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Tuesday, December 25th, 2001
12:06 am - dur
peeling plastic (12:05:21 AM): i just realized why no ones posting on lj
peeling plastic (12:05:25 AM): its christmas

current mood: crushed
current music: Unwritten Law - Lonesome

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Monday, December 24th, 2001
10:38 pm - RAWR
"the mailbox belonging to ::mumbly giggle:: is full. hang up."
i'm just so sad. my one goal before christmas was to talk to owen on the phone and not his answering machine. this sucks just so much. its ruined my whole day. i talked to him after i took my shower this morning and he said that we'd get to talk today, but then got off really quick a minute later. he's leaving tomorrow and i know he wont get on. sdrgdgfkjsdfgl ::bites owen::

current mood: miserable
current music: Saves The Day - Cars And Calories

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1:59 pm - http://selectsmart.com/FREE/select.php3?client=katty
# 1 Hardcore Punk
# 2 Skater
# 3 Funky alternative *unique*
# 4 Raver
# 5 Emo
# 6 Goth
# 7 Prep
# 8 Sporty/casual
# 9 Ghetto
# 10 Flashy/Slutty

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12:19 pm - presents!
i seem greedy about presents. i'm really not. really.
i got a ring, necklace, card, and ducky puzzle from polly; a letter, card, and rufus pic from jenny; and moulin rouge on dvd from my brother (its really from mom, but still)

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Sunday, December 23rd, 2001
9:43 pm

Click here to take
the quiz!

hmmph. mum took a nap today that lasted 5 hrs. i kept waiting for her to get up, and went up to tell her about the rufus trip i want to go on with adrienne + jenny. i was really worried, and i was sitting in the kitchen with dad and he's like "whats that" and i stupidly told him. grrrr. i started laughing about how hard i had worked on the presentation thing and how he was gonna shoot me down before i even got to tell mom and i started crying :-X i cried for a long time while he read over it and everything. i'd worked on it rawther diligently and i had worked on everything, but all he said was that it was 'interesting' and stuff. it was like the meanest thing. rawr. so i go downstairs and moped for a while and an hour or so later mum finally woke up (7 o'clock) and i go up there to tell her and i give her the papers and i was pouring myself a coke and i started crying about it AGAIN and she said that they'd talk about it and that it was good and i didnt believe her and i was all emo and shit and i ended up spilling half the coke bottle on the floor. ugh. pray that i get to go to the shows, if you could. i wont know until after christmas.

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5:56 pm

Take the Monopoly Piece Quiz!

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12:17 am
adrienne got my package! i got my package from sandra today too. there was a bag she made, those little party popper things, incense, chocolate stuff, lipgloss, and soap.

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Friday, December 21st, 2001
4:36 pm



You are addicted to online tests. We recommend that you start weaning yourself away from online tests before they start influencing your life.

Take this test at queech.com and find out how addicted you are!

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Thursday, December 20th, 2001
10:07 pm - owen likes daniel.
peeling plastic (9:27:55 PM): http://www.sumnerschools.org/sms/photos/lunch6.jpg << boi you can barely see = clarke, then nick hardiman, and mrs haynes (i'm with her in the office) and then daniel
SUPERlalaBOY (9:29:25 PM): Daniel *swoon*
peeling plastic (9:29:37 PM): :O lmfao!
SUPERlalaBOY (9:29:58 PM): he is dreamy, dont laugh

its probably better that i'll forget about telling him this when we go back to school.

current music: Hole - Drag

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4:28 pm - aaron...
if i could reply i'd say:
quack! ima be famous with my potatoes one day.

current music: Pedro The Lion - Diamond Ring

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Wednesday, December 19th, 2001
6:21 pm - this is about the forbidden love of cowbois...
...or not.
such a long day already. i dont think i'm going to school tomorrow. i took all my exams today, so i really dont have any obligation. adrienne talked to her favourite boi today ;D yay

ageism sucks, and having friends immensely older can suck too somedays

current mood: disappointed
current music: Rufus Wainwright - Leaving You

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Tuesday, December 18th, 2001
5:32 pm - hmmph.
where is owen? hes supposed to be on :(

courtney got her package today! i hope this means adrienne will too. theyre the only two people i sent them to in tn (i'm gonna give you yers when i see you, carey + nick)

