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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in hercellardoor's LiveJournal:

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    Wednesday, March 20th, 2002
    4:58 pm
    Our DSL will be turned off starting tomorrow and we will be cast back into the early 1990's for approximately 8-9 days. I apologize if I am unable to read my friends journals during that time and wish everyone a wonderful week!

    Please send all good "moving-day" thoughts our way.

    PS moving when your seven months pregnant is not the best idea. (just in case you couldn't figure that one out for yourself.)

    Monday, March 18th, 2002
    12:50 pm
    What a waste! All the way to Kirland to have them tell me to keep a close watch on the blood sugars for another week! I think it was because my regular doc was out sick today and the replacement didn't really want to make any decisions. Why the hell couldn't they have rescheduled? They said "You need to call us in two days if they are getting any worse..." How much money did it cost me for that advice?

    Now I'm grumpy. Just swung by home for a minute to eat lunch.

    It's really cool driving into snow flurries when you keep your focus of vision about 3 feet from your windshield. (probably shouldn't admit that)

    As I was driving up 220th. I noticed that the local funtasia has pink garbage bags. They were stuffed into the dumpster and overflowing out of the top like a giant container of movie popcorn. I wonder if it's one of those "softening the blow" sort of things. "Yeah our trash is pretty, it's not bad like other peoples trash"

    Wish I was sleeping more that 4-6 hours a night. I'm drinking latte's and according to the responses I got from folks in "childbirth" and "altparent", that's not good. I feel like a bad mom, I'm just not functioning otherwise. I walk around like a fuckin zombie all day even with caffeine.

    Okay, gotta go back to work.
    Saturday, March 16th, 2002
    10:38 pm
    Home from dinner with the Kleins, sometimes I forget that I have some really exceptional friends out there.

    Signed the lease and picked up the keys to our new place today. Unbelievable the length of the lease, over six pages. I am noticing that the state of Washington is very biased on the side of the landlord. There is very little protection for tenants here and it makes me a bit nervous and disgruntled. Someday soon I may need to spend some time evaluating that. (ha ha ha, yeah when I resign from another commitment.)
    Right now I am serving on 2 boards, am a scout den mother, working a job, running a side business and teaching in the community. Oh yeah Chris and I are going to coach Lanny's b-ball team. (No wonder I'm a neurotic with a messy house.)

    Tonight Chris and I were lamenting on how cool it would be to be bored for once.

    How are we going to pack our whole house this week? AGGGG!
    Friday, March 15th, 2002
    10:57 pm
    So I started insulin today and had the pleasure of my first full-blown reaction!

    They were trying me out on the pill version first to see if I could hang with the lower dose for a few weeks before they started all the complications of the shot.
    Well anyway, I apparently don't need mid-day insulin coverage, because I broke out in a cold sweat at work and started shaking uncontrollably. It was HORRIBLE. I ended up crying in my cubby-hole and on my secretaries shoulder, and on my stapler, and keyboard and paperwork...my boss.
    Well you get the idea.
    I took my sugars and I was at 50. Yikes!
    I spent the next five hours communicating back and forth with the hospital and gorging myself on cookies, popsicles, a bagel with cream cheese, 18 oz. of juice, a boiled egg, a crab salad....Hershey's kisses.....and a big mac.

    Good God. I would have really enjoyed the ability to eat all this crap if I hadn't felt like such shit.

    I finally started to swing the other way and get myself over 100 around 4PM.

    What a day. Now I just feel plain funky.
    Thursday, March 14th, 2002
    2:57 pm
    I bought two new bras yesterday.....I am MUCH more comfortable.
    If size was any indication, I'd be able to feed an orphanage full of starving war-torn infants in a few months.
    Manufactures try to gloss over the size of my bra's by making them silky, pastel colors. In reality they are more like industrial equipment, I could use the cups as shovels in a snow-storm. I am scared as to what they will do when they finally come in contact with my son and my milk comes in. Each one will be larger than his head, will I smoother him on accident?
    2:31 pm
    Thus it begins.........
    Just back from OB and maternal-fetal medicine clinic at the hospital. I am starting insulin. They are putting me on the pill for a week, maybe two and then I'll be switching over to shots.

