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Ohh, heck yeah!! Turtle Power!! [14 Nov 2001|09:17pm]
[ mood | tired ]

I just sneezed all over my hand... that's *pretty* gross...
Moving on though, today was pretty interesting.
I went to the Omega meeting afterschool-then I went w/ Hannah and TC to ECC for her little choir class, and finally got to see who Kelby was (everyone kept looking at me though, and it made me uncomfortable...especially Kelby...but I'm not competition!! That would be kinda wrong cause the age thing is okee, but since I look like I'm 13 or 14, and he's like, 21, it's just...dirty!)
After that we ate at Johnny Rockets ::someone needs to talk to them about their freakin' jukeboxs and the fact that the numbers DON'T match the songs...wasting my damn nickels!!::
THEN I saw "Shallow Hal" and it was great, and I don't feel so bad now about not having any standards at all. (Why have high standards, if you don't think you have the means to achieve them?)
I befriended one of the old ladies at the movie theater though, and she told me taht I would have to pre-buy my Harry Potter ticket if I wanted to see it Friday, cause although they're showing it in FIVE theaters, they've ALREADY sold out all the tickets in TWO of them, and almost the third...WHOA! I bought lipgloss in the bathroom!! THAT MADE MY NIGHT!! WILL WONDERS NEVER CEASE ???
THEN I went to church, and Kyle was there, and we were off to a good start, but Rachel is into him, and I have that avoidant thing going on, so if you know how that works, it's all self explanitory... I'm used to it happened in middle school, so it's not like anything's really changing... MAN! Middle school was fun, but it was also the worst...NOT going into that...too bad you can have an LJ, but STILL not be able to write EVERYTHING you want to....
GOod NiTe

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So... [12 Nov 2001|07:53pm]

Take the MONSTER RANCHER test at!

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*subject* Harry Potter Special is on in 4 minutes =) [11 Nov 2001|07:43pm]
[ mood | indescribable ]
[ music | Daft Punk- "Face To Face" ]

Today I feel like the second ugliest person in the world...
the first being Carrot Top.

Kyle/Klye/Kyle/Kyle.... You are a BAD boy!

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Welcome to the New you... [08 Nov 2001|05:04pm]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | Gorillaz- "Rock Da House" ]

Well everyone, I did it.
It's short, and curly and I think I look dykish.
But it'll grow out, and it's something different, which is what I need right now.
Hope everyone had a great day!
See you tomorrow... I guess you guys will tell me how it looks to u =)


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How NOW Brown Cow....?? [07 Nov 2001|08:44pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | Parappa the Rappa, lol ]

People can really dumb.
All the ones who have a lot of friends always talk about how everyone hates them, and that they hate everybody
All the people who are really pretty go on and on about how they don't have a boyfriend or how ugly they are
Everyone that thinks they are dorks are the coolest people in the world, but they're too busy saying otherwise to realize it

It's about time people stopped complaining so much about what they don't have/what they want/what they can't get and realize that many people tell u the good things because it's true.
Not *everyone* has a motive

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...Too Much Joy... [06 Nov 2001|06:45pm]
[ mood | indifferent ]
[ music | Girls Against Boys- "Bullet Proof Cupid" ]

Didn't get any movies after all.
Ended up going to GNC, and now instead of taking 8 pills a day, I now have to take 11
Oh joy.

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[06 Nov 2001|05:37pm]
[ mood | excited ]

Yes!! Just talked mom into leaving the house
to go rent "Shrek" And "Toy Story 2"

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Wow, LJ is incredibly dumb...and addictive [06 Nov 2001|05:35pm]
[ mood | mellow ]
[ music | Wallflowers - "^th Avenue Heartache" --MAN, I love this song ]

We have a great music scene.
But WHY are most of the bands lately all rock or emo or punk ??
They're different, but yet the same, ya know ??
I'm not dissing that kind of music or anything..
But why doesn't someone start a ska band ??
Something infused with a lil' reggae ??
Add some trumpets, or a cello!!

So, we were riding home in Hannah's winne, and what did we watch on the television ???
Oh my, that is so nice, even if the car is like,almost my whole bedroom on frikin wheels.

