Candice's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Candice's LiveJournal:

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    Wednesday, September 4th, 2002
    4:22 am
    Long time no write......
    Well, I figure since I'm near a computer with internet, I should at least try and update a little. Not alot because in the time I've been not writing, a lot of stuff has happened. But... Since there is a slim chance that people actually read my journal, I'll do a short update.

    Blah. I don't even know where to start. I'm sure, somewhere in here there is good stuff to write about. Hmmmm.. *poke* *prod* *shuffle* *sift*

    AHA!!! I might have found something by george. heh. Yeah sorry bout that folks. Actually I lied. I have nothing good to write about that has happened since I've been gone. SO, im not going to write about all that. I will just start off with today, and pretend that I was never gone at all. Sound good? Good.

    Today was actually an alright day. Worked all day till 8pm. Then a couple of friends, and I went walking, which is something I have started doing. Gotta keep in shape ya know. Always feel good after some form of exercise,(no matter what kind, hehehe, naughty naughty)

    Tomorrow night I'm going clubbing, which is a once a week deal. Quite fun actually. Get all dressed up in my dancin clothes, then dance the night away. Actually looking forward to it to.

    Well, thats it for now I think....



    Current Mood: bouncy

    (kiss me)

    Friday, June 7th, 2002
    12:32 am
    Hmm.. nothing new to report.. Tattoo is all healed finally. Been working my ass off. Trying to decide if I should make another move...blah.. I need to find some place where people wont screw me over... blah.. like that will happen.. anywho

    better be off for now..


    love and hugs to all...

    (kiss me)

    Tuesday, May 28th, 2002
    5:52 pm
    Long time no write
    Hey all,

    Just thought it was bout time I kind of let people know that I was still alive and kicking. Still dont have the internet, so I finally broke down, and asked to use a friends puter. Gotta love friends. There's really nothing new to report. Just been busy at work. Trying to stay out of trouble. Which I find is hard to do now a days. Got a tattoo. Its pretty.. One of these days I'll get it scanned and I'll post it. Its a dragonfly. I absolutly love it.
    I'm taking a break from partying. Found that I was drinking a lil too much, a lil too often. heh. Naughty naughty.
    Eh. Stress will make you do strange things. Went from being miss good girl, who was bad SOMETIMES, to lets go get a tattoo and start drinking. Of course, ive always wanted a tattoo. It just took so long because I wanted the perfect one. And I actually found it. heh.
    I used to tell myself I would never drink or smoke. Because I didnt want to be like my parents. But yeah. That didnt work. I dont smoke. Well I do if ive been drinking. But only 1 or 2 then. But yeah. Im taking a break from the whole drinking thing, because it almost got me in trouble. So yeah. No more for me for awhile.

    Anywho. Other then that. Things are going alright. Having a few ups and downs, but thats to be expected I guess. I'm finally eating semi-normally now. Which is something. And i think im getting the hang of the whole living by myself, and paying rent/bills thing. Heh. Its called payment arrangements. *LOL*
    Anyways... I'm thinking im getting sick of this whole single thing. Its damn lonely. *sigh*
    Oh well

    I guess I better get going. Dont want to tie up my friends puter anymore.

    take care all, until I write again

    Love ya, and miss ya



    Current Mood: content
    Current Music: the pitterpatter of raindrops

    (kiss me)

    Thursday, April 11th, 2002
    8:30 pm
    WOOHOOOOOOO.. so okay.. I GOT TO SEE DEFAULT AND NICKLEBACK IN CONCERT ON TUESDAY!!!! hehehhehehe.. was and my best friend were like 15 ft from the stage..OMG.. it was great.. it was my first concert.. and i had so much fun.. took my mind off some things.. loved it.. bought a tshirt that cost a fortune

    I also went and picked up the keys to my new apartment today.. WOOOHOOOO!!!! I'm supposed to be packing right now.. I'll be all moved in by this weekend.yay.yay.yay. PRIVACY..finally..LOL..

    I cant wait.... nervous'll be okay.. *grins*

    anywho.. thats bout it for now..

    OH.. i wont be online for a while.. turning off the internet, and phone.. but i'll jump on once in awhile to update you guys..

    LOVE YA!!!!!!!!!!!

