Noki's world [the words|the buddies|the past]

It's so much better when everyone is in. Are you in?
[ 1 | pink penguins ]
[ 2 | simply me ]
[ 3 | my calendar ]

(walk to the edge)

My father is so EVIL! [03 Mar 2002|01:32am]
[ mood | infuriated ]
[ music | Isaac playing GT3, and cussing at the cops... ]

i invited Andy over, because everyone came down here, to mason's. well, dad said
"no" and mom said "yes" So he came over, and we had hot chocolate and watched "The Wonder Boys" great movie! uhmmm, yeah, it's been so cold today! To the point whrer you dread going outside cold! colder than it was on tuesday when that cold front blew through. I thought it was supposed to be spring! AHHHHH!
So anyways, i've been so bored. Neither Roofus nor andy wanted to go out to do anything. (Actually I think Roofus was being held hostage by his mother. we were watching "grass" and she came in and started asking us where we got it and stuff. So i think she might be taking it out on him..... who knows!) so basically, my head was about to fall off with boredom.
So we drop off Andy, because dad refused to let me drive, and then refused to take me home. so i'm stranded here, bored, with mason and Isaac.
@_@ Someone shoot me, PLEASE!

(walk to the edge)

... heh [02 Mar 2002|04:03pm]
[ mood | determined ]
[ music | Incubus - Miss You ]

remember that comic i talked briefly about making, you know, Little Doodles? well, i finally started getting serious about it again. I have the paints, and place, and the frickin' 18$ brushes! GAW! I spent about 3 weeks allowance a Hobby Lobby!


(walk to the edge)

wOOt [02 Mar 2002|10:44am]
[ mood | silly ]
[ music | Incubus - Stellar ]

Seriously, who didn;t see this one coming?!


(walk to the edge)

AHHHH! XD [02 Mar 2002|12:54am]
[ mood | high ]
[ music | Incubus - Deep Inside ]

I feel it! It's coming back for another round! wOOt! XDDDDDDDD

GODDESS! I love this!

(walk to the edge)

::drolls:: [01 Mar 2002|12:48pm]
[ mood | hyper ]
[ music | Incubus - Deep Inside (playin' in mah head!) ]

I want!

Dis Too!

But where is S.C.I.E.N.C.E. and Fungus Amongus??? ;_; I'm crushed!

^_^ i'm having a good day!! A VERY good day! after this, i get to go home, eat somthing, and have the whole weekend to hang out and do nothing! wOOt! XD anywhoo, i printed out some tabs from "Deep Inside" and some other of my favorties, since out printer at home is shot.
I'm still saving my money for that Sony Vaio... Can't wait till i have enough! XD

(walk to the edge)

[28 Feb 2002|12:28pm]
[ mood | bored ]

today has just been a sorts crappy day. Everything has been going ok, but i just feel really crappy. Not much else to say, i guess, so here's some more quizzes:

They're addictive, aren't they? )

(walk to the edge)

"And on this page, we see a little girl giggling at a hippopotomus. I wonder why?" [27 Feb 2002|10:23pm]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Incubus - Deep Inside 'I'm so stoned, i can't see straight' ]

something happened after computer appl today, but i can't remember. I got harassed by a cop, and by Mr. Caliihan, the 'big guy on campus'. Also, me and roofus were 'fighting' after school, and i thought i saw him turn green. uhm, i don't quite know what thats supposed to mean... ^_^
I got home, and went straight to sleep. It made me mad, cause mom didn't wake me up for my guitar lessons. then she said "it doesn't matter, cause you don't practice anyway!" ok, how fucking judgemental is that! she never even tries to listen. all she ever hears is Isaac cause he has a good amp, and i'm afeard to blow mine out (It's ike's old guitar amp)
but i'm not going to get mad about it. I had a good day, got a nice 5 hour nap, and a day of peace for my sides to heal. (Roofus tickles hard!)
We have a science fair thingy duw tuesday. We haven't started it. "Work pays off later. Laziness pays of now!" ^_^

damn, we need some ice cream around here ::wonder off::


so, heres some quizzes i've missed )

(3 leapers | walk to the edge)

owie! [27 Feb 2002|12:53pm]
[ mood | blah ]

it's not that my tooth hurts, it's the gums and the jaw muscle around it. can't wait till lunch so i can take another Ibuprophen -_- anywhoo, Lacy tells me that people think i'm gay. she won't tell me who, and it's starting to bother me. I couldn't care less, but if my close friends think i'm gay, then it's a problem. I'M NOT! What do you think my chances of getting a deicent boyfriend are going to be if everyone except me and Lacy think i'm lesbian... >_<
::sigh:: i can't think of anything else to write about... so i'll leave it alone for now....................

