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Wednesday, February 20th, 2002
3:15 pm - Feh
I couldn't help it, this is a really good test. Content next time, I swear!

I Am A: Neutral Good Half-Elf Ranger Druid

Neutral Good characters believe in the power of good above all else. They will work to make the world a better place, and will do whatever is necessary to bring that about, whether it goes for or against whatever is considered 'normal'.

Half-Elves are a cross between a human and an elf. They are smaller, like their elven ancestors, but have a much shorter lifespan. They are sometimes looked down upon as half-breeds, but this is rare. They have both the curious drive of humans and the patience of elves.

Primary Class:
Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy.

Secondary Class:
Druids are a special variety of Cleric who serves the Earth, and can call upon the power in the earth to accomplish their goals. They tend to be somewhat fanatical about defending natural settings.

Find out What D&D; Character Are You?, courtesy of NeppyMan!

current mood: busy

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3:56 am - Yeah, Another One
Damn you Cyn! Damn you to Saturday Night Live!

Which tarot card are you?

current mood: tired

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Tuesday, February 19th, 2002
2:01 pm - "You have thirteen hours..."

I'm Sarah!

I'm Sarah. I'm imaginative and creative, though a bit of a brat sometimes. If I use my wits, I'll get what I want. Nobody has power over me!

Take the "Which Labyrinth character are you most like?" quiz by smarmy

Yeah, yeah, I know I need to post something worthwhile. When I gather my various and sundry wits, bearings and emotions I will.

current mood: okay

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Monday, February 18th, 2002
2:19 pm - Rest in Peace
Candy, golden lab mix, guard dog and trusted friend.
1990-Febrary 18, 2002

current mood: sad

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12:04 am - Genius
Only I could manage to super-glue my fingers together twice within the same ten minute span of time.

current mood: irate

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Saturday, February 16th, 2002
2:37 am - OMFG!
Most of you will have no clue what this post is about, but I just neeeeed to express it.

Earlier tonight I was playing my enchantress (level 11) with Chris's monk Dyluk (level 14) in West Commons. Some level 2 bard walks up to us and asks Dyluk to hand some stuff to his alt. Dyluk, being the reward-seeking sap he is, holds the stuff and hands it to the guy's alt who is a 30something warrior, if I'm remembering correctly. The warrior starts looking at Dyluk's equip and asks about his ulak, which is a newer weapon that has come out with Luclin I believe. The ulak is either heavy iron or polished steel (not worth more than 200 plat) and it had been randomly handed to Dyluk for free a couple weeks earlier. The warr keeps bugging him for a trade and tosses weapon into the trade window. All the time I'm telling Dyluk in /g that this guy is probably going to try and rip him off. Dyluk actually does trade and then shows me the weapon. Long sword of Ethereal energy. Dyluk tells me he'll look up the value later.

Well...I just looked it up. IT'S WORTH 16-20 K! I now have to admit that I really must be a gamer all the way down to the marrow, 'cause I nearly cried. Why the hell can't I ever get that lucky?!

current mood: ecstatic
current music: "Soon" by Imani Coppola

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Thursday, February 14th, 2002
5:13 am - Random Exclamation of the Indefinite Time Period

"What the muffin?!"

current mood: silly

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Tuesday, February 12th, 2002
4:38 pm - Someday...
...I'm going to spend hours making myself a totally beautiful, kickass livejournal layout. I'm going to tirelessly dig through my bookmarks finding exotic and fast-loading codes to perfect it, adding fascinating details to link and text and graphic. Then, after I've done that, I'll...*drumroll*...continue to write complete crap for my journal entries! So I can look like a moron for wasting my time and yet at the same time luxuriously creative, as if I have so much time and effort to spare that it doesn't matter!

Yeah FUCKING right.

current mood: blah

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Monday, February 11th, 2002
6:26 am - Creepy
I woke up about an hour ago and my spidey sense was sounding the alarm. I got up and cut out a bunch of personal info from my website. I really don't know what this could help, but I have doubted my instinct before with less-than-satisfactory results.

Speaking of suckage, if you are an eBayer at all, do not buy from or sell to any individual with a username like St. Rita's Angel or anything containing the phrase 'saint rita.' This woman has been stealing from many people, it turns out. This morning I got yet another email about her. The username under which I dealt with her is suspended (suprise suprise) but she has another one and is screwing people over left and right.

Other than jacking people's money, this woman is apparently sick. Look here. Both of her AOL hosted sites have been dismantled, but her Yahoo profile still works. That quote scares the hell out of me.

