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im bored, okay. [13 Nov 2001|08:37pm]
[ music | Quasi - Sea Shanty ]

I am 41% Grunge.

What's this? The longest I've been without a shower is three days? Not even close, man. I should go sit out in the rain for a week.

Take the Grunge Test at!

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from now on just call me.. xdyedblackxstargirl [13 Nov 2001|08:32pm]
[ music | Holly Mcnarland - Twisty Mirror ]

I am 56% EMO.

Emo Kid.
Well.. I've made the cut! Now I'll go buy some promise rings and knit myself a sweater.

Take the EMO Test at!

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ahaha and i dont even have a penis! [11 Nov 2001|02:56pm]
[ music | Kill Hannah - Welcome To Chicago Motherfucker ]

Click here to find out what size you really are

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<3 dave. [10 Nov 2001|10:09pm]
[ music | The Butchies - AudioTrack 07 ]

NoktyrneX: how was your... night?
lovesick1ucy: toomanypeopleinmyhouse.likenazigermany,mydadwashitler.ihungthingsonmywall.nospaces&periodsmakemeemo;
NoktyrneX: *kill all emo people*
lovesick1ucy: you killed meeeeeeee!
lovesick1ucy: im not your friend anymore.
NoktyrneX: well. don't be emo!
lovesick1ucy: its who i am! WHY CANT YOU SEE PAST MY SUBSUBCLUTURE?
NoktyrneX: huk
lovesick1ucy: i mean, cant we, me and you, goth and emoxkid. get along?
NoktyrneX: 77777
lovesick1ucy: DOES THAT MEAN YES?
NoktyrneX: yeas
lovesick1ucy: im not really emo.
lovesick1ucy: its just cool to pretend like you are.
NoktyrneX: i'm not really mexican
NoktyrneX: i just sit in a tanning bed while i sleep
lovesick1ucy: hahaha i posting this.
NoktyrneX: well, hell!
lovesick1ucy: dont you hell me, young dave. go read your bible if you want to know about hell

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[10 Nov 2001|10:30am]
[ mood | boredslashtired ]
[ music | Bright Eyes - Padriac my Prince ]

survey stole from nutopia who stole it from someone else and now its your turn to steal it from me! yay!

1) Name: lindsay
2) Birthday: may seventh
3) Zodiac Sign: taurus? or whatever.
4) Sex: femaleeeeeeee.
5) What Time Is It? 1:01 am
( read the rest )

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