Wednesday, November 14th, 2001
1:10 pm - because wendolen had a damn good point
Writing this down in the theory that if I write it down somewhere I can't lose it, perhaps I'll even remember it all.
◦ Call around, see who will take my insurance and make docotor's appt. ◦ Repeat with dentist ◦ Make peace with gods (tea and bickies) ◦ Make hair appt. for shoot sunday [sat] (number hopefully in other jacket's pocket) - If impossible or too expensive, buy wigs [sat] or try to find lightweight heat-shrink tubing ◦ Continue attacking (cleaning) apartment ◦ Meet up w/ Rit and ... Jen(?) sometime today (30-60% possibility) - If Rit fails to call at all, flay him alive by melting his skin slowly off in strips ◦ Agonize briefly over birthday present for roommate ◦ Clean apartment ◦ Start on CS homework [fri] ◦ Burn CD's ◦ Run 4-8 mi (1 or 2 hrs), depending on schedule and CD's ◦ (Optional) continue working on art projects ◦ Do not get distracted by computer ◦ Clean apartment ◦ Stop by bank ◦ Think real hard about starting fiddling w/ online schedule ◦ Clean apartment ◦ Look over classes for next quarter, register tommorow [thurs]
current mood: none!
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1:08 pm
| Tuesday, November 13th, 2001
11:18 am - Forecast for the day: foul emotional residue and returning strangeness
Hmm ... scanning over all the people on my friends list is like listening to the hum of a crowded room. There's so much amospheric information that its like a wash of color, or an orchestra chord; itd difficult to pick out individual thoughts.
Quoted and strung together *completely at random* from the dozens of journals I read:
In the last, ashes fill my mouth but why am i always doing this to myself? it was all worth the proverbial pheonix. They're not good to eat, at all. It has been pointed out to me recently that I have never really been to the firing range. I wouldn't ask people to spend thunder in the distance. a giant monster was nauseated. For some reason, the last two days, we lose access to some of the finer aspects of life that Nevada nurtures; namely, prostitutes and machineguns. Hope they drug me up I didn't mean to be this sassy. When it does my boss broke all the Poetry. Any time something weird has happened I miss my NES. I am told that I am "breathtakingly beautiful" 10 inches shorter now. The FAA said there was chili rub underneath my fingernails. I'm convinced the more I expect from friends only nightmares...
I just needed something else.
(15 comments |comment on this)
| Monday, November 5th, 2001
1:35 pm - More useless stephology
| Thursday, November 1st, 2001
5:50 pm - Whack-ass dream
Really strange dream I had this morning:
I was in an episode of Scooby Doo. (Yes, everything was badly animated, and it had the cheesy background music.) Typical episode, running around a spooooky house being chased by monster X.
There happens to be a time portal left around by some wacky mad scientist, and we met our (few minutes in the future, then a few minutes further in the future) selves twice while running from the monster. This was accompanied with many "Jeepers!" and "Zowie!"s. Then we were chased through the portal, and met our past selves (yes, same meeting as the first time, this time we were the furture selves [think Austin Powers 2]. And one more time.
At this point, I just get fed up with the lot of them, and wander off while the monster continues chasing the Scooby Doo group. I go into the kitchen, grab a piece of pizza, and walk outside to sit on the spooky steps and eat/have a smoke.
There's Travis standing there, and I bum him a clove and we get to talking like we used to. ========
I hadn't talked to him in months via any format, when he IM's me out of the blue a few days ago, and not really knowing what to say, I absently made a lot of noise to fill space as a nervous twitch.
The strange part is, I still consider him a brother, if not a friend. I certianly don't want him in my life, but he was part of it.
I guess sometimes you really can't choose family.
(4 comments |comment on this)
| Tuesday, October 30th, 2001
6:53 pm - To-do tonight
List for Oct. 30, 2001
- Start CS homework project - Pierce myself - Watch Naked Lunch - Study calc - Sew up hole in pants - (Optional) Fiddle with digiart - Bleach/dye roots - Rip/burn CD's - Confirm plans with people
(7 comments |comment on this)
6:40 pm - I really need to delete that damn thing
found in my inbox:
Sent On: October 30, 2001
AGE: 35 LOCATION: PUGET SOUND, Washington, United States
He so hooorney, baby. Yay for engrish.
