Sunday, January 20th, 2002
7:09 pm - fuck
Ok, so my fucking ex replied to my post after I think I made it perfectly clear (several months ago!!) that i didnt want to have anything to do with her ever again. And of course she replied as a "somebody" and not just her damn name.
NOTE TO HER: Leave me the fuck alone. Dont talk to me, dont respond to my entries, get your own life and quit interferring with mine. In other words: fuck off.
current mood: pissed off
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| Friday, January 18th, 2002
10:37 pm - oh, and...
did i mention that when i came downstairs, my brother's friend was playing with my thigh-hi fishnet stockings, wondering what the hell they were?? lol
current mood: curious current music: the same
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10:30 pm - Victoria on Broadway
My mom walked in on Pam and I cuddling in bed this morning. Oops.
And I am going to be transfered to a brand new victoria's secret on broadway. it opens on feb. 3rd. rock-fucking-on.
my brother is having a party, i feel like i am intruding, so i had better go.
current mood: chipper current music: boys playing poker
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| Wednesday, January 16th, 2002
11:35 pm
Recommendation for the day: watch Moulin Rouge stoned. Visually phenominal, not to mention hysterical.
I was supposed to go out with Alana tonight after work. She forgot about me. That made me sad. Then I remembered how I got laid last night and that made me feel better.
Question: how would one go about a career in being one of the shrinks in the court room?? What do they do??
current mood: cheerful current music: massive attack
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| Thursday, January 10th, 2002
5:36 pm - thoughts right now
Why is everyone so trashy now??
If you havent seen the weird ass film (also rare, so look wisely) THE TUNE, I recommend it. I'll not say anything about it, but I expect someone out there to see it.
Is it a college education if you sat on your ass doing nothing during the entire semester and managed to get straight b+'s??
On my way to Lilith's. . .
current mood: awake current music: dave matthews band
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| Tuesday, January 8th, 2002
12:24 am
Is it normal to burp up smoke five minutes after you've done finished the joint??
PS Have you ever watched an overly dramatic soap opera in an overly dramatic situation such as being high?? I recommend it.
current mood: high current music: all my children and horrible OH singles line commericials
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| Saturday, January 5th, 2002
1:16 am - title this time
I'm talking a lot today. i aplopogize. wow, i spelled that so wrong and fucked up, i think i;ll leave it like that for humor's sake.
anyway, victoria's sucked today. that's not what i was going to mention though. damn it. i forgot.
i got it back. the thought, that is. i decided on a name and hopefully didnt already mention it here on LK, i mean LJ. Lilith and i came up with it in a moment of hysterical laughter.
E.lisa Conifer
in case you arent familiar with my last name, it's wood. the irony lies within. and in case you didnt know how to say my name, it becomes quite clear in this new spelling. but to keep it simple, just call me cat. and to shut me up, i will click "post"
current mood: high
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1:12 am
Considering on how tonight with Erin where all she and her friends talk about working together and all the gossip within and only introducing me to about 2 people, I'd say I got rather bored. But i got rather stoned out of it too, so that made it worth it. Although i think the chances of me going out with erin again could be slim. very awkward feeling.
of course, not too much is making sense. im eating a nerds blizzard and watching this movie where the "2nd time dad to be" asked his 7 year old son to reach into his mother and deliver the baby because his hands were too large to be able to get the umbilical cord from strangling the newborn. what the fuck you say?? what the fuck is what i say too.
current mood: high
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| Friday, January 4th, 2002
1:14 pm - vs on soaps
Hailey on AMC had a victoria bag today. ha. she went to the semi-annual sale too.
current mood: giddy current music: all my children
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12:43 pm - interviews
I left all of my character development interviews in new york. so here i am bringing up a character and cannot remember the questions i ask "them." thats annoying.if you were to do a personality interview, what three things would you ask?? ive got 10 questions that i have remembered, but i could use more detailed down and dirty questions. grrrr. oh well.
current mood: the same
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11:46 am - the perfect drug
PART ! I have started to write. New ideas. I decided that if I werent accepted to the new school that i am going to drop out of college. Screw the institutions. But if I do get accepted, I'll be happier and feel safer.
Leaning more towards screenwriting than playwrighting. I do it all, but I have more visually challenging ideas.
