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... 2 bruises | kick me in the pants ...

Well, Yea... [05 Nov 2001|04:22pm]
[ mood | pessimistic ]
[ music | Lenny Kravitz-Dig In ]

Well girl troubles, seems like I get em a lot. Dang hormones. Well I like a girl and she likes another guy...sucks to be me. I really like her too. Can't do anything. I guess it isn't in God's plan for me.

Went to Small Group yesterday, and church. It was fun. Did stuff, ate, talked about stuff. Yea, Small Group is fun. Talked about girls. I told everybody I am at that height so when i look up...u get the rest. Everyone laughed, its the truth though. Talked about how u should only date Christian girls, and how Cody has that problem. I prayed for him. The good thing is that the girl I really like is Christian...

My math teacher doesn't like me. I think since he is short and got picked on when he was in school, he is taking it out on me cuz I am shorter than him. Moves me for no reason sometimes, I can't do anything.

Well thats pretty much it. Later...

... 4 bruises | kick me in the pants ...

Cuz I'm In Too Deep... [29 Oct 2001|05:00pm]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | John Cougar Mellencamp - Jack and Diane ]


Halloween is approching, the last time i was able to go Trick O' Treating was in 7th grade, I had to go out in style too. I was a cheerleader, a pretty hot one too. I got tons more candy too! No, I am not a crossdresser, I do it for the laughs. To brighten ones day is a treat in itself. Plus it was kinda fun, all my friends laughed. My sis actually had a cheerleading outfit, I was purty.

Enough of my childhood horror stories. I don't know if my any of my friends are having a party, I probably won't be invited. I am not in the loop. What ya gonna do?

Well thats it, need to finish homework. Later

... 2 bruises | kick me in the pants ...

I'm Alive I'm Alive! I Am Gonne Break Into A DDR Song... [23 Oct 2001|04:29pm]
[ mood | ecstatic ]
[ music | Dance Dane Revolution-I'm Alive ]


I am alive! TA DA! Yea small group has been changed to Sunday's after church, kick ass!

Got a C on my Bilogy quiz, thats hella good considering how hard his class is! Also got an A- on the Popcorn Lab. Thats the shit.

Math is going pretty good, making friends with the teach, he hasn't moved me back to my old spot, but no tention, all good. Have a C in there, I am proud because I am really not good at Geometry.

Got a 88% in Spanish.


sweet!! I like it!

Sociology we learned about rape, damn perverts in this world. I also found out a lot of people at my school (like all of em including me) could be acused of Sexual Harassment, no es bueno.

Still have girl troubles

wouldn't be life without em! Don't like Evette anymore, today she had her shoes off and poked me in the sides with em, weird...

I boguht Counter Strike, its


I am ok at it, my screen is always dark so I am at a loss there, everyone thinks I suck but I hav only played a couple times, so its all good.

TYLER IS PIMP! He told us stuff about Disneyland because he worked there, opened my eyes. He also said he has done drugs, u name it he probably did it. Hes cool, don't mess with him.

Someone buy me a paidaccount? PLEASE!

That concludes my entry...

... kick me in the pants ...

So Far... [09 Oct 2001|06:56pm]
[ mood | nerdy ]
[ music | Sum 41-Fat Lip ]

Well this weekend the only thing I didn't do that I wanted to, was change the colors on my journal.

Last night was Small Group. It was SWEET. Tyler is awesome, Scott broke his board. Jaime broke his board and Graham's, then Jaime took the pieces of his, screwed them together and made a tiny skateboard.

In math, the nerd girl I sit next to calls me Gizmo Boy. WTF?!?!?! Stupid nerd.

Not too much girl trouble, the girls I like don't like me, but its all good.

This weekend I am going out of town to my grandma's and gonna hav a yard sale. I always do this twice a year. I am gonna take my skateboard and practice seeing is how I SUCK.

Thats about it, but if someone would like to buy me a


(because my other one is running out) I would be so happy. Just for

2 months!


... kick me in the pants ...

A New Day... [06 Oct 2001|10:13am]
[ mood | busy ]

Well today is looking better.

I thinkin I am gonna change my LJ colors. I want to change the layout but I don't know all that stuff.

Gonna do my homework, and since I finished reading the Green Mile (which was a while ago) we rented the movie. So I am gonna watch that.

Anyway, that pretty much it. Later...

... kick me in the pants ...

Girl Trouble... [05 Oct 2001|05:56pm]
[ mood | crushed ]
[ music | Sum41-In Too Deep ]

I got girl troubles again, this sucks...

I know the couple of girls i like don't like me, some of them i know who they like. Yes, girls, its plural.


... kick me in the pants ...

I Think... [03 Oct 2001|07:09pm]
[ mood | cynical ]
[ music | POD - Alive ]

I think I got threatened today, this african american guy can up from behind me today when I was walking to class, and for no reason he came up from behind but his hand on my throat and was like "slit yo throat man!" for no reason. If I would of done anything, people would of said I am racist...I am not racist. I was actually scared for my life. The dude probably had a knife, and probably wants me dead. I don't even know the dude, let a lone seen him before.

Earlier that day, this other african american kid came up and acted like he was gonna hit Graham in the gut, and Graham was like "Okaaaaay" and he and his friend got mad. I had Grahams back, that was messed up what they did to him and to me, we didn't even know the guys.

