fixxation's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in fixxation's LiveJournal:

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    Thursday, January 17th, 2002
    9:11 pm
    5:44 am

    What Flavour Are You? Hot hot! I am Curry Flavoured.Hot hot! I am Curry Flavoured.

    I have a spicy personality. If you can take the heat, you'll love me, if not, I'll probably make you cry. I am not for the faint-hearted. What Flavour Are You?
    Wednesday, January 16th, 2002
    12:11 pm
    stolen from sil

    Which female character from Final Fantasy 7,8,9 are you??

    Go find out here! made by rainecloud

    10:42 am
    i'm sitting here with a couple of dayquil pills and i can't remember if i've taken them since i've gotten up this morning or not. pretty sad.

    i've been down with the flu for the past couple of days.. and i mean REALLY down. and bored as hell. i could mess with the comp for awhile but it hurts to stay on too long... and i believe i've already depleted my sources of movies i brought home from kansas and stuff simon has left for me.

    i really need something to do.. maybe i should go see if i can find some of my old coloring books.

    Current Mood: sick
    10:35 am
    Sunday, January 13th, 2002
    3:35 pm
    when i pulled up my journal page, i got an icky pop up box from simon took a look.. and if any of you are getting the same thing on your journal.. delete the results for the "flaming quiz".. it pops up on whatever page has the posted result.

    thank you simon! -=)
    12:18 am
    stolen from sil and alsie
    M * A * S * H

    You will marry LEGOLAS from Lord of the Rings, live in an ancient elven palace in the middle of the forest, and spend your days walking on top of snow and rowing ivory boats and just being beautiful.

    What's YOUR M * A * S * H future?

    Saturday, January 12th, 2002
    4:42 pm
    i need a PC dictionary..
    i'm playing trivia with SmarterChild thru AIM.. and this question pops up..

    What was the name of the midget who assisted comic book hero Mister Miracle?

    midget??? wha..??
    Friday, January 11th, 2002
    11:04 pm
    stolen from projektmayhem

    Which Internal Organ are you? Find out at willaston's lounge!

    Hi, I'm Greg Brady!
    Which Brady Bunch kid are you most like?

    According to the Which Sanrio Character Are You? quiz, I am:

    Thursday, January 10th, 2002
    8:57 pm
    hehe.. stolen from awfullyscared

    What Psych-Ward do you belong to?
    Wednesday, January 9th, 2002
    7:15 pm
    mmm radiohead

    Take the Which Radiohead Album are you? Quiz.

    4:40 pm
    emailing with my dad
    >Hi dad,
    >I thought I'd let you know that I got all my grades back from last
    >semester. I got that 1 B and 3 A's. Don't have a heart attack.

    Hi stacy
    Congratulation on good work! You finally did what you are capable of.
    I'm proud of you,I wish you did it little earlier but it is good to
    finish strong. keep it up!

    Current Mood: good
    4:35 pm
    AIM Quiz..
    You Are Seriously Stressed

    Take a deep breath. Your stress is starting to take a toll on your physical and mental health and may even be interfering with your personal and professional relationships. You are so preoccupied by all the things that you need to accomplish that you forget to take some time for yourself. Remember, take care of yourself first and you will be more productive and efficient when you need to be. You need to slow down in order to relax and regain control of your life. Put it on top of your "to do" list!
    10:11 am
    stuff in general
    had difficulty flying into minneapolis on saturday. i had a layover in chicago, then on to minneapolis. we actually got in early, but had to sit on the runway because there had been a security breach in the terminal and the officials decided to evacuate.. which meant we couldn't deboard the plane. so we sat on the runway for an hour and a half. which really really really REALLY sucked. however, i did manage to read "Slaughterhouse Five" on the ride. i had difficulty starting it.. but from there he (vonnegut) was just all over the place.. i loved it. i have problems reading anything outside classic literature.. granted this is still classic literature.. it's more of a modern classic.

    simon had a birthday on saturday as well. i got him a hardcover LOTR visual companion book, a scarf, and tickets to see Steven Wright later on this month. he's now old enuf to drink.. legally anyways. oh.. and during my stay in kansas, i discovered i'm 23.. which i've been since my last birthday.. but for some reason i managed to block that fact out. i'm confused.

    and ta daa! i managed to pull off 3 a's and 1 b this semester. the b was in "gay man and homophobia".. which surprises me since i was doing pretty freaking terrible and i would hardly ever go to the class. i have the same professor again this next semester.. so i guess i'll see where it goes from there.

    heh.. and at the end of this semester.. i'll be graduating. weird.

    Current Mood: calm
    Current Music: .:camping next to water:. badly drawn boy
    Saturday, January 5th, 2002
    12:28 am
    You're Aya.

    Despite having the personality of a downright cold-hearted asshole, you still seem to have a large collection of fan-girls. Everyone seems to love you, and worship the ground your stiff feet walk on. You never let grudges go, you're not a very good friend, and frankly you wouldn't mind if you became death (all the more better to ignore the world around you!). So many people find you dead-sexy it doesn't matter how you act. I guess beauty really is only skin deep!
    Which member of WeiB are you? Take the quiz!

    yay.. i get to head home tomorrow.. er today. i love my family, but i can only take so much of kansas.
    Wednesday, January 2nd, 2002
    11:11 pm
    i'm not happy with it.. but that's life..
    You're Tori Amos!

    The Faery Queen

    Current Music: .:come what may:. techno mix
    2:01 am
    is it wrong for me to think..
    that jim carrey is incredibly sexy? i mean, i've always thought he was kinda cute.. but, the man is sexy as hell.
    1:57 am
    stolen again from awfullyscared..
    Your Hobbit Name: Iris Dogwood of Shadydowns
    Sunday, December 30th, 2001
    9:33 pm
    what gives?
    for the past few days i've been unable to log on to bard's palace.. i'm really confused...

    Current Mood: wha?
    Current Music: .:ewan mcgregor:. your song
    1:48 am
    Mix 1
    i put together a pseudo soundtrack to my comic book; here are the tracks:

    Haunted - Poe
    Mental - The Eels
    Enjoy the Silence - Failure
    One Bad Kitty - Janis Figure (woohoo!)
    Plug In Baby - Muse
    To Be Free - Emiliana Torrini
    Smooth Joey - Janis Figure
    The Shining - Badly Drawn Boy
    Fool - BOA
    Transylvanian Concubine - Rasputina
    Idioteque - Radiohead
    Dirty Blue Balloons - Failure
    Stars - Hum
    I've Been A Fool - Mansun
    Until the Next Life - Mansun
    Disillusion - Badly Drawn Boy

    Current Mood: bored
    Current Music: .:penny lane:. the beatles
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