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Wednesday, November 14th, 2001

Time:9:49 pm.
Mood: tired.
Music:(in my head) Tori Amos - Bliss.
my spoon is too big. my spoon is too big. MY SPOON IS TOO BIG!



hooray for spike and mike. i had good laughs with pat. hooray.

i am at adam's! he is going to fetch his laundry, then we're toolin' back to our flat. (flat. hooray for britishenglish.)

i sent lena a big huge long email today. i gushed. but i suppose i should gush to her, since i gush to other people and she's the one who needs to hear it. thanks to staci for giving me the kick in the bum yesterday evening. (:

oooooooooook! time to skidaddle. i am one tired girl.

good night, fare thee well, gute reise! and stuff!

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Time:5:35 pm.

i am feeling a bit sicky-poo. i hope i'm not getting sick. :(

i was going to meet my mom at the hospital at 8:30 this morning, to visit my grandma. i waited around until 9, went back to my car and called her.. to find that they were still stuck in traffic on 520. pooh. ah well. maybe i will visit her tonight?

i had a yummy lunch today, and pickled up some groceries at the local co-op. i am going to bake mayonnaise-free artichoke dip for the potluck on friday. hooray! i will get to use my cool pottery.

tonight = spike and mike's at the varsity at 9:20. with pat maybe? other people should go too. (:

i have to pee. eep!

k. all for now. K BYE!

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Tuesday, November 13th, 2001

Subject:werk werk werk
Time:3:47 pm.
Mood: blah.
Music:Radiohead - OK Computer - Paranoid Android.
i am bottling scented lotions. they are very strong-smelling. it is almost overpowering for my poor nostrils. :(

my mom called me this morning. apparently when they went to visit my grandma in the hospital on sunday (was it sunday?), she was looking much better than anticipated. mom says she was staring at my uncle the whole time, in awe to see him. (he flew up from arizona, unbeknownst to her.) she's off the respirator, is breathing fine on her own, opens her eyes, smiles, is making hand gestures and nodding and talking and such. so if i had gone with, i wouldn't have been emotionally scarred for life. hooray!

soooooo. today is my little sister's 14th birthday. i am meeting Tha Fam at the Olive Garden in lynnwood tonight after work for a big huge dinnAr. afterwards, i'm probably going to the hospital to visit grandma. (: i hope she truly is feeling well. i'm glad that she's looking better. but still, how would it feel to know that you have no intestines in your abdomen? creepy, i think.

i should get back to bottling. la la.

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Time:9:16 am.
Music:Sundance Film Festival - Julia Darling - Bulletproof Belief.
i'm wearing this old blue sweater
the one that you've had since high school
i stole it one year as you stood in the mirror
and i said that the red one looked better
and just for a moment you hold me
as i pull it over my head
and the sleeves are too long
and the shape is all wrong
but it works for when i'm feeling lonely

and now everywhere i go, i take a part of you with me
did i take it like a thief or just carelessly?

and why did you have to go trust me?
trust is an evil thing
it's like standing in front of the train while the driver screams and the angels sing
i cried when i opened your letter
but i could have told you so many hearts have been warned by this engineer's horn
but no heart ever wants to know better

and now everywhere i go, i take a part of you with me
did i take it like a thief or just carelessly?

you know all my secrets, you know everything about me
ihe way i take my love, my chances,
my own sweet time, and my coffee

and now everywhere i go, i take a part of you with me
did i take it like a thief or just carelessly?

and now everywhere i go, i take a part of you with me
did i take it like a thief or just carelessly?

-Kami Lyle, "Like A Thief"

i am at work. i need to get the bookstore key back from janet, so that i can actually let myself in when nobody else is here in the morning. i was surprised to be the first one here. hrm.

there are so many boxes. we musta got a lot of shipment in. and i have to do inventory. so why am i taking the time to update livejournal? because i feel like it. :P

i haven't heard anything from lena. i want to think that she's purposely distancing herself because she likes me too much and doesn't want to get close, otherwise she'd want to start something that she doesn't have time to start. i'm wondering if she'll email me? i need to stop thinking about it.

i sent an email ad to the girls-seeking-girls stranger personals this morning, because i'm feeling adventurous. i figure the title from a very well-known ani song would be a good eye-catcher for the younger folky-dykies out there. test the waters.

blarg. i was going to delve into my brain and come up with something witty and deep to say, but alas. oh well. i am wearing wintergreen today -i love minty smells.

ciao for now.