One of the other people who got ripped off emailed me and told me that St. Rita flushed the toilet in her ear when she called about a late item. Yeah, that's funny, but it's also vaguely scary to me. I smell the forces of insanity and chaos from St. Rita, like the mother in "Requiem for a Dream." She's sick, she's crazy and she's got nothing to do all day... She can't get disability because "she's too young," or so she claims the insurance agency has said. Hypochondria perhaps? I read about fibromyalgia, which she makes mention of, and it sounds like the hypochondriach's weapon of choice. It's elusive. It's painful. It's got a scary-ass name. See here.

Okay, maybe I'm just paranoid. Perhaps this woman is sick, simply sick and not crazy. I can't deny however, that when I read about her, my insticts nag me from the back of my mind...

current mood: uncomfortable

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Saturday, February 9th, 2002
2:22 am - /whimper
Gaw, my head is killing me. I go sleep now.


current mood: uncomfortable

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Thursday, February 7th, 2002
1:47 pm - What the Hell
Stef sent me this, and I'm

1.) Name: Vivian, Aquaviann.
2.) Birthday: November 5, 1981.
3.) Zodiac Sign: Scorpio.
4.) Sex: Female.
5.) Time Right Now: 1:50 PM.

Last Person Who...
6.) Called You: Mom.
7.) Slept In Your Bed: Mom.
8.) Saw You Cry: Mom.
9.) Made You Cry: Paul.
10.) Spent The Night At Your House: Morgan.
11.) You Shared A Drink With: Mom.
12.) You Went To The Movies With: Mom.
13.) You Went To The Mall with: Mom.
14.) Yelled At You: Paul.
15.) Sent You An Email: Stef.
16.) Said They Were Gonna Kill You:

Have you ever...
17.) Taken A Picture Of Yourself With A Milk Mustache And Sent It to The Milk People: Um, no.
18.) Said "I Love You" And Meant It?: Same answer as Stef, don't say it unless I mean it.
19.) Gotten Into A Fight With Your Dog/Cat/Bird/Fish/Etc?: Yelled at my cat for knocking over a stack of bills.
20.) Been To New York?: Nope.
21.) Been To Florida?: Nope.
22.) California?: No.
23.) Hawaii?: No.
24.) Mexico?: No.
25.) China?: No, dammit!
26.) Canada?: No.
27.) Danced Naked?: Yes, in the shower and occasionally out of it.
28.) Dreamed Something Really Crazy And Then It Happens The Next Day?: Yep yep.
29.) Stalked Someone?: Not the legal definition of it, no.
30.) Had A Mud Bath?: Sort of...
31.) Wished You Were The Opposite Sex?: A couple years ago I did all the time, thanks to someone who was making me believe I should be.
32.) Had An Imaginary Friend?: Who you calling imaginary?!
33.) What time is it?: 1:56 PM
34.) Apples or Bananas?: Apples. Me allergic to bananas.
35.) Red Or Blue?: Red and blue mixed in varying degrees.
36.) Backstreet Boys Or N Sync?: N'Sync because I have to admit, I like a few of their songs. I guess that makes me counter-counter culture.
37.) WalMart Or Target?: Target. Wal-Mart has a disgusting pet department that should be illegal and Target has no pet department, but cool commercials.
38.) Spring Or fall?: Autumn.
39.) Santa Or Rudolph?: Santa. Presents, dammit.
40.) Math Or English?: Espa~nol (can't make the cool en-ye work on this keyboard).
41.) What Are You Going To Do After You Finish This Survey?: Log onto EQ and work on jewelry making with my dark elven enchantress.
42.) What Was The Last Food You Ate?: Incredibly stale bagget with butter.
43.) High School Or College?: College. Relaxed schedule and no bells.
44.) Are You Bored?: A little. Okay, muchly.
45.) How Many Of Your Buddies Are On?: Haven't checked. AIM locks up my computer and I just can't get used to ICQ.
46.) Last Movie You Saw? "Kate and Leopold," regretably.
47.) Last Noise You Heard: Paul's parakeet nagging out her husband. Those boids need a marriage counselor.

