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...sometimes these things explode

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[25 Jan 2002|07:29pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | april march - chrominance decoder ]

i wish i could use this time here at work to take a nap.

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b sided [25 Jan 2002|01:07am]
[ mood | populates. ]
[ music | ramones - judy is a punk ]





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[25 Jan 2002|12:43am]
[ mood | insides implodes. ]
[ music | the walkmen ]


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[24 Jan 2002|11:39pm]
for the first time since going back to school, i am completely stumped. i am supposed to have my image manipulation project ready for a kinda preview critique if you will and i have nothing. i tried a few things and none of them worked. they all looked like shit. i dont know what i am gonna do. we had to pick topics out of a hat and i got the word "fast"... so i was messing around with this picture of a girl on a vespa from an issue of bekoku ongaku that i have, but it doesnt really scream fast. what the fuck do i know about fast?


tomorrow is gonna be long... well atleast the first few hours of my day will be.
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[24 Jan 2002|10:40am]
i really need to clean my room and organize my art supplies. why you may ask? well, for starter, i have three exacto knives laying on the floor. that could hurt somebody.

i'll pick those up later.
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[24 Jan 2002|09:53am]
[ mood | hungover, but i didnt even drink ]
[ music | zero zero - am gold ]

i desided to skip english class today so i could finish my typography homework. instead i just slept for two more hours.

yeah, that seemed like the right thing to do.

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[23 Jan 2002|10:18am]
[ mood | cocky as all fuck. ]
[ music | the dylan group - uk-klang search ]

the way i know that its my zip disk is the fact that i drew a heart on it. oh yeah, and the fact that my projects on this disk are way better than yours.

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i pulled off the bitches weave. [22 Jan 2002|06:42pm]
[ mood | working ]
[ music | #poundsign# ]

if i had a dollar, right now, right this very second, i would put it in that vending machine and buy myself some candy.

but i dont have a dollar and that means i dont have any candy. so i will have to settle with a cookie when i go home.

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[21 Jan 2002|11:37pm]
to make up for yesterday being quite drab, today was a nice.

at school i made my assignment for typography look better than it did before, watched a movie in english two, talked to jacqui on the phone (who should be in town right about now), and worked.

when i came home from work erin called and we desided that we were gonna rent "but i'm a cheerleader" and have a few beers. i rented the movie before i got there, erin (who looked pretty foxy tonight i might add) made some pasta and we watched the movie while making smart assed comments the whole time. just the way things should be. i'm glad erin is back in town. erin rules the school.

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[21 Jan 2002|10:20am]
[ music | 90 day men ]

alright, i can understand losing a cd, but losing an lp is way different. you dont take lp's with you places, you cant listen to them in the car, so the real question is..

where the hell is my cornelius record?

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nothing eventful. [20 Jan 2002|08:57pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | donovan - sunshine superman ]

today i never even left the house. i should have went to get groceries or done something, but nope. i didnt do a damn thing. did some homework, thought about how nice it would be to cuddle with somebody, made macaroni and cheeze, let the dog out numerous times and took naps. not just one but many.

my brother has been out of town all weekend too. this should call for massive party events, but sadly it didnt. friday night i rented the breakfast club, yesterday i hung out with erin and we drove about a half hour away to goto the only TCBY we could find in the phone book and watched fight club and saturday night live. which reminds me, i was supposed to call erin and hang out with her today and make some music and stuff. its a bit late for that now. i feel like shit. i feel so anti-productive, which really kinda sucks.

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[20 Jan 2002|11:38am]
[ music | gorillaz ]

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[18 Jan 2002|09:30pm]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | sissy bar - alien eyes ]

my ebay way of life has caused me major heart ache and pain™

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i need a haircut [18 Jan 2002|01:17pm]
[ mood | a little bit better than i was ]
[ music | !!! - the step ]

did you hear the news? jacqui is moving to minneapolis in a couple days. do you know what that means?

thats right, free haircuts!