New work (Maggie is one name :) . . . the other is Jayne) is called SILVER. I dont like revealing plots. Im a paranoid writer. Not that I dont trust people. Well, I suppose I don't, but that's beside the point.
Ballet, piano, gay adoption/marriage, blindness, gay vs. lesbian rights, illness, and surpassing dedication.
PART @ Going out with Crazy-Heather today. I shouldnt even call her that considering what happened to her. One day I'll be in the mood to explain this woman of never ceasing histrionic-facticious tendencies. Despite how much tragedy she has had, she feels the need to expoit it. And in the most bizarre and inopportune times. I can only handle her a very little bit because of this. Eh, I'll get into it later.
After lunch with her I'll go to work for 4 hours (short day today, thank god. . .damn semi-annual sale is unbelievable, i recommend you all to buy bras now) and then get high with Erin and eat count chocula.
I have been very lazy. I havent seen any of my friends since Ive been here except for Lilith. But today I'll make up for that. I saw my kids from wright state though. They came to have lunch with Lilith and I. That really made me feel special.
Besides kicking it with Lilith and her family, and my mom, I have been watching an awful lot of Law and Order, Unsolved Mysteries, CSI, Practice, Law and Order: SVU, etc. I want to marry some wonderful woman that can do that shit.
current mood: creative current music: unsolved mysteries
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| Thursday, December 27th, 2001
8:00 pm - not surprising
| Sunday, December 23rd, 2001
8:48 pm - i love my job
Something tricky to master: how DO you fold a thong?? There's nothing there to fold.
current music: my 17 year old brother's basement band...aw
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| Saturday, December 22nd, 2001
10:32 pm - victoria
Today had a really rough start, but ended quite well. First of all, I couldn't sleep last night and I haven't been able to sleep for the past week and a half. Or at least, not for very long. Last night I had 5 hours of sleep and for those who don't know, I require about 9-10 per night or I am rather bitchy. Certain circumstances exclude this need. I have come to the conclusion that the only think that has changed in my life lately has been my medications, so that must have been why I couldnt sleep. not to mention that my sex drive has also been a little non-existant lately, which is also probably caused my meds. I called my shrink this morning and told him to cancel all further appointments and that i was quitting all my medications. I have spent about a thousand dollars in doctor bills and prescriptions since this whole medication experimentation started back in JUNE. Fuck that. I am not a damn test tube. I am a human and if you think you can charge my body with new meds every other month, you have got to be kidding me. If you havent found the right pill in nearly 7 months, you aren't going to find it. So screw you [meds]. I am going to see a regular doctor and request the one prescription that did work.
So that was the bad part of my day. Now the good part.
I had my first day of Victoria's Secret. :-)~ Quite the fantastic job, I might add. I sold a crap load of shit today and I didnt even know what I was talking about for the first hour or so. not to mention that men are the EASIEST to sell to on the planet!! They were very funny too. I worked in bedroom: slips, robes, pjs, and other slinky things. The girls in the store (and a lot of them, I'll add) were all really nice too, which I wasn't expecting. For some reason they always seem like snobs: those girls in Victoria's...but they weren't. I was wrongly judgmental. At least in Ohio.
Oh, and you know on the first day you fill out all the forms and watch videos?? Well, I would have to say that I would have NO problem watching the Victoria Secret videos again and again. If you've seen the new "What is Sexy?" commercials, they are practically porno: really sexy women in bras, garters, and slips walking around with some serious determination, rolling around in their beds, and then of course the where-is-it-coming-from-wind from below, blowing their robes north revealing their garters. I'd would probably have my child close her/his eyes if that commercial came on while they were in the room. . .however, I would remain mine completely open. To get to the point, I watched this 13 minute promotional video of the new Very Sexy Miracle Bra, which was a 13 minute version of the commerical with bits of information inbetween. Beyond exhilerating. God bless you, Victoria's Secret.
current mood: naughty current music: linkin park
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1:05 am
How do you access a brother who shuts himself off from everyone but his friends.
current mood: indifferent current music: hey pretty
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| Friday, December 21st, 2001
9:57 pm - angie and the blvd.
