Amii/Andromeda (I'm Confused)'s LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Amii/Andromeda (I'm Confused)'s LiveJournal:

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    Thursday, August 16th, 2001
    12:18 am
    smaller tits and younger limbs can cause a fit of rivalry
    so today was good. semi-good at least. i worked from 9 to 5 which sucks as always. i slept or like two hours of it though. cuz ethan was with his daddy. so i made a cover for my tape today too. i photocopied my cute lil portable ashtray and my 'im a mess' button. so i titled the tape 'im a mess'. i had ethan say 'im a mess' over and over and each time louder. it was cool. jon picked me up at 7 and we went to youth group. i got bored so we left early and got pizza and then picked up his girlfriend, leah. we then went up to may apple hill and smoked. it wasn't that good though. bleh. we continued on to the park, dropped off leah and went to a diner. i got home at like 12 which is very early for me. but its okay. i have to work from 9.30 to 1.30 tomorrow and possibly at night (hopefully cuz i need MONEY). if i dont work i duno what ill do cuz i dont have money and i need to conserve. i hate having to be responsible with money. arg. lets see...ok yeah i have a few more things to add to the list of things i want..wait maybe just one...
    wait i know there was another but i forgotted. arg.
    i miss kelly. :c(
    ok well im out for now cuz im gonna start to get whiney in a second.

    Current Mood: disappointed
    Wednesday, August 15th, 2001
    2:36 am
    hes a big fucking baby
    tonight was cool. jon and leah picked me up and we went to holsteins. i didn't get anything though cuz im moneyless. then they dropped me off at rea's and i waited for her to get off the phone. erik, kelly and pete picked us up around 11 and we went and drank. it was cool. i talked to kelly and she actually turned out to be kinda cool. like she was sorta into riot grrrl at one time which is cool cuz anyone into riot grrrl is awesome. we then went to the diner and got food. and then rea took me home. it was really fun cuz everyone was drunk and really silly. except this kid pete. hes kind of poopy. he was all sarcastic to me when i would act dumb and that wasn't cool. blah. ug i have to work tomorrow. im gonna die. i just wanna go to sleep and wake up at 3pm as usual. but i have to wake up at fucking 8.30. uggggg.

    Current Mood: drunk
    Current Music: none, im too drunk
    Monday, August 13th, 2001
    12:34 am
    bright eyes show
    ok so theres a bright eyes show!!! september 15th at the knitting factory. amii is so there.

    <3 hi daile <3

    revision to this- there is no bright eyes show. its the faint. which is a cool band i suppose. but i dont think ill be going ::lesigh:: im stupid.

    Current Mood: peaceful
    Current Music: kathy with a k - bright eyes
    Sunday, August 12th, 2001
    6:43 pm
    budgety budgety
    so i made a budget to. like anyone cares. but im just puttin it up anyway.

    weekly allowance: $100
    cigarettes: sunday, tuesday, thursday and saturday. $16 a week
    $25 a week for car/car insurance
    $59 dollars a week at my disposal

    upcoming costs:
    le tigre tickets
    philly bus ticket/gas money for rea


    Current Mood: geeky
    Current Music: locust spawning- the locust
    6:19 pm
    i need money
    ok so im being shallow and making a list of things i want really badly:

    black floods
    new jeans
    pumas (california) hott!!
    hott shirts
    record player
    a fuckin' haircut
    redish pink hairdye
    hott joan jett shirt from wildwood

    records/cds i want:
    dead prez
    mazzy star
    the locust
    missy elliot
    jen wood
    tattle tale
    kind of like spitting
    bonefire madigan
    all bright eyes
    the faint

    i have most if not all of this shit whole albums...but i just want the actual cds/records whatever. i need money.

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Current Music: yes, you're busted- kind of like spitting
    2:40 am
    another night
    another night. of rea and the diner and driving aimlessly. its cool. i fell asleep as she talked to mary for about an hour and then we went to the diner. where we talked about music and the fact that i need to make her a mixtape. then we went up 23 listening to jimmy eat world and rocking out. then we listened to modest mouse on the way back but then got bored of that. finally, we went to verona park and saw this couple making out for like ever. i swear they were having sex. me and rea couldn't stop laughing. then we had a nice discussion about sex and that was all lovely. i learned many things about straight sex i never knew. hehe.
    ok well im out for now. i think ill change my pic. yep.

    why does SHE have to be so difficult??!?!?