    I am not at all surprised by this, but concerned as too how I will survive eating nothing but completely sugar-free and healthy food for the next two and a half months. I am neurotic enough without restrictions on my chocolate intake. I can’t even have the occasional latte anymore. (whine whine). I’ll have to have more sex or something to keep in balance.

    The baby looks really good. He is now growing faster than the average cub, due to the diabetes. But so far, he is only two weeks larger than his gestational age at 2 pounds 12 ounces.

    I'm still feeling pretty happy with the pregnancy. Chris has been feeling overwhelmed and hormonal for the both of us. (Well except for yesterday when I cried all over him because I feel fat and ugly).

    I really miss the occasional cold beer.
    Monday, March 11th, 2002
    5:02 pm
    Okay, so our program secretary has placed tiny labels with my name and business address all over my office supplies. I'm serious, my scissors blades, my tape dispenser, my stapler, even my cruddy cracked at the top disk holder.
    Do you think she doesn't have enough to do? I mean it's very kind and all, but I don't remember hearing about a rash of scissors thievery going on or anything......

    Oh and I HATE it when people don't cut the grapes in half when they make slippery salads.

    I think I wore tights for the last time of my pregnancy today. (don't even ask).

    I will also need help shaving certain body parts from here on out, I can't see past my belly. (It's really too bad I like to be shaven, I wish I was wired differently)

    It's been a pretty good day all in all.....some good realizations.
    Sunday, March 10th, 2002
    6:40 pm
    Where did I get all this shit??????

    My apartment is full of crap. We have spent the day packing and organizing. I am continually amazed at the amount of stuff I have managed to cram into small amounts of storage. Two weeks until we move to the nicer side of the ghetto, yippee! Now I can look at the transient mulleted freaks from a second story townhouse. And maybe there won't be any Asian gangs conducting drug deals outside my door. I always hate pretending like I have no idea what's going on. "Sure your just waiting for your friend who ran inside to talk to his friend". (you little crack-hoe.)

    On an up-note, I really do have enough art supplies to last me through an unemployed summer of mommy hood. And I found a bunch of workshop outlines I lost about 3 years ago.

    This sim's thing with Chris is getting serious. I may need to start planning some sort of intervention.......
    Saturday, March 9th, 2002
    11:07 am
    I have the stomach flu...WAAAAAAA
    Friday, March 8th, 2002
    7:49 pm
    I can live with oatmeal...it's filling! nutrious! It makes you regular.....

    I'll bet you think this is a good thing, don't you? Laid-back, relaxed, your role in the relationship equates with that of the three-toed sloth. You have about as much personality as oatmeal, and thus you are incapable of wanting much, let alone dredging up the motivation to ask for it.

    Take the "Are you High-Maintenance?" quiz by Rez/Sanagi no Yume

    Wednesday, March 6th, 2002
    10:27 pm
    LiveJournal Connect!
    Enter your username in the left box, someone else's username (or a * for a random one) in the right box, and press the button!
    Coded by sachmet
    Tuesday, March 5th, 2002
    11:13 pm
    This is an email I received down the pike. Anybody heard of this??
    PS sorry its a bit long (I havent figured out the clip-away feature yet)