I'm drinking Sobe, and lately the caps have the dumbest things written inside them.
That was until today.
For when I turned my cap over it read:
**Stiffler's Mom**
Oh my, that's naughty :)

Later I'm going to run off and do the submissive homewishy task of making cookies for Cody, Rachel, and Adrienne (etc. ??) so that they feel loved There's nothing better than doing nice things for people...
except laughing when people do stupid things, like fall down a flight of stairs @ school

Vandit went to the Hospital this morning because he stepped on a rusty nail on the stage before "Jack..." started. OH my,hehe -- but he's okee..he couldn't get a shot cause he's not 18 yet, and I find that incredibly funny...he gonna get tetanus--

I've gotta go start on that *favor* I'm doing for Adrienne
I'm not gonna be @ school Thurs...
I may not be there tomorrow...
So if u don't see me 'til Friday, IT WAS PLANNED


**OMG! Adrienne I STILL have to make my "Bad Man" shirt!! It's almost 6!! Yay!**

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What about fate ?? [05 Nov 2001|07:32pm]
[ mood | dorky ]
[ music | Prozzak- "Sucks To Be You" ]

So, I stayed afterschool today so I could pick up my cookie dough and cheesecake just to find out that Mrs.Trent changed the date from Mon. to Tues. ....sheesh....

***Has anyone seen the new Snuggles fabric softener commercial with all the animals trying out fot the "teddy bear" role ?? Like the porcupine and stuff ??" It's the best!!****

Heather, despite the fact that I may just graduate from the school of most boring person in the world when they are not under the influence of a substance, I'm really glad we got to hang out a lil' bit afterschool :) You are the best, and your so easy to talk to!! One day we'll go to the car dealership and I will buy you a lovely car!
(Did Aireekah swindle you out of gas money, hehe ??)

ANYWAYS!! Tomorrow is Tuesday -*-*-* THESPIAN PRACTICE *-*-*-

**Carlton just did his little "Tom Jones" dance on Fresh Prince of Bell-Air..I think I can now die happy, because that is the best dance EVER!!**

I'm feeling the LJ love going all around! Actually, I think I'm slowly becoming addicted, cause I get joy out of posting when ever I go online

MUHAHAHAHAH ::Evil laughter::

Well, I have to go now and do the tons of homework that I have not even started yet, and find a new hairstyle online, cause I'm bored now, and I'm cutting it really short...


*~*Nitey Nite*~*
(YAY!! Kendra :-D)

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...I Don't Think It'll Be So Bad.... [03 Nov 2001|04:30pm]
[ mood | giddy ]
[ music | Reel Big Fish- SellOut ::big grin:: ]

I just got back from the Cartooning Class about an hour ago, and I have to say, that has to be one of the BEST decisions I've made lately.
It was taught by Doug McGregor, who does the Sunny-Side Up comics in the Newspress. Wow! He is so awesome! He's a really good teacher, he gave me really good advice, and he knows the Autrys. He really helped me out... now I can :

A) Get the program I need for my computer @ about 400-500$ less
B) submit some of my stuff not only to the school newspaper, but the Newspress
C) E-mail my new Brazilian friend who hooked me up with his business card, lol!

Ohh, I Am so excited now!! Just the fact that he likes my works, and said I had lots of talent makes me feel like I'm getting closer, you know ??
THEN there's my friend who wants to make a sex toy and call it "Blowjob Bob" hahah!
What a worthy goal!! I think that already exist though ??

I'd go into the whole story, but we ALL know that talking about blowjobs is a PREFECTLY logical reason for people to not want to be your friend, so maybe we'll just tiptoe around that, shall we ??

::tip- toe, tip-toe::

I can't wait 'til Tuesday.....;-)
Have a Great Saturday everyone!!!!

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HAHAHAHHHHHA [01 Nov 2001|04:57pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Taco Bell Stickers!!
Your the best, TC :-)
Muchos Gracias!!
"Animals of the Grasslands"
Makes me feel like I'm back @ home in Africa, eating Zebra!

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Leave Your Troubles On the Floor / Up with the Positive, Down with the Negative [01 Nov 2001|04:39pm]
[ mood | high ]
[ music | **Samiam**- "She Found You" ]


It's crazy how one day you can be so down, and then the next you can be up!
and it's not like anything monumental even happened.
You just look in the mirror and say, " I could care less"

Life's short

I don't have time for petty people and the dumb things they do anymore
I don't have time to worry about what people think about me, and how's sleeping with whom, or who hates me or who wants to have my baby

I've only got time for the good stuff

I want everyone to know that they are the best
I want everyone to know that being depressed sux, so you shouldn't do it
I want everyone to know that if you care about people you should let them know

If people screw you over, tell them to go piss on themselves (or something else in your own words) and move on
You don't need them :-)

And on the PS note :

1) I doubt anyone's interested, but I'm going to a cartooning class on Sat @ the museum (you might see it on those ads they have onthe big screens, at the corners of the intersections with the lights and stuff) If anyone wants to accompany me, it's free, so just call me...if not it's okee, cause I think I've almost talked Kyle into going...

