LiveJournal for Lee.

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Friday, January 25th, 2002


Time:9:32 pm.
Mood: blah.
Music:ill Nino - Rip Out Your Eyes.
Hi, go away, don't comment + don't IM me. I don't like you, you disgust me.

I feel like I'm going to get sick & die =[

Everyone seems more miserable than I.

My family's falling apart, what a pity :sarcasm:

I miss my grandmother.

My cousin is leaving for college soon.. The only person I can relate to, how horrible.

Kyle's been acting different.. not sure why ... makes me feel ever more worse =I

Seems like my Mom only cared about how I felt right after my grandmother died, nobody's still mourning.. I guess I should stop, but how? My Mom doesn't talk to me, we have no mother/daughter relationship like most families do. My aunt is jealous over me because my grandmother left her pension to me, who do I have to talk to now?

I hate everything right now, hence I didn't use the word "everyone," because I don't. Who ever's reading this now, I don't hate you. I don't hate anyone. My dad went and picked my uncle up at the bar last night.. He should have left him there. I actually do hate one person: my mother's brother, he's not my uncle, my mistake.

I have to throw up, bye.


Time:1:31 pm.
Mood: bored.
Music:P.O.D - Youth Of The Nation..
As if anyone's gonna read all of this, I was bored.


Song: Hoobastank - To Be With You
Band/singer: Um.. Hoobastank, the calling, custom, deftones, eve 6, staind.
Actor: The guy from fast + the furious.
Actress: Angelina Jolie + Julia Stiles.
Movie: Remember the Titans, Orange County, Out cold.
Clothing brand name: Hilfiger + AE mainly.
Animal: Ape.
Color: Purple + white.
Food: Italian, Korean, deli.
Class in school: Health is gonna be a blast.
Country: US of course.
Sport: Volleyball!*~
Game: Um.. High or low =x
Internet site: Uh, I dunno.
Ice cream flavor: vanilla + strawberry.
Holiday: None.
Flower: White rose.
Cartoon: Courage the cowardly dog <3
TV show: Simpsons/Jackass/smallville.
Hobby: Volleyball, sleeping, baby sitting, friends.
Flavor: Vanilla.
Scent: Tommy girl, woodland cologne.
Quote: Bite me.
Word: Queer.


Hot or cold: Warm.
Sweet or sour: Sour.
Spicy or bland: Spicy.
Fast or slow: Slow?
Black or white: Gray.
Half-full or half-empty: Half empty.
More or less: Even.
Soft or hard: Both.
Rough or smooth: Smooth.
Air, land or sea: Land.
Light or dark: Dark.
E-mail or letter: E-mail.
Phone or instant message: Phone.
Day or night: Night.
Breakfast, lunch or dinner: Brunch.
Past, present or future: Present.
Radio or CD: CD.
Slide, seesaw or swings: Swings.
Doing or watching: Doing.
Mind or body: Mind.
Consciousness, subconsciousness or unconsciousness: consciousness.
Feet or hands: Hands.
Water or juice: Water.
Ocean or pool: Pool.
Rain or shine: Shine.
Cat or dog: Dog.
Silver or gold: White gold.


Are you Hetero-/Homo-/Bi-sexual?: Hetero.
Are you in love?: Yes.
Are you in a relationship? See above.
Are you a virgin?: Yes.
Have you gotten your first kiss?: Yes.
Do you have a crush?: Nope.
Do you enjoy being in love/having a crush?: What? I don't do both at the same time.
What form of birth control do/would you use?: Don't use any yet.
How far have you gone with a "lover"?: As far as one can go without going all the way.
Would/did you have sex before marriage?: Nope, I haven't, yes I would.
Do you believe in hookups (sexual relations without emotion)?: Uh.. Probably not.
Have you ever had a hookup?: Nope.
Is there a difference between a crush and being in love?: Yes.
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Nope.
Do you believe in true love?: I suppose :]
Can long-distance relationships work?: Depends.
Have you ever had a long-distance relationship?: Yes.
What of online relationships?: What of them?
Have you ever been married?: No.
Have you ever been divorced?: No.
Have you ever been in love?: Yes.
If so, how many times?: Lol, what?
Have you had sex in the past and regretted it?: Nope.
Have you fallen in love in the past and regretted it?: I guess.
How old were you when you got your first kiss?: Um, 14.
How old were you when you had sex for the first time?: I haven't.
Have you ever broken someone's heart?: Who knows.
Have you ever sexually harassed someone?: No.
Have you ever been sexually harassed yourself?: Kinda.
Have you ever been jealous of a friend for their boy/girlfriend?: Nope.
Have you ever been jealous of your boy/girlfriend's "close" friend(s)?: Nope.
Have you ever been jealous of your boy/girlfriend's ex?: yes
Have you ever gotten back together with an ex?: Yes.
Have you ever gotten together with a friend's ex?: Nope.
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?: No, lol.
Have you ever been in love with someone so much that you've cried over them?: Yes.
What's the most affection you deem appropriate for public?: Making out.
Have/would you ever see(n) an "X-rated movie?: Yes.
Do you enjoy French-kissing?: Kinda.. It can get sloppy.
Do you keep a picture of your beloved somewhere?: I keep a picture of friends and my baby cousin in my wallet ;p
Would you (honestly) sacrifice your life for your beloved?: I believe so.
Have/would you ever use whipped cream, hot wax, et cetera, in a sexual act?: Haha, yes.
What do you look for in a lover (physically)?: Pretty eyes, taller than myself, clean teeth, good style, doesn't smell bad.
What do you look for in love (mentally/emotionally)?: TRUST, a big must.. Um, commitment, loyal, sweet, feisty, open minded.
Do cherries or strawberries have any sexual meaning for you?: Um.. I guess they could.
Have you ever had your heart broken?: Now that I think about it, I don't think so.
Are you (honestly) afraid of commitment?: Not really.
Are you attracted to people with accents?: No.. Not more attracted anyway.
Have you ever had sexual relations in public? Haha, what type of sexual relations? Yes, I have =X
Do you have a memento from a previous relationship?: Yeah, a lot, in a shoe box under my bed.
Is there a certain smell, sight, sound, or taste that reminds you of a lover?: Woodland cologne.


