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jenny rocks yr world

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i'm emo, i guess [14 Nov 2001|07:19pm]
[ mood | amused ]

I am 68% EMO.

Emo Kid.
Well.. I've made the cut! Now I'll go buy some promise rings and knit myself a sweater.

Take the EMO Test at!

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[11 Nov 2001|06:36pm]
[ mood | jubilant ]
[ music | gene defcon - have a good time / cub - hello kitty ]

if you haven't heard gene defcon, you should...

i have had such a good day, just laying around. i wish that i didn't have a job, and didn't need one. i don't even care if i have a lot of money, just no responsibility, lots of lazing around watching tv and eating chocolates and making pretty things.

oh, and a nice big soft bed with warm blankets, and kitty cats and someone to love and a fuzzy bathrobe. maybe some cushy slippers. magazines. really good food all the time, like if i could just call up and have pad thai delivered whenever, even four am on a rainy tuesday.

i am such a dork.

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[10 Nov 2001|10:41am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | alex trebek ]

i hate how i never understand.

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[09 Nov 2001|03:40pm]
yeah, so i was told to write more in here. i don't really have anything to say, though. i was thinking, maybe i should find old diaryland entries and post them here like they are new news. that makes me think of cat power, and the song 'nude as the news'. i enjoy that song. i hate hall and oates. i hate the song 'bette davis eyes'. it makes me think of my friend, well ex-friend. his name is joseph. he loved bette davis. bette davis and boys.

cub is in my head. i just realized that in the song 'magic 8 ball' they are saying 'decidedly so' which is my personal favorite saying off a magic 8 ball.

funny, huh?

see, the funny part is that it isn't. and i know that!

ha ha ha.
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[08 Nov 2001|05:59pm]
i got a letter this morning.
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[06 Nov 2001|05:13pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | fugazi : repeater ]

i am trying to set up my website, ugh. i have no idea what i want it to look like. fkkdjkdfs

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[06 Nov 2001|05:05pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | death cab for cutie : champagne from a paper cup ]

today i'm going to attempt to make the rock and roll undies i saw at urban outfitters, they're wide like little boy shorty-shorts, and they had cute little things screen-printed on them. i really don't feel like driving to joann's, but it's not like i keep stretchy fabrics around the house.

i wish that i had interesting things to say in this. i save them for diaryland.. although i don't feel like posting there much anymore..

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[05 Nov 2001|08:23pm]
[ mood | tired ]

my math class is ass-tacular. i wish it would die.

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debt blows [05 Nov 2001|05:00pm]
[ mood | worried ]
[ music | death cab for cutie in my head ]

so i spent the whole drive here [to school] depressed as all ass, since i got a letter in the mail talking about lawyers and arbitration, among other things my broke ass does not understand. see, i owe capital one over $300. i cannot pay them this money, since i [1] don't have it [2] don't even have a current statement with which to send them a check. so i am screwed, and they want me to send them this piece of paper that says i do not want arbitration. the only problem is that they didn't really do a good job of explaining arbitration, they just told me that it was bad and it would hurt me. how do i know that it really is bad for them, and they're just trying to convince stupid little me that it's what i don't want. so i don't know. and on top of those money woes are my other problems, including my car, which needs an oil change, a tune-up, and new brakes in the front, again. plus i somehow need to be ready to pay my tuition next semester. and i don't know if my bad credit is going to hinder me in my efforts to get student loans next year when i go away to school. i really don't want to be stuck living with my parents again next year, spending my third year in community college hell. plus my hand is all itchy and red and all day i teased my mom saying i had cutaneous anthrax, i mean, that other lady who died of inhalation anthrax worked at a hospital and on occasion handled mail... which is what i do, although i think i do a bit more mail handling. i don't really think i have cutaneous anthrax but sometimes i end up freaking myself out.

ehh. next i have to go to class, i hate class, hate it hate it.

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tattoo action [05 Nov 2001|09:43am]
yesterday i got a tattoo of three wee stars. it didn't hurt, because i'm tough n' stuff.

i don't know why i'm posting since i have nothing to say. this journal blows hard.
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bleh [03 Nov 2001|04:49pm]
i have a livejournal, heh.
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