(walk to the edge)

Novicane is the fucking BOMB XD [26 Feb 2002|06:10pm]
[ mood | numb: literally ]
[ music | incubus - you will be a hot dancer ]

i went and got my cavity filled today! GAW it was a mess! what happened was, when i was little, i had a cavity there, but was crying and kicking so much, they missed a piece, and it's been festering since then.
Novicane is my very best friend right now. He filled me up, and when i felt that first twinge of pain, he gave me about 6 more shots around the tooth. Didn't feel anything else after that!
but the thing was so bad, and HUGE i can't do any hard chewing on it, ever, or it'll break. I need to get a crown on it bad, but not right now. Later...
But it's so funny. half my face is still numb, and my lip goes the opposite way i tell it to. it's so hilarious to watch me eat. Isaac sat ythe whole time just laughing at me -_-

well, as soon as Roofus shows back up over here, we're goin' to Andy's.
Oh yeah, Lisa was very very happy when i told her i'd "Break my sobriety." XD

(walk to the edge)

/_\ [26 Feb 2002|12:41pm]
[ mood | mellow ]
[ music | Andrew bitching about not being able to get past a level... ]

::picks at her eyelashes:: today i've felt like my head is screwed on backwards or something. usually i can go into 'autopilot' to walk to class, but today i actually had to think! i've been understanding chemistry and algebra, not to mention doing to work in class, and turning in homework. Something is very wrong today... :' but whatever
my stomach is was growling. I like the way it feels. my tummy hasn't growled in a long time, and i'd forgotten what it felt like...
uhmmmmm.... took a major test last period. i guess i did pretty good on it, concidering i only read to chapter 5 in Silas Marner. Oh, and we got The Scarlet Pimpernel. I guess it's an ok book. i like stuff about the french reveloution, except a tale of 2 cities, BLEH!
We rewatched the Patriot, and i was still waiting for Gabriel to jump back to life: "Just joshin' ya!" hehehe ^_^
MAN! we're having some really crappy weather today! it got down into the 20's this morning (-10's for you celcius people) THATS REALLY FUCKIN' COLD FOR TEXAS!!! but see, this is the last cold spurt, and it's all sunshine and bluebonnets from here on out. (I heard on the news, that the so-and-so's people were purposely spraying roadsides with bluebonnet and other texas wildflower seeds for this spring. Yeah, i know that the wildflowers here are a big deal and all, but doesn't planting them defeat the whole purpose?) yeah, texas is pretty backwards. hehehe, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do. But when in Texas, do not do as the Texans do!" -_-;; I'm totally dissing myself, but hey, the truth hurts!

(walk to the edge)

LA! [25 Feb 2002|09:58pm]
[ mood | indifferent ]
[ music | Incubus - Drive ]

well, went and played SSX tricky at Andy's with Roofus. I picked Kaori(the japanese chick), and I understood what she said! O.O it scared me just a little bit. When i started translating, Andy and Roofus both looked at me like i had lobsters crawling out my ears O.o um, yeah...
Drove Isaac over to Granny's, and found Andy and Roofus along the way. So we drove around some. I GOT LOST! IN MY OWN NEIGHBORHOOD! thats really sad!!!
Roofus is starting to scare me just a little bit. our 'tickle fights' are sort of turning into more than simply wrestling...-_- not that i really mind, but it still scares me to be that close to a good friend... 9.9
the weather is getting really bad. it's all windy and cold and shit!
OH YEAH! today we watched the patriot, and when gabriel dies, i suddenly imagined him jumping back to life and saying "Just joshin' ya dad!"

but to change the mood: weed theory )

(walk to the edge)

::sigh:: [25 Feb 2002|12:39pm]
[ mood | out of ideas ]

well, lacy left me in here by myself again... -_-
and pretty much everything is back to normal, whatever normal was to begin with. I'm actually having a pretty good day. i found that we're having another 3 day weekend this weekend XD yayness! maybe mom will take me back to austin...i doubt it, but who knows!
everyone likes my Chilly Willy shirt X3


(walk to the edge)

home! [25 Feb 2002|12:44am]
[ mood | sleepy, but happy ]
[ music | nada............................... ]

i actually had a pretty good time in Austin. Went shopping at the only store i ever shop in, Hot Topic. Got some Incubus t's and a little Chilly Willy penguin shirt i LOVE! picked up Incubus Fungus Amongus and S.C.I.E.N.C.E. Ate out with my Aunt and Uncle. had wonderful fish 'Hong Kong' style. They even gave me chopsticks! AHH! that doesn't happen very often...
Then the concert. Old 'boob' Dylan, as Isaac calls him, wasn't half bad. The sound was pretty good. He's sort of in his own category; not quite country, or rock, just Bob Dylan. (did i mention he made a really cute son! [Jacob Dylan])
but i told mom:
"I can't compare him to the zenith of my taste, so i can't exactly call him the best..." (i meant Incubus [seriously, who didnt see that one coming?])
came home, and am now going to bed. Wearing my chilly willy shirt tomorrow. Will be very cute X3

I love penguins!