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Monday, November 12th, 2001

Subject:because of the rain
Time:12:51 pm.
Mood: chipper.
Music:(in my head) Belle & Sebastian - Me And The Major.

nobody came over last night - but it was a good thing. i wasn't in the best of moods, i was bitchy, and my ceiling started leaking. that's right! pouches of water along a strip of the ceiling, namely over my bed, started dripping water. it made me say "FUCK!"

bowl and cup solved the problem. they caught they water. bowl and cup are my friends. i drained most of the water out, talked with the upstairs neighbors and my dad trying to figure out what it was, blah blah. watched magnolia for the first time.. wow. (:

uhhhh. got to sleep at like 2 am. :\ i was going to sleep out in the main room, but noticed that the ceiling had stopped leaking. so i slept in my bed. and everything was fine. they're going to check the upstairs neighbors' bathtub drain to see if that's what did it, since their bathroom is right above my bedroom. i hope they fix it. and i hope i don't have to move everything from my room out into the living room. :(

uhhhh. this morning i slept in late, then took ms. gnat to the train station. we rocked out to belle & sebastian. then i came back up here to adam's. he is addicted to the new tony hawk game. :\ he's been out of the shower for like a half hour, and we're supposedly going down to solstice, but he's making no moves to get up off the couch. sillie boy!

gina is off work at 4:30. we're picking her up and probably going down to ikea. i don't know if we will, though, because we're planning to see Amelie at the Egyptian tonight at 7, and traffic at that time of the day is horrendous. we wouldn't get down there until probably 5:30, then we'd have a half hour to look around, and it'd take us probably an hour to get back. :\ two hours of driving for a half hour of looking? no thank you. especially since i'm the only one who pays for gas.

so uhhhh.yeah. people should go to the movie tonight. (:

i think i will now drag adam off the couch and down to solstice.

and happy birthday to my melissa, even though she's probably never heard of livejournal and wouldn't read this! i love you!


ciao bellas..

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Sunday, November 11th, 2001

Subject:hot kachina
Time:1:32 pm.
Mood: crappy.
Music:(in my head) lots and lots of rufus!.
hi. i'm at my mom's.

friday was tori. did i already write about it? probably. oh well. it was cool enough to deserve two entries. it rocked. (: my socks. (:

uhmmm. yesterday we slept in until after noon. yay! took tyler to the airport where there were no lines. i guess that's a good thing, we thought the lines were going to be loooooooong. on the way home, we stopped by Pike Place Market so that the gnat could get stuff at Tenzing Momo. i bought things too. :\ essential oils and such. we came back to the pad and and watched Dancer In The Dark. it was my 2nd time seeing it, but i still cried my eyes out. D:

then i made sketti, and we watched Your Friends And Neighbors. it was cool. it had lesbians in it. and that's always a plus.

uhmmmm. then we slept? no, then i went down to adam's to get him and pick up gina. while at u-village, i went into QFC to buy toilet paper. yay being able to wipe your ass with something other than kleenex! :D

soooo. then we went to sleep, yes. was awakened this morning by a telephone call from my mother, shortly before 10 am. my uncle is on his way up here from arizona (he's probably already here, mom left for the airport an hour or so ago) because my grandma isn't doing too well. she's had fevers for the past week, hasn't been able to speak for a week, has been unconscious for a few days, had another surgery because her bowels were "leaking", so they brought the end of her small intestines up to the surface and she has a colostomy bag. :\

basically, since she's unconscious, is on a respirator, is a vegetable, and told us that if this ever happened to her that she wants us to just pull the plug.. they're going to pull the plug. everyone's going down to the hospital today. my mom says she doesn't look good. i'm not going to the hospital. the last memory of her that i have is when she looked healthy, held my hand and was telling us all that she loves us. and that's the way i want to remember her.

so. tomorrow is melissa's birthday (yay!) and the day after is my little sister's birthday (yay!) and the day after THAT is jesse lenihan's birthday (asshole!) but that's ok because i don't talk to him anymore. :D uhmm. so. i don't know if i should make plans for this weekend, in case i have to go to my grandma's funeral. she's dying. :( eep.

ooooooook. now that that's out of my system, blah blah. i had to come up here today because my uncle is staying in my room, and i still had stuff all over the walls and trash bags and crap on the floor, etc. now that's all out, the only things in my room are my graduation gowns and medieval costume i'm leaving in the closet, my bed, and the blankets on my bed. i even vacuumed the floor and it looks all purty. the gnat was here to help me, too. yay. !

i am yawning. oh boy.


i need to transfer all of my files onto floppy disks so that i can upload them onto the laptop. and blah!

sooo. this is very scattered. deal with it. :P

tonight, people should come over. again, the fourplex is on 91st and Linden (in the northgate/greenwood area), we're apartment B. if you need information on how to bus here call ADAM (haha, i'm volunteering him) or call me for driving directions. CALL, as i won't be checking my email any more today, so if you reply to this i won't get it. haha! again! 425.345.2584! call or text message, i'd like to have company over this evening. (:

and i think that is all. yes.

ok. goodbye.

