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Burris Weems

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[08 May 2001|11:02am]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | "Take me out to the ballgame" Me ]

Rex is coming to Nashville in June. Actually, his alter-ego Ron is coming... and I think we are going to try to go to a baseball game while he is here.

So, cool... beer and spitting and scratching and stuff...

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blah blah blah Cornflake Girl... [07 May 2001|11:27pm]
[ mood | silly ]
[ music | "Cornflake Girl" Tori! Tori! Tori! ]

hee hee! I have a plan... next time Tori Amos comes to Nashville in concert, I am going to put together a cornflake girl costume and wear it to the show... you know a big box decorated to look like a box of cornflakes and a wig... I think Tori will like it so much, she'll invite me backstage and all.. it'll be, like, awesome!

Confused? read this

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Deadchina.... [07 May 2001|11:04pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | "Y' Know" Anti-Elvis Club ]

is Jeremy's Song of the Week. Check it out. It's a very cool song. (tm)

Also, thanks to doby for hooking me up to the Anti-Elvis Club MP3s. Girl, you most definitely rock!

Okay... back to Jules' life... If you notice such things, my "name" is now "The Material Boy" ;-)

Um... Work was okay, I suppose. I feel like I ran all day and accomplished nothing... blech!

A lot of action on the house. Since, we are selling "By Owner" the Realtors are descending like vultures. hehehe...

Rex Silo is back!

I sure hope all these links work. I'm not cutting and pasting Frank's sample for a change. Proud of me?

Went to Target at lunch - Mother's Day stuff. And I stopped by Petsmart on the way home from work, but they were out of the kind of dog food we buy. Silly Seattle is so finicky, it's all she will eat.

Had some storms this evening.

um...well, I'm gonna end this so I can see if these links worked. Wish me luck...

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Radio Station KFKD - K-Fucked [06 May 2001|11:23pm]
[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | KFKD fading in the background.... ]

I'll explain the subject line in a sec...

Well, the Open House is now closed.... I guess it went well. We had five separate "groups" come to see the house. I guess three I would consider good possibilities. We shall see. It actually was a nice experience. This one guy was kind of a tough cookie... asking all the hard, technical questions... but he is one of the stronger possibilities.

Phynn had a nice visit with C. parents. And we had dinner over there. So that was nice. Seattle barked quite a bit, so we may switch off dogs for any future Open Houses.

Tuesday, as predicted, disappeared and only reappeared when we closed up the house. Who knows where she hid as all the closets were closed....

Got a lot of compliments on the house, and nobody audibly gasped when they found out the price. In addition, I think like 10 or so of our fliers from out front have been taken. C. made some with color pictures of the front and back of the house and all the vital statistics.

I almost forgot ironing in all the excitement, but I remembered...so...

Music to Iron By for 5/6/2001

1. Steve Earle - Guitar Town - "My Old Friend the Blues" - dedicated to Jake and out mutual er.. friend...

2. Billy Bragg - Don't Try this at Home - "Accident Waiting to Happen" - "You're a dedicated swallower of Fascism" great line...

3. fIREHOSE - flyin' the flannel - "Anti-Mysogyny Maneuver" - um... I just REALLY like this band...

4. R.E.M. - Reckoning - "so. Central Rain" - I guess this was the point I jumped on the R.E.M. wagon... I didn't always know what Michael Stipe was singing, but I loved hearing the words surround me.

5. Alarm - Standards - "Where Were Hiding When the Storm Broke?" - it an odd way, this band kind of started me on my path away from listening to Top 40 music... well, I was already on that path... but they nudged me along and an article in Musician magazine back in '84 where they named their influences and friends gave me a long list of bands to check out...

Now for the subject line:

It comes from Anne Lamott's brilliant book on writing called "Bird by Bird"...

"If you are not careful, station KFKD will play in your head twenty-four hours a day, nonstop, in stereo. Out of the right speaker in your inner ear will come the endless stream of self-aggrandizement, the recitation of one's specialness, of how much more open and gifted and brilliant and knowing and misunderstood and humble one is. Out of the left speaker will be the rap songs of self-loathing, the lists of all the things one doesn't do well, of all the mistakes one has made today and over an entire lifetime, the doubt, the assertion that everything that one touches turns to shit, that one doesn't do relationships well, that one is in every way a fraud, incapable of selfless love, that one has no talent or insight, and on and on. You might as well have heavy-metal music piped in through headphones while you're trying to get your work done. You have to get things quiet in your head so you can hear your characters and let them guide your story."