The Last Few Questions
48.) Last Time You Went Out Of State: Went to Kentucky to see Donald in October.
49.) Lucky #: Anything over $100 on my paycheck.
50.) Things You Like In A Girl/Guy?: In all people - honesty, tolerance, honor, sense of humor.
51.) Weirdest Thing About You?: I'm a bisexual virgin...I analyzed the recent State of the Union Address for kicks...I met my boyfriend via an online game...don't drink, don't smoke, don't do drugs...I know there are more.
52.) Do you have crush on someone?: No.
53.) Do they know?: Who?
54.) Do you have a Boyfriend/Gilfriend?: Yes.
55.) What's his/her name?: Donald.
56.) What Do You Think About Ouija Boards?: Interesting if not a bit cheesy.
57.) What Book Are You Reading Now?: "Daughter of the Forest" by Juliet Marillier, which I need to buy three more copies of and send to Momo, Cyn and Esther when I get the time and their addresses. Email me, people.
58.) What's On Your Mouse Pad?: Jade and Devilfish from PvP Comics.
59.) Favorite Board Game: Trivial Pursuit, even though I get my ass beaten at it.
60.) Favorite Magazine: "Rolling Stone" I guess.
61.) Favorite Sound: Rain.
62.) What Is The Worst Feeling In The World: Knowing that no matter what you say, the person you're trying to communicate won't listen to you.
63.) What Is The First Thing You Think When You Wake In The Morning?: What time is it? Should I be somewhere right now?
64.) Do you like Scary or Exciting Roller Coasters?: Hate them all.
65.) How Many Rings Before You Answer?: 2 or 3.
66.) Future Daughter's Name: Aerin, Antha, Chimere
67.) Future Son's Name: Caerxhan, Morgan, Dael
68.) Chocolate Or Vanilla?: Chocolate, duh!
69.) Do You Sleep With A Stuffed animal?: Yep. A small bear Donald sent me for my 19th birthday.
70.) Favorite Alcoholic Drink?: No.
71.) What Is Your Favorite Snapple?:
72.) Are You A Lefty, Righty, Ambidextrous?: Write with right, lift with left, use both for other things...
73.) Do You Type With Your Fingers On The Right Keys?: Yep. See? asdf jkl;
74.) What's Under Your Bed?: Discarded video card box, a couple socks, house shoes.
75.) Favorite Sport To Watch?: Tennis, martial arts or fencing if it was televised.
76.) What time is it now?: 2:23 PM

current mood: indifferent
current music: "Outta My Head" by Kylie Minogue

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Tuesday, February 5th, 2002
3:01 pm - The White Stuff
It is snowing like crazy outside and has been all day. I have been needing to head to Kroger to get my perscription filled, so of course the day I had time to do that would be the day it's snowing buckets.

By the time I got to my car from the front door I looked like I had the world's worst case of dandruff. The defroster on my back windshiled doesn't work so the glass stayed covered with an inch-thick blanket of snow as I drove. Got there, turned in the slip thingie, and was told to wait 25 minutes. Got some Reese's Pieces and toffee chocolates and a paperback that looked interesting, then milled around the store for a little longer. Found some small sponges in the cosmetics section that I can use for sculpting. Read a gaming magazine or two, and then headed back to get my drugs. They still didn't have the damn order ready, so I took my blood pressue at one of those automatic machines that they have in almost every store now. If I remember right it was 113/80 or 77 which the chart showed as 'normal'. Yay. Checked back at the counter and they finally had my order ready. Thus, I paid for my stuff, headed out of the store and drove home in my snow-encrusted car.

Reading this over, I think it looks like a pretty boring entry. Ah well, going to post it anyway since someone has slapped a 'DON'T COMMENT' sign on my journal as of late. Bleh.

current mood: sick

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Monday, February 4th, 2002
1:05 pm - Chick-ism of the Day
She says: "Don't worry honey, I'll do all the cooking for you."

She means: "Stay the hell away from my kitchen, you stupid man."

current mood: awake

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Saturday, February 2nd, 2002
12:31 pm - In The Last 30 Days...
[Edit - Okay, I realize now that this covers more like 45 days. My mind is stuck in mid-January.]

- Got broad-sided by a woman named Linda "Maldonado" (which was not her real last name, I found out later). I was in the outer turn lane, she in the inner and when we turned she moved over into me as if I wasn't in the lane at all. She snapped off my mirror and deeply dented the driver's side door. As we discussed it in a nearby parking lot, I asked her why she hit me. Did her truck have a blind spot? Her answer: "But I was turning!" No shit Sherlock. Apparently this one didn't grasp the concept of double turn lanes. I wonder how many times she had made that turn before and NOT hit someone?

- After listening to Paul throw another piss-ass tantrum, I told him he was fucking Jekyll and Hyde and that he needed help.

- Hit level 30 with Sylken. Hell, I was suprised when I made it past 20.

- Had a somewhat symbolic dream where two mushroom type things were growing below my left eye. Double damn, that was disgusting. In the dream I went to a witch-doctor woman and she gave me some green powder in a small brown paper bag. I took it home but didn't do anything with it. Instead I studied the face-fungus again, pulled it off and underneath were three small, perfectly normal looking zits. I take this to mean that after seeking help (counseling, symbolized by green powder) about my problems, I have reassessed them and they're not really that scary or unusual at all.

- Went to the EQ Fan Faire at the Adam's Mark Hotel in Dallas and communed for two days with 2,000 like-minded nerds from all over the world. We came, we saw, we broke the escalator.

