Wednesday, August 15th, 2001
4:49 pm - words of the day: peachy & ciao
sounds like... something. heharr.
school is stupid. if all public schools are like this i can understand why most americans are idiots. they put me in an electronics class for no apparent reason. mom is pissed at them for this but she doesnt want to try and switch me because shes tired of talking them demmed people. i dont give a rats rear about electronics but its easy so i wont be overly sad if i have to stay.
ap sez the schedules are... something. yes. they prolly are. it all seems rather stupid to me, but how should i know?
according to the spark i am:
39% gay 80% woman 31% bitch 67% pure
how fun... sarah died. ran into a phone booth and never came out. we will miss her greatly.
current mood: lonely current music: dressed in your pajamas in the grand salon - titanic
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Monday, August 13th, 2001
1:12 pm - russell watson for enjoras!!!!
or anyone else, really. twould be fun, eh? isnt anthony warlow one of them opera types? yes yes, i do believe so. plague loves the funiculí-funiculá song. heh. heh.
sarahs back!!!!!!! and has been exposed to rent!!! wahoo... like your dead girlfriend...only when you smile but i'm sure i've seen you somewhere else do you go to the lol. what fun-ness. she slept on the floor... with a man! and a beer! and they shaved his non-existant mustache!
im talking to chandra. kinda. something about saying hi to an armadillo?
myths and hymns is beautiful. im afraid its gonna be another one of those things nobody likes cept me though. mom thinks it sounds like a college b movie, and brooke says it gives her headaches. ah well. leander is a cool name, sez i.
oh, get me up like icarus, and give me wings like pegasus. just get me out and get me high!
used cd stores are, um, bad. evil. filled with cruddy cds cuz the only cds people give up are the cruddy ones. grr. i need to go to barnes & noble. ($20 GIFT CARD!!! WAHOOO!)
i dont like joel. but i like benjis hair.
i hooked up the mac last night. that was fun. i took me a while to figure out where the mouse hooked into tho. (it went UNDERNEATH the KEYBOARD.) the only thing we can do on it is play monopoly and watch the flying toasters screensaver. yayness.
i think ive lost plague. i cant find her. perhaps she went to someones house without telling me? yes, perhaps. sneaky little disease.
current mood: hungry current music: saturn returns - myths and hymns
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Sunday, August 12th, 2001
10:56 am - mornin!
where is everyone? my head itches. moms hair looks funny. none of our computer stuff will work on a macintosh! how smelly. someone gave us their old one but since we dont have anywhere to put it we dont have it hooked up yet. i want bunk beds. shoop. paul says i have a fever from doing yard work yesterday. i say ive got malaria or something from multiple mosquito bites. hmmm. paul is so interesting. hes superglueing his skin together so it doesnt break open and get blood everywhere. i think i get to go to the used cd store today. woohoo. this makes me happy, it does. yawn.
current mood: sleepy
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Saturday, August 11th, 2001
4:15 pm - hello. my name is lisa. ive come back.
I AM CURRENTLY BOTH OF EVERYTHING. AND BORED. she didnt go to delray. so its not spifferific. no swimming outfits!!!!!! good charlotte amuses me. so does this song. la. la. la. I have aproximately 22 minutes remaining for today. or so they tell me. i am, i think, wasting it. twould be nice if all the time one didnt use would just add up to be used the next day. yes yes yes. "aha!!! omg!! eep!!"
blue hair blue hair blue hair blue hair
that was fun
current mood: bored current music: rooster - alice in chains
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3:50 pm - It's a bird, it's a plane... No! It's a tortilla!
Heh. I saw that at the library yesterday. Amusing, sez I. I would like everyone to know that Boca High is retarded. I was able to find out that school starts at 7:30, but not much else. They couldn't finish the schedules on time so they're givin em to us on the first day. They didn't tell us when I was supposed to take the French placement test so I don't know if I'm gonna be in French 2 or 3. I don't know how I'm gonna get there either. I just now walked back home from the closest bus stop. It took me 15 minutes but it's real friggin hot so I'm all sweaty an I smell really bad. Twas good tho, cuz I found a likkle wine bottle on my way. Wine bottles are spifferific. Paul is outside blowing fire out his mouth to make all the yellowjackets go away. I find this rather interesting. I saw The Others last night with AP an Nicole. The other Nicole almost got runned over by a train!!!!!! Fun!!!! I don't know what happened to Plague. Maybe AP hurt her. That would be fun. Here's a story, it goes like this: D&D; is a pointless boring game unless you hapen to be DM. But the Brooke People won't let me be DM cuz they say I'd make it too weird. Fie on them sez I! So, being bored, I looked on top of the tv and found a bunch of lovely books! Fabulous bedtime stories! To show the kiddies! It was amusing! The End! Yes, that was fun. I think I should take a shower now. Cuz I stink.
current mood: stupid current music: No Excuses - Alice in Chains
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Thursday, August 9th, 2001
anyone wanna take me to tallahassee???? CHUCK will be in tampa dec 4-9. CHUCK is currently in dallas. as in RIGHT NOW. if I were currently in dallas i would be seeing him RIGHT NOW. JDDsgeuzysil%nbyjkzhnwnm !@#$%^*() !!!!! rent! cabaret! titanic! ARG!
current mood: bouncy current music: stinky stinky diamonds
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10:22 am - more of that ha stuff. kinda.