And then she sets off this this particular chapter to explain how to silence that radio station.

Thanks for the well wishes and I'll catch you later...

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T minus one hour and counting.... [06 May 2001|12:04pm]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | "Be Our Guest" from Beauty and the Beast ]

Everything is done that is going to get done. Time to change clothes and I guess wait. Bleh... I nervous for some reason. I guess it's that (hopefully) a bunch of strangers are going to be sniffing through the house....

Wish us luck! Thanks!

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13 Hours to go.... [06 May 2001|12:04am]
[ mood | tired but accomplished ]
[ music | "Fisher's Hornpipe" Cactus Brothers ]

Our open house starts in 13 hours... we got tons done today, but we have a hell of a lot to do tomorrow. *sigh*

I mowed the yard today. What I like best about it is that it gives me time to think. I sometimes feel like I am solving all the world's problems while I mow, but somehow when I finish the ideas don't seem so good.

We had our first phone call about the house. That was cool. I wish we'd had more calls, but oh well... I hope we get some serious lookers at the open house.

Listening to MP3s while I type. Fun...

Jeremy Gloff, Neighborhood Texture Jam, and Meat Puppets so far :-)

I am exhausted. We ate frozen Mexican dinners at 8:15 or so and then back to work. I was sweeping the kitchen, cleaning glass and moving stuff around up until about midnight.

I have some interesting ideas. I always do when I am too busy to do anything about it... *sigh*

We are taking Phynn (one of our dogs) to C. parents house tomorrow for the Open House. He's a loud barker and he keeps barking. Seattle (other dog) will bark for a little while and then stop.

Tuesday (cat) will stay in hiding. We are seriously going to have to sedate the poor thing when we move. She's a petite cat and the jumps at shadows. Anyway, she's definitely C.'s cat. She rarely even acknowledges my existence unless C. is asleep or gone and she needs food.

"I'm missing you, I'm missing you today"

Will's song is one now. I have a group of MP3s on random play... I think I can only do 30 minutes at a time, though because I haven't paid for the player.

Now, it's Jason Ringenberg's song about his daughter "Addie Rose"

"The purest love all around you grows. I'll do my best for you heaven knows."

Watched part of Armegeddon (sp?) while eating and part of the syndicated ER while taking a break.

Knock You Out now... Go Jacob!

Goal: I'm going to commit to memory the instructions for doing links so I don't have to cut and paste the sample that Frank Lloyd Wrong was kind enough to send me. I'm usually too lazy to go to e-mail and find it. Like tonight.

Now, it's the Cactus Brother's wonderful Fisher's Hornpipe! Kelly, you should look for this song... the band, sadly defunct, was really cool.

Okay... now that I've written lots and said little, I think I need to begin my long slow fade out...

With luck, this whole house thing will resolve as quickly as possible...

We have a fall back house picked out, if our house happens to sell quickly. The only drawback to it, is that it is on a fairly busy street which is one of the things we don't like about this house, but the other house at least has sidewalk and easy access to a quieter street. Who knows, maybe a perfect house will come up at the exact right time...

um... I guess that is all. I hope to be more interesting in the near future, so please don't give up on me yet.. ;-)

Love you all, Group Hug? No? Okay, whatever...

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Put your hand inside the Puppet Head.... [05 May 2001|12:43am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | They Might be Giants ]

Short entry (I mean it this time dammit!):

Shit, I'm up late again... We have a shitload of crap to do (I'm beginning to like that silly phrase) before our Open House on Sunday...

I thought Law and Order SVU was awesome tonight... Chad Lowe and Margot Kidder... I'm glad I happened upon that show one night, because I probably wouldn't have ever watched it...

I was comment happy for a while, but please don't be upset or mad if I didn't make any in yours... I ran out of time... I'll make it up, I promise.

I got this really cool thing in e-mail... I don't think I can make it work as an entry so I may forward to whomever I have e-mail addies for.'