    Current Mood: okay
    Current Music: neophenomenal lineage- grandaddy
    Saturday, August 11th, 2001
    9:15 pm
    at reas...again.
    hello. so yeah im posting again. im at rea's. shes reading and im online. again. its cool though. she took pics of me today. shes a good photographer person so yeah. i felt all special havin pics taken of me. woo. yeah. hmm what else. i took more pics with the webcam. maybe ill change my pic. yeah thats what ill do now. ok so ima peace out now and probably go to the diner as always.

    Current Mood: bored
    Current Music: elliot
    4:33 pm
    so i decided to write on something i stand for.

    im a feminist. what does that mean exactly. it means that i support womyn. it means i love womyn. (not in a sexual way...well not this time haha). it means i want to help womyn. i want to help womyn become more powerful and rise above the sterotypes and the fact that men rule.
    i dont want to be referred to as a babe, or a chick or a bitch. my name is amii and thats what i want to be called. i want to be treated like a person. not a lady or a womyn or a person. i dont want to be hollered at in the middle of the street.
    feminism is the crazy thought that womyn are people. the crazy thought that we want to be treated like people. we want to be allowed to do whatever we want. whether it be go to college, become a doctor or be a stripper. we want to be able to have sex with whom we please without being called a 'slut' or a 'whore'. we want to be able to have an abortion, safely and legally. this is what i want at least.
    i have nothing else to say about this right now. maybe more later.


    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: love song to mary jane- cypress hill and sonic youth
    2:37 pm
    my hair is dirty...
    WALLET: i want one so bad...but i dont have one.
    HAIR-BRUSH: pink
    TOOTHBRUSH: purple
    JEWELRY WORN DAILY: *thinks* actually none at all
    SOCKS: white
    PILLOW COVER: right now...fushia...
    BLANKET: um...usually this beige thing.
    COFFEE CUP: the ones at 6 bros
    SUNGLASSES: none. i need some though
    UNDERWEAR: right
    SHOES: white adidas with rainbow laces or these blue sugar shoes...
    NAILPOLISH: none
    KEYCHAIN: none
    COMPUTER: um quantex. what the hell is that
    FAVORITE TOP: light purple and dark purple striped shirt from delia' and rea match!!
    FAVORITE PANTS: dark denim jeans...just cuz thats all i have haha
    SHAMPOO/CONDITIONER: this green tea shit my parents buy. its yummy.
    SOAP: whatevers in the shower
    PERFUME: lucky
    CD IN THE STEREO RIGHT NOW: false cathedrals- elliott
    CAR: yellow nissan. lol...its cute and sporty
    TELEVISION: um what??
    TELEPHONE: i dont have my own. so whatever.
    CELLPHONE: i wont lie, i want one.

    Current Mood: dirty
    Current Music: no lies, just love- bright eyes
    3:33 am
    im a stupid rock star.

    so yeah i didn't know who this was. and in case no one else does shes from the dandy worhols. jeezus. what a stupid person to be.

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: medusa- helium
    3:07 am
    helium is my sugar.
    hello. me again. im lisetening to helium and fucking loving it. i forgot how awesome they are. wooo!!! yeah so hmmm...rea and i chilled at her house til about 10.30 and then went to tony's. it was bad. erik is hooking up with this poopoo girl. and rea got mad cuz she figured this girl wouldn't be there if erik asked her to come to tony's but she was. ug. it was so boring and stupid because these stupid fucking people always expect rea to supply the weed and thats fucked up. blah. and there was this other stupid girl nicole or whatever there. ug shes white trashy and was wearing a vinyl tye type tank. ugggggg. gross. yeah so then we went to the diner and sat there for a while. and THEN!!! bad shit. my father locked me out of my house. so im outside like an asshole banging and ringing the doorbell fifty fucking times. til finally jon pulls up. im like fucking crying and going insane (i had to pee really bad too). so i call my dad from jon's phone and hes like yelling at me and shit and im like 'DAD I DONT HAVE A KEY YOU KNOW THAT!!!!!!' arg. it was insane. so fucking retarded. then i called rea and asked if i could crash at her place. which she said yes. (cuz my dad refused to open the door). so then im on my way to rea's and dad calls jon's cell saying 'get home right now. yr grounded for the weekend' like fucking insane man. im like 'no im not coming home. im staying at rea's.' hes like 'no yr not' so yeah i go home. then jon and i are sitting in the car talking for a while about why he flipped out at me earlier which was good. i see his point but im going to see fucking le tigre. yeyeah.
    anywho im off for now.
    peace. love.

