angelkatt's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in angelkatt's LiveJournal:

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    Thursday, November 22nd, 2001
    3:06 am
    well it is now thanksgiving and i hope everyone is going to eat a lot and sleep. It's funny but thats how mine always are, eat eat eat and then your so sleepy that you sleep. Strange huh? Today was an interesting day. I used to be in love with this guy named nathan, things just went wrong. I saw him yesterday and now he's been hanging around, yes i'm happy but also confused. Then while he was here, this guy who i also liked a lot called fom his job saying he was going to be here on saturday. What am i going to do?
    I figure i'll just go with the flow and see how everything works out. Hopefully good. Anyways, figured I would ask for advice on what to do...things are wierd with each situation. before nathan had come over i had decided to leave it be but then he just came over. I can't be like that when he's around. Dave is just wonderful and has been a cool friend over the years. I just don't know. Either i complain that i have no one or i have well, you all have a great thanksgiving

    Current Mood: awake
    Current Music: linkin park#7
    Saturday, November 10th, 2001
    12:32 pm
    hey all, this weekend is so pretty and relaxing. my roommates have left until monday so i mainly have the apartment to myself(i'm not counting the one i don't like who is still here) I'm think i'm going to go clean my car and maybe go tan....right...let's actually see if that happens or not. I'm going to fat daddy;s on sunday to play pool, it's always an acward situation now because of this guy named greg. He was really niceat first and then turned into a dick. I guess i'm kinda going to see him and look like i'm having a blast with him not around.
    Last night when i got home from work i cleaned, i have not seen this apartment llok so good ever. i've got a lot more to do , but i need motivation now. Today feels like i should go for a road trip, anywhere. some guys from target played basketball last night and i wish i would have gone to see them, for some unannounced reason. but i sat home and did some stuff....:-) well i'm gonna jet to go vacuum my car and get something to eat. later all!

    Current Mood: awake
    Thursday, November 8th, 2001
    2:24 am
    today was a gruesome day, i worked 7-6 at target and just got really drained fast. Little things just started making me think way to much, but it's ok. My friend stephen got a new car and i'm really happy for him, he's turned out to be a really cool friend. I feel bad though because he hurts so much over his ex. He deserves someone as special as he his and who will treat him right!!
    anyways tomorrow or if you look at the time today is my day off, i'm going to relaxe and sleep all day, or at least try to. I feel as though i'm losing control of my sanity, the more the time passes the more i feel all i know is changing and theres no solid ground to hold on to. will this ever pass or will it increase with time. Scary thought but i guess only time will tell....or so the saying goes. well it's time for a cig...and then bed. night all.

    Current Mood: cranky
    Current Music: linkin park
    Sunday, November 4th, 2001
    11:39 pm

    Current Mood: drained
    1:00 am
    well as always today was an awesome day...i worked and then hung out with a friend. we saw the one. The movie was good.
    Now for the thought of the day....I love my family i really do, since i have moved out i have had hard times and i have had good times. life is funny that way. My little brothers haven't seen me in awhile and i miss them, the situationn is tough but i plan on making resolutions to resolve that. My roommates are awesome except that the apartment is to small. I have no space for myself, and i feel as though i'm living in a bubble with no air to breathe. I imagine myself in better situations but the only way to get there is to change it myself. To suck it up and embrace life with a smile or to constitely think about the situation and never get anywhere. no matter the choice that you choose to take it is yours and only yours.
    My goal is to be completely happy and get over the annoying things that bother me. I'm spending the night over at a friends that will be a story to describe how we became friends but thats for another day. It is now 1:08 am and i have to work at 5 am. oh well, i will suffer the tiredness to think some things over and make some decisions.
    untill tomorrow i hope all goes well for everyone and love to all.

    Current Mood: awake
    Friday, November 2nd, 2001
    11:43 pm
    Today is a good day, although i got really ill at the end of work. I'm not sure why, mainly i think because of petty things. I realize that through drugs that uou can see how great reality is. You can control who you are and what your doing. Though drugs may be fun, what happens at the point that you want reality back and you can't control it? Thats the point when you wait and wait, or hope you fall asleep and when you wake up be back to normal. there are people who like that feelings and at time i want that, but to go everyday like that i just don't see. So after this revalation i have decided to be good and just have "fun" on a every once in awhile basis.
    Anyways enough on that subject, My goal is to be something that I like and am proud of..And I will get there. I dream of the perfect person for me and is there really that person and if there is, will i be satisfied? That is the question of the day. I have to work at 10 tomorrow...hopefully it'll be a good to all