I made bran muffins for breakfast at work... I guess they went over well, they all got eaten anyway...

Now... I'm off! I posted two really dumb, silly entries while I was still at work, so you might want to go back and read them if you haven't - or not... they are really goofy.

Don't you wish I'd never learned to do this? Thanx, Jillie

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[04 May 2001|01:58pm]
okay just so nobody gets jealous, look for upcoming insults to the greater Chicago area and the greater Cleveland area (all the little chicks with the crimson lips...) and I think if I expand, my insult of New York City to the whole damn state... that will cover my friends list... however, if you feel your geographic area has been slighted, please let me know...

*evil laugh*

shit, why did I even start this? Oh yeah, it was those damn Canadians... sheesh...

*********NOTE************ Jules loves everybody in the whole world and the above and previous insults are all made in jest.... *sweet gentle music plays and fades out....
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There will be no reference to Survivor in this entry :P [04 May 2001|01:46pm]
Just a quick post. I'm getting off early!!! Around 2:50 or so. More work on the house :P

I realize that based upon my last two posts, you might think I was down, well I'm not really. For some reason, when I've sat down to write I've ended up talking about some depressing things? Anyway, all is well?

Nothing really to say? thoughts that will make me laugh today?

Peach muffins, Sky is Apu, Jared's big hair and his stalker (I thought that was me) ;(

More: I am a Material Boy, all that lesbian talk from Florida has me excited ;-)

More: Depressed cause I made that off hand comment about a nude pic and NOBODY begged me to post it? I probably would have if begged :P

Oh well, I'm being silly and I probably should work until I leave?. Ah but I'm eating lunch at my desk which makes up for an hour of my two that I'm leaving early? Plus I am answering phone calls.. stupid Canadians! :P Actually, this guy is American, he's just working for us in Vancouver BC? so stupid Americans? Ha! Maybe I should say stupid people from the Pacific Northwest :P **********NOTE************ Next entry, I will try to insult other geographic areas - Australia, Starkville (what country is that?), New York City, Cincinnati, the whole damn state of Maine, Florida - although they do have some big breasted lesbians there :P, Louisiana, um who am I forgetting? oh yeah, Pittsburgh, okay, I'm testing myself? Then there is Nashville? well, what can I say? it's kind of funny, somehow, it seems okay for me to insult Nashville and call it hickville and all that but if someone else does, someone from * gasp * UP NORTH, I feel all insulted and defensive?

Okay, so nobody in the world can take any initiative so I have to stop writing and tell people how to freaking do everything grrr?

Have a great weekend!!!!
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A friend of the devil is a friend of mine... [03 May 2001|11:51pm]
[ mood | moody ]
[ music | the unidentified CD...(and no, my subject is not from it) ]

I really don? t know what I want to talk about. I?m in a weird mood. Stupidly happy on the one hand and borderline depressed on the other. AHHHHH! I need three hands. Maybe, it?s that I the (with the notable and significant exception of C.) the people I want to care about me, don?t seem to. Maybe it?s just stress... the ad for our house will be in tomorrows paper.... We have an open house on Sunday and the place still needs lots of cleaning work. C. wants me to try to take off early. I will try, but I don?t know... We have a deadline looming (there are always deadlines looming in this job :( ) and although I am caught up, they don?t like to let anyone leave - in case they need us... :P

Kind of a funny interesting thing... in cleaning up, I found a CD that was not in it?s case, and it was one of those that has nothing on the disc to identify it. So, I listened to it in the car, and I liked it, but I still don?t know what it is... If I?ve ever listened to it (which I?m sure I have) it was once or twice a long time ago. Based on the pic, I think I have an idea, but I?m not sure....

This isn?t really working....

People tend to piss me off.... Not you kind folks... other people.

I had this idea of doing one of those ?things? where you acknowledge everyone on your friends? list. I was going to name each person and then name the Simpson?s character which they are most like... but it gave me a headache, and I figured I would probably piss somebody off...

