Monday, March 11th, 2002
11:48 pm
1:17 pm
Ugh, is gone and all I can say is...
Apparently, the person who created the site "grew out of it", so to speak. That is to say, I guess they just quit showing an interest in Britney. Now I ask you: this is just my own curiousity here, folks: how many of you think Britney has "changed". And, if so, for the better or for worse????? I shall post my opinion once I get a consensus...LOL.
current mood: curious
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Sunday, March 10th, 2002
9:00 am
Saturday, March 9th, 2002
4:33 am - i got them, i got them
Friday, March 8th, 2002
wish me luck for I'm going to camp out to get britney tickets for July 6th. I'm going to miss this event if it kills me. I have missed all the brit shows, I can't miss this one (I CAN'T). I love you Britney and I will prove my love..
Wish me luck SLAVE FOR YOU
current mood: happy current music: Oop I did it again (remix)
(1 comment |comment on this)
Wednesday, March 6th, 2002
3:27 pm - Britney My town July 6th
I was freaking out cause I hear Britney will be in my city on July 6th through the 9th. Her tickets go on sale this Saturday at 9am. So I'm going to camp out and buy her tickets. I'm going to miss this one this time. I wanted to kick myself in the ass for missing most of her last tours. But not this time, I'm going even if I have to kill or sell sex to see Miss Britney.
I can't wait
current mood: crazy current music: Britney - Don't let me be the last to know (Hex remix)
(1 comment |comment on this)
Wednesday, February 27th, 2002
1:49 pm
Saturday, February 23rd, 2002
3:18 am
Tuesday, February 19th, 2002
2:47 pm
12:03 am
Monday, February 18th, 2002
2:31 pm
Someone help me out, where can I find some *new* good quality Britney pictures??? Gimme a site or 2 that I haven't been to! (something different, or tell me about a site that's updated pics to recent ones! aka: since the "Britney" album came out)Thanks!!!!!
current mood: annoyed
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Sunday, February 17th, 2002
11:21 am
Wednesday, February 13th, 2002
1:38 pm
Can anyone tell me where I can find some good quality Britney pictures to use as my user pic? It'd be appreciated! Preferably not or, b/c I've already used most of them. Let me know! Thankies! AND>>>>>who loves the new Brit video! I do! I do! :o)
current mood: curious
(2 comments |comment on this)
1:13 pm
Monday, February 11th, 2002
6:20 pm - The brit song that is all about me
Saturday, February 9th, 2002
9:13 pm
Friday, February 8th, 2002
11:26 am
Someone should make up or find which Britney song or Vid are you. You know how all those tests you take and it tells you what song, cartoon, or character you are. We should come up with what britney song or Vid are you?
I'd f--king die if I was OPPPS. cause it's so me. The lyrics are oppps I did it again I played with his heart.
If they took what britney look are you. I wanna be britney's VMA (opps I did it again look). I'm trashy like that lol
current mood: crazy current music: Don't let me be the last to know (Hex Hector remix)
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11:12 am
Hey whats popping I just joined I'm a total big fan of my girl Britney. She was hot on that Pepsi thing and I'd love it if I could find some hot pics of her.
The look she was sporting in the beach wear was amazing. I have all her songs and my favorit is Overprotected. I'm praying MTV will release it soon as a vid.
Thanks again James
current mood: accomplished current music: I'm a slave for you (thunderpuss mix)
(comment on this)
6:36 am
Hi, I'm new. I love Britney. I went to get see her in concert here in New York and at the end it was pretty amazing when the water came down. She's an amazing pop performer and she has a beautiful body. Go Britney!
current mood: cheerful
(8 comments |comment on this)
Tuesday, February 5th, 2002
7:52 pm
Hey guys just wanted to introduce myself! I'm Jyl and I'm 20 years old. I absolutely love Britney :) I even got a tatoo of the little fairy thing she used to use to sign her name on my lower back :) Oh no... I'm just asking for rude comments... haha I don't care! Bye for now!
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