Relevant Communities The following communities are also interested in "evil". 33 matches: Interested users The following users are also interested in "evil". More fun stuff can be found on the interests page. 763 matches:
- 0mniscient - Enlightenment Junkie
- 10000pirates - Andy "Ø" Long
- 666queen - jo
- 870621345 - the dark Angel of evil Death
- 8bit - [mike c]
- abercrombieriot - c.h.u.m.p.
- abman - Mic
- accessdenied - AcceSSDenieD
- acidannie - ..sold.devotion..
- acidburn69 - [Acid Burn]
- adlad - ADLAD
- aengus - aengus
- afairythatbled - ewin
- agashakatsako - Catzo
- agathodaimon - Jåsmine Dånka Sven
- agentkai - kai
- akaineko - Akaineko
- alithefiend - Ali
- alloutwar - Timmy and Wayne
- almarina - Almarina
- almightygnome - The Almighty Gnome
- altowolf - Alto Wolf
- alukaslair - Aluka
- alyasunkn0wn - God
- amberfication - Amber Evil
- analiasa - Ana Liasa
- andytsai - andytsai
- angelabsinthe - angel abSINthe
- angelfennec - Maybe
- angelfromhell - Angel*a
- angelic_emma - emma
- angelsnake - beautiful disease
- angulique - Angulique
- ankah - Ankah
- ankharah - your pewter prosthetic
- annabellex - Annabelle The Star
- annexia - Angie
- anns007 - annie
- anonymous_jerk - Slut
- antisocial - Anti-Blank
- apocalypselater - Andrew Like-Slettuce
- applegobo - Charmander-Shitoyasaka
- arcturus - Dennis
- artdecoreader - Where the falling angel meets the rising ape
- asiral - asiral
- asmodeus_eblis - the Soulless Paladin of Pandemonium
- atariskid - Atariskid
- atomicalleycat - Talena
- autumnkurai - Jen/Dark Autumn
- azhrarn - Curtis
- azriel - Boo Boo Kitty Fuck's
- a_z_r_a_e_l - Arch-Angel Azrael
- badvogato_s - Badvogato
- bad_deedlit - Divine Follie
- baileh - |cover|me|with|dreams|
- banung - Banungadawa
- baphometmoon - Dr. Death
- baracoodah - Sara
- basement - io &
- bastionwyvern - Trevor
- bbdll - Ambyr Rose
- bealzebub - Cory
- beautyslashing - Alexis
- bene - bene
- billykill - Billy Kill
- bitchiekittie - bitchiekittie
- blackangelwings - Dark Kelly
- blackiris - ...
- blackknight - James Allen
- blark - Thomas White
- bleeding_lynx - S.M. Taylor and Layn
- bloodredtears - Nothing Worth Saving
- blood_butterfly - Lárisa Erzsabeth Archane
- blueskiesinhell - King Badger
- blushinglotus - Jenny
- boba_fett - Boba Fett
- bondagebear - Bondagebear
- bondagefaery - Kat
- brainsplatty - nobody
- brakish_whore - Tabby
- brennie - Lostinallconfusion
- britishgothguy - Gothic Vampyre in Fugue
- brittyppg - ~*~Brittiney~*~
- brokenhalo - Broken One
- bubbledragon - Bubble Dragon
- bubzigohn - Fryland Danz
- buhfly - b'fly
- buscemi - what a nice weirdo!
- butterflysxy - Sarah Lorraine
- cadwizzard - Darryl
- caitlinkittie - caitlin
- calebbelac - But . . .but, the world is suppose to make sense!
- candyy - k a $ h
- cannonfoder - CannonFoder
- cantwork - i am cantwork
- captainzap - Ross
- cardiosapient - Androgynoid
- catii - Cai
- celestialbolt - Tristan
- chemical - chemical
- chica_bonita16 - Drusilla
- chilblain - Chilblain
- childofthedevil - HollyBear
- cholula - Cholula
- chronicles - The Great Idomis Complex
- cjezuaza - Cjezuaza
- ckendrick - Fantasies and Delusions
- claudia - TIMMAH!
