Amanda's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Amanda's LiveJournal:

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    Sunday, July 15th, 2001
    11:04 pm
    I had a really fun time this weekend. I went camping at the beach with Ryan,Brenda and JD. We camped on the beach friday night and were woken up by a ranger who told us we couldnt camp in that spot again. He tried to charge us 15 bucks for staying on the beach but we talked him down to 8 and I bet he just pocketed it. Well the next day we paid for a site and went surfing all day on Saturday. I can actually get up and ride the waves all the way to the shore now. It made me want to just move down to the beach to camp and surf for the rest of the summer. I love surfing all day then hanging out talking and drinking with friends all night.

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: the movie Dude where's my car
    Friday, July 13th, 2001
    4:01 pm
    Hmmm so I wonder who this Mobchickie is????

    Current Mood: working (un-like SOME people)
    Current Music: no phones ringing+ silence= hapiness
    10:06 am
    Damn it
    Ok so I am warning you all right now...DO NOT I repeat DO NOT, go see the movie Artificial Intelligence! Steve and I saw it yesterday and it was a horrible movie. Just a warning so you dont waste you're $$

    Well it finally happened...I got my fake ID taken away yesterday! I'm a little pissed but then again I'll be 21 in a few weeks and I can get my other one back from the friend I gave it to.
    It just so happen to be the last bar we went to too. Brandika, Garrett and I all went out just to have one drink and we ended up bar hopping all over on Hawthorne. I did get turned away at one place but the other 3 bars I got in just fine. Then we went to some little hole in the wall bar for our last stop and it was all dark so I thought it would be ok. Then the ID nazi pulled out his flashlight and goes "oh is this fake"? Yeah, like I was just going to admit it or something!? So he was a dick and would'nt give it back even though Garrett and I pleaded with the asshole. Oh well it was worth it becasue I had so much fun with them last night. I'm pretty damn tired right now seeing as I went to bed at 4 so its all about taking a nappy nap when I get home...

    Current Mood: looking forward to a nap!
    Thursday, July 12th, 2001
    7:54 am
    same old same old
    Everyday when I drive to work I take the same route and I feel like I'm in that movie Groundhogs day with Bill Murray. You know the one where he's trapped in Groundhogs day and he sees the same people and events over and over. Everyday while I'm driving I see the same cars and people doing the same things just like in the movie.
    There is the guy running with a coffee cup spilling coffee all over his hand while he tries to catch the bus on foster.
    Then the guy waiting for the bus on burnside always wearing black with his septum peirced sitting on the ground under the bus stop sign smoking a cigarette.
    Also this suburu (exactly the same as my car) that is always parked on the side of the road and looks like it hasnt been driven in months. Everytime I see it it makes me think about how my car will be broken down just like that one soon.
    And the little old asian man I see everyday with the bright orange shorts who is always running down division.

    Its just funny how people have these routines and they do certain things at certain times every day. Anyway I just thought it was weird...

    Current Mood: exhausted
    Wednesday, July 11th, 2001
    1:21 pm
    So I keep getting these weird Crush email notices and I dont want to sign up for their stupid service to find out who it is....guess I'll just have to wonder????

    Hello Amanda,

    Newsflash! To bring together even more happy
    couples, we just introduced the BEST HINT EVER!

    This is what you've been waiting for. . .

    GO TO:

    Don't miss out on this golden chance to
    find out your secret crush!

    The Crush Master

    Current Mood: curious
    9:54 am
    My new toy...
    So I bought a video camera over the weekend. My friend Rich from Arizona came up and had one and it was so cool. I've always wanted a video camera so my sister and I went to circuit city on Sunday where I found just the perfect one for 300 bucks.
    I taped the road and myself in the rear view mirror on Monday at like 1 in the morning while I was driving back from bowling. Its so fun to play with!

    Current Mood: good
    Tuesday, July 10th, 2001
    2:56 pm
    Pet Peeve!
    I really hate it when people call me sweetie or honey. Good god, I'm not a child, it seems like they are talking down to me and it pisses me off. I've noticed people doing it a lot lately even one of my friends. I'm not a Honey or hun or sweetie so just fucking stop it...that is all.

