Skylar's journal

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Wednesday, May 23rd, 2001
9:19 pm - *boring Bordom*
im bored. theres is like nothing to write thats why i havent written in awhile. its not like anyone read my freakin journal anyway. and the people who do probably think im wierd.
tomorrow im not going to school becuz its a half day and then friday we have off. im going camping with some friends and hopefully it will be cool! hahah. well i should go before i bore everyone else.

current mood: bored
current music: red ants

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Wednesday, May 16th, 2001
6:14 pm - *hungry for stink*
AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! (happy scream)
this is soo kick ass!! crystal came over and she said she had a present for me... and so we went 2 her car and there was a little hampster! it is soo beyond cute! its brown and white with a little pink nose.. aww.. i love it soo much. tehe. i named it mooky. and its adorable. but she had to go to work but thats ok. i need sleep anyway..

so on friday my friend is having a show at his house and hopefully it will be a blast! im pretty darn excited. so anyways, i should go and sleep. i just wanted everyone to know and share my happieness....
<3 <3 <3 <3
*kIsSiE 2 CrYsTaL* *~*MwAh*~*

im going 2 go watch mooky run around in his ball :)

current mood: happy
current music: Brat mobile~ Potty mouth.. cd

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4:57 pm - *school makes me drool*
ahhh.. i was soo tired to day at school i thought i was going to die. i feel asleep in most of my classes. i was soo tired becuz i stayed out till like 3 yesterday, it was nice. i had a little bit of a headache when i woke up though..lucky for late arrivel.i dont have 2 work to day so im happy about that. im supposed to hang out with sum of my friends later.
my friends brian and adriana brokeup to day. it was sad... they were together for like 5 months


im not really sure if that is going to effect our relationship becuz i was friends with both of them and they are both friends with all the same people. so they still will have to see eachother which will kinda suck. but, they broke up because they are going to different colleges and adriana is leaving in like a week so it kinda sucks. im really gonna miss her but we will hopefully keep in touch.
today this really crazy out of nowhere thing happend.. my friend told me that she was raped by her moms boyfriend. pretty scarry shit, i told her i would always be there for her and all that shit. i told her if she needs me 2 come with her to therapy i will, becuz im great like that. she told her mom and theres a warrant out for the mans arrest. so, hopefully he will be serving time long, and hard.

this weekend me, crystal, danny and dylan are all going to the dunes in indiana so hopefully that will be fun. its gonna be like a road trip thing. woOoOoOo..

current mood: sleepy
current music: Dead Kennedys

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Saturday, May 12th, 2001
3:14 pm - *Guys dont hit on me*
ShS tOpDaWg 2002: u got a nice body?
ImGoNnAbEuRGrRL: sure?
ShS tOpDaWg 2002: so u do?
ImGoNnAbEuRGrRL: yea
ShS tOpDaWg 2002: how nice is it
ImGoNnAbEuRGrRL: um nice?
ShS tOpDaWg 2002: come on just describe it to me, im tryin to get a pic in my head
ImGoNnAbEuRGrRL: u do know im a lesbian rite?
ShS tOpDaWg 2002: it doesnt matter to me
ShS tOpDaWg 2002: ill talk to lesbians
ImGoNnAbEuRGrRL: well i dont really describe myself. becuz its not like ur going 2 remember like 2morrow
ShS tOpDaWg 2002: i might, if i talk to u tomorrow or somethin
ImGoNnAbEuRGrRL: well theres no point 2 describe myself
ShS tOpDaWg 2002: yeah true
ShS tOpDaWg 2002: not like im gonna see ya
ShS tOpDaWg 2002: much less fuck ya cuz your a lesbian
ImGoNnAbEuRGrRL: see.
ShS tOpDaWg 2002: even tho i got a long dick (not like u care) haha
ImGoNnAbEuRGrRL: thats nice?
ShS tOpDaWg 2002: haha
ImGoNnAbEuRGrRL: i dont care.. so u should prolly find sum chic who does
ShS tOpDaWg 2002: u dont like talkin to guys at all do u
ImGoNnAbEuRGrRL: well i do but not when they hit on me
ShS tOpDaWg 2002: well im sorry
ShS tOpDaWg 2002: ill stop
ImGoNnAbEuRGrRL: plus we have nothing in common
ShS tOpDaWg 2002: yeh i have noticed that
ImGoNnAbEuRGrRL: ahuh

dummies... how stupid and horny can guys be??
anyway. im bored... Crystal is coming over!! : ) im excited... since my roommates arent coming home till later becuz they are all at work ;)

yesterday i hung out with one of my old friends thats a cokehead. it was fucked up. she has changed sooo much. but it will still cool chilling with her. we just talked a lot. we drove around too and squirted sum kiddies with my squirt gun.. mmuhahahahaha.. it was great..