    Forever in your thoughts, and mine..


    Current Mood: excited
    Current Music: staind

    (1kiss | kiss me)

    Saturday, April 6th, 2002
    9:24 pm
    going crazy )

    Current Mood: stressed
    Current Music: staind

    (3kisses | kiss me)

    Sunday, March 31st, 2002
    8:23 pm

    Current Mood: amused

    (kiss me)

    Saturday, March 30th, 2002
    9:34 pm
    Hi Its been awhile since I've actually written anything..And I really dont know what to say now.. Except....

    read on )

    Current Mood: calm

    (1kiss | kiss me)

    Thursday, March 28th, 2002
    10:44 pm

    Current Mood: bored

    (kiss me)

    Monday, March 25th, 2002
    10:37 pm
    I just read someones journal...and they mentioned the fact that this year they are turning 20. And I thought to myself. HOLY SHIT.. IM goin to be 20 at the end of this year... Im no longer goin to be a teenager, and that is a very scary thought to me. I dont even remember bein 16 anymore..let alone how it felt to be Oh my. What to do, what to do. 20 years old.... That doesnt mean I have to stop being a big ol' dork right???? lol

    BTW, I got my picture to be my icon... Thank you NOXIOUS!!! *grins*

    Now then, If only i could figure out how to put it so its IN my journal, so its not so little....oh well.. maybe its better that no one can see me close up...heh...


    Current Mood: cold

    (1kiss | kiss me)

    Friday, March 22nd, 2002
    8:24 pm
    Wandering, in the misty afterglow of your shining eyes..
    wandering, lost, loving it. loving you.
    Shining eyes, sparkling smile. love it. Loving you.
    Could wander forever like this. Lost. In the misty afterglow
    of your shining eyes.
    Lost.In the strength of your arms, your touch. loving it.
    loving you.

    Current Mood: satisfied
    Current Music: Radio-Delilah

    (kiss me)

    Thursday, March 21st, 2002
    8:29 pm
    Okay, sorry bout all the, "You are a" things.. lol, i just found them while browsing thru livejournal. And I liked them, and most of them actually described You should try them out!

    Current Mood: dorky
    Current Music: Nickelback-silverside up

    (kiss me)

    8:28 pm

    (kiss me)

    8:23 pm

    (kiss me)

    8:17 pm

    (kiss me)

    8:13 pm

    (kiss me)

    8:10 pm

    (kiss me)

    8:05 pm

    (kiss me)

    4:48 pm

    Go Faeries!!

    Take the What Faery Are You? Quiz!

    This quiz was made by lia

    (kiss me)

    2:41 pm
    *sings* LA LA LA LA!
    Ya, *ahem* Anyways *grins*

    I dont have no clue, but, for some reason today I am in a semi decent, if not a good mood! Which is good. I havent felt good for some time lately. I wish I knew why I did all of a sudden. But I find that I dont care. Just as long as it lasts for awhile. :0)

    I talked to a friend from work yesterday, and her room mate might be moving out some time in the future, and she said I was more then welcome to move in and be the new roomie. Which is cool. Because I know that once I move out of this house, I will be much happier, and have some weight off of my chest. I mean, okay ya, my family is a little screwed, but I still love them. And thats all I can do. But. I need to move on for myself.

    If the room mate thing doesn't happen, thats okay, because I still plan on finding somewhere else to live. And I know my dad probably wont be too happy, but I'm sure he'll come to understand, and thats all I can hope for.

    Anyways... I've decided that outside my family life, and problems. My life isn't as bad as it could be. I actually have a an okay life. I just have to make it that way. Otherwise I really will go insane, and do something drastic.

    BUT. I'm having a good day and for that I am thankful.
    I've also decided to figure out a way to get myself a little religion. I know nothing about anything. *lol* and no thats not funny but ya. I've been to church a couple of times with different friends, and they have been different churches, and beliefs, so I've learned a little bit. But I guess I want to learn more.
    We'll see what happens..

    Anywho thats it for now,



    Current Mood: cheerful
    Current Music: Enya-one by one

    (kiss me)

    Saturday, March 16th, 2002
    6:52 pm

    What is your meaning of life?

    Current Mood: okay

    (kiss me)

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