't resist saying something. It happens at least twice a month where she does this to you and it's just a vicious cycle. I had to comment. *shrugs* Hope it doesn't bother you.
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[16 Feb 2002|10:21pm]

LIL' DEVILYour personality type is LIL' DEVIL. You love taking risks and will do anything on a dare. This capacity has seen you do any number of foolish things, but somehow you always come through unscathed, although innocent bystanders may not be so lucky. You're mischievous and wicked without being nasty. Your motto: naughty... but nice.
Click HERE to get your own personality doll

Where's your corner of the Twilight Zone?

Take the Twilight Zone test!
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