well, im bored so im going 2 find sumthing to do...

current mood: dorky
current music: Brat Mobile~ Cherry bomb & L7~crackpot baby

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Thursday, May 10th, 2001
7:37 pm - *Ohhh Gees*

me and my friend just got in this HUGE fight. it was a really stupid thing she was arguing about though. It was about how I should let HER borrow MY car.. ok? does that NOT make any sence. its *MY* <~keyword MY car and i can let her drive it or not. well ofcourse she got all pissed off becuz i wouldnt let her drive. i had a good reason to not let her drive it though.. I HAD TO GO TO WORK!!!!! i mean, maybe if she was actually LOOKING for a job i would have happily said sure u can borrow my car. but nooooo. she wanted to use it to go out to the mall..
ahhh... so basically i won and said *bitch, ill let u borrow my car if u get a fuckin job* then she ran out of the apartment. probably crying. hahah.
well that was some what exciting. hopefully she will move out..


school was really lame to day.. i have a horrible stomach still, but atleast i got 2 make fun of freshman. it was cool. i told this grrl she was diseased. hahah. we had an assembaly today. i heard it was about the sports teams or sumthin.. i dont really know.. i didnt go.. OOPS!!

i saw crystal to day. she came over before she went to work and shes supposed to come back over after work. oOoOo.
so, my to friends that im hooking up are going on a date to nite. hopefully it will go alrite.

well im going to go and watch willy wonka and the chocolate factory. :/

current mood: irritated
current music: Hippos~ Diane

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Wednesday, May 9th, 2001
9:08 pm - *Setting my friends up is an expierence*
hahahahaha.... this is soo fucked up.. im setting 2 of my best friends up.. i really hope it works out cuz theirlike perfect for eachother..

so, i went for a walk 2 day and didsum thinking..
i think that i should be nicer 2 people.. yes thats like all i got outof my walk.

i have 2 go now..i feel like shit :/ my stomach hurts

current mood: crappy
current music: Op. Ivy~ Unity

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9:04 pm - *Setting my friends up is an expierence*
hahahahaha.... this is soo fucked up.. im setting 2 of my best friends up.. i really hope it works out cuz theirlike perfect for eachother..

so, i went for a walk 2 day and didsum thinking..
i think that i should be nicer 2 people.. yes thats like all i got outof my walk.

i have 2 go now..i feel like shit :/ my stomach hurts

current mood: crappy
current music: Op. Ivy~ Unity

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Tuesday, May 8th, 2001
8:26 pm - Would I be out of line to say I miss you?

IM HYPER! a hyperactive chic.. XhardcoreX. well, i have this HUGE project due for school and its do 2morrow so i should start on it.

I had 2 work today and it was pretty cool, not alot of people came in so more time for me to play with the toys. Crystal came in and we talked for a little bit :) *MwAh*

at the moment, im bored. im hoping to go out for a square and then just sit out side since its nice out. i cant wait! i have an awesome view over a pond and i sit out there and write poetry or draw. its pretty relaxing.

Im still sick (i get sick like every week) :/ it sucks.. but i cut like an inch of my hair off. i was bored. :/

I got a new pair of plaid pants, they are like black and gray. they rock! im sooo excited to wear them :/
i get a little excited sumtimes.

well i should go start my project :X uhhh...

current mood: creative
current music: Weezer~ sweater song

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8:19 pm - Would I be out of line to say I miss you?

IM HYPER! a hyperactive chic.. XhardcoreX. well, i have this HUGE project due for school and its do 2morrow so i should start on it.

I had 2 work today and it was pretty cool, not alot of people came in so more time for me to play with the toys. Crystal came in and we talked for a little bit :) *MwAh*

at the moment, im bored. im hoping to go out for a square and then just sit out side since its nice out. i cant wait! i have an awesome view over a pond and i sit out there and write poetry or draw. its pretty relaxing.