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Saturday, November 10th, 2001

Subject:hi! :D
Time:9:05 pm.
Mood: happy.
Music:(in my head) Rufus Wainwright -Cigarettes And Chocolate Milk.
so uhh how's it goin'?

last night i saw RUFUS WAINWRIGHT and TORI AMOS. hi. i saw tori. last night. rufus and tori rocked me. tho she didn't play mother or sister janet, she DID play bells for her and upside down and cooling and a bunch of other rockin' rhythms.. so i am a happy girl.

i would just like to note that things are going along smoothly, meestor tyler (devilboy77) was lovely as heaven, miss natalie (stumbline) is still here and adam and gina are lovely too. right now i am at adam's, and we are on our way to pick gina up from work.

i have decided that i should stop having a crush on lena. isn't that good of me? yes. if only i could make myself stop liking her, then i would be set. because i'm getting annoyed being the only one pursuing things, ie making the effort to communicate in any way, shape or form. if she wants my damn company, she can call or email ME, goddammit. :(

if only it were that easy. sigh. girls! why do they have to be so cool? D:<


TOMORROW, I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE PEOPLE OVER FOR A POTLUCK. so if you live in the area, are a homie, have yet to see our new place, like to cook, don't like to cook, would like to grub and watch movies or just hang or whatever, you should come over tomorrow! i was thinking maybe around 5? to RSVP or get directions, either text message me or give me a call (425.345.2584). i hope to have a righteous big gathering. hooray!

ok. time to skidaddle! (:

ciao bellas.

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Wednesday, November 7th, 2001

Subject:you make this all go away
Time:3:44 pm.
Music:(in my head) Nine Inch Nails - Something I Can Never Have.
over 7 hours down, over 4 more to go.. blah. today isn't quite as exciting as i thought it would be. where's all the yummy potluck food? D:<

some lady was just in here looking to try out a different brand of lotion than she normally uses. she asked me about a brand of creme that we carry, and i gave her a sample of their new stuff (with avacado and carrot extracts!). she smelled it and exclaimed:

"well, it certainly does smell like carrots!"

i had to suppress laughter. for some reason, that just seems so funny to me right now.


ok. bye.

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Time:12:19 pm.
Mood: bored.
Music:(in my head) Joni Mitchell - Help Me.
good = potlucks @ work. students bring in a bunch of food for their class, and as staff, i am allowed to mooch. and since they all love me, they beg me to mooch. muahahaha.

evil = students who bring doughnuts to potlucks.

but hey - free food is food i will eat. of course, if it has nothing grody in it. :D

i am at work. though i'm hardly working. i'm not really motivated today. hehe. i think it's end-of-the-term-itis. right now we're just waiting for them to get the hell out, then all the crunching gets done during break.

i am taking the next 5 days off. this is good. :D

uhmmmmmmmmmmmmm. last night i had an OK massage, then a good massage. it's always nice when the best of the day is the last of the day. (:

uhmmmmmmmmmmmmm. tonight, i'm only here until 8. perhaps that will give me a wee bit more unpacking time when i get home. this whole moving thing was good for my closet - i've found a lot of things i don't really want anymore, that someone else might want. the solution? ebay! :P

so. maybe that'll give me a little extra money.

uhhhhh that is all. i'm hoping that afternoon and evening students have potlucks, too - it'd be nice to get breakfast, lunch and dinner all provided to me in the same day. (:

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Tuesday, November 6th, 2001

Time:2:15 pm.
Music:(on the radio - 103.7 FM) Fleetwood Mac - Gold Dust Woman.
i am at work. by the end of tonight, i will have received 8 massages in two days. and i have another one tomorrow. goodness gracious.

tomorrow i'll probably work 8 - 8. massage time included. only 12 hours? wow! hah.

thursday morning, mr. tyler's plane gets in. i will be picking him up at the airport. i was thinking MAYBE SOME OF US COULD GO TO LUNCH THAT DAY? LUNCH ON THURSDAY? MAYBE? dann-3 gave it a go-ahead, i already mentioned it to pat.. would anyone like to go?


ok. i have work to do. and the post office to visit. hooray for change of address forms now that i actually know my new address! (:

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Monday, November 5th, 2001

Subject:i am on a lonely road and i am traveling (traveling traveling traveling)
Time:10:52 pm.
Mood: sleepy.
Music:(in my head) Joni Mitchell - All I Want.
wowza. it is monday. and it is late.

sunday i spent in the new dig. i was all by my lonesome, but it was a good thing - i think i got more done than i would have, had i had company. i got all the dishes clean and put away, the kitchen fairly organized (except for my bike, and all the empty boxes by the door), the living room set-up (tables, candles, lamps, etc.), my room organized and somewhat un-packed, the bathroom nicely put together, and all of gina's stuff into her room.

