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i shake my jelly at every chance.* [24 Dec 2001|02:15pm]
Merry** Christmas***, I guess****.

* I am listening to "Bootylicious" for the first time in three months. What a terrible song. Why didn't anyone tell me?

** I am about to go read Faulkner.

*** Excerpt from journal, Saturday, December 22, 2001, after one amazing day compliments of Miranda: "Today is December 22, 2001--three days from Christmas--and I write this on the last train home from Bethesda, where I have just spent the last few hours--the sun went down--or so with Miranda. My fingers smell like clementines and are stick in spite of the cold weather. We ate them on the way back from the Barnes & Noble (where we took an endless amount of pictures of ourselves with each other, pretending we were a couple to the cafe patrons), on out way to the station. We peeled them as we walked along the desolate sidewalk, talking religion and future. At one point, just as we were walking out, I dropped my orange and it rolled down the street for a while and in between the legs of two Asian women talking amongst themselves. One of them quickly stopped the tumbling citrus with the side of her tennis shoe for me. "Don't drop your tangerine!" one of them joked. "It's a clementine," I said. Miranda accused me of being mean in the way she always does. "You know," I said, "I've been sarcastic for so long, people have a hard time figuring out when I'm being sincere." "Especially strangers," she said."

**** I need to write seven good short stories by Jan 1 for THIS. Fuck me. (Metaphorically.)
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[22 Dec 2001|09:38am]
let me declare this right now:
i refuse to get in a car with both Emilio and Benita ever, ever, ever again simply because last night we spent, collectively, three of nine hours lost in D.C.; i am now paying $25 of a $100 parking citation; and i can't stop thinking about Britney Spears literally rubbing breasts and pelvises with another girl on stage. just a thought.
because, okay, here are the highlights:

+ the school day--which also happened to be senior fucking skip day--ended yesterday at 1:10pm, leaving me about 5 or 6 hours until the infamous concert started. (please keep in mind, i wasn't going to see this for my own entertainment, but for that of Benita's because i owe her for Cabaret, or something.) so we devise a plan for us to go home, drop our stuff off, change, and then Emilio--the weirdest driver, weirder than i could possibly explain... right now--would pick me and her up at 3:00 for the 4:25 screening of Amelie. Taiysha, of course, wanted to go do "something" with her boyfriend, so she would not be joining us. don't ask.
+ i wake up from my daily nap (because, um, i am 75 years old now for some reason) at four-thirty--still in uniform, mind you--thinking, "OH MY GOD! I MUST HAVE OVERSLEPT THEY'RE PHONE CALL! AHHHH!" then i get a phone call. "Um, we're fifteen minutes away," she says. "Uh... Didn't the movie start fifteen minutes ago?" i say. "Shut up." click.
+ and so the movie is playing at Dupont Circle 5, because of course its a foreign film and wouldn't be playing anywhere else. i, as several people know (namely David, and Allison, and Miranda) i get nervous around Dupont and don't know anything but Connecticut Avenue from the back of my shoe. so, in short, we get lost. for an hour.
+ we finally find it. we decide to shoot for the 5:15 show. it is now 5:30. but we make it. and look: there's a convenient little parking space right outside the theatre! wow, we must be bless. come Emilio, let us park in this DEATH TRAP... i mean, space.
+ Amelie was actually a very, very, very good movie and i want to marry it. well, at least the hour or so that i saw. Emilio fell asleep however. funny, funny Emilio. my favorite line: "fur pie doesn't sell." favorite scene: the dancing pegleg man.
+ we come outside. 100-fucking-dollar parking citation because we parked in a no-parking zone during rush hour. that's pretty self-explanatory.
+ so, we're off to find the MCi center from Dupont. this takes us an hour. we have missed about 45 minutes of the show. we keep cracking jokes about poor Taiysha, waiting for us to arrive, because Emilio is her ride. then we promptly blamed her boyfriend.
+ so 45 minutes, plus 25 minutes looking for a parking space equals hell. i, being much rich (pssh), offer to just pay the goddamned $20 fee for event parking. so we pull into this sketchy abandoned-looking parking lot with like, four cars in it, and we're like, "Where is the parking man?" as if on cue, this guy in a skullcap hops out of his car and runs over to us. "Where are you going?" he asks. "MCI center," Emilio blurts. "Twenty," the man says. we later curse outselves, realizing that if we had lied it probably would have been cheaper.
+ we get there. it's a cold, cold walk. we go through security. i, on reflex, shout, "Got the anthrax?" people give me colder stares.
+ Britney Spears does suck. i had a headache and all i could think about was this little boy (or girl, i couldn't tell) in the the row in front of us who seemed like his mother had brought him there as a Christmas gift or something. he was silent the whole time, just watching Britney Spears as she was humped by two guys in "Oops.." and then turned around to freak another girl in "Slave For U." the boy didn't seem happy. his mother kept looking over and smiling. the seats were pretty bad, but good in the MCI center way. i wanted to patronize him, too.
+ it's 9-something when we get out. we decide its too early to go home. let's go to Union Station and see whatever is playing. we get lost looking for Union Station.
+ we see Vanilla Sky. Taiysha and Emilio fall asleep. Benita and i are um, laughing inappropriately in every scene because it's late. it was a weird-ass movie. it has AI-syndrome, where it could have been a very good and profound movie had they ended it about 20 minutes sooner and didn't go on this weird Sci-fi tangent. christ.
+ we leave. Emilio forgets ticket. doesn't get it validated, so instead of the delicious parking fee of $1.00, i chuck out $10.00 simply because i feel bad about the citation.
+ we go home. we get lost going home.
+ i get home.
+ i sleep.
+ i dream about gigantic mushrooms trying to take over the world.
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[20 Dec 2001|07:28pm]
so i stood there and watched about a dozen actors put on a show that i half-wrote and i'm so nervous.
they're really talented.
and i'm happy.
but GAH.
they must hate me after all the notes i gave.
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Branden to the rescue... [19 Dec 2001|09:24pm]
Dramarama55: I can't cancel!
CrimsonRat: AHH! WHY NOT?!
Dramarama55: I already told him I'd go! I'm too polite to ditch last minute!
CrimsonRat: Then it's your funeral! You must.. ditch... say something about holiday stuff with family.
CrimsonRat: Hannukah... emergency. Or something.
Dramarama55: Hanukkah has come and gone
CrimsonRat: Oh. Say you have to... do it over again because you messed up or something.
Dramarama55: hah, good plan
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[17 Dec 2001|09:26pm]
don't you hate that feeling when you're so close to the end of a really, really long paper that's due in about an hour and you suddenly lose all interest in completing it?
me, too.
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because i nominate my name. [16 Dec 2001|06:27pm]
last night i had, actually, the best thai food i think i've ever had. at Thaiphoooooooon, to be exact.
it was some weird Birthday-thing.
thanks allison, david, denise, and roxanne. i think.
then we saw Not Another Teen Movie, which wasn't that great of a movie, but it had its moments.