(walk to the edge)

[24 Feb 2002|01:07pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | Incubus - Wish You Were Here ]

well we're going to Austin for dad's Bday. -_- i do want to go to Hot Topic. they have a shirt I want. it says "One by one, the penguins steal my sanity." X3 also pick up the other Incubus cds or somthing.
But, as a down side to this trip, they're making us go to see one of their old favorite boggies in concert. Bob Dylan or someone. >_< yeah, tons of fun. well, see you guys laterz.....

(3 leapers | walk to the edge)

oh yeah! [24 Feb 2002|01:43am]
[ music | Incubus - Smokin' the herb again X3 ]

I was so caught up in kickin' my comp's butt, i forgot!
Mom and Dad, litterally, drug us out to the 'place' tonight. (our friend has 60 odd acres out past a little german town, Westphalia.) well, me and isaac wern't too happy about it. theres nothing to do out there. The horses are now too wild from neglect to ride, I'm still hurting from my last dirtbike/4-wheeler ride, and i know the roads out there like the back of my hand from driving the jeep. So, Isaac and me drive about, tlaking about his drug dilema. (How often do you get to talk to your younger sibling about weed?) O.o
anyway, mom and dad are both drunk and prolly 'sittin on the world' ::nudge nudge:: if you know what i mean so i beg and plead to let me drive home:
Me: "I think everyone would feel safer with a licence suspension than to go careening into a crevace or someone's house." (yes, i'm that good of a driver)
so mom let me X3 i guess she still loves me a little bit

anyways, good night, and sweet nightmares everyone!

(i love it when Brandon sings "We Smoke Weed" in this song. It's so adorable X3)

(walk to the edge)

Hella Yeah! [24 Feb 2002|12:54am]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Incubus - Summer Love (Anti-gravity Love Song) ]

I kicked this computers A-Z-Z! XD
First, i deleted the virus, COMPLETELY! XD
Then, barged my way through HTML and smoothed out the wrinkles on my layout. I finally changed the font size, and like 20 other things got fucked up. but i fixed it, and it's C-O-R-G-E-O-U-S!
I wish someone would get on AIM....i'm so frickin' bored now. Sorta like Alexander the Great. Conquered the world, and then started crying cause he couldn't kick anyone else's ass... Thats really sad O.O

(5 leapers | walk to the edge)

^_^ YAYness [23 Feb 2002|03:49pm]
[ mood | silly ]
[ music | Incubus - You Will Be A Hot Dancer.....................YES! ]

I made a new layout! Brandon Boyd V 4.20 X3 AND! i'm the only one whose going to be doing any humping around here... ::glares at amber:: XD my hunk, not your hunk! X3 squee!
I'm in a very good mood today! I made Jello Jigglers XP yummy!
I alos stole a temple yard sign from school. it has the team or whatever your on and your name. i plan on painting some obscure talent, putting it in my yard, and see if anyone notices. ::seriously thinks about putting it all in japanese:: ^_^

(walk to the edge)

Esme's Random Tip for the Day... [22 Feb 2002|03:05pm]
[ mood | silly ]
[ music | Incubus - Warning ]

I highly recommend making a Zen garden out of the gravel at the local playground, with a good friend, at 12:30 A.M. Very relaxing, and leaves a feeling of accomplishment and happiness. Don't forget to carve your name into the plastic slide with your friends knife, to mark your feat as yours!