- cleverdevil - J.C. Lehan
- closedminded - Punky
- cointelcon - jonah
- coldblackncold - Yankee Bluejeans
- colleens_world - The world according to Colleen
- coma_black - coma_black
- cookielafleur - Cookie LaFleur
- corachaos - Cora Chaos
- cornbreadjones - Cornbread Jones
- corpsefucker - corpsefucker
- covert - RE => LOAD
- crazyoutlaw - Clyde
- crescents - Koneko
- crimson - Gillian Kathleen
- crimsonfiend - The Devil Himself
- crinoline - Manfred on the Jungfrau
- crowskywalker - Crow Skywalker
- crypt_kitten - Crypt Kitten
- crystalm - Crystal Moon
- cultessalura - Alura
- cyberbear - Mike BigBear
- daevric - Dark, lost soul...
- darcnight - DarcNiGHT
- darius - Darius Bacon
- darkcreep - Adam
- darkdelilah1976 - DarkFemmeDelilah
- darkdollie - averi
- darkforest - The Jonathan
- darkgirls66 - Ahn and Rowan
- darklady666 - Miss Misery
- darkness6 - Cat
- dark_delilah - Delilah
- dawnofdapenguin - ZombieJoey
- ddevil - DDEViL
- deaddoll - *~princess nothing~*
- deadinmymind - Dan
- deadisbetter - The artist formerly known as your worst nightmare
- deadpigtailbich - don't even think about it , i'm much too young....
- deathlessone - Deathless
- deeter - Deeter and Dallas
- defeat - ex tempore
- defect6sic6 - Marion 8 (Skot if you must)
- deliriyumsyn - Deliriyum Syn
- del_scharlach - Del
- demonlordpicolo - Demon Lord Piccolo
- demonofthewest - Agustus
- demonsoul - Robbie
- denialofmadness - DenialofMadness
- densetsu - Rat
- deranged - carlie
- dericy - Dericy
- derrrr - 'tachu
- dethisuponus - Col
- deusnegative - ÐeusÑegative
- developer - ruins
- devilboi - black
- devilchild112 - margaret
- devilkitty666 - Lady Devilkitty
- devilsfate - jessica
- devilslambskin - GoatWhore
- devilwind - Jeff
- devvy - *she devil*
- dewprisms - |[ undine // d e w p r i s m s ]|
- dia - Dia BaaSheep
- dimechiky2k - SelfMutilator
- disarmmylove - Pretty Little Hate Machine
- dizboy - tHe dArK iNsiDe
- dizzyrockstar - The Eyes Of The Dreamer, DizZy The Painted Angel
- dmize - <ChA^oS <Th^EoRy>
- docta666 - ken masters
- doctor_sin_nema - Charlie Parker
- dootot - Damon the drunk
- dppl - tony
- dragonguyver - Joshua
- drinktilluvomit - ‹v^••,.·'¨€JØꀨ'··,••^v›™
- druflavabb - natty
- dr_lariat - The Maniacal Dr. Lariat
- dustie - dUsTiE
- d_angelique - D'Angelique
- elimnist - Joe of Potsdam
- eli_steel - mr grenade (ràvén)
- elloneloire - Ellone
- elvenhearts666 - Genn
- eminence - Her Emmi-nence
- emiru - YiKU
- emotionallymute - Eminent Error
- enchanted_abyss - Roxy
- enchant_ress - pidheli veshia
- endezeit - Adam
- endlessapathy - An Angry Teen
- eris - eris
- eris_discordia - Eris
- ervice - ervice
- esme - Esmerelda
- evettelangford - That One Girl
- evieoconnell - Evelyn Black
- evil - Mr. Fizz
- evil20 - Disillusioned Messiah
- evilbigbrother - Big Brother
- evilezekiel - mikie
- evilfb - FB
- evilgoddess - EvilGoddess
- evilgothchic - Veruca
- eviljesi666 - EvIl LiTtLe ClOwN
- evilmademedoit - .·´¯`·.·´`·.tHë ËvïL¹.·´`·.·´¯`·
- evilmojo - Lane *EvilMojo*
- evilmysteryman - Evil Villain!