    Current Mood: cranky
    Current Music: silence
    Monday, July 9th, 2001
    2:07 pm
    I put my 2 weeks in at my job!! God I feel releived, this place can kiss my ass! 10 more days in this hell hole then I'm free. Gotta start keeping my eyes peeled for a new job. Its been so long since I've had to look so it'll be kinda fun!

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: NO music since I'm back on the phones now!
    9:51 am
    Take this job and shove it!!!
    Fuck this place. I hate my fucking job!! I just emailed employment trends to let them know I am currently looking for a new possition. They have me back on the phones now and I fucking hate it! This place hasnt done shit for me and I'm sick of it. I'm outa here!!!!!!!!!

    Current Mood: pissed off
    Current Music: screeching weasel -burn it down
    Friday, July 6th, 2001
    11:33 am
    Maybe I'm just loosing it but....
    I swear someone drove my car the other night. When I got in my car yesterday morning(7/5) the stearing wheal was raised and I had more gas in it than I did before? What in the...

    I want to go home and sleep and shower and get a special phone call. Work sucks!

    Current Mood: confused
    Current Music: Jeff Buckley -Lilac wine
    Thursday, July 5th, 2001
    4:23 pm
    Life is funny...Skies are sunny...bees make honey...

    My birthday is so close!!

    24 days until the skydive and legal drinking!!

    Current Mood: anxious
    Current Music: Johnny Cash -dont take your guns to town
    12:22 pm
    Independence day!
    My god I had the craziest fourth of July experience ever last night! It would be way to much to type all the details of the night so I'll give the quick version with the major highlights...

    First I went over to my friend Brandika,Garrett,Stephanie and Denny's house for a BBQ. We hung out at the house eating and drinking and I finally got to meet all the guys from Arizona Denny is always talking about. After spending a couple hours doing that we decided to head out the parties we had heard about.
    The first party we went to was Nate and Bruce's party that the Montage(the resturaunt under the morrison bridge)put on at their house. There were 3 kegs and tons of food all courtesy of the Montage at no charge. So we took advantage of the free beer and food and played some foos ball. Oh and the funny thing was how we all got there. We rented a limo! This guy that hangs out in the JOlly all the time drives people anywhere in portland for 10 bucks in his limo. SO 10 of us piled in and got a ride for a buck. After staying at that party lighting off fire works and hanging out we decided to go to another party that we heard was going to be fun. We called the limo to come back and he took us to the next party for only 10 bucks again!
    This was when all the craziness started because there were so many people, tons of fireworks, a bonfire,bands, a 7 foot tall half pipe and more kegs at this house. Drunk people and fire works are just asking for trouble and there was lots of it when the fireworks were broken out. When we first showed up people were pretty mellow so some of the guys started skating and the rest of us got a beer and hung out by the fire. They have the coolest house in Portland anyone could ask for. They have no neighbors because the back yard is cornered by these huge warehouse buildings. They spray painted some pictures and gragitii on them so the walls look really cool. Once we watched a band and came outside we noticed people were starting to throw fire works in the fire and were trying to hit the skaters with roman candles while they were on the ramp. You could feel that this was all builing up to something insane and then it happened...on the roof of the house 10 guys were crouched down like little army men shooting everyone that was on the ground at the party with roman candles and these fast little missle fire works. At first you could just stand on the side and watch so it was funny but then more and more people got on the roof and it turned into chaos. The people on the ground started getting fire works and shooting back at the guys on the roof. Lucus, Brandika and Scottie were the 3 I was with at the time and we were caught in the crossfire. Brandika and I couldnt take it so we made a mad dash for the ramp so we could hide under the side part where there was a little cave like area. Brandika got shot with a firework on her stomach and it burned a hole in her shirt. After everyone ran out of amo the whole thing stopped...or so we thought. We went to sit on the ramp and were drinking and talking up there when people started doing more fireworks at the bottom of the ramp. Some girl came with this big box full and I grabbed some so I could defend myself. Denny and I were throwing fire crackers in the air when someone chucked one of those ground bloom floweres at us. It hit my purse and started to go off. We freaked out and both slid down the half pipe to get away. Thats when I got my scrape on my elbow. My brand new purse is ruined from that fire work, and that pissed me off. Anyway, eventually they all ran out of fireworks so we just went back to watching people skate and drank so more. I met a lot of new people and saw some friends I hadnt seen in a long time. I met one person in peticular that I thought was really cool, but we'll see what happens with that. So all but getting burned by a firework and my purse getting ruined by a firework I had the best 4th of July ever.