So I went to this upscale restaurant with my friend Angie today. Who tells THE BEST stories EVER. She makes me laugh like nobody's business. So upscale in Dayton, OH is quite different from Seattle or NYC. Basically in only one way too: price. it was fantastic. She got some amazing chocolate-banana crisp crepe and I had lobster and a cosmo. She had an apple tini. Very fantastic. And so out of character for us poor, weed-smoking, hippie folks. But I was sick of going to the same damn coffee shop in dayton (the only one, although I hear two starfucks just opened) so we got food instead.
Im actually not drunk at all. I have a headache though. I just liked the picture the dragon makes when the mood is "drunk" i think its funny. He makes it look like being drunk is awful.
I guess I'm going to spend time with my 'rents tonight and watch Jurassic Park 3. I think I'll manage to be in the same room as my dad is in. . .just as long as he's quite and the dinosaurs keep roaring above tension.
current mood: drunk current music: bjork remixes
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| Wednesday, December 19th, 2001
1:41 pm - another shit day
Everything has been really awful lately. I swear. I'm getting sick, so I go to bed at midnight last night. I woke up at 4 or 5 in the morning for reasons that are beyond me. I couldnt fall back asleep to save my life, which of course doesn't help the illness developing. I'm not even sure if it was 4 or 5 or 3, but when I got up to look at the time, it was 7. So I was awake for 3 hours, unable to quiet my thoughts and thus, unable to fall asleep. I don't think I slept for more than 3 hours last night. Which, is not good, considering I require 10 hours to be nice in the mornings.
So I wake up and call my landlord to ask him about Elaine staying in my place while I'm gone. He was FURIOUS that I even had the nerve to ask!! What the hell?? He was lecturing me as if I were his 12 year old daughter!! What a son of a bitch!! It was a mere question, he could have said, "no, that's not within our contract." and I would have dropped it. Then he goes on and on and on about other things. He hates me and is annoyed by me for reasons I have yet to discover. I am quiet, I don't bother him, I am responsible, I pay on time, etc. The ONLY times I call him is for him to fix the damn plumbing that caused 2 floods in my apartment since september. So shoot me for not wanting to be live like a dolphin. Mother fucking asshole. I am definitely getting out of this fucking apartment. I can't believe how unbelievably unprofessional he was and RUDE!! Downright, rude.
And this is of course, on top of everything else I have to look forward to when I go home. I know why I couldn't sleep. I'm fucking scared to go home and face my dad after what he said to me. Because I know he'll act as if he didnt say anything at all because he's that ignorant. I have to go.
current mood: angry current music: aimee mann, again
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1:35 am - more on elaine
Soooo, Elaine isn't going to move in with that guy anymore. I knew it was going to be sketchy. Sad that you (well, I) can't seem to trust any straight male in this country. Some have passed into trustworthy status, but I'll tell you it's fucking rare. I can think of. . .2, maybe. This is what he said to her today over the phone, after Elaine said she'd like to take the room:
1) "I find u very attractive and I ask myself if I'm not making a mistake by torturing myself with you around...." 2) " I thought you were the answer to my prayers." 3) " I know with time you will learn to like me..." 4) " I have a sports car downstairs you can drive. At least let me be your sugar daddy. "
That's a sad bastard.
I'm offering Elaine my place for a month, while I am gone.
current mood: laughing at pathetic people current music: silence
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| Tuesday, December 18th, 2001
10:08 pm - being poor
So I went to Bloomingdales for the first time today. I doubt I will return. I was treated as if I were a desease to their perfection. Just because I'm not 1)famous 2)wearing an armani suit with prada shoes and a kate spade handbag doesn't make me not worth your time. Assholes in that store. Not only that, everything I wanted to get my mom was at least $200!! And everyone was lining up with shitloads of products handing the person a platnum card as if it were nothing to just drop a thousand dollars, just because. I felt like shit, to say the least.
Otherwise, today has been good. I started writing again (it's been a while). Completely changed Wildflowers. It is now called Roses and Ravens. . .and it's basically the same story, minus Jazna. . .names have been changed too. Most of you dont know what the hell I'm talking about. Point is, my play has been ripped to shreds by myself and it's a new idea completely. And a better one, I think. Jazna will get her own play some other time.
current mood: curious current music: Aimee Mann - Save Me
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| Monday, December 17th, 2001
11:15 pm - sugar high
I have had hot chocolate every day for the past 2-3 weeks. Does this count as an addiction, because I seriously can't go a day without it.
current mood: better current music: some strange band megan introduced me to
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