and today i wrote a letter to the "love of my life." quotes included.
and i think i also resolved to just apply to four colleges. maybe six. i dont know. do i really see myself at Emerson, Eugene Lang, or Carnegie-Mellon? i don't know.

and why are the seniors at my school such idiots? friday should definetly NOT be our skip day. hello, skip days are always during the second semester AFTER they've sent out the mid-year reports, geniuses. and they should be on days that are worth it. not half-days which are, coincidentally, the last school day of the year.


i'm not skipping. in fact, immediately afterwards, i am going with Benita and Emilio and i think Taiysha to see Amelie, (because everyone, including Mr. Gormley, recommends it) and then to... cough... a Britney Spears concert.

BECAUSE Benita got free tickets. free GOOD tickets. and as embarrassing as this is, the important part is that i'm spending time with Benita and Emilio and Taiysha.

or at least that's what i'm telling everybody.

hey! "Slave For You" is a good song.
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this message is required by law. [11 Dec 2001|11:04pm]
Shakes2000: WILDWOOD SUMMER THEATRE, D.C. only all youth summer community theatre, is
looking for staff positions for the 2002 production of WEST SIDE STORY.
Open positions include: Stage Manager, Musical Director, Conductor,
Choreographer, Technical Director, Set Designer, Lighting Designer, and
Costume Designer. Email Nathan Claridad ( for more
information concerning this community theatre and the interview process.
Shakes2000: please send to whomever...