    Current Mood: chipper
    Current Music: ACDC -Ride on
    Monday, July 2nd, 2001
    10:35 am
    My weekend
    I hung out with Katie looking at old pictures from when we were in 3rd 4th and 5th grade. We were laughing so hard, it was funny to look back and remember.

    I bought a Beta fish yesterday. I named it(her/him?) Gypsy. It's such a beautiful shiny blue with some red on the tail. I also bought these pretty blue and green plastic rocks to go on the bottom of the jar. I have a pet again!!

    I watched a really depressing movie called Requiem for a Dream. It was good but very very depressing at the same time. Jared Leto was in it and that made me happy, man he's good looking.

    I hung out with my sister and dixie (the family puppy) because she came down from Washington. I almost forgot how much fun we have hanging out together.

    I used my new fondue set with my sister and Sarah. It was really good but I want to think of some more things to dip in the cheese. This time we used mushrooms,bread,cauliflower,and potatoes....mmmMmmmMmm

    Went to Josh's party on Saturday and had a good time but wish I wouldnt have gotten so drunk.

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: Hot Rod Circuit -sweetheart
    Thursday, June 28th, 2001
    8:11 am
    Yakity Yak...don't talk back
    I'm kinda mad that Joe's laptop wouldnt let me update my journal last night, I had a good entry typed out. Oh well, I'll just have to try and type it out again...
    No bowling last night, like the typical Wednesday night. Instead Kerry,Jesse,Josh and I all hung out at Vics playing pool and drinking. Good Fun. Then we all went back to the house to hang out. While the boys played video games, I got on the internet and wrote some emails to Heather in Greece and to my sister. Oh I also posted some shit in Cara's journal for whatever reason, guess it just felt right at the time. In the end we all (well not Joe or Jesse) decided to watch Roadtrip(again) after watching the first part of American Pie. Then sleep time came at about 2:15am. I'm kinda tired...
    But yeah, it was a fun Wednesday night!

    Current Mood: giggly
    Current Music: The Movielife
    Tuesday, June 26th, 2001
    10:50 am
    Favorite lines from my favorite song
    Maybe I'm just too young to keep good love from going wrong...

    To young to hold on...
    To old to just break free and run...

    A tear that hangs inside my soul forever...

    Current Mood: drained
    Current Music: Jeff Buckley -Lover you should've come over
    10:28 am
    New music!
    I just got some new CD's in the mail yesterday and the one I was really waiting for was the Jeff Buckley cd Grace. God I fucking love this album, I could listen to it all day long. I've already listened to it twice this morning going on 3 times. He is like addicting!!

    Current Mood: happy
    Current Music: Jeff Buckley -Last Goodbye
    Monday, June 25th, 2001
    1:09 pm
    I got an email from this girl I was friends with in 6th grade. Man, there is just no escape, people can always track you down....

    Current Mood: blah
    Current Music: Johnny Cash
    Thursday, June 21st, 2001
    9:41 am
    Tickled Pink
    I'm so excited about the message that was on my answering machine yesterday! It was Paul(my tattoo artist) from Infinity, who asked me to come down to the shop tomorrow for a photo shoot for Skin&Ink; magazine. I'm not positive they will put me in the magazine, but I bet I have a good chance! Thats so cool that Paul chose me out of all the many tattoos he has done to represent Infinity. I'm a little nervous but really excited at the same time!

    Current Mood: ecstatic
    Current Music: Jeff Buckley
    Wednesday, June 20th, 2001
    1:26 pm
    My wish
    I'm eating popcorn...
    I'm happy when I'm eating popcorn...
    But this bag of popcorn is almost empty...
    I Like being happy...
    I wish I could be happy all the time...
    But I cant...
    So I live...
    A little happy...
    A little sad...

    Current Mood: wanting to be happy 24/7
    Current Music: Weezer -song #10 on the new album
    12:30 pm
    Yippeeio Yippeeia
    I've decided I'm going SKy Diving on my 21st Birthday!! (then to the bars at night of course)

    Sarah was the only one that thought it was a cool idea and that I would actually do it.... >:P
    (thank for your support Sarah :)

    Current Mood: excited for my b-day
    Current Music: mixed tape
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