'twas a late evening. and this morning i was up at 6:30 to get ready for work. i pulled out of the driveway at 7:21 am, arrived in the school parking lot at 7:51 am. not bad for a commute, aye. i was there from 8 am - 10 pm. i started my period this morning, so it was kinda an UGH as far as testing went, but all worked out well. i got four massages (swim, little toxins, swim about in my bloodstream!) and worked 6 hours in the bookstore. i'm pulling another 14-hour day tomorrow. four more massages. am i crazy? i think so. i hope my little ovaries are calmed down enough for some hardXcore abdominal work. hrm.

i'm at my mom's. i stopped by to grab some more stuff out of my room. now my closet is completely cleaned out, except for my 8th-grade and 12th-grade graduation gowns that i'm leaving there, and my cape. and my chest full of elfquest stuff. i'll get that when i'm feeling buff. not now. no buff here, thankyouverymuch.

wow. and there's still all the stuff all over my walls. now i'll have most of my tori stuff with me, though. (: except for all the stuff on my walls. :P

so uhh. i should go, so that i don't fall asleep on the way home.

home. it sounds strange, still, not calling this place home. i'm going to miss not being around my dog every day. :(

ah well. good night, kids.

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Saturday, November 3rd, 2001

Time:7:37 pm.
i am tired and hyper. :D today i moved. hurrah, i moved.

well, i had help. from my familee. and they were lovely.

my dad was supposed to be here at 10 with my grandpa's haul-ass truck, but he didn't get here until noon, so we were set back. but! in only two trips (with the truck, my car and mark's car completely full, ha ha) we moved:

a queen-sized bed, a twin-sized bed, a day-bed (that i'm buying from mark.. we'll use it as a couch), my chest of drawers and matching night stand, two chests of drawers for gina, various tables, our dining room table and matching four chairs, various lamps, a multitude of boxes and random other things. it took a while.

now i'm at my mom's house (hah! i can't really call it "home" anymore, i guess) for one last load. i still have some CDs, my djembe, my bass, my guitar and electric guitar and various other things from my room to take down. we're going to have a big par-tay unpacking everything.

to-morrow i'll just be unpacking and rearranging. i'll probably drag gina and adam over in the morning :D and we can start getting her room put together. lena might chill for a bit to-morrow, and any of you other mofo's are welcome to join the party. 425.345.2584, call or text-message me for directions! (:

we had extremely good weather for moving, i might add - i thought it was going to rain, but no! it was sunny. hooray. and we went to the outback for dinner.

have i mentioned that i hate my sister's guts lately? she was a complete BITCH at dinner, and wasn't much help throughout the day. i don't know where she gets off with the gay-bashing thing, but she's obviously got a stick up her ass because SHE'S the one with the problem, not me.

ahhhh. i need to grab my bathroom stuff, some TP and dishwashing liquid.. i'm going to try to get at least the kitchen unpacked tonight. :\ mom, mark, dad and julie are being so nice. :> whee.

ok. time to stop rambling. hopefully i will see some of you kiddies tomorrow! (:

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Friday, November 2nd, 2001

Time:6:40 pm.
Mood: cheerful.
Music:(in my head) Rammstein - Du Hast.
it was sunny today! the sky was blue! i had to shade my eyes walking down the street! .. what a lovely feeling, at the beginning of november.

this is the last day of student clinic for this quarter. all of my little babies are either graduating, going to the hospital internship or coming back for their 4th term for more clinic. whee. i am excited.

next week i'm only working 3 days. i signed up for testing monday and tuesday, so hopefully (if my ovaries aren't inflamed) i'll pull 14-hour days (8 hrs testing, 6 hrs in the bookstore) both days and then do a long haul wednesday as well.

thursday i'm picking mr. tyler up at the airport, and friday my wee gnat takes the train up. i am muy excited! friday is tori! yay!

today i also went to lunch with lena. rather, when i got to pave (that is pronounced PAH-vay, by the way), she was already there. i arrived late, so we only got to chill for 10 minutes or so, but she showed me the homecoming pictures and i was a happy giggly girl. sigh. if she isn't doing anything on sunday, she said she'd email/call and come help with moving. that would be most excellent.

