Garfield High School's LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]
Garfield High School

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[15 Nov 2001|04:06pm]

i don't really go to garfield... all the time... but i do for latin so i'm here.
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[15 Nov 2001|03:56pm]

[ mood | sick ]

hello everyone!

um.. this is trida... you might know me.

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blah blah blah blah blah [25 Oct 2001|07:46pm]

Hey hey hey, has anyone gone on the Hawaii trip before. Is it worth the money? 'Cause if I had 1100 dollars I don't think I would spend it on a school trip. Upperclassman friends say it was fun and everyone else is going, I don't wanna be left out. I gotta work my ass off for the money so I don't wanna blow it.
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[25 Oct 2001|05:43pm]

bleh. anyone know if/when the faculty play will be performed tomorrow? i need the extra credit in math...
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[02 Oct 2001|04:48pm]

So, is anyone gonna go to homecoming?
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[30 Sep 2001|01:59am]

Wow i figure out how to post in this dam comunity thing.. i was like how the hell do i post.. ten i read the FAQ... hehe.... but what the point of a comunity when u can post it in your own LJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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[28 Sep 2001|05:29pm]

[ mood | amused ]

Did anyone see the skirmish between the ADD kid and the freshman in glasses at lunch by the pool today?

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[22 Sep 2001|11:16pm]

[ mood | unwell ]

Out of curiosity, are there actually any good LA teachers at GHS?

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[13 Sep 2001|05:01pm]

[ mood | amused ]
[ music | the sound of my neighbors chain saw ]

I have a problem. I am in Ms. Crams and I am not passing. I mean failing. I don't fail grr...what to do??? I am trying to try but she grades tough. I HATE HIGH SCHOOL. Besides classes, people, and the halls during passing periods, GHS is really hard compared to lil' ol' Madison.

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[08 Sep 2001|04:11pm]

So.....did everyone get their lockers yet?
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[08 Sep 2001|02:23pm]

Any names of the fuckwit teachers I should stay away from?
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[04 Sep 2001|06:42pm]

[ mood | bored ]
[ music | CB Mass - Booze ]

School starts tomorrow! I can't wait to check the "magic locker", last year my friends and I stuck an old bagel, a book I stole from the library, a half-drunk Dr. Pepper, and poured soda over it all. I wonder if it's still there. Probably not, but we'll see....

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Another schedule! Yay! [03 Sep 2001|07:30pm]

[ mood | bored ]

Amanda was bugging me to post my schedule, so... here you go.

1 - World History - Anderson
2 - Phys Ed - Floyd
3 - Japanese 2A - Raffety
4 - Lang Arts - Lavan
5 - Biology - Shope
6 - Integrated 2 - Figel

I'm hoping I don't get picked on in Japanese, cause I'll probably be one of the youngest people there. But I think I'd go insane if I had to take Japanese 1 again, I already knew most of it the first time...

For those of you who don't know, this is Jenny. Most of you still probably don't know who I am, but that's okay :)

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[03 Sep 2001|04:44pm]

[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | Nirvana ]

i've disabled anonymous comment posting becuase i'm tired of recieving comment notifications from that stupid anonymous smart ass.

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[02 Sep 2001|02:10pm]

[ mood | blah ]

School starts in 2 days. Whoopie.

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one more request! [31 Aug 2001|12:47pm]

[ mood | devious ]
[ music | Linkin Park ~ Points of Authority ]

Zach Layng.

Feel free to frosh him. he'll be the kid with the long hair and the glasses in calc.

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for all you people that can frosh... [30 Aug 2001|06:08pm]

[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Less Than Jake ~ Ask The Magic 8 Ball ]

I have two sugguestions for people you could frosh.

Will Pickard and Nathan Pflueger.


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Ops. [30 Aug 2001|05:38pm]

[ mood | hyper ]
[ music | NOFX - Don't Call Me White ]

Hey, it's james, u should know who i am by now =\

Hmm...i wanna be a mod...or ops...whatever it is on LJ...someone op me! plz!

/op Antiflag330

garfield_hs sets channel mode +o Antiflag330


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My Schedule [29 Aug 2001|08:43pm]

[ music | Long Beach Dub Allstars - Sunny Hours ]

Marine Science - Spang
Beg. Journalism - Miranda
AP Calculus - Nomura
Chinese 2 - (unknown) <-- seriously!
Adv. Mfg. Tech. - Rye
AP European History - Cerquitella (sp?) I'm doing it from memory.