Tomorrow is Friday - thank goodness. It?s my departments turn to bring breakfast. We take turns every Friday. I am now a part of the Managers Group.... woo hoo... this is where you act all impressed... ;-) It?s a typical ploy... ?hmm, to distract you from the fact that we have screwed you out of your raise, we are going to give you a meaningless promotion and with it more responsibility all for the same pay. woo hoo *sarcasm*

I was going to be really pathetic and post some IM logs of some of my conversations with ?Fred?. I mean, I was going to read over the last time we ?talked? to see if there was some clue as to what was going on in his head at that time... And (this is the pathetic part) I was going to find the time, as we were saying goodbye, I said:

julesfacks: luv ya man

?Fred?s screen name?: I love you, too.

Unfortunately, I lost of my old AIM logs when my system crashed the last time... so, that?s cool, it saved me from being pathetic ;-)

I?m really okay... everyone?s comments helped. I still want to know what?s happening, but I know I can?t make him talk to me.

Sometimes, I feel so isolated. Sometimes, I feel closed in...

Strong/weak, intelligent/ignorant,, straight/gay/bi, believer/doubter...

Who are you? How would you answer that question? you say your name. Who are you?
you say where you came from. Who are you? You say your occupation. Who are you? You state your position in your family. Who are you? you state your religious affiliation/non-affiliation Who are you? You state your political philosophy Who are you? You state some socioeconomic role that you play. Who are you? You state your sexual preference WHO ARE YOU? You pause to give the matter serious consideration and in the end, you shrug your shoulder and admit that you do not have a clue.

Deep down, with all of those other things stripped away....

Shit! I sure write a bunch when I don?t have anything to say.

I hope everyone has a great Friday and a super weekend. Remember C. and I has we struggle to get the house ready.... and send warm fuzzy thoughts to us on Sunday between 2 and 4 Central Time.

Night all!

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Everywhere I go I hear the Go Go [03 May 2001|12:18am]
WARNING: Depending on how this goes, there could be some pathetic whining...

Well, it wasn?t a great Wednesday, but it didn?t completely suck either...

Um... C. bought the For Sale signs and called the newspaper to place an ad, so I guess it?s official... yikes.... brain shutdown mode activated...

*sighs* I was up way to late again last night... and right before I went to bed, for no real reason, I signed on to AIM... and saw that ?Fred? was on-line... I waited a minute (i guess to see if he would message me) and then sent this:

julesfacks: hey stranger.

Fifteen minutes, I signed off and went to bed - no reply... I don?t know. We?ve never had an argument. I guess, it?s possible, he was away from his computer... *shrugs*

As I was going to sleep, I thought about sending him an e-mail... something cold and angry and bitchy... which would include... ?So, if you don?t want anything to do with me anymore, I guess that?s fine, but would you please return my TMBG Lincoln CD and my Meat Puppets t-shirt??

Instead, I got this e-mail about an event for the Nashville Film community, so I forwarded it to him with this note: ?Don?t know what?s going on with you, but I thought you might be interested in this:? No reply so far, and I?m not really expecting one...

I KNOW it may sound like I?m obsessed or something with this guy, but I?m really not. I just want to understand. I mean, I can understand drifting apart... but there is a difference between drifting apart and blatantly ignoring/avoiding someone... and I can understand...well, I think it would have been easier for me to take, if he had replied to my IM with something like: ?Fuck off, I don?t want to talk to you? I mean, I would still want to know why, but somehow I hate being ignored worse...

Enough on that subject - too much actually.

From all our cleaning, I hauled out four extra bags of trash.

Some idiot almost rear-ended me today...

Never heard anything about the police action.

I am thinking about adding a bunch of people as friends whose journals I read all the time anyway... but maybe I?ll add one or two at a time...

?I?m waiting for my man?

I was thinking once again about my duality... another aspect... or maybe it?s all the same...

I hold back, am reserved and rarely let people into my thoughts, feelings.. life/ I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve and sometimes make people feel uncomfortable by the direct manner in which I express my feelings

These statements are both true about me...

Something else... until I met C. I thought I was the biggest loser in the world and I thought I set my sights way too high... when I am in a generous mood, I consider myself fairly average looking... and yet, I often rejected (as possible - whatever) people whom I did not consider attractive enough. The times I did date people I didn?t necessarily find attractive, I was very conscious of those feelings... comment away about how shallow I am... I know, but see, my potential dates???? had to not only be attractive (to me) but also intelligent, funny, creative, and at least slightly off-beat.