speaking of moving - GINA AND I MOVE IN TOMORROW !*&#!&#!&*#&!^#@^@^@^*&#*@^#*@&#(@&#!&&#!(#^*!&^#&*&*@^^@&$@&$*(<br><br><strong><big>HOORAY!</strong></big><br><br>i'm borrowing my grandpa's truck to move mattresses and dressers, etc. my dad and stepmom are giving us various lamps and tables and other types of furniture, and so are my mom and mark. this is so very exciting. fdafjlj;f. aaa. i can't wait. :D<br><br>if anybody wants to chill/move/chill on saturday, call or email me! i'd say swing by, but most of you don't know where the new place is. so yo. (:<br><br>k. i need to get back to werkin'. loaf.<br><br>-c. </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#404040"> <font color="#FFFFFF"> <nobr> Comments: <a href="">Read 5</a> or <a href="">Add Your Own</a>. </nobr> </font> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <br><div align="right"> <table bgcolor="#404040" width="95%" cellspacing="1" border="0" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#404040"> <table border="0"> <tr><td align="right"><font color="#FFFFFF">Time:</font></td><td><font color="#FFFFFF">7:14 am. </font></td></tr> <tr><td align="right"><font color="#FFFFFF">Music:</font></td><td><font color="#FFFFFF">(in my head) 10,000 Maniacs - Like the Weather.</font></td></tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#000000"> life has been weird lately.<br><br>i haven't been feeling "like myself", but it's not like i've been feeling like someone else.. i don't know. i haven't been as actively seeking company. if some of you feel like i've been ignoring you, if i used to see you or talk to you on a fairly regular basis.. it's not that i'm ignoring you or no longer enjoy your company, i just.. i don't know.<br><br>i know it'll change eventually. i usually get like this during the autum/winter transition. it'll wear off.<br><br>and my backpack has become a collection of miscellaneous items i don't need or have picked up from places i can't remember. but at least i've know i've been places.<br><br>i need to get going to work now.. have a good day, all.<br><br>-c. </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#404040"> <font color="#FFFFFF"> <nobr> Comments: <a href="">Add Your Own</a>. </nobr> </font> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <br><table bgcolor="#000000" width="100%" cellspacing="1" border="0" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#6F6F6F"> <font color="#FFFFFF"> Thursday, November 1st, 2001 </font> </td> </tr> </table> <br><div align="right"> <table bgcolor="#404040" width="95%" cellspacing="1" border="0" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#404040"> <table border="0"> <tr><td align="right"><font color="#FFFFFF">Subject:</font></td><td><font color="#FFFFFF">blahidyblahblah</font></td></tr> <tr><td align="right"><font color="#FFFFFF">Time:</font></td><td><font color="#FFFFFF">4:38 pm. </font></td></tr> <tr><td align="right"><font color="#FFFFFF">Mood:</font></td><td><font color="#FFFFFF"><img width="20" src="" height="30" vspace="1" align="ABSMIDDLE"> bored.</font></td></tr><tr><td align="right"><font color="#FFFFFF">Music:</font></td><td><font color="#FFFFFF">la la la on the radio.</font></td></tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#000000"> hi. i'm bored. i'm at work. i have things to do, they just don't take much time and aren't very challenging. i hate monotone work. :(<br><br>monday i was here, and did stuff, and blah blah. <br><br>tuesday i tested for 8 hours and was at meetings for 6 hours. part of the meeting time was driving from here to tacoma in the rain, then from tacoma up to seattle in stop-and-go traffic, then back up here in stop-and-go traffic. hooray for a 14-hour day. <br><br>yesterday i was here from 8 am - 7:30 pm. i dressed up as a pirate. AHRR! fishnet shirt with pirate shirt over it (the navy blue velvet one with jagged-cut arms), blue and black zebra tights with black vinyl pants (same ones as last year, jagged-cut below the knee), black clunky shoes, bandana, and a black eyeliner moustache and beard. that stuff was hell to wipe off my face at the end of the day, i tell ya. work was fun though, i got overwhelming compliments on my costume. (: by the time i was heading home, i was tired. i stayed up until around 11 practicing guitar (vewy vewy quietly) and then slept in this morning.<br><br>i've been here since noon. i only have to stay until 6. but i have to go over to my dad's and i'm giving him a massage. and writing a check for rent. rawr. my finances have been sucking lately. maybe if i starve to death and don't spend any money on food, i'll have enough to pay bills. when did this all come upon me? i wonder.<br><br>blah. boredom. i suppose i should finish the t-shirt order.<br><br>oh yeah. gina and i will be moving into our NEW PLACE on saturday. if any of you cool folks wanna chill and help move boxes, feel free. gimme a call, or something.