    Current Mood: awake
    Thursday, November 1st, 2001
    7:51 pm
    doing different things shows the world as it should be when your done.....if that makes no sense then forget about it, but if it does then your on the samw wave length....
    ..well life is going to where that is not yet decided. Work is good i love my new position at target. I fell for a guy named greg but he turned out to be a dick...oh well the right person is out there somewhere...i feel as though i need a hobby, anything will do, photography, softball, just something...
    ....well the past week i have been on vacation, nice very nice, but i am actually ready to go back to work..i will try to stay current on my entereies now!! luv to all
    Saturday, August 18th, 2001
    4:46 am
    thoughts for drugs(lol j/k)
    hello old friends,
    my life is busy and in a daze. all things around me come and go but surviving is always the goal. I love being out on my own and the friends i have are terrific. I have found that some soul mates are people you see every once and awhile but when you really get to talk to them you realize it. I have a select few but they are always there and will always be. Tonight i am not in a correct state of mind....I keep thinking about this one guy and am high as well as jacked. Go figure....hey hey hey i do have off until tuesday. lol..This weekend is beach weekend! hell ya can you say mrytle beach? I'm just happy to have a break from responsibilities for a few days anyways.
    Well this guy is a guy i work with and at first i was attracted to him (when your single you always comment on who is attractive and fun to be around) well i said it about stephen, and in any event, i finally got to talk to him and it was a perfect personality match. Well i really hope things work out, i always want ones who don't want a relationship, or just got out of one, or like my as a fuck buddy only. But, i will get a realtionship and it be a good one too!
    I got a higher up job at target which rocks, i'm very excited because its like a promotion and i feel proud that i was able to obtain it!! My car got hit a few weeks back(actually months probably) but i just got it fixed and back today!! I love that car. I guess the coolest news is that my sister in minnesota is getting married in jamaca and i'm invited.hell ya.
    Life is funny i think there are no good things and no bad things, things happen and the outcome makes you respect the other things better. To really appreciate what you have you need to feel down somedays. Life is going good and i hope you all are doing great to. I will try to write more often. peace out

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Current Music: just the air from the airconditioner
    Wednesday, June 27th, 2001
    1:23 pm
    hey all
    sorry i haven't written in awile, been really busy. i have moved out off my house, got a new car, tongue pierced, belly button pierced and my braces come off in 6 days. I haven't had this much fun or been in this great of a mood in a long time. I'm working a lot but it is so worth it. Hope every one is doing good!!
    peace out

    Current Mood: ecstatic
    Wednesday, May 30th, 2001
    10:22 am
    well i have to leave in about 20 mins. for work...should be a good day hopefully. I've met some really cool people so far, and some really stuck-up ones too! I look at myself and wonder, if they think i'm stuck up and not them...I asked my sister once that if she wasn't my sister and saw me walk by what she would like..she said i look like a bitch. That is blatten honesty if i ever heard it. lol..i'm truly not though. It's just sometimes you feel so inferior to some and the only way to cope is the attitude you portrey..anyways, gotta get ready. latter all!

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Current Music: i walk alone, oleander
    Sunday, May 27th, 2001
    11:29 pm
    today was a tough day for me!! I have been exhausted all day long!! Last night was really fun though, i partied way to much but got to hang out with all my awesome friends!! I even got to sleep in a bed with I'm pretty sure i embarressed myself a number of times but, hey thats the point of being young!
    I am grateful though because i have tomorrow off and my family is going boating, also I really should feel much much much worse then i do today!! So it is good all around! Love to all!

    Current Mood: exhausted
    Current Music: just got back from the movie "Shrek"
    Monday, May 21st, 2001
    11:14 pm
    I did it....
    Well the first day was awesome. It flew by and people there were pretty cool. I'm extremely tired now though!! I stopped at Bp and I said that I worked today..and in unison they all said "you got a job" lol...I just love the harassment!! Anyways, that was pretty much my day in full, Hopefully I'll have more to write about tomorrow!! Love to all.

    Current Mood: excited
    Current Music: I need sex!!
    Sunday, May 20th, 2001
    10:33 pm
    Well i survived greensboro..I slept on the way there and on the way back. Once we got there I played pool with my dad and uncle. It was quite fun. It was a long day though and I keep thinking that I actually have to go to work tomorrow. It sounds so
    I have also come to the conclusion that I have scared Chris off, i have no idea. Thats fine, I probably don't need to date now anyways...But don't you ever just want a really good make-out session with someone?
    One of my biggest turn-ons is if you can kiss good!! Good kisses rock. Anyways, I think the last guy i got to kiss was angelo, lol..I was drunk off my ass and dragged him into a is why i don't drink around him anymore....well sometimes. :-) Anyways, wish me luck for tomorrow. Luv to all.