Which is why I was so blown away when C. actually was interested in me. And why, it took so long for me to realize she was. And also, probably why once I realized it, I fell so hard, so fast...

And so, now, I feel so bad... so stupid, when I allow darkness into my life... I have her... we have each other... I?ve found the love that was so elusive for so long, and that should be enough... and it is... but it isn?t... Our relationship was very... I?ll say selfish for a long time... we were so wrapped up in ourselves that we kind of lost touch with people. When we first were together, we were part of this large and really cool circle of friends. As such things happen (and these were decidedly ?transient? people), the circle fell apart. For a while, we were part of a smaller but equally cool subset of the original circle. These were intelligent, articulate, sometimes creative, sometimes confused, often drunk, often depressed, but always interesting people. Clay, Kim, Melissa... shit who were all the people... I remember, almost getting thrown out of J. Al?s... and there were a bunch of us...

But, eventually, we lost touch with these guys one by one and it was just us for the most part... and then you come out on the other side.. to find your love is stronger and deeper, but the urgency isn?t as great and you feel ready to find a new group of people and suddenly you?ve forgotten how to do it, and you are different, older and the people you do meet have different priorities...

So... all that to explain why sometimes, I still feel that darkness... and when I do... it tends to magnify the rejections...

I was thinking this morning... I HATE TO BE IGNORED! Makes me want to act like a total creep... piss people off... etc... just to try to get a reaction... any reaction... or conversely, it makes me want to crawl back into my shell... but I know enough.... now.. that neither solution is a solution. So, I do what I know how to do.. and sometimes, I feel ignored.. and it hurts and it pisses me off...

Anyway, sorry for all the emotional dumping... but it is my journal and you are reading it (assuming anyone made it this far) or your own free will... (unless you don?t believe in free will... in which case, you?re stuck :P)

That?s all - have a great Thursday...
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I'd like to teach the world to sing... [01 May 2001|11:14pm]
[ mood | stressed ]
[ music | "Chimayo" Will Kimbrough (MP3) ]

Ha! All those 70s commercials on That 70s Show were a trip... Maybe cause I remember most of them... I was a total television addict back in the late 70s. I mean total. This was before cable came to town and before VCRs... and I would study the line ups and bah! I don't like to think about it...

I mean, I played outside all the time, but it also seems like I watched television all the time... I don't know? No computer, that was one thing... and you could only play Pong for so long.. :P Actually, we had a cheap rip off of Pong.... maybe it was Ping ;-)

"The kids of today should defend themselves against the Seventies"

Work was work... found out that Diane is quitting - which sucks big time. She's one of the cool people at my office. In a previous life (figure of speech) she was a manager at a store called Dangerous Threads which is where a lot of country music people buy their outrageous award show clothes...

As far as my day went, I would use accomplished to describe it...

I have to be honest and say, my postings/comments/etc. are probably going to start being erratic for a little while. This week is massive intensity as we try to get the house ready to be shown on Sunday... Who knows how long it will take to sell, or how long it will take us to find a place... Ack! Instituting emergency brain shut off....

Otherwise, weather is stuck in a pretty nice rut... 80s for highs and 50s/60s for lows... nice....

*clears throat* I am feeling oh so cool! I'll tell you why... I found out that two of my livejournal friends posted pics to the Naked Parts community of livejournal... too cool! And, I know what you're thinking...well Jules/Joe/Joey/Laurent or whatever in the hell your name is.. when are we going to see some of your naked parts... hehehe... um... let's just say... don't hold your breath... To my knowledge (barring any embarrassing drunken moments which will show up when I become famous... and not counting the obligatory bathtub shots which are floating around my parents' house somewhere) There exists only one naked picture of me... it's pretty dark and without knowing you can't really tell what it is you are seeing... it was taken in a cozy little motel in San Juan Capistrano, California (ah... memories)...from the same "session" I have a wonderful black and white nude photo of C. but I'm not sharing that with anyone... :P

For the record, Laurent Chevalier is the name of the character in my new icon...

Traffic was hell today, but at least people weren't trying to kill me....

Oh and this morning, I saw part of a police action... it's was cool! A real Cops moment... I saw this cop running down the sidewalk, then he hopped into a patrol car and they took off.. driving very fast and turning right beside me... then another police car sped around the turn... Never did find out what was happening...