    Subject: An alert to all women. Please pass on
    > >
    > >
    > >Check the labels of the sanitary pads or
    > tampons that you are going to buy
    > >the next time and see whether you spot any of
    > the familiar signs stated in
    > >this email. No wonder so many women in the
    > world suffer from cervical
    > >cancer and womb tumors.
    > >
    > >Have you heard that tampon makers include
    > asbestos
    > >in tampons? Why would they do this? Because
    > asbestos makes you bleed more,
    > >if you bleed more, you're going to need to use
    > more. Why isn't this against
    > >the law since asbestos is so dangerous?
    > Because the powers that be, in
    > >all their wisdom (not), did not consider
    > tampons as being ingested, and
    > >therefore, didn't consider them illegal or
    > dangerous.
    > >
    > >A woman getting her PH. D. at University of
    > Colorado at Boulder sent the
    > >following: "I am writing this because women
    > are not being informed about
    > >the dangers of something most of us use:
    > tampons. I am taking a class
    > >this month and I have been learning a lot
    > about biology and women,
    > >including much about feminine hygiene.
    > Recently we have learned that
    > >tampons are actually dangerous (for other
    > reasons than TSS). I'll tell you
    > >this - after learning
    > >about this in our class, most of the females
    > wound up feeling angry and
    > >upset with the tampon industry, and I or one,
    > am going to do something
    > >about it.
    > >
    > >To start, I want to inform everyone I can, and
    > email is the fastest way
    > >that I know how.
    > >
    > >HERE IS THE SCOOP: Tampons contain two things
    > that are potentially harmful:
    > >Rayon (for absorbency), and dioxin (a chemical
    > used in bleaching the
    > >products). The tampon industry is convinced
    > that we, as women, need
    > >bleached white products in order to view the
    > product as pure and clean.
    > >
    > >The problem here is that the dioxin, which is
    > produced in this bleaching
    > >process, can lead to very harmful problems for
    > a woman. Dioxin is
    > >potentially carcinogenic(cancer-associated)
    > and is toxic to the immune and
    > >reproductive systems. It has also been linked
    > to endometriosis and lower
    > >sperm counts for men. For both sexes, it
    > breaks down the immune system.
    > >
    > >Last September, the Environmental Protection
    > Agency EPA) reported that
    > >there really is no set "acceptable" level of
    > exposure to dioxin given that
    > >it is cumulative and slow to disintegrate. The
    > real danger comes from
    > >repeated
    > >contact (Karen Couppert "Pulling the Plug on
    > the Tampon Industry"). I'd say
    > >using about 4-5 tampons a day, five days a
    > month, for 38 menstruating years
    > >is "repeated contact", wouldn't you?
    > >
    > >Rayon contributes to the danger of tampons and
    > dioxin because it is a
    > >highly absorbent substance. Therefore,
    > >when fibres from the tampons are left behind
    > in the vagina (as usually
    > >occurs), it creates a breeding ground for the
    > dioxin. It also stays in a
    > >lot longer than it would with just cotton
    > tampons. This is also the reason
    > >why TSS (toxic shock syndrome) occurs.
    > >
    > >WHAT ARE THE ALTERNATIVES? Using feminine
    > hygiene products that aren't