10:05 am - HAHAHAHAHA
curse lj. deleting my entries. grrr.
oh well. i had a lovely dream last night, i did. i was at disney on some backstage tour thing and the discovery channel was there filming their show where people talked through water bottles because it sounded like they were speaking dolphin and they wanted to find out how things responded to these dolphin noises. i think they were interviewing fruit bats or somehting. when they were done they asked me if i wanted to host the next show and guess i did so they flew me to minnesota. there was some other guy with me. his name was norman. or nathan. something like that. our assignment was to use the echo location stuff to find the mole kingdom. but! before we could do anything! a huge mole popped out of the ground! and tried to eat us! so we ran away. he was one of those kinds with a star stuck on his snout. so, flee-ing, we came upon a road-path-thing and northan halted us and began digging in the road. he dug for a long time and got us all dirty. then he stopped, jumped for joy, and pulled a handful of worms out of the ground. he came over to me all excited and said "the sum of all those seconds i spent amounted to 31!!!! isnt that great??? now i have a number to start a band with!!!" then he ran away with the camera guys chanting sum41 over an over until i woke up and heard paul talking to someone in the kitchen.
lovely, lovely. sum41 has been invading my dreams for quite some time now. i really dont know why. dreams are like that i gguess.
current mood: hyper current music: fatlip - sum41
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Wednesday, August 8th, 2001
6:17 pm - joli jaune chapeau (or is it jeune?)
im back. did i stay longer? HMM???
dad gave me his hat. said pretty yellow one. i love that hat, i do. yay hat!
dingo went on tower of terror with us. huzzah! hes fun. but the british people were mean. and mary poppins ran away from us.
bleues bascules everyone! bleues bascules! im in a french mood. je veux prendre la clôture encore. i wonder if thats right. hum de la.
i missed david campbell's birthday! and hes not on any of my cds! how sad.
(im not online right now. im cheating in my mothers name. bwahahahahaha!)
its a funny feeling one gets when they know what to do, but they dont want to do it, but they know they have to. huh. im gonna attempt to be happy about it. (scootering? is that a word?) even tho its much more fun to be depressed.
"baaaah," says frank.
current mood: ignored current music: saturday night - lbc
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Friday, August 3rd, 2001
3:43 pm - grab ya cocks and drop ya socks
the above was the subject of an email i got yesterday. i love that, i do. twas fun.
yes, were leaving soon. hopefully. lindsey an paul are here. this will be interesting.
cock full of shit! cock full of shit!
sorry... not sure where that came from. um, la.
no ones online. were giving our flowers to sabra cuz we dont want them to wilt whilst were gone. this amuses me. shes giving us ponchos. and a disney book, cuz were all a bunch of idiots.
i must go heat up a bowl of soup for my mother.
current mood: blank current music: the storm - marie christine (anthonys bday was yissterday)
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2:16 pm - some people grumble obscene things.
poncho! poncho!
i have no friends... how sad. im goin to disney soon... how sad. im hungry. we have nothing to eat. this is also sad.
gasp! the door opens!
i dont know anything. im going to move to antarctica. im going away, away, away to ANTARCTICA.
gasp! the door closes! (thrice!)
everyones leaving. demn the blighters.
and, i think, it wasnt as important as i thought.
this is rather overly spaced, huh?
ap, if youre reading this (and even if youre not), i told mother. last night. i just had to talk to someone, so now she knows most everything.
this is so stupid. im gonna start writing letters to you here or something. grrr.
i have nothing left to say. goodbye everyone.
current mood: betrayed. very betrayed.
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Wednesday, August 1st, 2001
Thursday, July 26th, 2001
4:17 pm - and i dreamed id have a kid tomorrow
what? i didnt, actually. oh well. greg mckinney amuses me. does he have hair or is he the bald one? who knows. im going through old playbills looking for... people. wooooow. yeah! alright. i talked about my funeral today. yesterday too. if you wanna come you have to spray yourself purple (special people can have orange polkadots). be prepared to stay there for awhiles. 24 months. (you could grow a kid in that time.) by then ill prolly be a new kid anyway. then i could go to my OWN funeral! how bout that!
current mood: lazy current music: New Motion - Jann Klose
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Tuesday, July 24th, 2001
4:38 pm
4:03 pm - rouge, la flamme de la colere
she left. sigh.
i may see a movie tonight. the dragon one... i dont know what its called. going with ickle.
i love diana kaarina. i love sutton foster. i love sarah uriarte berry. notice anything? shoop. its one of my problems.
joe cassidy rocks. i love him and his jekyll both. he says hes going to california for dracula. fun. terry and chuck went too. I MUST BE ONE OF THEM!!! take me to california! take me to wales! (where else do i want to go?) (ill think of something)
ickle just came back from the killer shower from hell (so she claims). and she has ice cream! and ice cream cake! HUZZAH!
blast. mom wont let me see an r movie. ARG. or as ickle says, ugh!
