Nightingale's LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]

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(part the purple haze)

Love song!! [14 Nov 2001|08:28pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Hey Leonardo=>Blessed Union of Souls ]

My gentle Jason,
Silent midnight is the time.
Come on baby,
I will sweetly make you mine.

You can't stop my love.
We are like 2 stars in a sky
Oh yeah honey,
We are like 2 stars in a sky.

Jason you are my cute nightingale for sure.
If I had cancer you'd be my cure.
The ring of heaven can't hold a light.
The perfect night, and everything is alright.

Please baby, don't play with my heart.
Don't quickly leave me today.
I love you too much.
Please, I Just want to see your wonderful way.

I know our perfect love will last for centuries
I will be there for centuries
Oh yeah, baby!
Centuries, centuries, and centuries

Jason you are my cute nightingale for sure.
If I had cancer you'd be my cure.
The ring of heaven can't hold a light.
The perfect night, and everything is alright.

haha, yes, I did rig that to sound like it did <----LAME >_O

love song generator

(4 shed some light | part the purple haze)

I like.... [14 Nov 2001|08:00pm]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | Cherry Lips=>Garbage ]

Garbage. Navibomb mentioned two of their songs in her lj, and I downloaded them, then fell in love. I just spent the last hour getting more garbage songs and I have about 20 now ^^;;;; I really like them! They really know how to express my feelings....*le sigh*

(2 shed some light | part the purple haze)

aieeeee [13 Nov 2001|09:24pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]

I made an icon set for navi! I don't know why...guess I was just feeling creative. You dun hafta use 'em or there are!
( Read more... )

(9 shed some light | part the purple haze)

taken from peoples... [11 Nov 2001|04:31pm]
[ mood | melancholy ]
[ music | To make you feel my love=>Billy Joel ]

I hurt: myself, and all those around me
I love: snow
I hate: my moods
I cry: never
I fear: the real world
I hope: that I can deal
I sadden: johnny it would seem
I feel alone: almost all the time
I kill: my self-esteem
I talk: too much if you give me the chance
I listen: all the time
I break: machines
I see: with perfect 20/20 vision
I smell: my socks I think
I taste: spearmint
I work: very rarely
I remember: what it feels like to want to die
I hold: my morales
I hide: myself
I pray: that things will be ok
I walk: around my house far too much
I drive: not much, it scares me
I read: everything I feel like
I burn: incense
I breathe: atomosphere
I play: zelda
I miss: jason, oh so much
I touch: everything I can get my hands on
I learn: something new every day
I feel: wrong
I know: not much, except how I feel about jason
I said: I wouldn't let myself get this way
I dream: a lot, I just don't remember
I have: feelings too, damn it
I want: to be with jason right now
I fall: too easily
I wait: impatiently
I need: to be with him
I live: I?

What's wrong with me today......?

(2 shed some light | part the purple haze)

new colors [10 Nov 2001|03:41pm]
[ mood | apathetic ]
[ music | Closer=>NIN ]

part the purple haze, and shed some light

I decided I needed something a bit more happy looking......

(4 shed some light | part the purple haze)

woop-de freaking doo [10 Nov 2001|01:39pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | something by ja'rule on tv... ]

*spins finger* Happy birthday to my sister. *glares* :D

And a much more heartfelt happy birthday to rei-rei!!!!! XD

(8 shed some light | part the purple haze)

I want a keychain that says.... [09 Nov 2001|07:20pm]
[ mood | apathetic ]

Remember my name, because you'll be screaming it later

haha, I so want that

(part the purple haze)

............ [04 Nov 2001|06:13pm]
[ mood | odd ]
[ music | Oh Canada=>Five Iron Frenzy ]


(1 shed some light | part the purple haze)

I have done the unthunkable... [03 Nov 2001|04:09pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Letters=>Stroke 9 ]

I have updated my site!!!! Please please please go lookie? And if you haven't already, sign the guestbook? *puppy dog eyes*

(4 shed some light | part the purple haze)

And now for something completly different.... [02 Nov 2001|09:47pm]
[ mood | blank ]

The other day we ran out of shampoo. I washed my hair with hand soap. It was unbelievably nasty. I'm very glad we have our shampoo back.

(3 shed some light | part the purple haze)

mrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [01 Nov 2001|05:08pm]
[ mood | cranky ]

If at first you don't suceed.....then maybe sky diving isn't for you.

(part the purple haze)

Blink 182 says: [29 Oct 2001|05:10pm]
[ mood | melancholy ]

"Wipe that shit-eating grin offa your face because the next songs a sad one..more importantly, if you're eating shit and grinning, then today's probably not your day anyways."

(2 shed some light | part the purple haze)

Shall I update my journal? [27 Oct 2001|03:56pm]
[ mood | restless ]
[ music | Nasty little thoughts=>Stroke 9 ]

Yes. Indeedly so.

I. Am. A. Loser.

I think I LIKE being a loser.