    Current Mood: drained
    Current Music: skeleton- helium
    Friday, August 10th, 2001
    10:28 pm
    what is there to say.....mmm....nothing
    so im posting cuz im at rea's and im bored. but its okay. i like chillin with rea and i dont wanna go home. so its fine.

    what else...not much to say. i suppose rea and i will go to the diner or to cafe eclectic later. we actually ate at a really good italian place tonight. we were all hott and went to an actual restaurant. then we went to borders and looked at books. she bought a book which she is reading right now and i lusted after all the joyce carol oates books that i want. ::lesigh:: how i wish i had money. i guess i have to chill with jon and louisa tonight which might suck because i have to tell louisa that im not going to godsmack cuz i wanna go see le tigre. i feel so bad but like...yknow...its fucking le tigre!!!!! you dont understand. theyre my most favorite band in the entire world. ahhhhh!!! let me give you a little taste of le tigre lyrics:
    *im in the sky when im on the floor
    the worlds a mess and yr my only cure
    theres no time for me to act mature
    only words i know are more more and more*
    -eau d' bedroom dancing
    i can't fucking wait. me, rea and erik at the le tigre show. fucking wonderful.
    peace. love.

    Current Mood: blah
    Current Music: none cuz rea's reading
    5:35 pm
    need to get mad.....!!!!!!
    ok so im listening to snake river conspiarcy cuz i wanna be hardcore and get mad. haha. cuz im tired of being upset.
    so tonight will be fun i think. rea is going to come get me at 6.30. im sure we'll chill the rest of the night and then im sure ill chill with louisa and jon. cuz thats what i do. everyday. hehe. yeyeah. good times. ug what am i gonna do til rea gets here. booooooooooooored. i guess ill call louisa even though her sisters a big fuckin bitch and she'll probably just hang up on me. anywho, im out for now. ill write more later im sure.

    Current Mood: energetic
    Current Music: somebody hates you - snake river conspiracy
    4:37 pm
    yeah i still call you, but i get yr machine...
    i miss her so much. i just wish she was here right now. i would kiss her cheek and whisper 'i miss you'. i always missed her when i was with her. rea says thats the worst feeling in the world. she could be sitting right next to me...or i could have my head on her chest and id still miss her. cuz i knew she wasn't all there. she was never all mine. i wish this would just go away. i really dont like feeling like this. thank god i have good friends. i duno what id do without jon and rea. little do they know how much their company and friendship means. arg. i hate this feeling. life will go on...

    "yr kind of truth, darlin, is just the ghost of yr lies" - bright eyes

    Current Mood: gloomy
    Current Music: "its cool we can still be friends" - bright eyes
    Wednesday, August 8th, 2001
    12:03 am
    the sweetness and the light
    yo what up. im sitting here at eriks FUCKED up and trying to not pay attention to erik and rea hooking up. its funny. yeah. so uhhh i duno what to write. bridgette figured out "you" was her. that kinda sucks but not really. i duno dude.

    ug i dunno what else to write. im fucked up.


    Current Mood: drunk
    Current Music: sex is personal - the faint
    Tuesday, August 7th, 2001
    1:35 pm
    theres only one i want.
    so theres only one girl i want. shes amazing and doesn't even know it. shes so beautiful and funny and sweet. ::sigh:: yet i dont think ill ever have her. and i dont think she'll ever realize how perfect i could be for her. maybe one day...and maybe never.

    only you....