- evilmzkitty - .:*EvilMzKitty & PooCat*:.
- evilpsychojoe - Joe Petrizzi
- evilroos - evilRooS
- evilscarecrogrl - BeTh
- evilspaz666 - Liah Natas
- evilution - strange little boi
- evil_holds_me - Jamie
- evil_wes - Wes
- evy - evy
- exbastardus - Phoenix
- excelsis - /dev/null
- eyenot - Gabriel Arthur Petrie
- eyeofsight - Beth
- f4ust - Kyle the Sinister
- faeryflesh - *eLeGAnTLy wAsTeD*
- fairybaby - *Fairy*
- faithzan6el - unstablepenguin
- falaris - Falaris
- fallendarkangel - Flux
- fear_the_lamb - evil little lamb
- fiend666 - Fiend666
- fiendishlygood - Maya
- finally_happy - dana
- fire4ice - . R e i g n . O f . C h a o s .
- fishofhappiness - Becca
- fleck - Rick
- fledgeling - Natalia Rivera
- flemco - J. Grant
- flwrchld - Orchid
- frankiethirteen - Franklin Simon Thirteen
- freak924 - Valerie
- freakanatur - lonely dead boy
- freakscene - Radio Active Maa Grass Eater
- fredkreuger - thE dReAm MaSteR
- freehand - Oliver Twisted
- freemason33 - Freemason33
- friskypixie - shut up and kiss me
- frith - frith
- fritzter - fritzie fritz
- frosti2000 - Justin
- fuelie - *S.h*i.m*m.e*r.Y*
- fulflej - trent
- fullofstars - Fullofstars
- futhman - Random Fuckstick
- fwibos - Fwibos
- g0ddessofevil - Manda
- gabbergod - Gabber God
- gaibryelremorse - Gaibryel Miller ::The Merely Great Bull God::
- galahad - Matt
- gamblor - Neon Claws
- gargoylespirit - Spirit
- geekexmachina - Madrigal
- generichuman - kraftwerk999
- giant - Kieran
- gift - nicole
- girlinthedark - girlinthedark
- girl_in_black - Corrupt and Misunderstood
- glamcabbit - glam cabbit
- glynndesmond - Glynn Desmond (Mike9103)
- godsmackkittie - IsSa
- goldenboy - Golden Boy
- goldenbuu - goldenbuu
- goldmoon - Goldmoon
- goodversusevil - Stosh
- gorillaslurpee - Ca-Ca and Nay-Nay
- gotherella - Gotherella
- gothgirlslife - Linz
- gothicsugar - Gothic Sugar
- gothqueen666 - Allison
- gothslut - Elise
- gothwhorezzzzz - *Mi.Ca.Be.As.H*
- goth_fag_boy - ~!~Dexter~!~
- graphxgrrl - GraphxGrrl
- graywolfcat - Gray Silvermoon
- grinick - Europa Grinick
- gsykora - The Evil Vampire!
- gucky - Amanda the Guck
- guitargod - Tony
- gyro_cat - Electra
- hate_to_feel - Jack
- haunteddreams - Azura's Witchblood Heart
- hb255 - Brian Parnacott
- heldfromwithin - Gen's Tattooed Misguided Angel
- hellbender506 - Mica
- herbsmoker - riot grrl britt
- highwhore - Violent Ed
- hisdivineshadow - His Divine Shadow
- hoax - Your Secret Sex Friend
- horrorwrestling - Holly
- huntered - HUNTErED
- hydrogen - Synthetic Intelligent Organism
- hyuga - Hyuga
- iamdeath - Death
- icetears - Moon Tiger
- iceypinkbubbles - ~~•Kylie•~~
- idiopathic - Imbroglio
- ihaterichard - I hate Richard the Mail Man
- iimansonii - matt
- ilovehate - Beautifully Broken
- immorak - îmmö®ãk
- implosion - iMplOsiOn
- incestisfun - kaia
- infinitesorrow - chibi anthony-san
- insideemotions - ...the real me...