(10 comments |comment on this)
| Sunday, October 28th, 2001
1:48 pm - Villa Party
Went to friend's party on the eastside, and it was nice to see everyone that I almost never do. Mad phat props to the props in the house, the villa was decorated most wonderfully! Even if most of the people had left by the time I had gotten there. There were lots'o'fairies, and Annah Sophia.
So I brought my own entertainment in the form of a pretty nekkid woman teknoerotskizm and a can of liquid latex! Wheee! Thanks Jayne, that was fun. I'd love to do more, if you have the patience and I have the equipment.
And I came home to my roomates' rats having babies. Too bad I don't have my snake, those would be perfect.
Permanant note to self: when doing anything with other people, always meet up at least 3 hours beforehand so that we're no more than an hour or 2 late to wherever we're going.
current mood: purring cat in lap current music: Double Fang - Bile
(comment on this)
| Saturday, October 27th, 2001
9:05 pm - FUCK I bleed
| Thursday, October 25th, 2001
10:00 am - me typpo gud
12:07 am - Wheee! People.
me, observed.
I realized that much of my personal posts; my wandering, eccentric, and often fully BS opinions and observations I feel silly posting, and the emtional ones are just too personal. So much of this LJ is just random little whiny updates as I feel fit.
On to the nekkid pictures!!
These are a few a lot of the images from the fashion show I was in. Ok, not a lot, just a little flesh.
(blatent plug) http://www.raycedesign.com/fantasy/ All images (c) Rayce L. Conway. I'm 2nd column, 5 down.
teknoerotoskizm Is 3rd column, 2 down. Aint she purrrrrty? Also being shined in very bottom far left.
josienutter (I think that's her, anyway) being rubbed down in 3rd column, 6 down. God bless clothes that can be polished. She's nifty.
Kevin, of http://www.elaisted.com/ (1st column, 6 down, skeleton on bottom) He's terribly amusing, a lot of fun, and a total letch.
And I keep meaning to bug the gorgeous lesbian makeup artist (bottom, far right) into collaborating on a airbrushed body art piece.
(21 comments |comment on this)
| Tuesday, October 23rd, 2001
2:09 pm
| Sunday, October 21st, 2001
1:26 pm - YARG?!?
| Thursday, October 18th, 2001
7:48 pm - Eeek. I'm not that subversive.
You are either a Snake or an Otter personality.
There's QUITE a bit of difference there. Guess it depends on the mood, heh.
Otter Genera and species: Amblonyx Cinerea Collective Term: A prank of otters Description Otters are petite, engaging creatures overflowing with positive energy. Intelligent and bright, they are also popular and eminently lovable and displaying the highly developed social skills that typify the small carnivores. So, otters mix easily with a wide range of animal personalities.
Lazy? Let's just say easily distracted. For life has so many diversions for the otter, that whether it's playing a computer game, reading a book, or doing a crossword puzzle, it's impossible to predict how it will fill it's day. But when an otter gets focused on a problem, it's keen intelligence rises to the challenge and it will not give up until the nut is cracked. Otters feel entitled to the good things in life and a general sense of well being gives them the confidence to not have to save for the future. A lover who wants to impress an otter should know that otters love to eat out and have a predictable penchant for sushi.
Although intelligent and witty, otters have a tendency to suffer from self-doubt, and fear of failure can prevent them from living up to their true potential. Still, they are a great problem solvers, with the ability to spend endless hours on abstract or practical challenges. As workers, they are dedicated and capable and always eager for a chance to prove themselves. Their determination makes them valuable employees and although they often feel that their contributions are undervalued, they would rather accept lower pay than risk confrontations in their workplace. Although they are fine motivators, they avoid taking leadership roles, performing better in group situations with their social skills coming in handy when counseling coworkers through their problems. Their dexterous hands are useful in a wide range of careers, and they're ideally suited for work in engineering, advertising, and design.