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fuck everything! [18 Jan 2002|10:39am]
[ mood | pissed off ]
[ music | international airport ]

is the world out to get me or something? seriously, this isnt even fucking cool.

first off, my mom is retarded when it comes to managing money. she wrote me a check for $200 so i could make a payment to school, in return i wrote a $200 check to my school. everything should be well balanced, right?


it seems that my mom, aka the bad check queen, thought it would be a great idea not to deposit the money into her account untill the day after she told me to deposit the check. what did this cause? an overdraft of my account and $34 in fees.

so i called my mom, bitched at her and told her because of this she had to goto a michigan branch of my bank and deposit $250 into my account because her check bounced and this caused fees. blah blah blah.

so she did that on wed. on top of my mother depositing $250 into my account, my paycheck from work was deposited for about $200 and i also made a deposit of about $14. this should have brought my account into the clear. it did, but something fucked up happened.

it seems since my mom deposited to my account in michigan, it didnt show up in my account untill thursday, which caused another $60 in fees, bringing the grand total up to $94. now my budget is super tight, and this extra $60 in fees really fucks things up. it will cause a whole avalanche of more fees from money i took out of the atm, some things i ordered online, and a check i wrote to pay my cable modem bill.

so i went to the bank. the woman at the bank was very nice, but said the only thing she could do is reverse one-third of the fees, but if i called up the bank office, they could probobly do more for me given the circumstances.

so i called up the bank, explained to the man what happened and then he started giving me shit, telling me that he didnt see how it was bank error and giving me a lecture about how i shouldnt write checks until i see if it clears blah blah blah. fuck him. so he says if i can fax him the deposit slip proving to that my mom deposited it on wed and not thurs, he can reverse $60 of the fees.

i call up my mother, ask her if she still has the reciept and if she can fax it, and then she has the fucking nerve to give me additude. i respond ever-so-sassy with:

"oh so sorry mom, its my fault you wrote me a bad check. oh that must have been my fault that you dont know how to manage your money. my mistake"

she agreed to fax the reciept when she went to work.

all this, and NONE of it is my fault. absolutely none of it. whenever i am getting my shit together somebody has to come along and fuck it up. seriously, fuck everythinng.

UPDATE: my mom just called and she cant find the recipt, and she was giving me shit about how she had to goto work. oh this is just fucking fantastic.

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the japanese balancing rabbit is the greatest thing to hit the internet since porn! [16 Jan 2002|10:53pm]
[ music | stevie wonder - signed sealed delivered ]

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[16 Jan 2002|11:24am]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | the walkmen - everyone who pretended to like me is now gone ]

anybody wanna trade mix tapes?

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[15 Jan 2002|06:02pm]
[ mood | work time shit ]
[ music | jon spencer blues explosion - acme ]

this is direct from sanrio website's faq. i did not make this shit up.

Why doesn't Hello Kitty have a mouth?

Hello Kitty speaks from her heart. She is Sanrio's ambassador to the world who isn't bound to one certain language.

you heard it folks. hello kitty has no mouth because she speaks with her fucking heart! can you believe that crap!

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[15 Jan 2002|10:04am]

According to the Which Sanrio Character Are You? quiz, I am:

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stupid girl at work update. [14 Jan 2002|10:22pm]
[ music | tullycraft - pop songs your new boyfriend's too stupid to know about ]

stupid girl: hey look at my j lo sunglasses. arent they cool.
ryan: you look pretty white trash if you ask me.
stupid girl: yeah, well "i'm from detroit"
ryan: shut the fuck up j hoe!

stupid girl: does your school have semesters or quarters?
ryan: my school has trimesters.
stupid girl: what the hell does that mean.
ryan: figure it out you retard. tri-mesters...

stupid girl: oh i can dance, but it depends on what kind of dancing.
ryan: the cancer dance.
stupid girl: oh my god you are so mean. i quit smoking.
ryan: oh no, angela doesnt think cancer is funny, even though she does enough things that put her at risk for it.
stupid girl: yeah, well "i'm from detroit"
ryan: whatever mangella
stupid girl: you are so mean!

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