- intheflesh - Samantha
- in_the_wrong - Fear and loathing in Modesto
- ipe - ipe
- isatonaporqpine - Roxie
- i_hate_my_name - Chantelle
- jackblack - Jack Black
- jadedcelebrity - Ziggy
- jaemunce - Jae
- jaimesey - J a i m E
- jamesbubbles - Emily
- jasiri - jasiri
- jaysin - JaySIN
- jaythelizbian - Jay The Lizbian
- jazzmolloy - ~Jãzz Mõllõy~
- jemstarjoey - Joey Potter
- jendevil - Hardcore Robotica
- jennababy - ~*Jenna*~
- jesi666sims - Jesi
- jettumz - Jet
- jinxie - JiNxIe
- jmichiko - jacob
- jods - Jodie "Spectra" Struthers
- joelee - Joelee
- joyless - Joy Less
- jsin - Jason Picon
- juliet_x - I am Jack's wasted life
- kaela - kaela
- kat69mouse - Kat69Mouse
- kayladontcry - Kayla
- kefka - Kefka
- kenshinhimura - Kenshin
- kerru - Kerru
- khaimon - Khaimon
- kikyou - Key
- killjoyx - kari
- killmeperfect - kill
- killrmime - Brian
- kingdomjames - Kingdom James
- king_in_yellow - The King In Yellow
- kino_makoto - Petzsama
- kittie132 - Dreams of Death
- kittiegurl_acy - †[miss aNthropy]†
- kittiewhore - .i.cant.keep.my.eyes.shut.
- kittynippin - Miss Astor
- kornlover6977 - Scary
- krayzphreak - Morticia Adams
- kujkaroth - Nipple Fiend
- kylefuetzvater - Kyle aka:Diana and or Ruby
- kyowaii - Jen Zhou
- ladybast - Susane
- ladygoth - stacey
- lagarto - Lagarto Del Oscuro
- lame_kinky - Lame Kinky
- larsfrancidchic - ][~*~][Moffia][chick][#2][~*~][
- lasayla - Essy
- lash - lash
- lateralus_5 - Powerpuff Brat
- lazydeathwish - adam
- lexzev - Lexy
- libidiny - Libidiny
- lieswideopen - Lies Wide Open
- lifeiscruel - I dont wanna put my name
- lighteyes4one - A pagan called Raevyn
- lighthouse - chickee
- lightning_count - The Lightning Count
- lilbloodluster - 655321
- lilgothicman - NIKI A.
- lillithsavage - Lillith Savage
- lisathemad - Lìosaidh
- littledevi - Deranged Devi
- littlegwenny - Little Rotten Gwen
- littlelostgrrrl - Lost
- llewelyn - Sean Llewelyn Colier
- loader - dan loader
- lobstermobster - Kyle
- lordshamus - Shamus Mahan
- lostnconfuzed - Annalise Eva de Raven
- lostwoman - Lost Woman
- lotusmajordomo - Archangel
- lucifeara - lucifeara
- lucifer - Lucifer
- lucifer666 - Lucifer
- luism - Luis
- lunaruby - Jessie
- luscious_lips - Shayna
- magbastard - The Magnificent Bastard
- majbour - Simon
- major__misato - Misato
- maliciousintent - Malicious Intent
- malicki - Malicki
- malkavschylde - :Wumpscut: Angel
- malthus - Malthus
- manji - Akuma Warui
- manningkrull - Manning Leopard Krull
- manocheese - Mr Cheese
- marceposada - Marcela
- mariealise - Dark Angel
- marlowe1 - Tim Lieder
- masochrist - evil dot
- mauvais - Mauvais Mouffette
- mbickers - M
- meanjerkface - Shelby
- meeka - Shorro
- meggiemarin - Meghan
- melloncollie - *AmBeR*
- mensagirl - Victoria
- merangue - meghan
- mercuriosity - carina
- mercurous - mercury
- merkava - Up:Evil:Merkava
- messyjess - •¤•† OceLoT KiTTiE †•¤•
- metalbunny - * TriXiE *
- metalfreak0666 - Val
- metalhead - Ryan
- metalmistress - Mistress Ashley
- methedrine - methedrine