As lovers, otters are tenacious and have remarkably vital libidos. Unafraid of expressing their needs, they do not tolerate selfish people and are attracted those creative enough to fulfill their sexual appetites. Among the aquatic animals, the lusty dolphin provides endless fun while the terrestrial fox proves to be a challenging and sexy companion. In a relationship, the otter will willingly stray into dangerous waters, betting that its instincts will see it though. But, for the most part it prefers the familiar shallows of a predictable association with the semi-aquatic beaver or sea lion.
There is no question that the otter is going to have children. Lots of them. And this otherwise carefree individual will surprise you with its strict and disciplined approach to child raising.
Otters are certainly not shy. Their highly advanced communication skills explain why friends flock to it for advice and why ex-lovers find it so hard to let it go. But sometimes it seems that relating to an otter is a one-way street; for otters hate criticism. It's not that they don't believe there's room for improvement -- it's just that they tend to confuse criticism with rejection. Friends must step lightly lest they wound the otter's self-image, for this is the surest way to dissuade the otter from further communication.
Careers and Hobbies Engineering Pro Sport Medical Design Computers Mathematics
Surfing the Web Swimming Cuddling Reading
Genera and species: Dasypeltis Scabra Collective Term: A twist of snakes Description Pity the cold-blooded snakes. Without arms, wings or flippers, they are forced to slink through life in a solitary quest for warmth and acceptance. Shy and insecure, they must keep a low profile to avoid the disapproving glances and teasing of others. Of course, their poisonous wit and quick tongues help to keep tormentors at bay.
As a child its small frame was no defense against the taunts of the playground bullies, so its sharply vicious attacks were adopted as means of protection. Snakes have no illusions about getting breaks in life and while they see doors opening for others, they have resigned themselves to staying in their lowly, entry level positions. So don't try and humor the snake, for it has reconciled itself to its subservient position.
With their intimate connection to the earth and their unique perspective on life, snakes have learned to express themselves through their art. Whether writers, moviemakers or painters, they are obsessively meticulous about their craft. Every now and then, one makes an impact on the art world and is thrust into the spotlight. But the snake recoils from the glare of publicity, and its behavior becomes even more erratic than usual.
In winter, the cold-blooded snake is miserable. It just can't cope in the low temperature that seeps in through its thin skin, affecting its mood and sapping its energy. Prone to colds and flu, they are pathetic sights as they snivel and cough throughout the season. But when summer returns with its warmth and light, the snakes' moods brighten and their spirits soar.
Snakes are not fussy about their choice of jobs. As cold blooded personalities they perform best when given warmth and kindness and will accept almost any job, provided they feel secure and trusted. However, if they feel mistrusted, they live up to their reputation and return the disloyalty. Consequently, they are often relegated to menial jobs in the fast-food industry or as unskilled labor.
It's not easy for snakes to disguise themselves. Even their speech betrays their reptilian heritage -- for snakes often have a slight lisp or stutter. This doesn't do much to help their self-esteem and they're more likely to spend their evenings quietly at home, than boogying down in a nightclub.
For all their vulnerabilities, snakes exude mysterious sexual ooze that seeps into the senses of even the most discriminating people. This is not love that we're talking about -- it's a deep reptilian desire for forbidden fruit -- of which we are all familiar.
Careers and Hobbies Writer Artist Psychoanalyst Food industry
Swimming Philosophy Sculpture Debating Astrology
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3:47 pm
I HATE eBay. I dislike the entire principle of online bidding. If I've been carefully saving the money for some luxury I really want, I want to be able to 1, actually get it, 2, pay what I intended for it.
(7 comments |comment on this)
10:34 am - You're going. Nope, sorry, stop arguing.
10:16 am - Sheeet, negro
| Wednesday, October 17th, 2001
10:43 am
| Tuesday, October 16th, 2001
3:11 pm
| Monday, October 15th, 2001
2:05 pm - Oh yeah!