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Monday, December 17th, 2001
8:05 pm
mom got my packages sent out today :D the lady at the post office goes "boi, your daughter must have a lot of friends." w00

i got adrienne's presents:
- rufus cookie (red glitter pants, blue 67 shirt)
- rad little notebook with a flower on the front
- rainbow stickers
- card + letter
- framed rufus picture
- skittles (which i've almost finished) and sour skittles

the washington state potato commission sent me 3 different sized posters. they all feature potatoes and one had potato products ::swoon::

current music: teevee - ab fab

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Sunday, December 16th, 2001
3:13 pm
after working semi-diligently for a few hours, it is time for napping. my printer has run out of blue and is using greeen and its all icky. i gotta wait for dad to fix moms printer so that i can print it on there. hehe

blah.i hope everyones not disappointed by their presents. :/ i tried to find things but failed miserably. if you dont get one its cause its too expensive to send you things/ i didnt think you'd like what i made/ i havent known you very long or dont talk to you/ i dunno. blah. anyway, owen got my letters yesterday. yay. he read them to people at work, i feel very special.

current music: Ben Folds Five - She Don't Use Jelly

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Saturday, December 15th, 2001
2:13 pm
we went shopping for dad earlier and we were walking past their santa and i mentioned adrienne asking santa for rufus. she goes " well i dont think she'll be getting him, i hear he's gay" or something. she goes on to tell me that she had seen a friends son the other day and told him about me liking rufus, and he told her he was gay. >:O

all my work for nothing. blah.

current mood: nervous
current music: Marilyn Manson - Rock is dead

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Friday, December 14th, 2001
11:45 pm
mom found my old gloworm today! it was missing its glow part, and when we tried to fix the zipper it broke. i pinned it up + its fun to play with.

today i went to whitneys house and exchanged (minus my presents, but thats a long story) with paige, whitney, lori, emily, and brittany. i got 2 rainbow brite shirts (one red with just rb on it, and a red one with rb + twink over the rainbow logo), 2 rubber duckies, a bag of jolly ranchers, nail polish, and these rad coil-ie bracelets.

i wrote adrienne + julie at school. its supposed to go with their presents. i feel bad that i cant go buy everybody individual presents. :( moms always set on getting everyone the same thing so we never go shopping, and i end up making ceedees. i'm only giving paige the rufus debut because mom ordered it mistakenly thinking i didnt have it. i havent even gotten sandra anything good. rawr. i'm gonna try to convince her to let me go look for stuff in toys tomorrow for my school friends at least. ceedees are lame when you get them 2 years in a row. at least mine.

paige got to skip science and stay with us in the office today! it was so rad. they had been taking up money in 4th period, and they still were when the period ended, and they let chris + her stay with us cause they had a sub. we delivered my teachers gifts and went around for money. too bad she cant be with us all the time. ::chomps on some jolly ranchers:: jolly ranchers made my tongue peel in october, remember? i bought that 4 pound bag for myself and ate almost all but the greens + the watermelon (ick!)... :-X


current music: Veruca Salt - Born Entertainer

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Thursday, December 13th, 2001
9:21 pm - she uses tangerines
my parents have gotten me this stuff from ebay:
- mcgarrigle hour
- ceedee from a canadian show with rufus, martha, and kate
- martha's ceedee

yay! :D i'm a happy ducky. btw, i got my c in algebra. ::dances::
um...don't search for your parents purchases on ebay. its bad.

amazing fact of the day : i've known owen for 2 weeks

current music: Ben Folds Five - She Don't Use Jelly

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8:38 pm
i've had my site for one year today! w00t. go visit and tell it happy birthday

current music: pedro the lion - of minor prophets and their prostitute wives

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Wednesday, December 12th, 2001
8:44 pm

take this quiz to see what character or personality you're most like!
by divachop

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Tuesday, December 11th, 2001
9:32 pm - my faith in zeros and ones
unit test in algebra grade : 61
average: 77.28

i have just discovered pedro the lion <3 i only had one song of theirs before but i dled like 7 songs tonight.

back to hw :(

current music: Pedro The Lion - Diamond Ring

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