(walk to the edge)

And The Boredom Strikes [22 Feb 2002|02:39pm]
[ mood | bored bored bored bored bored! ]
[ music | Incubus - Vitamin ]

Entertainment Inventory

Incubus - Fungus Among Us
Incubus - S.C.I.E.N.C.E
Incubus - Make Yourself
Incubus - Morning View
Cowboy Bebop OST 1
Cowboy Bebop OST 2
Cowboy Bebop OST 3

Cowboy Bebop: The perfect sessions
CardCaptor Sakura 1
CardCaptor Sakura 2
CardCaptor Sakura 3-6
AKIRA (collectors)
Mononoke Hime
Ghost in the Shell
Serial Experiments Lain
Dragon Heart
The Princess Bride
Monty Python's Flying Circus
Monty Python's Life of Brian
Monty Python and the search for The Holy Grail

Redwall 1-13
Readwall 14
FLCL art book
CardCaptor Sakura Manga 1-5
CardCaptor Sakura Manga 6
X Manga

Creatures 1
Creatures 2
Creatures 3
Creautres 4
Beyond Atlantis
Adobe Photoshop
Japanese Learning Kit

Spongebob Squarepants Doll
Countless Anime Plushies
All the other plushies

(2 leapers | walk to the edge)

[22 Feb 2002|11:54am]
[ mood | crushed ]
[ music | Incubus - Drive ]


I had written an entire entry, and it suddenly refresed without warning, and I LOST IT!


(walk to the edge)

-_- [21 Feb 2002|12:59pm]
[ mood | sick ]

well, i'm officially sick with something. this is one of the weirdest colds i've ever had. Besides the fickle throat and clogged ears, i woke up with a 'bubble in my head' it's just a sinus headache, but it feels like either a bubble in my sins cavity or a vice on my head. Went to TAAS, and my stomach started feelin' queasy. so i asked the teacher lady if i could go buy a sprite to settle it. well, our stupid school turns of the soda machines until 12:13... I was walking back to class and almost started crying. I answered about 3 passages, and fell asleep. woke up and felt much better ^_^; can't wait till lunch to get some sprite...
But besides that, i'm feeling quite well. theres a typo in my report card, and i went from a 53 to a 94 in english O.O hehehe. it also says i'm making an 84 F in spanish O.o
Yeah, our schools realy messed up.
Lacy told me that some people said they wanted me to turn gay... She won't tell me who >_<
well, i'm not! I like guys and thats final! SHIT THE BELL! AHHHHHHHH! XD

(2 leapers | walk to the edge)

Public Schools are like 3rd world countries; Dirty, Overcrowded and Breeding grounds for disease.... [20 Feb 2002|10:00pm]
[ mood | dirty ]
[ music | Incubus - Stellar ]

Roofie came over, and played Conker's Bad Fur Day. thats one of the funniest things i've seen in a long time! XD
I also went to the dentist today, and turns out i did have a cavity. see, theres this hole in my tooth, like a perfect circle! I figured a filling had fallen out or somthing, but it's "Recurrent Decay" I fucking hate having my teeth drilled! I have till tuesday to keep my mouth clean. I really don't want it to get any deeper then it already is.
Theres a 'bug', well, a few 'bugs' going around Temple High. I think i'm getting one. Well, Isaac is getting it, Mom's about to loose her voice, Dad went to colorado, so he managed to get away. My ears are stopped up, no, not my nose, my ears. Kinda like pressure on the airplane. I go deaf! AHH! it's annoying as FUCK!
I also noticed that my guitar teacher is a pot head. I walked into the practice room, and it was like being hit with a ton of bricks (the smell i mean) All the pot heads know, once you've smelled it, you will always know that smell, and start hunting for the source. you can't help it! It's a nice smell ^_^
need to shower! buh bye ^_^

(walk to the edge)

Poll Time! [20 Feb 2002|12:54pm]
[ mood | silly ]

Poll #20105: Lacy's Question
Open to: all, results viewable to: all

Could you sit in a morge for 15 minutes, with all the dead bodies around you?

View Answers

8 (88.9%) 8 (88.9%)

1 (11.1%) 1 (11.1%)

1 (11.1%) 1 (11.1%)

Even if they were all cut up and juicy?

View Answers

6 (66.7%) 6 (66.7%)

eww, no!
1 (11.1%) 1 (11.1%)

3 (33.3%) 3 (33.3%)

Would you touch one?

View Answers

Yeah, sure
5 (55.6%) 5 (55.6%)

eww! gross!
2 (22.2%) 2 (22.2%)

::still unconscience from the last question::
2 (22.2%) 2 (22.2%)

(walk to the edge)

"Count your blessings, Seduce a stranger..." [20 Feb 2002|12:45pm]
[ mood | relieved ]

I will never have to take the Math portion of TAAS ever again! wOOt! XD now all i have left is reading, which i ace every year ^_^
hehe, at the bottom of every page, i drew a picture of either Little Doodles (Me Noki and/or Daisuke) Chibi Brandon or Link (chibi and non) pissed about taking the test and holding a count down. too bad we'll never get them back. they were so CUUUUTE!
who ever has this comp before me needs to stop touching the screen and turn CAPS LOCK off before they leave. it's starting to tick me off a little bit.
BUT! we have our computer completely fixed! Explorer is working, and i can download things. the onyl thing thats not working is our email. but that doesnt matter, cause i have 5 other accounts ^_^

