Thursday, February 22nd, 2001
am reposting cause i need to see em side by side somewhere other then my editing programs
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Why is the freakn tired icon a smiley face?? BLEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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3:08a BLEH - imagine how tired I am right about now.
Okay Buckhead on a wednesday night at 2:30am is .. uh.. not cool.
Driving at 2:30am for that matter is not cool.
I just played car tag with some monkey..
I dunno. I mighta been a bit on their ass, not sure. It's late.. hard not to ride someone's ass when there goin donkey slow, but he braked and it apeared they were gonna turn so I started to vere to the left to pass them as they turned. (I'm goin 30pmh and the roads are empty and I'm straight so.. I think it's not bad judgment... (maybe) then he IS NOT gonna turn I can tell so I brake more, no need to slame. I'm really close to my house so I'm watchin, so I brake. Big time. Nearly stop in the road, figure I'll just let them get way ahead of me so I won't tail them on accident.
They put on their blinker.. geez, their turning into my apartment complex, so I take a left. I don't want them knowing my car and giving me shit if I was on their tail and we live in the same place. I don't know if I was, I don't know why they braked and swerved a bit. So I take the left follow it till I can hook a U'ey and get back on the road.. I do that.. then turn left into my complex, the fucking car IS STILL THERE. Sittin there! Doesn't look like they are going in either netrance, I can't tell. They are turning around, coming toward me.
Little hint; they are coming heads on toward me out of the entrance, you only go IN the entrance, and it's gated, so they did a U'ey in a very dumb spot, so I loop around them realy quick, so we are basicaly ass to ass and I hit the damn clicker and the gate didn't take to long to open. All the while I'm toggling glanced between the gate and my rear view mirror. I watch them pull out back onto the road we came from and leave as I pull in through the gate. WTF??
Now I was finally calm before all this happend cause I had to walk around buckhead for 5 minutes in the dark, in the rain at 2:30am on an unmarked road. Fun fun. I was all happy to be in my car. Bleh........
current mood: tired
(comment on this) Wednesday, February 21st, 2001
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7:07p The garbage shoot was a wonderful idea. What an incredible smell you've discovered.
Name that movie: (in an calm but stirn voice.. ) "Nobody puts Baby in a corner" |
This addition of "Name that movie" is worth 7 points! You can earn a bonus 3 points if you can name the movie that the subject line is from.
Hint: Line is said while the person is standing and looking down at who they are speaking to.
Foobar gave the correct answer of:
"dirty dancing and star wars...."
Foobar has been awarded 10 game points!
Current Score:
Rasik: 10
Foobar: 10
Techstep: 3
current music: Josh Joplin Group - Here I Am
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1:06p everybody, it's o.k.
it's not like they really have all of their lives in control either.
no one does; those who think that they do are extremely dangerous
those that appear that they do are only very good at making the poker face
current mood: going through the motions current music: Last - Nine Inch Nails
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1:50p linky geeky linky
MySQL+LUA=MyLUA: "It is a patch to MySQL that allow users to write procedures in a scripting language called LUA. allow to write a MySQL procedure in a scripting language, without rebuild the server."
current music: Josh Joplin Group - I've Changed
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12:11p geek books
Acts of Apostles
As American led forces assemble in Saudi Arabia for the largest military operation since Normandy, computer chip designer Todd Griffith discovers a secret function buried within the Kali computer chip. That night he is shot in his bed.
You can read the first 13 chapters of the book at the link above! Pretty cool! I'm gonna by it for my next flight.
current music: Josh Joplin Group - Matter
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12:57p would you like to play a game?
Name that movie: (in an angry voice.. ) "Who do you love!! ..a car!!" |
This addition of "Name that movie" is worth 10 points! You can earn a bonus 5 points if you can name the movie that the subject line is from, but you must answer the main question in order to qualify for the extra 5.
Hint: Line is yelled while kicking ... a car.
Rasik gave the correct answer of:
"Cameron in ferris bueller's day off ... i want to buy that on dvd!"
Rasik has been awarded 10 game points! Being as he got it so quickly I have decided to allow the still unsolved subject line to be worth 3 points for anyone else who wants to guess.
Techstep gave the correct answer of:
"The subject is spoken by the computer in WarGames. mmm...Global Thermonuclear War."
Techstep has been awarded 3 game points!
Rasik: 10
Techstep: 3
current music: Josh Joplin Group - Camera One
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1:34a damn.
and now i have nothing
to read again.
i'll have to finally
use that gift certificate
to B and N from xmas.
which is cold comfort at
one thirty with nothing
to read, and sleep not
yet an acceptable
back to the bookshelf.
random thought.
i prefer the spelling
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why is it always fear
and never loathing?
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1:19a March Slam Flyer
So whaddaya think eh?
i'm really starting to like this.
man these are fun to do. My cohort Holly did the foundations and i did the tweaking.
(5 comments | comment on this) Tuesday, February 20th, 2001
current mood: pissed
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i'm not sure how but hope keeps seeping into my thoughts...
despite my discomfort
there is no point in any of it...
but i do miss...
the things that i miss...
and it would be nice to be missed...
and somehow there is some hope...
isn't there...
just for a moment anyway.
and all of this loneliness
and still all this longing
and one can't depend on any of it anyway...
one can't completely depend on another.
just full of disappointment.
and i can feel it seeping into me.
i can.
just as i am disappointed
i am this disappointment.
i'll be careful with the eggs when i fling them basket and all over the balcony.
onto the pavement
current mood: hopeful
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1:59p poor
she waits. she waits and waits and waits.
she has tried to be productive in some sort of manner...
she has tried something.
and she doesn't feel very good today.
big surprise.
she even ate.
maybe she'll have noodles for lunch.
sushi was good last night, even if it was from kozmo.
note to self: buy more soy sauce.
when one has money.
and pay attention here.
one has no money.
she has no money.
she had to ask for money.
never knew that would be so hard.
just always assumed that she was taken care of.
she is but she feels worse than just feeling like she has lost the respect of her family by taking leave.
just taken leave of my senses thats all.
even if i could take me to a sanctuary,
its not real is it.
it still hurts doesn't it.
stop me if you think that you've heard this one before.
current mood: uncomfortable
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