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Make an introductory post. [29 Aug 2001|02:41pm]

[ mood | irritated ]
[ music | Nirvana ~ On A Plain ]

I have to ask you to make an introductory post. Thank you for posting your schedule, but what good does it do if I don't know your name?!

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blah blah blah blah blah blah [29 Aug 2001|02:35pm]

[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Koyote - Disturbance (Pa'ran) ]'s my schedule:

1 ~ LA 10AH - Strenz
2 ~ Japanese 2A - Raffety
3 ~ Auto Tech - McCue
4 ~ Marine Science - Spangenberg
5 ~ Integrated 3A - Smith
6 ~ World History 3H - Mandelman

Only reason I don't have AP Euro History is because I slacked off and got a C during 4th quarter. I feel stupid now.

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[29 Aug 2001|01:26pm]

[ mood | hopeful ]

This is incredible! Only a few days and the community has grown so much.

Any advice on how NOT to get froshed?

I've heard of a senior duct taping a freshman on the walls and throwing someone into the lake after tying them up and other humiliating things... But what is the worst?

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my scheduel [29 Aug 2001|12:48pm]

1)japanese 3A-Raffety
2)Marine science-spangenberg
3)AP Euro Hist-Mandleman
4)LA 10A-Miranda
6)"tech theater-ross

what the hell is tech theater?
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more new things. *yay* [28 Aug 2001|07:56pm]

[ mood | blank ]
[ music | Nirvana ~ Breed ]

there's 17 people that are currently listed as members, but only 6 of them really are... I just added them to the community's friend list so that maybe they'd notice and check out the community and consider joining it. so the number of members doesn't matter as of now.

also, the schedules I've saved {~*nathan and thuy's*~} have now made it to the memories of the community. as more schedules are posted, they will be saved in the memories.

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are you happy now? [27 Aug 2001|02:19pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Nirvana ~ Polly ]

the backround color is not dark violet anymore, if you hadn't noticed.
do you think it looks less "far too girly" for you now, nathan?

I also changed some other text colors, so the journal should look a lot better than it did when thuy just started it or when I first changed it.

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annyoingness [27 Aug 2001|10:40am]

[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | Nirvana ~ In Bloom ]

I've been trying to add the currently posted schedules to the memories of the community, but i've added both of them like, 4 times each and they won't show up!! i'll just wait and do it again when the new servers have arrived.

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New Garfield Pic [24 Aug 2001|10:24pm]

[ music | Mest - What's the Dillio? ]

Okay, I tweaked the pic that my sister gave me to use as the pic for this journal... I'd rather have the GHS coat of arms (found on the 2001 yearbook cover), I don't have the time to look for it, and the school website is down. (The one on the yearbook cover is a raised relief, and that obviously can't be used.)

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Advice... [24 Aug 2001|09:58pm]

[ music | Lit - Miserable ]

Okay. First off, don't screw around in Mr. Anderson's class (if you have him). There are a lot of people who want to get in there. If you don't want to put effort into your work there, get out. He will tell you that. And I just did. If you get Ms. Wooten, I feel for ya. She's the worst teacher I've ever had. You guys are so lucky Mrs. Brown is retired now. Her class was such a waste of time... she was also the most annoying person in the school.

When Desert School comes around, sign up immediately. Especially girls, because the spaces for girls fill up very quickly. It's one of the best things about being a freshman. Don't let it pass you by. Once you're there, don't take the yellow kayak. Unless they fixed it. When I used it, the left pedal for the rudder wouldn't lock, so it kept veering to the right. Andrew [Sumitani] and I put the most distance on that lake.

That's all the advice I have for now... Have to go to sleep, doncha know.

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i've got the power! [24 Aug 2001|09:29pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]

this is fun! lol. anyway, i changed the colors, BUT i don't know how it looks because IT'S NOT WORKING! anyway, they're supposed to be purple and white. gee, wonder why... anyway, i'll be out the whole day tomorrow. if ya got anything to tell me or whatever {~*about the community or personal things*~} e-mail me. you know the address. if you don't, its n the info page.