2) Hannah, I *really* don't want it going around about VB. The thespians rehersal is Tues. afterschool, and I AM gonna stay, so shut your pie hole !! :-D

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**INSERT MELANCHOLY HERE** [29 Oct 2001|09:25pm]
[ mood | crushed ]

Yeah, so I think I'm 78% on my way to losing a friend.
It's a weird feeling, because frankly, it doesn't happen that often
Let's all hate me because I'm a quiet person
I already apologized
I can't go back in time and erase it
I didn't do it on purpose
and if you can't tell me what I did wrong, because i'm too naive to see what I did myself,
how the hell do you expect me to fix it ??

Rachel, we're in a similar prediciment :-/

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Situation: Nowhere [29 Oct 2001|05:13pm]
[ mood | grumpy ]
[ music | Cibo Matto- "Know Your Chicken" ]

So, I didn't go to school today because my ride didn't pick me up.
I spent quality time with my mom instead, which was nice.

I found that ringtones for your cell actually cost money if you want good ones, but are extremely fun

I also found out that Mtv will play the same videos 20 minutes apart from each other because they think no one is home watching

Does anyone have a copy of the latest Spin magizine (with Kid Rock on the cover??) I NEED IT!!

Hey, here's an idea everyone (or the people who are bored enough to read this) how about you IM me ?? -->Lynnex101
I actually feel like talking to people today


my neighbor just returned the brand new books (50 freakin dollars) I let her borrow, in the WORST condition I have ever seen! They look like she left them out in the rain or something!! Grrr.... remind me never to let people borrow anything of value from me. >:-(

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How many times have your friends let you down ?? [28 Oct 2001|05:30pm]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | Our Lady Peace- "Life" ]

Wow, it's only been like, 15 minutes, and I'm already back with something to type.
Liz is acting all weird and depressed, and won't tell me what's wrong. She reminds me of an Our Lady Peace song...
I tried the pantented "sensitive" approch, and it didn't work, so if she doesn't want to tell me, I'm not gonna force her
I'm not saying I dont care, and that I don't want her to be happy, but my sympathy doesn't exceed a certain point, with the view that it's good to let other people know you get depressed sometimes, or you'd look extremly fake.
Maybe that sounds really weird, soimg from me, but I'm starting to see things alot differently than I used to. I'm also becoming a little more selfish than I used to, which isn't too cool, but at least I can see it in myself.
Don't worry, it's just a passing phrase.... I'm still the same ol' nice kid

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I'm bacccck [28 Oct 2001|05:04pm]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | Shakira- "Suerte/Whenever, Wherever" ]

I like how I just wrote an entire entry about my weekend/new keyboard/ and the shoes I got and it didn't go through. Espeically since i hven't been able to get on here for about a week...
But I digress..... how is everyone doing ??
School sux/weekends are a bore/ and people aren't always what they seem
I'll post later, my hands are numb-ish, and my nips are hard :-)

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**Bazooka Joe isn't Jewish** [20 Oct 2001|12:35pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | Gorillaz- "Latin Simone" ]

Friday was a pretty fun day. Went to Taste of the Greenies and helped with the Jello Wrestling (meaning I watched a lot of it, and fetched ice). Stayed afterschool for a bit to socialize/help clean up, and left a trail of modern breadcrumbs (=pez popcorn) all over the school...but at least they knew where to find me, when they paged the office up front!

Next, went to the mall, and discovered the most perfect item of clothing in 5-7-9/ ate, then went home for about an hour got dressed for the game, and left again. Stopped at Wal-MArt, bought ribbon (haha, 29cents) and drooled over the Harry Potter figurines that I did not have time to look @ !!