- metricmusic - Metric Grooves
- mexinfinity - Weareus
- miburo - Saitou Hajime
- mikeynobody - Mike
- mindofmalice - Andrew
- minion13 - satan's right hand
- mischiefmeister - Mischief
- missdevi - Mistress Devi
- mistressofnight - Vampiress01
- mojoy - Mojoy the Evil God of Love
- monkeymae - Black Rainbow
- moonmagik666 - Skarlett
- moonweezle - Moonweezle
- moraxian - Moraxian
- morbidjesus - Morbid Jesus
- morbidpryncess - Jean
- mordredlefay - Mordred LeFay
- morphiagoddess - ~*Morphia*~
- mrjerusalem - Spider
- mrsdarkness - the baddest of the bad
- mr_bigglesbrain - Mister Bigglesbrain
- mr_bunnihead - The Evil Genius, Mr.BunniHead
- mtx1000d - matt szlaga
- mulevariation23 - Safe as houses
- mumblz - Echelon
- munckadoodle - munchkin
- murnkay - Pulse
- musecircus - Three Ring Muse Circus
- musie - musie
- mu_armada - rilian
- mwahahaha - athena
- nascent - (jason m. luna)
- naveen - Naveen Foxthorn
- nchanter - Kris
- necro2601 - necro2601
- necrokitty - Kitten of Death
- nefandus - Amon
- nekomusumetaco - TaKo
- nemjersatyr - Polar
- neooptik - NeoOptik
- nephilimnexus - <<Redactor-of-Programing//First>>
- nervous_wreck - Drain*Bamage
- neurotickitty - Neurotic Kitty
- nicole2 - Nicole2
- nightstalker - Tastes just like human
- ninjastyle - /s p i t e
- nnijesses_angel - Angel, Nni, Almighty Invader Zem...
- noctambulis - cindy
- nocticulax - Nocticula
- nolf - Greg
- noncompliant - Johnny
- notawhore - XYZ
- nullvoid - Null and Void
- nyghtmare - JtHM
- nyra - nyra
- ocarina - Notorious M.E.Q.
- october_jackie - The one and only, lovely, lonely october jackie
- omegacm - Benji
- one1below - the one
- onesillysucker - Coleen
- oni666 - oni
- oracleasylum - the true accounts of a certain Mouses's escapades
- orgydaygloftsha - Rainbow Dementia
- orranrose - Orran Rose
- p0p_kulture - Spaztic
- pangeasplit - nosferatu
- pan_chan - Pan-chan
- paperdoil - Ames
- paulvonmurder - Paul Von Murder
- paydro - John Vicondoa
- peppermintbuzz - Meesh
- phantmo - Mo
- phoebek - Zebra Machine
- pickl - pick
- pikachu - paperwing
- pilar666 - Pilar
- pilliwinks - The Red Ink Generation
- pinacoladas - Lauren
- pinkspirit - BoRn SiN...
- piper11521 - Robert Bronson Rollins III
- pirho - Psycho
- pita - El Dorko
- pixykill - Beth
- plasticeyes - Arlo
- plastik_veins - Plastik
- power666 - Power666
- presidentbush - George W. Bush
- pretty717pixie - Nikki
- princeofdoom - DarkPrince
- prohx - prohx
- psychomagnet - *>A fading fucking reminder of who I used to be<*
- punkybunny - Cute Little Dead Grrl
- punkypower126 - Jess
- puremalevolence - psycho magnet who shops @ wal-mart!
- quadrabomber - mechaquadrabomber 2600
- queenshana - Mistress Shana
- quistis0 - Angela
- rabidsnypr - Laurie
- ragnar666 - the prince of darkness
- rampntnegatvity - Slobra' the Everliving
- rayzhell - rayshele
- razorwire - Walking the fine line. Neon
- rearviewmirror - rearviewmirror
- rebelunion - Rob
- reflecting_god - Jason
- reika - Jen Zhou
- reizvolle - I am BatGrrl!