I'm tired now and my back is hurting...

lastly... some of the people whose journal's I read regularly are having a rough time.. sometimes I comment and don't really say what I intend to and sometimes, I want to comment and don't. So, consider this a blanket *hug*. Sometimes, when I do comment, I feel like I am giving unwanted advice... sorry if I've done that to you... my e-mail address is in my profile.. if anyone wants to talk - shoot me a line... By virtue of having been alive a long time :P, I've gather quite a bit of wisdom... doesn't mean I'm not a complete idiot sometimes (I am) but...whatever...

Tomorrow, is Wednesday... I hope it turns out as good as the last two.... we shall see...

Oh and it's May now...so according to Angry Vixen.. I can't be an asshole anymore...

so... I take back all those :P and replace them with :)

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Lost [30 Apr 2001|11:06pm]
[ mood | indescribable ]
[ music | "Lost" Meat Puppets ]

I have felt very out of sorts lately... I don't know really how to explain it... stressed, restless, bored, rushed, sleepy, not sleepy, sometimes I get a roll and accomplish a whole bunch in a short time, sometimes I feel like I'm just spinning my wheels...

For some reason, everybody on the road was trying to kill me this afternoon... shit! I had to stop at the grocery so I came home a different way... it's like people were fucking aiming for me...

Um... Ate Taco Hell tonight... I don't do fast food much anymore... and I haven't had Taco Bell in ages... when I moved to Memphis after college, there was a Taco Bell just a block away from our office and we must have eaten there at least three times a week... I still remember the Senior Citizen greeter person who was the napkin nazi... :-)

It was a good day at work, because I managed to get a lot done and stay out of the line of fire... it's kind of our crunch time - it's mostly moved up the ladder but at anytime my day can be shot to hell by an unexpected project...

"Don't go back to Rockville, and waste another year..."

Um... shit... I had something to write and I forgot it...

The whole house thing has both C. and I stressed... we were snapping at each other early in the evening, but it worked itself out... :-)

Sometimes, it amazes me what you can find on the internet, and sometimes, it amazes me what you can't find... sorry, just a random observation....

Um... I have so many things I want to do, need to do, should do... I guess I'd better end this entry soon....

I THINK Fight Club is in at the Library - they haven't sent me a card to say it's in, but I logged in and it says it is at the Hold Desk for me... I guess I should go tomorrow...

Hmm... I guess that's it... more later, maybe...

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Sunday Night [30 Apr 2001|12:17am]
[ mood | drained ]
[ music | "Zombie" the Cranberries ]


here I am on a Sunday night again...

This time, I raided C.?s collection for three of my selections:

1. Erasure - ?The Innocents? - ?Chains of Love? - (If C. had a journal, she could explain why this CD holds such significance).

2. Insane Jane - ?A Green Little Pill? - ?Your Mouth? - (I think I?ve had them on here before, but they are worth a repeat. A great underrated Atlanta band - a classic ?fuck off? song

3. 10,000 Maniacs - ?Blind Man?s Zoo? - ?Trouble Me? - (I love this song)

4. Depeche Mode - ?Violator? ?Personal Jesus? - (another of C.?s )

5. the Cranberries - ?No Need to Argue? ?Zombie? (This is C.?s, too.)

Um... Sebastian wins the million points... The movie title (most often used) is ?Murmur of the Heart? directed by Louis Malle - from 1972. An amazing sweet and tender comedy... as Sebastian put it... ?It's French, a boy, his mother, incest.? Pretty much sums it up... Charlie Parker music on the soundtrack - it?s set in Dijon France in the 1950s with the war in French Indochina as a backdrop...

Anyway... C. thinks we should get our house on the market and have our first open house next Sunday... yikes! We have a shit load of work to do...

We looked at a house today, but it just wasn?t right...

Kind of a frustrating day... didn?t get as much done as I would have liked... we kick butt yesterday...

Um... as usual when my life gets way too hectic - I get inspired to write :( My current writing goals -

1. Get the Drift published by the end of the year... hopefully October.

2. Finish the short story

3. Get to work on the newish novel idea - working title ?Lost?

Shout out to Jillian (briskbaby)... cause she wants to be famous... and now she is ;-)

Um... I am sleepy so ... later! I hope lj is working now...