- Interviewed for a job at the library. I was given two stacks of cards, one with author's names and another with decimals. I floored the librarians with my l337 alphabetizing skillz. This city is slow at hiring, so I will hear back from them in mid-February.

- Had a sucky-ass day and overreacted, thus igniting a flame war. Next time instead of checking my friends list, I'm just going to go straight to bed.

- Broke out of hell level 30 with Sylken and into 31. Explored the moon of Luclin some. It's beautiful and only occasionally laggy.

- Found out someone else has been paying for an EQ account on my card. At least they're realistic, because anything over $10 a month would put me in the negatives.

- Vehemently denied that I am getting tonsilitus again. I like my tonsils right where they are. Plus if I don't have all my pieces and parts by the end of my life, I can't get to Nirvana.

- Listened to the saga of Morgan's sister and prayed for her confused ass. I hope she makes the right decision.

- Found out something about my mom that I never would have guessed in a million years. Thus I have concluded that my mom is an even tougher cookie that I suspected.

- [Edit - How the hell could I have forgotten this one? Adding it in at 6:17 PM.] Last night was, as my dad would say, colder than a witch's titty. Mom and I built a fire in the fireplace with an artificial log and a few real ones. The real wood was on top of the fake log and somehow compressed the fire, making it magnify the heat. Pretty soon, the room and then whole house started to stink of burnt plastic. Smelled like someone had ignited a rubber ducky, and there was eye-stinging smoke filling the room. The fire was roaring like a constipated lion, and instead of the usual cheery yellow-orange, it was deep orange, almost red. Mom was worried that somewhere up inside the chimney, something else had caught. So, she called 911 and calmly explained the situation. I stuffed both cats in their carriers and into the car, along with the dog and moved the car to Bobby and Annette's driveway. In what seemed like no time at all, four firetrucks and one marked SUV pulled up. Guess there weren't many kittens needing rescued from trees that night. The captain of the firemen (who, incidentally, is Bobby and Annette's son) came in with five other yellow-suited dudes and checked out the fireplace. They looked up in the attic a bit to make sure nothing was burnt up inside of the chimney. Then they told us it was okay, and to call if we had more problems.

And thus end this recount of my last 30 days, which was actually about 45 days.

current mood: bored
current music: noisy birdies outside my window

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Friday, February 1st, 2002
3:42 am - And Now, Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Kvetching
My credit card number was stolen recently. Tomorrow I have the sheer joy of driving to the bank and explaining to someone why I need to stop payment on a few things. Whoever the l337 H4X0R was, he failed to realize that this sort of thing only works if the person with the card actually has some money. /sigh

current mood: tired

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Thursday, January 31st, 2002
6:07 pm - One More Time
Okay, for what is hopefully the last time.

A. I think the pic is gross and not in any way funny. Imagine the person you love the most in that same position in reality. Still think it's funny?

B. I don't have a problem accepting death, I just don't like seeing it. When I was very young I saw some similar things that I have never told anyone and never will. Those are between me and The Cosmic Chicken in the Sky.

C. I don't like having death shoved in my face. I don't like seeing it mocked. I find it ironic when people are heartbroken at the loss of a loved one or friend yet can make a joke out of a stranger's death.

D. For the final time, Sweet Jessica Christ, I HAD A BAD DAY. And then I blew up. I'm sorry, those stupid emotion thingies caused me to do something wrong. In spite of that though, it still beats the hell out of being desensitized.

current mood: tired

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12:13 pm - Pointless As It May Be...

See which Greek Goddess you are.

current mood: awake
current music: "Son of a Gun" by Janet

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Sunday, January 27th, 2002
6:28 pm - Trippy Realization of the Week
In the 60's, the Beatles were a boy band.

Solid proof that it pays to know how to play instruments.

current mood: calm
current music: "Lovely Rita" by the Beatles

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11:17 am - Oh Ye of Little Faith...
... you were right. I'm not going to make my self-set deadline for all those topics. Actually, I haven't been in much of a livejournal mood recently. However, while I'm here I will say that the Fan Faire kicked ass and that my livequest team got into the top ten! Plus while I was there I met a couple of really cool people. Now, completely unasked for, one is going to powerlevel me and the other is twinking me out in Ravenscale. These Fan Faire thingies pay off in various ways, it seems.

current mood: good

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Tuesday, January 22nd, 2002
8:33 pm - This Post Sucks
Okay, here's the list:

-Greeting cards
-Linda "Maldonado"
-Hey Laura, can I add you to my friends list?
-Shakira and Jennifer Lopez
-[Edit] Dreamcatcher by Stephen King

I will post about any or all of these topics before the week is over. I will, really.

current mood: apathetic
current music: "Whenever, Wherever" by Shakira

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