Everywhere I go I hear the Go Go |
[03 May 2001|12:18am] |
WARNING: Depending on how this goes, there could be some pathetic whining...
Well, it wasn?t a great Wednesday, but it didn?t completely suck either...
Um... C. bought the For Sale signs and called the newspaper to place an ad, so I guess it?s official... yikes.... brain shutdown mode activated...
*sighs* I was up way to late again last night... and right before I went to bed, for no real reason, I signed on to AIM... and saw that ?Fred? was on-line... I waited a minute (i guess to see if he would message me) and then sent this:
julesfacks: hey stranger.
Fifteen minutes, I signed off and went to bed - no reply... I don?t know. We?ve never had an argument. I guess, it?s possible, he was away from his computer... *shrugs*
As I was going to sleep, I thought about sending him an e-mail... something cold and angry and bitchy... which would include... ?So, if you don?t want anything to do with me anymore, I guess that?s fine, but would you please return my TMBG Lincoln CD and my Meat Puppets t-shirt??
Instead, I got this e-mail about an event for the Nashville Film community, so I forwarded it to him with this note: ?Don?t know what?s going on with you, but I thought you might be interested in this:? No reply so far, and I?m not really expecting one...
I KNOW it may sound like I?m obsessed or something with this guy, but I?m really not. I just want to understand. I mean, I can understand drifting apart... but there is a difference between drifting apart and blatantly ignoring/avoiding someone... and I can understand...well, I think it would have been easier for me to take, if he had replied to my IM with something like: ?Fuck off, I don?t want to talk to you? I mean, I would still want to know why, but somehow I hate being ignored worse...
Enough on that subject - too much actually.
From all our cleaning, I hauled out four extra bags of trash.
Some idiot almost rear-ended me today...
Never heard anything about the police action.
I am thinking about adding a bunch of people as friends whose journals I read all the time anyway... but maybe I?ll add one or two at a time...
?I?m waiting for my man?
I was thinking once again about my duality... another aspect... or maybe it?s all the same...
I hold back, am reserved and rarely let people into my thoughts, feelings.. life/ I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve and sometimes make people feel uncomfortable by the direct manner in which I express my feelings
These statements are both true about me...
Something else... until I met C. I thought I was the biggest loser in the world and I thought I set my sights way too high... when I am in a generous mood, I consider myself fairly average looking... and yet, I often rejected (as possible - whatever) people whom I did not consider attractive enough. The times I did date people I didn?t necessarily find attractive, I was very conscious of those feelings... comment away about how shallow I am... I know, but see, my potential dates???? had to not only be attractive (to me) but also intelligent, funny, creative, and at least slightly off-beat.
Which is why I was so blown away when C. actually was interested in me. And why, it took so long for me to realize she was. And also, probably why once I realized it, I fell so hard, so fast...
And so, now, I feel so bad... so stupid, when I allow darkness into my life... I have her... we have each other... I?ve found the love that was so elusive for so long, and that should be enough... and it is... but it isn?t... Our relationship was very... I?ll say selfish for a long time... we were so wrapped up in ourselves that we kind of lost touch with people. When we first were together, we were part of this large and really cool circle of friends. As such things happen (and these were decidedly ?transient? people), the circle fell apart. For a while, we were part of a smaller but equally cool subset of the original circle. These were intelligent, articulate, sometimes creative, sometimes confused, often drunk, often depressed, but always interesting people. Clay, Kim, Melissa... shit who were all the people... I remember, almost getting thrown out of J. Al?s... and there were a bunch of us...
But, eventually, we lost touch with these guys one by one and it was just us for the most part... and then you come out on the other side.. to find your love is stronger and deeper, but the urgency isn?t as great and you feel ready to find a new group of people and suddenly you?ve forgotten how to do it, and you are different, older and the people you do meet have different priorities...
So... all that to explain why sometimes, I still feel that darkness... and when I do... it tends to magnify the rejections...
I was thinking this morning... I HATE TO BE IGNORED! Makes me want to act like a total creep... piss people off... etc... just to try to get a reaction... any reaction... or conversely, it makes me want to crawl back into my shell... but I know enough.... now.. that neither solution is a solution. So, I do what I know how to do.. and sometimes, I feel ignored.. and it hurts and it pisses me off...
Anyway, sorry for all the emotional dumping... but it is my journal and you are reading it (assuming anyone made it this far) or your own free will... (unless you don?t believe in free will... in which case, you?re stuck :P)
That?s all - have a great Thursday...