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so hard for it, honey. [11 Dec 2001|10:05pm]
more spanish with Branden!

ravensgodess: i know, a-hole
ravensgodess: muņecas, actually
CrimsonRat: Same difference.
ravensgodess: actually no
CrimsonRat: Soy munecas!
ravensgodess: no, you are not dolls!
CrimsonRat: El gato esta el mentiroso!
CrimsonRat: Hablar dos pantalones! Hablar!
ravensgodess: hahahahahh
ravensgodess: you frickin loser
CrimsonRat: Mi cajones fumar!
CrimsonRat: Yeah. Yeah.
ravensgodess: your balls smoke?
CrimsonRat: You heard me.
CrimsonRat: Donde! Donde!
CrimsonRat: El bano!
CrimsonRat: Quesadilla mi pollo cabesa?!
ravensgodess: what the fuck?
CrimsonRat: I dont even know. I'm just typing the random 30 words I know.
ravensgodess: ooh
CrimsonRat: La puta trabajar por los dineros!
CrimsonRat: Did I just say the whore works for the money?
ravensgodess: she work hard for da money, so hard for it honey
CrimsonRat: Booyah.
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[11 Dec 2001|09:59pm]
William Shakespeare sucks my ginormous male organ of copulation that in male mammals including humans usually functions as the channel by which urine leaves the body.

yes, i said ginormous.

in other news:

ravensgodess: meso hungee
CrimsonRat: your mom.
CrimsonRat: MUNECAS!
CrimsonRat: that's dolls for spanish people.

denise was wrong. i know spanish. that one time at that rooftop chicken place was just me testing her on her spanish. she knows that.
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shut up, barbara. i'm drinking... [11 Dec 2001|08:13pm]
don't you hate when you really need a nap and for the life of you, you just cannot go to sleep?
i didn't think you did, bastard.

on the agenda for this evening:
reading Othello.
reading King Lear.
writing 4+ articles for the newspaper.
writing a short story for the newspaper.
starting the 5pg Hamlet paper due on Thursday.

this is why i need a nap.
but my favorite episode of Buffy just came on. damn you, distractions.
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[09 Dec 2001|05:10pm]
Dancing At Lughnasa is fuckin' o-vah. thanks to all those who didn't come. saved me the embarrassment.
now i can be cool and update my livejournal again!
wait a minute... that's not cool at all...
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my battery is low. [29 Nov 2001|01:14am]
so i was up with an hour of sleep under my belt. not trying to have that happen uh... this morning, but at the same time i have a good barrow-load of homework to do. so we'll see if i'm inspired or not. chances are... no. and i really hope that i have a free period first tomorrow, because i'm really tired of moms bitching about the same thing.
does high school ever end?
oh wait, in five months in nineteen day.
sigh. how woeful.
i really should send out my college applications if i plan on, you know, getting into school. supposedly, i'm too late for any overnite visits, thus my new york trip won't be as scary as i thought it would be. part of me wants to live the campus life, the other part feels really weird about just sleeping in someone else's room. this applies to me outside of college, too. i've always had issues with sleeping over people's houses. especially in their bedroom.
it's strange.
you know, elimiDate is the most boring show in the universe? this is why i don't normally watch TV.
but, you know what happens tonite don't you?! don't you?!
of course you do. biatch.
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kick it, kick it, whoooooa. [25 Nov 2001|10:59pm]
so, is it a problem that all my dreams recently have been about driving and sex?
and, is it a problem that all this sex is my dreams has nothing to do with me?
and, is it a problem that last night's dreamed involved a friend of mine whose virginity i literally hate? (long story; inside joke.)
and, is it also a problem that in this dream, this friend whose virginity i hate sends me photos of him losing his virginity with cute little subtitles such as "________ penetratin'." and "__________ hittin' it." and "_________ tappin' it, doggie-style." apostrophied verbs and all?
and, should i be worried that there is pornography in my dreams and that my dreams are getting worse and worse and worse?
and, from what i can tell, i'm not dealing with any pent up sexual frustration, anger, or desires, and i'm three weeks from my road test. so could someone please help me?
this is really getting out of hand.
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the night is so steamy, and you're so dreamy. love is in the air. [25 Nov 2001|06:07pm]
and guess who just completed his NYU application!?

not me.