Next time that kid does something to me, I hope I hav like Nick or Donald with me, or Shark. Those guys will back me up.

This is the first time in a long time I hav been scared for my life. Graham nor I did anything to deserve that.

... kick me in the pants ...

My Day Went Ok... [03 Oct 2001|04:19pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | Blink 182-Anthem Part 2 ]

Well its official, my math teachers likes picking on me. Yea, the shortest kid in the class he likes picking on, stupid fucker. Everyone in the class is talking, yet he moves me and no one else? He always makes fun of me, which he shouldn't cuz he doesn't know crap about me.

All my other classes went well, now off to my mountain of homework!

... kick me in the pants ...

Better Days Ahead... [02 Oct 2001|05:04pm]
[ mood | silly ]
[ music | Blink 182 - Anthem Part 2 ]

Well, I am a lot, i mean a lot better. Yippee for me!!!!


with a different leader, but he sounded cool on the phone. He was like "sweet" "bro" "man" "dude" all the cool and funny stuff. Hope he is as good as Jaime...Jaime was awesome.

School is going good, still girl trouble but there hasn't been a time since the 5th grade that there hasn't been.

I hope if there is a war, it happenes quick cuz I want to go to Mexico!!! I also want no one to die, except the people who oppose us. I just hope none of us loose family!

Well I will leave with a lighter note, I AM GETTING GOOD GRADES ON MY PROGRESS REPORT!!! Except for a C in math, but considering what everyone else has, thats great!

... kick me in the pants ...

NOOOOO! [02 Oct 2001|05:03pm]
[ mood | gloomy ]



... 1 bruise | kick me in the pants ...

Yea... [28 Sep 2001|03:41pm]
[ mood | nostalgic ]
[ music | Three Doors Down - Be Like That ]

I am depressed and lonely...forget it, I am gonna go play some hack-y-sack and maybe relieve some stress...life really sucks for me right now.

... kick me in the pants ...

Well, Thats All She Wrote... [27 Sep 2001|08:30pm]
[ mood | distressed ]
[ music | Good Charlotte - The Motivation Proclamation ]

Hey, played some Hack-y-sack, best was like 5. I suck I know. Helen is being weird, oh wel I guess, doesn't matter.

Well no one is on and no one is talking, sucks. Anyone, thats all, later...

... kick me in the pants ...

Hi All... [27 Sep 2001|04:43pm]
[ mood | optimistic ]
[ music | Three Doors Down - Be Like That ]

Life is actually good. Donald brought a hack-y-sack to school today, so we all played with that. Some things aren't going too well, but the good outwieghs the bad...later

... 3 bruises | kick me in the pants ...

Not Good... [25 Sep 2001|08:01pm]
[ mood | crappy ]

life sucks at the moment

... kick me in the pants ...

My Day... [24 Sep 2001|06:03pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Greenday-Castaway ]

Well I am really tierd cuz I lost a couple hours of sleep last night.

Today in P.E. we were bumping the volleyball, and I hti it wrong and it hit the ground and this girl yelled at me. Then she takes it and purposely hits it across the room. Oh well, everyone get on Burke's ass and ride him, COME ON!

I hav my project due tomorrow, it looks good but no one else thinks it is, screw them.

I am kinda depressed and lonely but not letting it get to me. My friends (especially Steve and Donald) cheer me up a whole lot. Its weird, when Donald says stuff...its funny. But if any one else were to say it, it wouldn't be...

Well later...

... 1 bruise | kick me in the pants ...

Girl Trouble Still... [20 Sep 2001|07:29pm]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | American Hi-Fi-Flavor of the Week ]

I am still depressed over Evette, I told Helen who I like. Evette is in her P.E. class and my friend Ben was all telling me stuff about her that made me laugh and embarrased me. I am still depressed....later guys

... 1 bruise | kick me in the pants ...

Depression Over Girls... [19 Sep 2001|08:02pm]
[ mood | melancholy ]
[ music | New Found Glory-Hit Or Miss ]

I am very drepressed and lonely right now, I wish I had a girlfriend. I wish my girlfriend was Evette. Damn I suck, damn everthing sucks...

... 4 bruises | kick me in the pants ...

Today Was Normal... [18 Sep 2001|07:43pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | Sum41-Fatlip ]

Yea, nothing really exciting happened today. Everything was pretty normal, I think I am gonna hav TONS of homework this weekend, so what else is new?

Thats about it, later to any of u who read this.

... kick me in the pants ...

Morning... [18 Sep 2001|07:03am]
[ mood | tired ]

Another day at school, the weekends go by soo fast....later

... kick me in the pants ...

Today Was Mellow...AND I WASN'T HIGH! [17 Sep 2001|07:13pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Good Charlotte-Motivation Proclamation ]

Today was pretty cool, nothing really big happened to me today, my project is coming along great, and I am watching Sponge Bob right now, patrick rocks.

Yea today Evette sat next to me, she was like "I am gonna sit right next to u" even though she sits behind me every day and when she shuffles her feet she kicks me in the ass. You guys may say "oh big wow she sat next to u" well i am a teen, and i say fuck u.

Anyway, thats about all, I am really tierd, later....

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