    > >bleached and that are all cotton. Other
    > feminine hygiene
    > >products(pads/napkins)contain dioxin as well,
    > but they are not nearly as
    > >dangerous since they are not in direct contact
    > with the vagina. The
    > >pads/napkins need to stop being bleached, but,
    > obviously, tampons
    > >are the most dangerous. So, what can you do if
    > you can't give up using
    > >tampons?
    > >
    > >Use tampons that are made from 100% cotton,
    > and that are UNBLEACHED.
    > >Unfortunately, there are very few companies
    > that make these safe tampons.
    > >They are usually only found in health food
    > stores.
    > >
    > >Countries all over the world (Sweden, Germany,
    > British Columbia, etc. )
    > >have demanded a switch to this safer tampon,
    > while the U. S. has decided to
    > >keep us in the dark
    > >about it.
    > >
    > >In 1989, activists in England mounted a
    > campaign against
    > >chlorine bleaching. Six weeks and 50, 000
    > letters later, the makers of
    > >sanitary products switched to oxygen bleaching
    > (one of the green methods
    > >available)(MS magazine, May/June 1995).
    > >
    > >WHAT TO DO NOW: Tell people. Everyone. Inform
    > them. We are being
    > >manipulated by this industry and the
    > government, let's do something about
    > >it!
    > >
    > >Please write to the companies: Tampax, Libra
    > and Carefree Call the 800
    > >numbers listed on the boxes. Let them know
    > that we demand a safe product
    > >
    > >Please pass this on to as many women as
    > possible. If you are a woman and
    > >use pads, but especially if you use tampons,
    > read this and pass it on to
    > >your friends.
    > >
    > >For the men receiving this email, please
    > forward it to your
    > >friends, significant others, sisters, mothers,
    > daughters, etc. )
    > >
    > >Each action causes a reaction.
    > >
    > >Thanks!
    > >
    > >Shelley I. Thomas
    > >Administrative Assistant/Industrial Relations
    > Coordinator
    > >Montana State University
    > >Dept. of Chemical Engineering
    > >306 Cobleigh Hall
    > >Bozeman, MT 59717-3920
    > >(406) 994-2221
    > >FAX (406) 994-5308
    > >e-mail: shelleyt@coe.montana.edu
    > >
    8:49 pm
    I'm really glad I went down to a 14 G on my septum ring...looking at this site
    http://www.bmezine.com/pierce/03-nose/sept1.html the bigger jewelry seems so un dainty. I like the idea of retaining some part of my femininity. I also like the full hoops much better than the partials. I really want to find some sort of lattice work silver ring, but I haven't been able to find one anywhere.
    1:58 pm
    My little one has been puking and having diarrhea since last night. He woke up every 30-45 minutes to either puke in a bowl or to say "oh no I had an accident again".
    We went through 2 blankets and 4 towels. After the second time I just cleaned him up and put him back in bed naked with a towel under his butt.
    My poor baby.
    He started running a fever around 3AM and finally fell asleep.
    We napped all this morning. Right now he's staring at the TV watching Mulan, but not really "seeing" it. He's definately fuzzy around the edges.
    I've managed to keep a Popsicle and a little juice down him (hooray!). I REALLY don’t want to be driving him down to children's for re-hydration. It was so much easier when he was a toddler and got sick. He was fine with "nursing" his way through the pukes.