- remccall - Ryan Edward McCall, space weasel
- remoknows - not giving into the lj fix for a month
- renface - Ren
- resistance_lj - The Resistance
- rhiannau - Alexandria
- ripcage - Ripcage
- ripcord84 - Adam
- ritanna - Luv2HateU
- roachmckrackin - Roach McKrackin
- robertparker - RobertParker
- robotgirl - sabina ex machina
- robotshoes - asjvoiaewjlkads
- rocket_kitten - Tiny Rocket Kitten of Terror
- rocknothingface - Rock Nothingface, Effeminate Hermaphroditic Baddie
- rosskerr - Ross
- rottenangel - when angels deserve to die
- rottentothecore - My Rotten Soul
- rougie - Rougie
- rrmaxx - Gigi
- rubricity - ruby
- ruinedcake - CAKE
- rvd1331 - Steve
- ryukumon - Silent Fire
- sabbath66 - *~*Ariane*~*
- sablesoul - SableSoul
- sagamasterxk - Ex Kaos
- sailorjupiter - Kino-san
- saintjudas - Matthew Bailey
- sainttail - SaintTail
- sampo - Emperor of Empanadas
- sara_phynn - holly
- sashaking - Sasha
- satan - satan
- satan666 - Jamas
- satanicpenguin - ~*Jen*~
- satanicsexpot - Mad Dog
- satanna - Sin to be forgiven
- satansbitch - The Scarlet Woman
- satansluva - Satans Luva
- satansrose - Molly
- satan_himself - The Devil, Satan, Lucifer... too many to list.
- sathariel - Sathariel
- satyrstyle - Peter
- scorpio1118 - Geo
- scottfree - I Could Beat a Midget's Ass
- selfish - Lia
- sendintheclowns - x6FaLLeN6AnGeL6x
- seotaji - Seotaji
- seventhspice - seventhspice
- sexsaltines - ==+\ synthetic tears /+==
- shadowconn - Shadow Conn
- shadow_of_shame - Tim
- shellyangel - ShellyANGEL - BuTtErFlY
- shinigamigurl - Shinigamigurl
- shinotenshi13 - Taylor
- shiva68 - Shiva
- shnizandmiss - Shniz and Miss
- shodan - SHODAN
- shogunz - shogunz
- shrooms_n_stars - Starfish
- shymog - Trimethylxanthine
- shyx - the [cure]
- sickjuliet - Sheena Precious
- sickprecious - Ms. Precious
- sicnate1 - Sicnessn8
- sicnessdrummer - Cole
- sikfuk - chuckiebear
- silentnoise - Spydre
- silkou - Nicole
- silla - Tiffany
- silverglitter - SATAN
- silverstar01 - Little Miss Strange
- silverwhisper - Pumpkin Cookie
- sinistar_devil - SiNi
- sinistas - Scott
- sinrrr - Toby Collier
- six_six_six - matt
- skaterboi - Skaterboi
- skazm - The Skazm
- skoat - Scott
- skywarp - verbal abuse
- slayergoddess - Torry
- slyddur - Slyddur
- slytherin_heir - Celestine Cvetko
- smeee3 - Dave
- smellyrasin - Smelly Rasin
- smileywageslave - Joshua
- smurfmaster - Rose
- sniffle - Miss Charles Jung
- snotrocket - Tigers on Mescaline
- snowshyn - empress
- solitas - schadenfreude
- sollidxstate - <StReTcH ArM StRoNg>
- somebody00 - Madame Nicoleigh
- someweirdgirl - Sparticus
- sonofearth - Leon del Muerte
- soul_shadow - J.L. V`Tar
- spatula_girl - Mako
- specter - §pecter
- spiff - spiff
- spirit_guardian - Ani's revalation
- spookytimmy - Pissed Off Christof
- spriteheroine - Flying Circus Sprite
- st0rmie - Satan's little sister
- stalkerche - Chelsea
- starlitorisons - Stacy
- starofdarkness - Miss Misery
- steelcorpfilms - steelcorpfilms
- steffynoel - yer momma
- steinlich - Steinlich
- stevenharper - Steven Harper
- stmunks - Daniel
- stumbleine19 - Julie
- succubus66 - anonymous
- sugarfearie - laura
- sugiyamamikio - Mikio
- suicideking666 - Suicide King
- summerstarpill - you cant spell moron without the jen, oh wait, nm
- supertofu - super tofu
- susalla - Jason Susalla
- sventieman - BlackEggs&Pills
- swanmonkey - A Very Important Alien
- switch09 - sWitch
- swollenpurple - Squatty Woodfield
- syntheticcloud - Ketsuki Oni
- synthetictears - ==+\ Synthetic Tears /+==
- syren_angel - Zia (Lara)
- tabitha_toxin - Tabitha Jane Toxin
- talulahbankrupt - Talulah Bankrupt
- tarbis - Devil-Tiger
- tephra - Tephra
- terrax - JigSaw Puzzle
- tgaspork - The Great Allmighty Spork
- th0mas - Thomas
- thankgod4satan - leia
- thaxllssillyiad - Thaxll'SsillyiaD
- theboi - Boi
- thedod - The DoD
- thefew - thefew
- therealyou - She is that thing inside of you
- thewickedside - secretlife
- the_devil - Mephistopheles
- the_plague - fate?.../X\(..)/X\...