(i love eponine's hat)
she wants me to pick a new movie to see. silly of her. i cant make choices like that. oh, no, she wants me to pick my nose. well ok then. hey- florence called (french teahcer). boca high is finally letting me take a test to get into french 3. they didnt think i had actually done enough french at cms so they werent gonna let me, the freaks. hmph.
alright, we aint gonna see a movie. or were gonna rent one. whatever. fluff, i tell ya. pure fluff. id rather stay here and pretend to sleep.
current mood: fluffy current music: One Day More - Les Mis (OBC)
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3:01 pm - i hurt
fencing is fun. i love fencing. (thats swords, not boards.) guys are no good fencers. they cant think correctly. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! i can kill you all, i can kill you all, i can kill you all...
in other news, lj is not working. stupid thing.
oh, and i now have a new thing to say: shoop! tis another form of la, you see. shoop shoop shoop!
steves birthday was yesterday. whos steve? i dont know. a guy from sum41. shes gonna make cards for em all. dave and cone have girlfriends but she wouldnt want anyone to feel left out. okay.
michael balls birthday is on thursday. i say she makes a card for him and gives it to steve. yeah! i am SUCH A GENIUS. darn. she doesnt want to do that. I will do it then. HAHAHAHAHA!
or not.
my legs are sore, my stomachs sore, an my shoulders are sore. fluff. i dont know what to say. i thinks shes gonna leave soon. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeventually! PATHS! HARR! ok. i dont know what to say! conversations are so hard for me. i dont know why. they just are. how the hell do you reply to that??? death? sure. why not. YES. IT IS SAD, ISNT IT? grrr... DAMN HER! funeral? funeral? what funeral? yeh. wear purple. wear looooooooots of purple. not my? what the heck? hmm. my funeral will take 12 months. plus a twelve month mourning period. or morning. whichever. she dont wanna spray me purple! brown? (yum!) damn! we died again! ARG!
i love rent. just thought i should tell you. leave your consience at the tone!
shes not dressed! LMAO!
i quit!
ok. leaving now.
current mood: sore current music: What You Own - Rent
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Monday, July 23rd, 2001
5:05 pm - im back
home in florida. huzzah. today i took a fencing class. man, 'twas FUN. it hurts while yer doin it but afterwards you feel great. and... moof.
current mood: just... moof.
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Saturday, July 7th, 2001
4:32 pm - And to make the matter certain there's the brand upon his skin (or not)
Does no one love me? C'mon, I KNOW I've got lurkers out there! TALk TO ME! I LOVE YOU! WILL YOU MARRY ME???? What? Okay. Marry me? Yeah! Marry who? Me. Me? Sounds like fuuuuun.... Erm. Typing to myself... Don't mind me... Actually, please do... My sister hates me. HAHAHAHAHAHA! BYEBYE! (I got my Jekyll tickets... mmm... yummy...)
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4:19 pm - In my life... (By Susan, it's great)
Ended up going to Arkansas for an entire week. Sorry, but I hated it there. Eureka Springs an that demmed haunted hotel... But guess who's GONNA SEE LESMIS TONIGHT????? 'S righto! Bwahahahahahaha! ::chants:: im gonna see lesmis im gonna see les mis...
This'll be my 6th time (shut up, I know I'm slow). I'm pretty close to being the most happy-est lil being on de planet. Woooo....
Even better, I may get to see Sideshow, Joseph, an Jekyll & Hyde. I hate Joseph but that's ok. And even better, I may get to go with my Dad to interview the cast of J&H;! WOOHOO! Life is good, kiddies.
Oh, yeah, but we don't have a computer here so I have to go to the radio station to go online (99.5 The Wolf). Bugger it. Oh well.
Let me state that I love VeggieTales.
'Tis all, folkses.
current mood: hyper current music: The people in mah head goin' "LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! ..."
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Monday, June 25th, 2001
8:24 pm - morphing
i have to pack. but i just love you nothings too much. i updated my elfwood page. it's better now. i couldnt scan any new stuff tho, so i just got rid of all the crap. damn that julius. im getting sad again. why can't i draw like that? why?????
current mood: cranky current music: Dammit, I Changed Again - The Offspring
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