    Why do I smell vomit everywhere????
    Monday, March 4th, 2002
    10:00 pm
    Men get pregnant too......

    My darling is bitchy, moody, hormonal, has weird food cravings.
    Now he is attempting to shadow-box with the cat to prove that none of this is true.

    But we all know that it is effecting him.

    It feels very nice to know that I'm not going through this alone. He is already connected with this baby in a way my ex never was with my son.

    PAUSE---needed to interrupt this post to help care for our puking son...ahhh the joys of parenthood. Chris is a great dad.
    8:23 am
    feeling less hormonal this morning.

    Today I am making Monty Python's "Always look on the Bright Side of Life" my theme song.

    My poor husband, it's got to be hard to be around a hugely pregnant woman who cries when you look at her sideways.
    Saturday, March 2nd, 2002
    9:06 pm
    Okay here is my fifty memories/events :-)
    Please remember that many of these occurred in my YOUTH, misspent, etc. Thank you
    Anoisblue for the idea and the challenge.

    1. I cracked my chin open 6 times as a child.
    2. I have lived on the streets of both Seattle and San Francisco.
    3. I have survived having six parents, two moms and four fathers.
    4. I have moved 50 times (at last rough guess) all before the age of 16.
    5. When I was four I watched my mom turn a trick through a bedroom keyhole.
    6. I smoked crack with three black transvestite prostitutes who were all size 1's.
    7. I worked 10-12 hours a day selling flowers on a street corner in Sacramento when I was 14.
    8. I gave a baby up for adoption when I was 17.
    9. I graduated from High School with honors even though I completely missed the bulk of 3 grades. and won the graduating classes "special honor" for history.
    10. I've been to a real biker party.
    11. I have white water rafted in 4+ water on more than 8 occasions.
    12. At a party when I was 13, a girl OD'ed on heroin. I was the third person to see her body in the bathroom.
    13. I won the ACES Invitational "Best In Show" for poetry and creative writing in high school.
    14. I breastfed my son until his third birthday and I think it was one of the best things I've ever done.
    15. I camped out in front of the federal building for 5 days at the beginning of the "Gulf Conflict."
    16. I was the President of the Gay and Lesbian Youth Association of Los Vegas, even though I consider myself predominantly heterosexual.
    17. I stole a $115 hat from Nordstrom's.
    18. I hung out with Jimmy Cliff before and after one of his shows.
    19. I sold communist newspapers in front of the Pike Place market when I was 16.
    20. It took a 10-year block of sobriety for me to figure out that I wasn't my parents and although I am plenty OCD, I'm not an addictive type of person .
    21. At the age of five, I carried a loaded gun and shoved it into a woodpile nozzle first as a favor for my aunt who was high on something and wanted to hide the gun from my uncle.
    22. I discovered a dead body on a street corner while tripping on mushrooms with two climbers from Colorado and a girlfriend.
    23. I married a girl in a neo-pagan ceremony.
    24. I once had a six-foot boa shit all over me.
    25. My father kidnapped me when I was five.
    26. I was Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz when I was in third grade in the school play.
    27. I went to bars on a regular basis as a young teen.
    28. I have been mistaken as a prostitute while walking to school along the "strip" in Los Vegas.
    29. I am an NSACA endorser.
    30. I almost drowned when I was 8 in our apartment swimming pool.
    31. I threw a cat off our balcony when I was two. (Don't' worry it survived).
    32. I ate pork for the first time when I was 13.
    33. I saw the Grateful Dead for the first time when I was 6 weeks old.
    34. I have lived communally.
    35. I once hung out in a tee-pee in the middle of the woods for over a week
    36. I've been chased by a pissed-off bull.
    37. I kept the Sabbath for most of my childhood.
    38. I have checked my mom into a mental institution on more than one occasion.
    39. I have had 4 sinus surgeries.
    40. I gave birth naturally, twice.
    41. I am a certified parent educator.
    42. I went to college for six years and gained an ECE degree but never a BA.
    43. I have worked for the school district for 12 years.
    44. My best friend killed himself three years ago.
    45. I was the star witness in a crowded courtroom case when I was 6.
    46. I have an intense fear of flying that requires medication when I travel.
    47. I have lived with a man twice my age.
    48. I have run from police, twice.
    49. I have been stuck in a car with a crazy person high on crystal meth. while going over a snowy mountain pass.
    50. I have attended six births as a labor support person.

    Wow, all that therapy and medication has really paid off! This was a cool excercise. I kinda breezed through it, so I'm sorry if it's a bit jumbled. I'm remembering all kinds of things now. I may have to do a part 2 sometime.
    Thursday, February 28th, 2002
    10:30 pm
    Staff meeting.......taco salad........video about anaphylactic shock.

    Now I feel gassy.
    12:49 pm
    Just returned from the OB's
    An interesting trip there. On impulse I gave a guy with a sign on the edge of the freeway a buck. For some reason I didn't make eye contact with him and then I felt like a total asshole over it. Okay so maybe I am a bit sleep deprived.

    My doctor keeps coming up with more and more interventions and tests and monitoring...... now she's telling me that she will keep me on an insulin drip throughout all of labor unless my blood sugars are between 80-100 (fat chance in hell that will happen). She has decided this even though almost all woman have normal blood sugars (between 80-125) once labor is actively underway.

    Another thing , now she is going to be checking my cervix every other week for effacement and dilation. HUMMPH!

    Okay so I picked her because she is my cousin (through marriage) and she said she was into a low intervention labor and delivery, but now that I'm in a higher risk group, I think her story is changing. I told her I was going to labor from home as long as possible. She said no I wasn't.............Anyone know what kind of risks I'm really looking at if I stay home until I'm in active labor?
    Tuesday, February 26th, 2002
    5:05 pm
    People don't smile enough at strangers.......It was such a beautiful day. I finished reading "our babies ourselves". It was an amazing book!

    Chris is really sick. I hope he doesn't loose his job because he missed work today. His company sucks. They are MEAN and unethical. They also treat him like poo, they turned off his phone a few weeks ago because I had called and said I was in the hospital, but I didn't call on his "lunch break". What ass holes. All of them are single and view employees with families as a real blow to productivity. He can't even go to any of my OB appointments anymore because he was leaving an hour early to go to them.
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