Im still sick (i get sick like every week) :/ it sucks.. but i cut like an inch of my hair off. i was bored. :/

I got a new pair of plaid pants, they are like black and gray. they rock! im sooo excited to wear them :/
i get a little excited sumtimes.

well i should go start my project :X uhhh...

current mood: creative
current music: Weezer~ sweater song

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Sunday, May 6th, 2001
Quoted from my nieghbor. She stomped her feet and screamed at me. "this is the last time!!"she said. I suppose my musik was on wayyy to loud again. It hurt her 60 year old ears. Shes the devil I tell u. She yells at everything, shes cwazzy. Hmph.

So my roommate woke up like an hour ago and was puking her guts out. Shes cwazzy. I have to go to work soon and i really dont feel like it. I dont get to see Crystal till after work .. WAHHH...

*MwaH* thats Crystals kissy. :) anyway.

its nice out and i have the windows open..
i feel the breeze.. ahhh.. nice...
theres not much to write.. i guess i will go see whats on the t.v. im hunugry too.

current mood: frustrated
current music: Sunny day real estate~ Roses in Water

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1:26 pm - *Blah Blah Blah*
Im new at this so u have 2 understand. gosh, i feel really bored that im doing this but hopefully it will go to sum good use sumwhere... yesterday on cinco de mayo my friends got married. it was a really pretty wedding and i was the maid of honor. wow!!! i feel special :/ tehe.. we all mostly got piss ass drunk and talked to to cwazzy old people that thought we all were nuts. but u know, whats new. all old people think *teenagers* r wacky.
yippie skippie

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1:07 pm - *Blah Blah Blah*
Im new at this so u have 2 understand. gosh, i feel really bored that im doing this but hopefully it will go to sum good use sumwhere... yesterday on cinco de mayo my friends got married. it was a really pretty wedding and i was the maid of honor. wow!!! i feel special :/ tehe.. we all mostly got piss ass drunk and talked to to cwazzy old people that thought we all were nuts. but u know, whats new. all old people think *teenagers* r wacky.

yippie skippie..

I SUPPOSE i should tell u sumthings about myself.... im an 18 year old FEMALE. i still act like a child so most of my friends r almost as crazy as me. we like to act immature, i find it fun. Im not really sure u care what i look like so ill leave that out eventhough im beautiful. :/ pshha.
i AM bisexual and currently in a lesbain relationship. i love my grrlfriend : ) we have been going out for 3 weeks. her name is Crystal if u care.. but u probably dont and ur probably like *eww a dyke* well, i DO get offended when u say *fag, gay, dyke, lesbain, homo* and any other derogatory comments like that. and if u do say those i will most likely go off on u and call u a homophobic and an ignorant fool. : ) so, be forworned.
well.. back to myself.
*~LIKES~* i love riot grrl, punk and sum emo. not really ska though.. i like 2 drink and smoke cigerettes but thats a habit. i like 2 write poetry, people say im a feminist . i like to make an ass of myself and be dorky becuz thats who iam. i like to drive around my town and blast musik becuz people get annoyed when u do that :/ but there is no where to go in my town so that doesnt last long. u can normaly find me at the nearest Dennys or Baker Square becuz thats where im mostly found. i work at Toys R Us becuz i *LOVE* toys... I have them all around my room and its cwazzy but i dont know what 2 say about that.. u can sumtimes find me in the blink182 *punk* chatroom eventhough i dont like blink, but i always think well maybe sum cool people will be in there... well i wont talk any smack about that...
im getting bored blabing on about myself so ill move on 2 a cooler topic.........
**ToDaY** well today i have 2 work from 5~7 so that will be a blast! i think ill hang out with my grrlfriend and go to dennys or sumthing. maybe ill just sit out side becuz its nice out.. i just woke up though, so i have 2 get ready and all that crap. well u must be pretty bored reading this so im gonna go now.... maybe ill write in this 2morrow. so look 4ward to that.....
im gonna leave u with a quote~ The issue is not the gender difference but the difference the gender makes!! think about that..
so now 4 real i will go and eat life cereal.. YUMMM!!

current mood: silly
current music: Lemonheads~ Mrs. Robinson

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