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Running down the freeway, running out of luck [29 Apr 2001|01:12am]
[ mood | rushed ]
[ music | Million $ Duck - Neighborhood Texture Jam (MP3) ]

I have to go to sleep... Busy day... I got on late, and between screwing around with the directory and downloading music... bah!

Busy day, but not much terribly exciting anyway...

More later, I promise...

Well, no one has answered about my icon... Sebastian says he's seen the movie.. and since it is from a movie I have to give him partial credit... Looking for a title or at least a brief synopsis to let me know you really know...

um... That's it... Night all!

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holy shit! [28 Apr 2001|11:47pm]
The directory works! Am I dreaming?
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Stupidly Happy... (or not) [27 Apr 2001|11:22pm]
[ mood | cranky ]
[ music | "Stupidly Happy" XTC ]

I don?t really know what kind of mood, I am in, but ....

I started thinking about all the things I mention in passing in here and then never follow-up on... and I sometimes wonder if anyone ever wonders...

Soooo... I thought I would follow up on some stuff:

1. I finally remembered to ask my parents about Tim and they agree with my memory that he never actually lived with us, he just would come over all the time and watch TV in our basement. It?s really weird to me that my memories of that time are so scattered and unfocused...well not really weird, it kind of makes sense, in that I was so busy at that time...
I also realized that I was keeping my paper journal at that time - the one that lasted seven years... So, I could focus in on that time and see what I was writing about...

2. The book... it?s still my plan to publish this year... Kim - our artist friend is still working on the cover... she found some photos that she says would be great, but they are too expensive -so she?s trying to figure out how to copy the style without really copying... ya know? *shrugs* I guess you can?t rush art... I also have to write a short and a long summary of the novel... I think I?m procrastinating... I don?t like writing things like that.. :(

3. We went to see the house today... it was really cute, but I don?t think it?s right for us.

That?s all I can think of... if anyone has any other questions, please ask...

Okay a contest of sorts... 1,000,000 points for the first person who can tell me where my new icon pic comes from.... (*NOTE: The e points don?t mean anything)

Good productive day at work... I got stressed out at one point so I went and molested Diane?s Austin Power action figure and squeezed her smiley face foam ball... yay! Good destresser!

I really like Law and Order SVU... next week looks really good...

I think that?s it... I should probably crash soon... C. will want to be up fairly early to get a jump on the day... more work on the house...woo hoo *sarcasm*

Later Days...

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The world's a mess it's in my kiss... [26 Apr 2001|11:44pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | "The World's a Mess (it's in my Kiss) - X ]

Again, just randomness in my subject line...

wow! two entries and neither one was just cut and pasted lyrics... ;-)

um... I changed my icon... like?

Tomorrow is Friday! Woo hoo!

To be perfectly honest, I don't have anything else to say... to anyone who I don't talk to before, "have a great weekend"

I'll be distracted all day thinking of "poor" Kelly in the land of the big breasted women... okay, I'll stop! Seriously, you guys all have fun and I can't wait to read the *cough*conflicting*cough* accounts of how the evening goes... and DP, I do want to see pictures! Actually, live streaming video would be nice :-) Really, seriously, have fun and if you think about it, dedicate a round to me ;-)

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Gary's got a boner... [26 Apr 2001|10:43pm]
[ mood | quixotic ]
[ music | "Gary's Got a Boner" Replacements ]

No reason for the subject line - purely random...

I keep starting to write comments and then erasing them because.. well I don't know why exactly... because I think my comment will sound stupid or because I think the person doesn't really want to hear what I have to say or because I'm just in a weird mood?????

Today was a good day... less anti-social then usual at work... actually ate lunch with some people. The conversation revolved around their on-going discussion of their 20 song dream CD... today, this consultant, named David, who seems pretty cool, gave my boss a copy of Born to Run to listen to at lunch time. The thing is, it pretty much did just because he knew she wouldn't like it and they could argue about it... it was kind of funny in a way...

Managed to get a lot done...