<br><br>that is all. *muah*<br><br>-c. </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#404040"> <font color="#FFFFFF"> <nobr> Comments: <a href="">Read 2</a> or <a href="">Add Your Own</a>. </nobr> </font> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <br><table bgcolor="#000000" width="100%" cellspacing="1" border="0" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#6F6F6F"> <font color="#FFFFFF"> Monday, October 29th, 2001 </font> </td> </tr> </table> <br><div align="right"> <table bgcolor="#404040" width="95%" cellspacing="1" border="0" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#404040"> <table border="0"> <tr><td align="right"><font color="#FFFFFF">Subject:</font></td><td><font color="#FFFFFF">an ode to the drama of the Friends List</font></td></tr> <tr><td align="right"><font color="#FFFFFF">Time:</font></td><td><font color="#FFFFFF">3:43 pm. </font></td></tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#000000"> hi. <br><br>if you're reading this, it means i'm on your friends list. maybe i know you, maybe i don't; maybe you're on mine, maybe you're not.<br><br>i've received comments from people who get twitterpated when they add me to their friends list and i don't add them back. please, oh please, <i>don't take it so personally</i>.<br><br>i hardly ever read my friends page. if you're on my friends list, it means i either a) know you OFFLINE (this is the major case) or b) have known you ONLINE for a while, talk to you regularly, or whatever. my friends list is comprised of people i wouldn't mind sharing personal personal stuff with. <br><br>so, to any of you out there who get worked up over a silly thing like who adds you and who doesn't, a piece of advice:<br><br>DON'T GET SO FLIPPIN' WORKED UP.<br><br>thank you.<br><br>-c. </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#404040"> <font color="#FFFFFF"> <nobr> Comments: <a href="">Read 3</a> or <a href="">Add Your Own</a>. </nobr> </font> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <br><table bgcolor="#000000" width="100%" cellspacing="1" border="0" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#6F6F6F"> <font color="#FFFFFF"> Sunday, October 28th, 2001 </font> </td> </tr> </table> <br><div align="right"> <table bgcolor="#404040" width="95%" cellspacing="1" border="0" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#404040"> <table border="0"> <tr><td align="right"><font color="#FFFFFF">Subject:</font></td><td><font color="#FFFFFF">you are a welcoming back from the ocean</font></td></tr> <tr><td align="right"><font color="#FFFFFF">Time:</font></td><td><font color="#FFFFFF">11:29 am. </font></td></tr> <tr><td align="right"><font color="#FFFFFF">Mood:</font></td><td><font color="#FFFFFF"><img width="20" src="" height="30" vspace="1" align="ABSMIDDLE"> content.</font></td></tr><tr><td align="right"><font color="#FFFFFF">Music:</font></td><td><font color="#FFFFFF">(in my head) Ani DiFranco - I'm No Heroine.</font></td></tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#000000"> hi. i'm home. fancy that.<br><br><strong>FRIDAY</strong><br><br>friday, i wore pants. i got to work <s>in pants</s> by 8:30, and was at work <s>in pants</s> until around 7. i worked <s>in pants</s> all day, with one break <s>in pants</s> for lunch.<br><br>for lunch, i went to meet lena <s>who was also wearing pants</s>. i brought her the little gift package thing that i bought for her in canada. i bought a whole panini (cut in halves) and two raspberry scones. she was delighted.<br><br>it was so great to finally SEE her again. i hadn't seen her since she came by and abducted me that one time we went to thai food. i even took an HOUR LONG lunch. *gasp* that is unheard of in carleyworld. so yes. i was happy and chipper and giddy and giggly and just delighted to be in her presence. she was the same. it was a good lunch.<br><br>at 7, i wore my pants up to bellingham. it was raining FAWKING HARD. therefore, people were driving slo'. damn slo' drivers. it's only rain, sheesh. i thought i was going to be late, but i arrived punctually at 8:30. i was actually early, as it turned out. i was greeted by various people, saw various people i knew and hadn't seen in years, and <s>wore pants</s> drank lots of water. water good.<br><br>more people showed up, then tha party got STARted. my lovely <a href="">arjuna greist</a> and her friend mo opened with The Ocean by dar williams. :O i am in loaf with that song! it always makes me sad, though, because it reminds me of germany. (*: then mo played some of her own songs. she is quite talented. and very cute. in her hot pink and black zebra-stripe tights. the ones that i have. whee. their friend pat played one of his own songs entitled "Naked Barbie Dolls". it was muy entertaining. <br><br>and then arjuna started! for those who have never heard her name (as i'm sure most, if not all of you, have not) she's from tha east coast. she is a little (not big, mind you) folkie-singer. she is very good. i like her a lot. she and mo played another dar song together.. they played Iowa. (*: this is another one that hits home. i was mouthing along with the words, and mo asked if i wanted to come up and sing WITH them. holy mother. i went up and sang my little overjoyed heart out. :D :D :D ! it was an honor. and so fun!