    Current Mood: anxious
    Saturday, May 19th, 2001
    12:25 am
    Today was an usual day. I went out for breakfast at my favorite restaraunt (GATEWAY RESTARAUNT) they have kick-ass home cooking. They are right off capital blvd. near the flea market..They have the best hashbrowns!! anyways,I then cleaned the house up for my parents.
    I stoped by BP to see chris twice and even wrote him an email, i won't say what i put in it because I was just being silly when i wrote it. I got to talk to Angelo for a bit, he left a message singing a song that was then stuck in my head the rest of the
    Finally i went to target and did some cd-rom stuff and officially start monday and work 11-7. That is pretty cool, i really hope it'll be fun!! That was about the extent of my day. Do you ever notice how days just fly by....before you know it its after midnight..
    I have to go to greensboro on sunday for a graduation party...could be interesting i guess, my parents keep calling it a family outing....spare me..j/k. Anyways, thats it for tonight..later all!

    Current Mood: content
    Current Music: j lo- DJ (repeating)
    Friday, May 18th, 2001
    12:00 am
    Do you know how someone is a true freind? You can act like complete fools around each other and actually have fun.....Well i act like a fool a lot, and get harrassed but I still have fun...i think!!lol...See now i'm in a wierd mood...don't know why, well in part angelo keeps getting me into laughing fits..:-P ya you know what you do to
    Thursday, May 17th, 2001
    11:46 pm
    oh my was having an alright day...angelo came over and saw all my think my dog really liked him..rofl..anyways, i'm glad he came by!!! I also brought my grandpa to the doctor. He is crazy i tell ya..every girl we saw young or old, he was hitting on..I so hope i'm like that at his
    I quess the best part of the day was right now, when i was reading some of the comments i recieved..they were really sweet and made me night!! I'm so ready for school to begin...and I so want to date someone who would actually treat me right, but i guess if it's ment to be it'll happen!! Anyways, luv to all!

    Current Mood: happy
    Wednesday, May 16th, 2001
    11:24 pm
    thinking to much.....
    Well i had oriantation today at target..actually went pretty good all in all. but i was hoping to go to a movie with this guy chris, but he seems to have blown me off. Figures. Heres how i see it...I will like a guy and they get scared and run away and then when i stop making it obvious that i like them, they seem more interested....i just don't get it..
    Oh well, probably didn't need to go out anyways. I brought angelo to see my granpa today, he was a nut case as always(my grandpa) and i think it amused angelo a bit...then i brought angelo some food..heheh..anyways, i also got to see susan for a bit...she was venting!!
    So i am bored and i call my friend derek, we he ends up informing me that Camaran ( a guy who owes me a lot of money) is coming back to town and talking shit about me...I wish i wasn't such a nice person, because i would so kick his ass...oh well. Actually doesn't even bother me anymore, i realize i'm a better person then him and I will prosper in the future and he'll just be in jail!! That just puts a smile on my face...later guys!!
    Tuesday, May 15th, 2001
    11:29 pm
    today was a good day!! didn't do a damn I went and bugged Angelo for awhile at his work(which is always fun) and was hoping to talk to chris today but was unsuccessful..I slept a lot too!! but i definately needed it!!lol. Anyways, i've been contemplating life once again and i really need to move out of my house....i know i always think this and i'll be in the dorms in august, but Once i'm out will i ever come back?
    Me and a close, select few are moving to california in like 2 years and my mom just sat and laughed about it today...saying i would never survive because it's so expensive there..I do realize that is true, but hey i'm young and need to take chances...taking chances is what life is will you ever know whats right till you try it? So i will move to cali!!! *smiling* just hope i'll out!!

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Monday, May 14th, 2001
    10:32 pm
    it's kinda funny, after looking back on today, i have felt I didn't accomplish anything...hehehe..oh well. I did get to drive mr. angelo home from work and talked to chris for awhile on AIM. so it was a good day. I got to talk to nemo for a bit, bad timing stopped real conversation though.
    Well i am actually hired at target believe it or not, they actually called today!! ya. so all is good..i have to run up to state tomorrow to talk to them about my classes and stuff..should be fun. I think i looked really cute today!! i usually never think that but today was one of those days were you just feel really good! I wore a black skirt(kinda short :-)) and a blue tank top(kinda tight) it was such a cute alfit!! It's funny but do you ever put on an alfit and all of a sudden you just want to wear it all the time because you like it so maybe I'm not quite right but hey thats me!!
    Anyways, i hope tommorrow is pretty and i hope all of you have a great night and day...luvs, peace out

    Current Mood: chipper
    12:24 am
    People so piss me off!! I talk to everyone and comments I make usually relate to the people in an accurate then i get reemed by a fucking person who won't even say who they are...fuck that. what fucking bull shit. I know the person i left the comment for so fuck you who ever you are!!!
    Ok feel slightly better..not much. i hate when people say shit to me when they don't even know me...fuck was ok except for that part...huuhhhuuhh...anyways...i hate being the type of person who frets over things, especially when i didn't do anything wrong.
    Well anyways, that really is bothering goes on...well this weekend was uneventful for the most part, talked to angelo a bit and saw chris at the gas station. That was cool...i'll write more tomorrow when i'm not upset!!***thanks angelo, i needed that!!***

    Current Mood: worried
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