Most of the time.

I am worried. *sniffles*

I like the band Stroke 9.

They kick much ass.

I also like The Cranberries.


I didn't use to like b33r.

Now I rather enjoy the beverage.

I had coffee this morning.

I got a C in my a.p. history class.

Now I have to work my ass off to make that grade better.

I hate work.

I get my mom's old car when she gets a new one.

I need to get my drivers liscence.

I need to learn HOW to drive.

I'm scared of driving, I don't want to die! O_O

Holy shit I'm really freaking a.d.d.!!




Jason is yummy.

He's an asshole too.

I just love to hate him.

That doesn't make any sense.


I should do homework.

But that's what sundays are for.

I am going to canadia on november 23rd for 3 days to see my guys!

I can't wait.

My brother is so fucking annoying.

My sister is slightly more bearable.

Indeedly so.

Ta ta.

(part the purple haze)

Who are you? [22 Oct 2001|04:45pm]
[ mood | crappy ]

Me: *looks at friend* Who are you?
Friend: I am...a goblin.
Me: So I'm a psycho bitch and you're a goblin. Glad we got that straightened out.

(5 shed some light | part the purple haze)

[15 Oct 2001|11:07pm]
[ mood | quixotic ]
[ music | Carnival-Our lady peace ]

Lookie...I'm finally quixotic. o_X Unreasonably so.

(1 shed some light | part the purple haze)

Radiohead, oh how you do know what I'm feeling.... [02 Oct 2001|07:14pm]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | sometimes wanna die-Joydrop ]

oh how you do know what I'm thinking....and how to say it:

Been thinking about you, your records are here
Your eyes are on my wall, your teeth are over there
But I'm still no one, and you're not a star
What do you care?

Been thinking about you, and there's no rest
Shit, I still love you, still see you in bed
But I'm playing with myself, what do you care
When the other girls are far, far better

All the things you got
All the things you need
Bought you cigarettes
And bribed the company to come
And see you honey

I've been thinking about you, so how can you sleep
These people aren't your friends, they're paid to kiss your feet
They don't know what I know, and why should you care
When I'm not there

Been thinking about you, and there's no rest
Shit, I still love you, still see you in bed
But I'm playing with myself, what do you care
When I'm not there

All the things you got
She'll never need
All the things you got
I'm planning to bleed to please you

Been thinking about you

(part the purple haze)

*drinks* [29 Sep 2001|12:54pm]
[ mood | I have to pee now ]
[ music | Bounce-System of a Down ]

I'm drinking water to get the toxins outta my system. Bad toxins, BAD!

please make things better today. please.

(2 shed some light | part the purple haze)

I hAtE wHeN pEoPlE tYpE lIkE tHiS [28 Sep 2001|04:17pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | one by one-Enya (dude, jason likes cute is that?!) ]

I'm an asshole. Haven't been reading posts. =_= I'm so sorry if I missed anything important, just tell me if I did. ._. Here's what I usually do when I get home from school nowadays:
-eat something
-do homework
-eat supper
-practice piano/voice
-wait for sis to get off comp
-get on comp and go online for a couple hours, finally going to bed at an average time of 11:30 =_= (I usually talk to johnny or luis)
so yeah, I haven't been looking at lj much at all. Bad anna. BAD! Grar. >_<

Things are tolerable i guess. School still sucks, my grades are slipping. People at my school are still snobs and retards. But jason likes me and I like jason. And that somehow makes things all better. I get to see him one week from tomorrow, we're going camping. I can't wait :DDDD Things feel ok when I'm talking to him. He makes me better. *_*

So yeah, I'll try to be around more often now. I'm not sure if that matters to anyone though :/ I hope you all are having at least a tolerable time with your lives. I luw you all *_* *squishy hug* Now I'm off to voice! Ta ta!

Tell me that you like me.
Please tell me that you care.
Tell me that you notice
when I am not there.

Tell me that you think of me
even though we're far apart.
But swear to me you did not lie,
for that would break my heart.

(2 shed some light | part the purple haze)

Don't mind this... [24 Sep 2001|05:29pm]
[ mood | okay ]

I'm just gonna write down what homework I have tonight...and how long it should take me =_=

Chemistry: 30 minutes
History: 20 minutes
English: at least an hour (it's an essay =_=;)
French: 30 minutes (studying for test)

So yeah....grrrr, that's AT LEAST 2 hours and 20 minutes of homework. Argh, better get on that..*slumps away*

p.s.-jason's net is back! *_* I like him sooo much, he said he'd talk to me again tonight XDD And he apologised for not being able to talk much....I said it was understandable, and he said thank you, but he still feels bad about it ^_^ Whatta cutie! *squeals* ^^;;

(2 shed some light | part the purple haze)

*tilts head* [23 Sep 2001|01:27pm]
[ mood | confused ]

how do I use the friend group option so if I don't want someone to see an entry they won't?

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