(walk to the edge)

"I suggest we learn to love ourselves before it's made illegal..." [19 Feb 2002|08:20pm]
[ mood | groggy ]
[ music | Incubus - Warning ]

I will never have to take the writing portion on the TAAS again! YAY! XD
Mason's dad is coming over to reinstall explorer; the last thing that won't work. >_<
I drew the kawaiist chibi Brandon. X3 i mena, what else are you going to do in the 2 hours after your done with the test?
I am passing chemestry with a D, Algebra with a D, and making a 56 in English...
thats really bad. Please let mom and dad forget about report cards, PLEASE!


(walk to the edge)

stuff stuff stuff [18 Feb 2002|12:55pm]
[ mood | bored ]

D&D; Character )

(walk to the edge)

::sigh:: [18 Feb 2002|12:33pm]
[ mood | drained ]
[ music | nothing... My stomach growling ]

Lets just say it was way to early this morning to start thinking.
Tomorrow, we start taking the TAAS (Texas Assesment of Acedemic Skills) but, thankfully, once i pass it, i'll never have to take it again! YAY! (supposed to take it in some form or fashion every school year from 3rd to 10th grade)-_-
I have black tape on my fingers
my stomach hurts as well as my head
I've had 2 close run-ins with him today. I really thought i was over that whole mess, but i still get butterflies and blush... i don't get it
Last night, my brother and i wanted to stay up playing Grand Theft Auto 3 (Mason left his PS2) ^_^ i like that game. Mom tried to drug us! She gave Isaac a Anti-histamine, and me one of her 'muscle relaxers' which was probly like a vicaden or something. I put it under my tongue, but isaac swolowed it. When i spit it out, he got all mad that he had forgotten to do that. MWA HA HA HA! it's so funny!
well, i'm gonna go do something...

(walk to the edge)

Dammit! >_< [17 Feb 2002|08:26pm]
[ mood | frustrated ]
[ music | Incubus - Warning ]

I can't download anything



i take back that part about having something to do...

(walk to the edge)

whee! life is good again! XD [17 Feb 2002|08:15pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Incubus - Nice to Know You XD ]

you guys have no idea how bad this weekend has been without the internet. I actually went outside! AHH! but, thankfully, Mike came and managed to atleast get DSL working again. Our browser still onw't work right. it tries to get us to set up a modem everytime. But, as usual, i found a loop hole back door ^_^ i'm so good at that kind of stuff XD
I trust everyone had a better weekend that me. If not, then i'm really sorry -_-
Last night, i kinda smoked weed again. I finally realized how much i actually missed it... (I had two pretty weak shotguns, so it wasn't like i really smoked.) got a nice buzz though X3
Mason left his PS2 and Grand Theft Auto 3 over here X3 I like that game. It's so close to almost real life, it's hilarious! i suggest it to everybody ^_^
I started working on Sepia again, but am taking a whole new angle on it. It's refreshing. also restarted creatures, but no one really carees about that. ^_^
well, i'm gonna go download some stuff. i've been away so long, i actually have things to do on the internet! AHH!

(walk to the edge)

::sigh:: [15 Feb 2002|12:33pm]
[ mood | indifferent ]
[ music | Incubus - Warning (playing in my mind) ]

today has been pretty decient. No homework, did pretty well on my chemestry test. Both my Algebra and Englih tests were cancelled (well, the algebra one was. there was no english test, i just thought there was)
I but i can'y say i'm having a "really great day" because as soon as I do, something really bad and horrible happens, turning it all to crap.
I tried to reload windows and everything back onto my computer. about halfway through, my grandmother calles, telling me not to do anything!
"Your father might have just re formatted it, so that it can't be accessed. if you start reloading things, it will write over it, and you'll loose eveything for good."
"Whats the good of it beign there, if i can't get to it?"
"Well, uh, you can get it fixed!"

I'd much rather overwrite it, delete all isaac's stupid little programs, and say it's my computer from now on, because i spent the time to really fix it. -_- Lets not go into that...

so far i have no homework, which is very good. except, i know my spanish teacher is going to fuck it all up, case she enjois ruining my life like that! AHH! >_<

anyhoo, i'm worried. I think that this guy, whom Laura really likesa and is strating to be friends with, likes me. Thats really not good. I hope i'm just imagining things...

I porbably wont be able t post over the weekend, so bye bye till monday!

where to now?

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