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[24 Aug 2001|09:17pm]

[ mood | worried ]

Here's my schedule:

01     	(MT F)		Biology 1		R308	Science Teacher #3
01-02 (W) Biology 1 R308 Science Teacher #3
01-02 (R) Swimming Pool Sheen, Lyle
02 (MT F) Swimming Pool Sheen, Lyle
03 (MT F) World History 1H R119 Anderson, Warren
03-04 (W) World History 1H R119 Anderson, Warren
03-04 (R) Latin 1A R206 Judge, Jennifer
04 (MT F) Latin 1A R206 Judge, Jennifer
05 (MT F) Language Arts 9AH R226 Robinson, Marilyn
05-06 (W) Language Arts 9AH R226 Robinson, Marilyn
05-06 (R) Integ Math 2AH R313 Stetzer, Joel
06 (MT F) Integ Math 2AH R313 Stetzer, Joel

On Wed, we have classes 1, 3, and 5 block. (One class lasts for 2 periods.)

And on Thurs, we have classes 2, 4, and 6.

(It's a bit more confusing than my straight foward MS one, but I've figured it out with Chris Henning's help...)

Yay, I got Mr. Anderson. He's supposed to be really good. (Poor Katherine, she didn't get him.) And Stetzer was rumoured to be cool too. only for LA, I got fucky Robinson, I met her and did NOT like her at all. She's too perky and eerg, the sophomores said that she had really bad control of the class and is a really boring teacher.

I was in her room for the orientation (when we spilt into groups) and for god's sakes, I saw a poster one of her students did of Helen Fielding's, The Egde of Reason (Part II of Bridget Jone's Diary...)

It's a funny book, but defintely NOT literature.

I also met the Latin teacher, and she seemed pretty cool. I told her that I heard her class was pretty tough and she said it's pretty easy, except in Freshman year, there is a lot of memorization and that's probably the reaosn why it's hard.

She said Latin will make me think of English words in a completely new way. It sure will.

Actually, I was introduced to Latin and Greek words in 5th grade, so I know what it does to you.

I am so glad I didn't get Fiegel, Aaron's friend said he was a dumbass. I wouldn't be too surprised if he was.

I'm going to have to drop swimming since I can't swim. I ahve no idea why I signed up for that class. What class should I take instead?

I wonder if joining the golf team would let me waiver my gym requirements.
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hey, check it out! [24 Aug 2001|09:02pm]

[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Stroke 9 ~ Washin' + Wonderin' ]

I'm the maintainer of this site now... you know, cuz i got the skills.. LOL only not.

anyway, i'll be periodically adding new things to the info page and changing the appearance of the journal over the summer. during the school year, i might not change as much stuff, but HEY you go to school too!!

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Hey All [24 Aug 2001|03:31pm]

Hey everyone, i might as well post something here, seeing as I'm a member. I think I'll put up my schedule so all you people can cross-check it for periods in common with me. It goes as follows:

1World History 1 HonorsAnderson, Warren119
2AP Calculus 1Nomura, Jeff107
3Latin 1AJudge, Jennifer206
4Concert OrchestraTsutakawa, Marcus208
5Language Arts 9A HonorsRobinson, Marilyn226
6Biology 1Jacklet, Jessica308

Note that i have edited it to a certain degree, I've only listed periods 1-6, not all the extra lines it adds for the double period days, and expanded courses to their full title, not just what fits on the schedule.
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yo [24 Aug 2001|02:44pm]

thuy said i should make a post, so ummm here goes...

okay i don't go to ghs yet, but i'm going to. after this year. i still go to wms. come down and visit me!! lol... i only joind this because i thought that thuy needs more people in here, and besides, i know i'm going so why the hell not?

okie bye.
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Hello everyone: [24 Aug 2001|02:39am]

[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Only Happy When it Rains - Garbage ]

Welcome to the Garfield_HS community where you can type about almost anything. Well, anything related to Garfield or high school, that is.

To introduce myself, I am entering Garfield as a Freshman this year. No, you may NOT frosh me. If in case you still want to, at least tell me what you are going to do first.

I started this community for Garfield students and potential GHS students to post questions or advice or just experiences they had at Garfield. Yes, you heard right, you can bitch all you want about GHS right here.

Yes, I know our school colours are purple and white, but this is as close as I can get without HTML help. (Anyone volunteering to help?)

I also know that our mascot is the Bulldog, (of course) but the bears are as close as I can get (pardon me). (Anyone want to create those bulldog emoticons?)

I don't know what more to say but for you to just have fun, learn something (OMG, we have to learn here?!?), and maybe meet a few of your RL friends from GHS that you didn't know had an LJ account.

-Thuyzers (Quirky_Me)

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