- thirdeyes - The Dimension
- tigereye - *~^]{!tte]\[^~*
- tinkerbitch - crazy nympho
- tiny_little_me - tiny
- toasterboy - Toasterboy
- toodeadforme - dan
- torrent - Sozzle
- totchiko - maya
- trauphas - Adam
- tricky_cracker - shoebox of death
- tryingtocatchup - Blarg
- turkeyjerker - Turkey Jerker
- unbreaka13le - Lyndsey
- undeniablyme - THE REAL THING
- underyourwings - Sadder Than Saturday
- unprosperous - jack the human
- unstitchmyeyes - the profit of nazareth
- vaccant - Beautiful Loser
- vaguemax - Terry Smith
- vampiresaviour - Arch Angel
- vampireskiss - Sara
- vampkitty - evilette
- vanillaivy - fuck off
- veinglory - Lexx
- velvettrauma - Colin Newman II
- vexen - Vexen Crabtree
- violettak - violetta kitten
- virgin_suicide - Lux
- vlad_drac - vlad
- voltbast - Voltaire's Bastard
- vomitgirl - <Insert Something Clever>
- vomitus - Vom
- voodoodollyiii - VoodoodollyIII
- vow - Vow
- vxshatteredxv - Nadja
- w0lfman69 - Omega^Decay
- wastedlife - Jack
- watchmewhine - whinymcwhineboy
- waterfj - Sephiroth
- weaselbomb - Weasel Bomb
- weirdchick - Alisha
- wethree - Brian
- whitestar19 - Xan
- wiccanvampiress - Misfit Rachel
- wiccan_child - Donita
- williameva - [E']
- wire_mother - simon whateley
- wonderingraven - WonderingRaven
- worshipper - Peter
- wraith2766 - Wraith
- xbeezlebubx - mj
- xcreepingdeathx - Cliff Burton
- xenofool - true
- xhavokgurliex - Reckless
- xjennifurxcorex - xgirl who weeps for the worldx
- xloserxgurlx - Erika
- xmerkaba - In the flesh
- xperfectdrugxx - love buzz
- xrejectx - XSTEPHYCOREX
- xsinderhellax - *~#^Engl@nE^#~*
- xsthought - xsthought
- xsuicidestarx - Mistress Chrissy
- xxbloodflowers - River Of Blood
- xxsarahxx - wondergirl
- xxvegittxx - Gabriel
- yousuckbigtime - Arent we a f-ing ray of sunshine
- yrena - Yrena
- z0rak - tibbu
- zachary - Krazy Zac
- zahrimsthoughts - «Zãhr¡M»
- zannatose - Zanna
- zephyrus - Zephyrus
- zereth - Zereth
- ziegler - evets noskcaj
- zilliahix - Zilliah IX
- zombiebitch - Mina
- zombiewhore - Zombie Whore
- zurx - now i'm nothing