C. happened upon a house that just went up for sale by owner. It's on a really quiet street with a great name... :-) It looks really cute... she got some of the specs and we are going to try to look at it over the weekend....

I worked a bit late tonight... fortunately traffic was light and the music was good...

um... albinopriestess called me the lyric king today... but, I guess to be fair, I'm maybe the cut and paste king.. ;-)

lj notes: People keep adding me as friends which is really cool. Oh, and I happened to notice that two of "friends" who were previously not connected to any other friends have managed to hook up... I kind of like that "Graph of Friends" it's kind of cool... it would be neat to have something like that in real life...

I have a very busy day tomorrow... way too much to do....

I'm running out of time and I can't think of anything particularly assholish to do right now... ;-)

um... I guess that is all for now... I may come back later with something else...

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Begin to Exit Here... [25 Apr 2001|11:31pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | nothing... dogs barking at a party across the street... ]

Lyric happy tonight... :-)

Um... an okay day... radio was shit today... and WRVU is so erratic...

Work was decent enough... my boss (the good one) and some other people are all coming up with their personal dream 20 song CD. Of course, no one had even heard of most of the songs I mentioned, and I was deliberately trying to mention more mainstream selections... whatever... I tend to avoid discussions like this with people whom I know won?t know or understand my musical taste. I don?t consider myself an elitist musically... I think maybe I used to be... but I?ll even admit now to liking some fairly mainstream stuff... shhh...

Got bored last night and stumbled upon a community in lj land where people post pictures of themselves naked... (honestly I wasn?t looking for it, and I didn?t linger... too long) *evil grin* boredom is dangerous...

What else... best wishes to Kelly on his trip back down to Florida... we should all keep him in our thoughts as he ventures into clutches of all those big breasted women who are fighting over him... *big evil grin* Sorry for all you readers who don?t know what I am talking about... just spend a day or two reading my friends page and some of this will be clear...

*braces himself for a the responses this will get*

Seriously, Kelly, have a great trip!

Jared is grounded :(

Um.... just curious was my Metal Machine Music reference last night too obscure or just not humorous?

Went to BookStar at lunch to try to get some ideas for spending my Gift Card... ahhhh! too many choices? Classic, familiar, new, collections, non-fiction.... ahh! what to do? I need to check the library site... last I check Fight Club was ?in transit? maybe to my library????

They removed the bees... I found out that it was a public relations ploy for some non-profit fund that was being created...

I?m typing this off-line because lj has been so erratic tonight.... hopefully, I will get this all uploaded...

An eighteen-wheeler flipped over on my exit ramp this afternoon... I was totally zoning or I would have taken the previous exit and been home probably twenty minutes or more sooner... if the tunes had been better, I wouldn?t have minded so much...

Of course, it was all over the traffic reports - AFTER I was stuck in the middle of it... grrr

I really need to get to bed early again... AGAIN!!! 1:15 was ?early? last night...

Didn?t mention that I sat with my eleven year old nephew at the band concert last night... what a trip! He was pretty hilarious to watch... at one point he was trying to figure out how far through the program they were and when C. showed him, he just slapped his head and looked exasperated...

I say I need to get to bed because I was sooo sleepy this afternoon - what I was doing at work was sooo boring and I kept nodding off... *blush* Then, I actually fell asleep twice tonight...

One, Two, Three, Four, Five... senses working over-time... :-) XTC

Um... some guy badly burned while filling up a gas can not far from here... they don?t really know what started the fire, but it looks like it was static electricity....

Woo Hoo!!! The weeks in decline! Tomorrow is Thursday... I still have a shit load of work to do...

um... I guess I?ll quit rambling on...

NOTE TO MY NEWEST friends: Welcome! Some of you I have never ?talked? to, but I?m flattered that you added me as a friend and was glad to do the same... I don?t know that there are many benefits to it.. I rarely do ?friend?s only? stuff any more... it all kind of runs together..

Need some opinions: I was thinking about doing a trivia contest and the prize would be to let someone post entries for me when I go on vacation (still a ways away :( ) I was trying to think of the dangers... I mean someone could fuck up my settings add or delete friends or delete entries etc... so it would have to be someone I trust... I guess I wanted to hear if someone thought it was a good idea, a bad idea or whatever...

Okay...Let?s try to load these entries...

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