    Current Mood: thoughtful
    Current Music: hip hop - dead prez
    4:17 am
    it paved a wave of distance between the syntax error.
    haha. hendi made up this stuff that i supposedly said. it was funny cuz seriously it was made up. but hey whatever. if yr a loser, yr a loser. and she is. i mean, she works at hooters. haha. ok that was mean. hm lets see...yeah so tonight was cool. i went to leahs and her and jon and i watched monkeybone and completely pigged out. then stuck our feet in the pool and talked forever. finally i realized it was 2:30 and i was like 'shit i better get home' hehe. my dad didn't even notice.
    so i guess ima go now. peace out.

    Current Mood: indifferent
    Current Music: napoleon solo - at the drive-in
    Monday, August 6th, 2001
    6:21 pm
    music survey. (dumb)
    ok so most of these questions are SOOOO dumb and i probably wont even answer them but im fucking bored.

    1. Song that reminds you of waking up in the
    morning: 'sunrise sunset' bright eyes

    2. Song that's best to drive to work/school to: whatever.

    3. Song that's best to drive home from work/school to: whatever.

    4. Song that's best on Sunday afternoon: whatever!!!

    5. Song that's best to listen to at night driving: champagne from a paper cup - death cab for cutie

    6. Album that's best to listen to at night at home: anything bright eyes.

    7. Song that reminds you of your childhood: anything amy grant

    8. Songs that are best for sex, or reminds you of sex: iiieee - tori amos

    9. Song that's best for when it is raining: your bruise- death cab for cutie

    10. Song that reminds you that you're in love: im not in fucking love

    12. Song that reminds you that everything is wonderful: nothing is fucking wonderful

    13. Song that makes you cry: colorblind- counting crows

    Music Groups
    1. Favorite music group: le tigre, bikini kill, sleater-kinney, bright eyes, at the drive-in, ani difranco

    2. Favorite music group when you were 13: ani difranco actually.

    3. Music group that you liked then but do not anymore: um...probably nysnc (did i even spell that right?)

    4. Music group that you still like after years and years: ani difranco...

    5. Music group that you are embarrassed that you like: lol missy elliott...korn

    1. Favorite male voice: conor oberst (bright eyes)

    2. Favorite female voice: tori amos, ani d, kathleen hanna, carrie brownstien

    3. Most annoying female voice: any of those poppy bitches.

    4. Most annoying male voice: any of those poppy bitches.

    5. Male singer's voice that makes you cry: bright eyes (conor)

    6. Female singer's voice that makes you cry: tori amos.

    Your current top ten albums [in no particular order]:
    letting the happiness off- bright eyes
    le tigre- le tigre
    pussy whipped- bikini kill
    sleater-kinney- sleater-kinney
    something about airplanes- death cab for cutie
    nevermind- nirvana
    acrobatic tenement- at the drive-in
    sonic jihad- snake river conspiracy
    sew true - tattle tale
    anything ani difranco

    Current Mood: annoyed
    Current Music: none
    5:55 pm
    bordem will kill you.
    hey. so im so bored i feel like my eyes are going to pop out of my head. what that has to do with being bored i do not know. rea said we'd chill today after she was done doing her shit but when i asked her to make sure she just signed off. i just beeped her twice and she didn't call me back. i wonder if i did something wrong to like piss her off. uggg. i hate people sometimes.
    so i guess its another day/night at home. louisa is in trouble or something, jon is with leah, kat is away and rea is just being sorta weird. maybe ill get in touch with her later. i duno.
    i guess ill call noelle.
    i updated my homepage (my eyes were wet and red) a little so go check it out. if anyone even reads this. haha.

    Current Mood: bored
    Current Music: sister blue- tattle tale
    Sunday, August 5th, 2001
    4:41 pm
    get yr freak on...
    hello. so yeah. hendi just straight up stood me up. but yknow what? i dont care! cuz im going to see noelle today!!! im so excited and happy. i miss her so much. im so glad she called. cuz i mean i was all crying and sad today. so im glad ill get to see her. god i hope she lets me smoke in her car or ima die. rawr. anyway ima go and get ready. hehe.

    Current Mood: happy
    Current Music: get yr freak on- missy elliot
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