<br><br>whee. arjuna kept slamming us with her badass songs and spoken-word. when she was finished, the drinking/pot-smoking/partying ensued, so i went upstairs with a couplea other people and sang more songs. it was yummy. eventually we made our way to a different house, where they offered to let me stay the night. it was 2 am, i was tired, it was rainy.. not a good combination to drive home.<br><br><strong>SATURDAY</strong><br><br>i slept a loooooooooong time. (: got around lazily and went out to breakfast with arjuna and mo and their friend jamie. my friend melissa was supposed to come with, but she never called mo. i was a bit sad. because i was hoping she'd be at the house party, and she wasn't, and i haven't seen her since july at the oregon country fair. ah well. (:<br><br>yummy food, more lounging around, and before i knew it i was on the road again. i had to zoomzoom so that i would make it to olympia in time. i got home around 4, showered motherfuckin' fast, packed a wee overnight bag, changed and then got back on the road by 5. i made it to lorine's by 6:30. her friend laurie/lorrie/lori (however it's spelled) was there and we all went to pick up some thaiiiii food. went back to lorine's apartment and ate the thai food, talked a whole lot, and eventually headed over to these other peoples' house for a partyish thing.<br><br>hooray for the olympia lesbian women's softball team. (: most of them were at least 30, if not twice my age or more, so it was a little awkward.. and the only ones i knew were lorine and lori. we stayed there for a little while and petted the dog and fell into conversations and yadda yadda, then scooted our booties over to the queer costume ball thing in downtown oly.<br><br>that was muy fun! we were literally the only ones NOT in costume (oops) but we had fun anyways. they played a wide variety of music and i strutted my stuff out on the dance floor. we left there around 11, i think, maybe earlier maybe later, and headed back to lorine's. she pumped up the air mattress thing for me and i spread out my blankets. we chilled and drank tea and chatted a little while longer, then she went to her room and i crashed on the air mattress.<br><br><strong>TODAY SO FAR</strong><br><br>we both woke up around 8 (though it was really 9.. yay daylight savings time!) and ate oatmeal and drank more tea. got ready and headed out. she had to stop somewhere, then drive up here to clean out her old apartment; i had to come home. (:<br><br>and here i am. now it's 11:52. i need to get in the shower, get dressed, and get my table into my car. at 1 i'm giving this lady a three-hour massage. whee.<br><br>and if it's still nice out after i get home around 4:30, i'll wash my car.<br><br>then tomorrow it's back to work again.. whoop-dee-doo.<br><br>i hope everyone had a good weekend.. see y'all later.<br><br>-c. </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#404040"> <font color="#FFFFFF"> <nobr> Comments: <a href="">Read 2</a> or <a href="">Add Your Own</a>. </nobr> </font> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <br><table bgcolor="#000000" width="100%" cellspacing="1" border="0" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#6F6F6F"> <font color="#FFFFFF"> Thursday, October 25th, 2001 </font> </td> </tr> </table> <br><div align="right"> <table bgcolor="#404040" width="95%" cellspacing="1" border="0" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#404040"> <table border="0"> <tr><td align="right"><font color="#FFFFFF">Time:</font></td><td><font color="#FFFFFF">3:56 pm. </font></td></tr> <tr><td align="right"><font color="#FFFFFF">Mood:</font></td><td><font color="#FFFFFF"><img width="20" src="" height="30" vspace="1" align="ABSMIDDLE"> chipper.</font></td></tr><tr><td align="right"><font color="#FFFFFF">Music:</font></td><td><font color="#FFFFFF">(in my head) Indigo Girls - Reunion.</font></td></tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#000000"> aah. i thought i had a song in my head - adam just put a strange CD in. :<<br><br>so. let me summarize my week. so. uhhhh. yeah. (:<br><br>work, blah blah, work, blah, more work, blah blah. monday was lorine's official last day (*sniff*) so we all went out to lunch. she was the coolest boss, i'm going to miss her. sigh. ah well. saturday i came down to seah-tull and hung wit some of da homiez. i think it was tuesday. hrm. we went to Iron Monkey. it was cool.<br><br>i have been at adam's/with adam all day. we picked gina up at the airport. (insert three cheers for gina being home here) we just watched Chocolat (excellent movie! i loved it! hee!) and were going to go to mark 'n evan's for sketti dinner, but apparently those plans are out tha window.<br><br>so what do you guys think? maybe thai-ger room? 8 pm? it is 5:30 now (pay no attention to the fact adam's computer's clock says it's 4). WE SHOULD ALL GO TO THE THAI-GER ROOM. YES.