but i'm close. i just have the "creative materials" to send in for Tisch.
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brother for sale. [24 Nov 2001|10:55pm]
everyone go yell at Denise for making me think Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen were dead!
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for handing you a heart worth breaking. [24 Nov 2001|10:26pm]
CrimsonRat: so. i had the weirdest dream today.
Wmwcswlpw: what was it?
CrimsonRat: so i'm at some st. john's dance but... it's not at st. johns. it's at some type of a sucky club with lots of windows in the middle of the day with hot pink walls and a hardwood floor and it's just sucking. no one is dancing. everyone is just mingling and all the streamers are torn down and i'm pissed because i have to clean it up afterwards or something.
CrimsonRat: and then i walk into this other room that looks like a renovated kitchen and sitting on the floor is everyone from theatre lab and like five random people from my life who would never be apart of theatre lab, and we're all doing the character circle. and for some reason i know that i've been kicked out of the group or something for something that i did to Jon Gadsen, like i made him cry or something. so then i leave and meet this girl. and she looks a lot like this girl at school who i won't name and...
Wmwcswlpw: and. . .
CrimsonRat: it's not the girl at school because her nose is different or something and for some reason she's hitting on me, and i'm blowing off all my friends to hang around her--including the girl who looks like her at school and then the dance is over and we're leaving and i'm like, "wait. i have to clean up because i'm SGA president" and the girl is like, whatever. we're leaving. so we leave to go outside and there's this huge ass parking lot that looks like the parking lot to a mall except it's like... in an alley.
Wmwcswlpw: ok...
CrimsonRat: and then from nowhere comes this girls random cousin who looks like someone i know, but i can't figure out who and we decide to take this girl's car and it's some kind of bug and she tells me to drive and i'm like SHIT! I dont have a license! But I can't not drive! so i'm driving and i'm really nervous and then for some reason i need change for a twenty, so roll down my window and ask someone for a change for a twenty and this girl i knew from eighth grade is holding a baby and screaming about how I'm
CrimsonRat: selling drugs. And anyway, somehow I forget about the change, and I'm aking some random turn and I hit a pole and I'm like SHIT! FUCK MEEE! and the girl is pissed for some reason, like she's really bored with me, and her cousin is an asshole and keeps making all these weird sarcastic remarks that have nothing to do with me and then we are all of a sudden riding down that street right by the school, like one block over from the street that our school is on and we're driving down hill and we're talking and
CrimsonRat: then all of a sudden I hit Mr. Emerson with the car.
CrimsonRat: and thats when i woke up.
CrimsonRat: But it wasn't like a jumping up woke up, but when I was in the dream I had this feeling that the dream was over and I just woke up.
Wmwcswlpw: umm wow,
CrimsonRat: And it was so sketchy because I've never had a dream with Mr. Emerson in it before.
CrimsonRat: So this is where you analyze the dream for me.
Wmwcswlpw: ok . .

chris did an awful job.
someone help me.
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[24 Nov 2001|10:05pm]
sweet deal:

Take the Affliction Test Today!
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look what you've done to me. [22 Nov 2001|07:11pm]
Bill & Ted's Excellent Vagina.
Riding In Vaginas with Boys.
Harry Vagina and The Sorcerer's Stone, or Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Vagina.


i have a headache, and i've just finished gorging on random foods. my goal is to gain 20 pounds by next week. but that's not going to happy.

it's thursday, and you know what that means: Popstars and Will & Grace.

tomorrow--in stead of sitting at home and doing my AP English project, which was supposed to have been done three weeks ago--i think i'm going out, for some reason. out with cindy, and will, and i think paula and allison. i think. and then i rush over to Friendship Heights to meet up with Maia, and Trisha, and the rest of the Multi-Cultural Reject Group (MCRG), minus Andre because he refuses to come back to DC, that i haven't seen since July. the joys of being never home, ago.

before dinner by uncle says something inane like, "Branden, this is the last Thanksgiving you're going to be having at home, because next year you're going to be away, so you really should savor this moment, ok?" as if i were such an insensitive, blind, and irresponsible person that i wouldn't think to realize this and thus needed his demeaning reminder.

i hate him.

i mean--no, yeah. i hate him.
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journey to a spot ex-citing, mystic and exotic. [21 Nov 2001|02:17am]
hey walter johnson people who are doing Pippin in the spring that i know:
you know, when you guys are singing "Join us, leave you field to flower. Join us, leave your cheese to sour. Join us, come and waste and hour or two..." in the beginning, do you think it'd be a bad idea for me and a few friends to jump up and shout, "Okay! Okay! Wait for us! Please don't leave us! Please! We're coming! Just wait!"?
we don't want to be nuisances or anything.
but, it's just a thought.
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[21 Nov 2001|01:38am]
for some strange reason, i've been having all these dreams about driving recently. last night it was about being in a gang who stole cars and women from various high-class Miami gangsters, and all i know is that in the end i was running through this really extensive castle-like place with tons of gardens and stairwells, fleeing some guy who could hear my every move and who had no legs, until i ran away in someone's Mazda.
friday, tons of people are coming down.
tomorrow, i have a field trip with AP english to see Hamlet at Shakespeare Theatre.
currently, i am writing a one-act with Allison that's beginning to lose all coherence.
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