At the game, FINALLY got to see Nikki's obsession (#50!), Ken/his wife/Amanda/and the girls showed up!, watched Hannah seduce her "bf" in 2 and 1/2 hours after meeting him, hung out with a guy whom I had a feeling was Sarah Vineyard's ex that I keep hearing about, and let everyone and their brother use my cell phone! It was all good though. :-) I worked consession with Katie, TC, Steven Feterhoff, Herman, and Mike Harrinburg....all of which I haven't talked to (aside from TC) in the LONGEST time, so it was fun! I don't understand MR.Moran's logic of putting all the candy and chips in the microwave, but Herman is my hero, so it's okee!

After the game, while playing mediatior to Hannah and TC, we dropped by Hooters for about half an hour...All I can say about that, is that Jordan Qauvis(?) got shut down!!!!
Talked about racist meat (pork.....the other WHITE meat) got home around 11, took a shower, and was deathly tired from walking around school/the mall/ and then school again all day. Sleep....

Currently (Sat.) Watched a lil' Bob Marley block of music videos on Mtv2 that made my morning. Whoo!! Shock!! Remy Zero has a new video out!!...the song's not much, but that still excites me!
I really want to go visit my bro and sister-in-law in Orlando...which one of my fav. cities to date. Wanna go to WonderWorks and FAOShwartz
I'm thinking about how much fun it would be to see the Beastie Boys and MixMaster Mike in concert... ::Sigh::

Have a Nice Day Everybody.... HAPPY HOMECOMING
Ft.Myers: 41
Cypress: 14

1 comment|post comment [18 Oct 2001|06:59pm]
[ mood | indifferent ]


You come to grips more frequently and thoroughly with yourself and your environment than do most people. You detest superficiality; you'd rather be alone than have to suffer through small talk. But your relationships with your friends are highly intensive, which gives you the inner tranquility and harmony that you need in order to feel good. You do not mind being alone for extended periods of time; you rarely become bored.

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Chinese Fire Drill/ Jello Burns [18 Oct 2001|05:06pm]
[ mood | pleased ]
[ music | Garbage- #1 Crush ]

So today was pretty fun! I was all rushed this morning cause Hannah came early, but it all worked out, cause all my clothes actually matched in a strange sort of way.
Anyways, afterschool today, I went to the mall with TC and Hannah, and did our "Saw Grass Mall" thang, where we just kept going back and forth to the bourbon chicken people and eating...and eating...and eating. Then we got fries, and while TC was eating Hannah's food while she was gone Sara came by and I it was all like "Hey!" And then we started talking about what good artists Sara AND Sara Edginton are, and how they make us sick (in a good way) cause they're so FREAKIN good!!
So we're about to leave, but we decide to go up to one more chinese place, but the lady remembered us, so we went to the counter to try some Macki (??) chicken, so the lady could tell we didn't need her! Lo and behold who should show up but Cody and later Rachel!!! (YAY) Cody showed us how he got his bandages, (which included akward spinning around on the mall floor) and then we went out side and took lovely pictures while I holdered at strage men playing "I'm A Thug" really loud in their car.
On the way home, we decided to play Chinese fire drill, and when it was my turn my leg got a crap, and I was like "I"M OLD< I'M OLD!!" That;s okee, I did it again, only to have a bee run INTO me...hahaha!!
But from all the good stuff, I'm stressed about tomorrow! Not only do I have like ,4 booths I haver to make apperances at at Taste of the Greenies, but I just found out I have to do Consession for Omega (which I'm not even sure I'm a member of, since I haven't paid my dues) at the Homecoming game tomorrow, which I was NOT planning on going to.... ::sigh:: I still have to makes thsoe 12 packs of jello tonite too...I hope everyone wrestles tomorrow...just DON"T GET JELLO IN YOUR EYES!!!!


PS!! Lehigh is movin' on UP!! We're getting a Wendy's!! AND Bran Muffins are back at Perkins!! Tell me that doesn't rock!!!?!?!?!

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The extra stuff... [17 Oct 2001|07:26pm]
[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | Garbage-"When I Grow Up" ]

I am an artistic fool!! The only pics I've drawn in the last 3 days have only to go with GORILLAZ (one of the best groups EVER) hehehe, I love 'em!! I wanna draw a perty one, and give it to Adrienne to make her smile :-)

Although he hates me most of the time, (or not, but you can't really tell these days) I got Billy a present. I saw it and thought of him, and he probably won't like it, but at least he can tell me how it is when I give it to him tomorrow. Should I gift wrap it ?? hmmm

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