<br><br>la la la. i have not much else to say.<br><br>tomorrow i'm getting lunch with lena (YIPYIPYIPYIPPEE. I AM ONE HAPPY LITTLE GURL!!!). work blah blah. i'll probably leave work at 7, mmcuz i'm going up to BELLINGHAM to cheer with the cool dykes and see my friend Arjuna perform. YAY! she drove all the way out here from massachusetts. excited i am.if anybody is interested in going, call or text-message me (4253452584) and get your ass up to everett by 7 pm tomorrow! :P<br><br>k. that is all for now.<br><br>BYE. !!!!<br><br>-c. </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#404040"> <font color="#FFFFFF"> <nobr> Comments: <a href="">Add Your Own</a>. </nobr> </font> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <br><table bgcolor="#000000" width="100%" cellspacing="1" border="0" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#6F6F6F"> <font color="#FFFFFF"> Saturday, October 20th, 2001 </font> </td> </tr> </table> <br><div align="right"> <table bgcolor="#404040" width="95%" cellspacing="1" border="0" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#404040"> <table border="0"> <tr><td align="right"><font color="#FFFFFF">Subject:</font></td><td><font color="#FFFFFF">hi.</font></td></tr> <tr><td align="right"><font color="#FFFFFF">Time:</font></td><td><font color="#FFFFFF">1:03 pm. </font></td></tr> <tr><td align="right"><font color="#FFFFFF">Music:</font></td><td><font color="#FFFFFF">beethoven's 5th symphony.</font></td></tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#000000"> i am wearing pants. :><br><br>with a skirt over them. w00t.<br><br>home. said lady's bratty son ended up watering the same plant again this week, but fortunately i caught him at it before there was another huge puddle of water on the floor. i hope she didn't mind me scolding him, she didn't seem very adament about doing it herself. even though i had told him last week never to water the plant again.<br><br>barf.<br><br>i made coconut curry jasmine rice for lunch. i have no ginger to put in it. *weeps*<br><br>as soon as mom gets back, we're going to pick up jon and becky (they should be home by now) and then going down to the hospital. <br><br>my uncle just called to see how we're doing. he mentioned that he has a 6-plex up in this area and that there's a two-bedroom that will be available the beginning of next month. i told him that we had already found a place and signed the papers, etc. he didn't seem to understand. :P<br><br>hellO? i'm moving to get OUT of everett. i don't want to move to another place IN everett. pssh.<br><br>i love my dog. if she dies too, i'm going to be irate.<br><br>that's about it.<br><br>uhhhh.<br><br>-c. </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#404040"> <font color="#FFFFFF"> <nobr> Comments: <a href="">Add Your Own</a>. </nobr> </font> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <br><div align="right"> <table bgcolor="#404040" width="95%" cellspacing="1" border="0" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <td bgcolor="#404040"> <table border="0"> <tr><td align="right"><font color="#FFFFFF">Subject:</font></td><td><font color="#FFFFFF">goddammit</font></td></tr> <tr><td align="right"><font color="#FFFFFF">Time:</font></td><td><font color="#FFFFFF">10:05 am. </font></td></tr> <tr><td align="right"><font color="#FFFFFF">Mood:</font></td><td><font color="#FFFFFF"><img width="20" src="" height="30" vspace="1" align="ABSMIDDLE"> annoyed.</font></td></tr><tr><td align="right"><font color="#FFFFFF">Music:</font></td><td><font color="#FFFFFF">Björk - Homogenic - All Is Full Of Love.</font></td></tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#000000"> the same chick brought her annoying, bratty son with her again this week. if he makes any more messes or fucks with anything i'm going to be PISSED. </td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="#404040"> <font color="#FFFFFF"> <nobr> Comments: <a href="">Read 3</a> or <a href="">Add Your Own</a>. </nobr> </font> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <br> </p> <p> <table bgcolor="#000000" width="100%" height="100" cellspacing="1" border="0" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <td width="100" bgcolor="#707070" valign="center" align="center"> <img width="100" src="" height="97"> </td> <td bgcolor="#000000"> <b>LiveJournal for The Tiniest Spark.</b><br> <table border="0"> <tr><td>View:</td><td><a href="">User Info</a>.</td></tr> <tr><td>View:</td><td><a href="">Friends</a>.</td></tr> <tr><td>View:</td><td><a href="">Calendar</a>.</td></tr> <tr><td>View:</td><td><a href="">Website (.framed and dried.)</a>.</td></tr><br> <tr><td>View:</td><td><a href="">Memories</a>.<br></td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2">You're looking at the latest 20 entries. Missed some entries? Then simply jump <a href="">back 20 entries</a>.</td></tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </p> </body> </html>