Do you enjoy living in your town?: No.
Do you smoke?: Use to.
Do you drink?: Occasionally.
How often do you shower?: 1-2 times a day.
Do people you live with complain about the water bill because of the lengths of your showers?: YES!
Do you trust others easily?: NO
Have you ever lied to a friend?: Um, probably.. Lol.
Are you trustworthy?: Yes.
Are you anyone's secret-keeper?: No?
Are you a daredevil?: Yes.
Have/would you skydive?: Yes.
Have/would you bungee jump?: Yes, I did the sky diving thing at Darien Lake.
Have/would you play "Chicken"?: No.
If granted one wish, what would it be?: Go to Cali :P
Do you like to dance?: Yes.
Which do you prefer -- slow or fast dancing?: Both.
Do you like to swim?: Yes.
Do you make friends easily?: Kinda.
If so, where do you most often make friends?: Through other friends, at parties.
Do you color your hair?: Nope.
Do you wear makeup?: Yes.
Are you a person who lies a lot?: No.
What religion do you practice, if any?: None.
Do you like high heels?: Sometimes.
Are you homophobic?: No.
Do you like to travel?: Yes.
Granted you are American, have you ever been out of the state?: State?.. yes.
Do you own any pets?: Yes.
Do you have a cell phone/pager?: Yes.
Do like amusement parks?: Some.
If so, what is your favorite park/ride?: Roller coasters?
Do you collect anything?: Dolphins.
Do you enjoy having your picture taken?: Sometimes.
Do you keep your room/apartment/dorm clean?: Yes.
Do you get annoyed easily?: Yes.
Would you consider yourself a depressed person?: Not really I guess...
Have you ever been to a concert?: Yes.
If so, who/what did you see?: I've saw lit before, shaggy, mya, Jordan knight.. Um I dunno who else.
Have you ever performed in public?: Yes =I
Do you have any piercings?: Belly button, ears.
Do you have any tattoos?: Not yet.
Do you dream often?: No.
Do you frequently daydream?: Yes.
Do you have a job?: Not yet.
What was your first job?: Baby sitting.
Do you have any health problems?: Uh.. Not that I know of.
Are you a vegetarian?: No.
Have you ever been in a crash?: Yes.
Have you ever had a near-death experience?: No.
Have you ever won anything?: Yes.
Do you play a musical instrument?: Keyboard.
Have you ever had someone close to you die?: Mhm
Have you ever broken a bone?: Yes =[
Have you ever had stitches?: No.
Do you have any scars?: Um ... where my cat bit me.
Have you ever had major surgery?: No =\
What is your earliest memory?: Climbing into my grandmothers entertainment stand naked, lol.. Cutting my foot open and getting rushed upstairs and seeing all the blood in the sink =I
Have you ever gotten in a physical fight?: Yes.
What is your dream job?: Marine land =x
Do you plan on having kids?: Maybe.
What phrase do you use the most?: Bite me.
Have you meet/do you know anyone famous?: Some race car driver at the NASCAR race I went to last June.. It was Uh. FUCK.. I can't remember, I'll ask my dad later.
Do you carry a wallet/purse?: Both.
Have you ever baby-sat?: Yes.
In what position do you sleep?: On my side, in a ball.
Have you ever fallen asleep on someone else's bed?: Yes, Wed. night, lol.
Have you ever fallen asleep on someone else?: Yes.
Do you put on a front for anyone?: I don't swear around my parents that much?
Do you cry? Bite me.
Do you have a pen-pal?: My Mom does, from Japan =]
If so, how long have you been communicating?: Iuno.
Do you have friends in other parts of the world?: No?
Have you ever gotten in trouble with the police?: Not that I recall.
Have you ever committed a felony?: No.
Do you believe in fate?: No.
Have you ever been skinny-dipping?: Yes, in March :[
Do you believe in yourself?: What a crock.
What kind of pinups do you have on your walls?: I have a painting of dolphins in water under a lighthouse, Uh.. And a poster of staind. That's all
What languages do you know?: English, Some Spanish.
Have you ever visited another country?: Canada.
Have you ever needed to call 911?: Yes.
Do you have a sweet-tooth?: Not really.
What restaurant do you enjoy going to the most?: The Uh.. NY Deli.
Have you ever ridden a motorcycle?: Yes.
Do you own a motorcycle, and if so, what kind?: My dad use to have one.
Do you consider yourself organized?: Very.
Have you ever fainted?: No.
Do you wear a watch?: Yes.
Do you wear any jewelry?: Yes.
Did you enjoy climbing trees when you were younger?: No, but Kyle did! Lol!~!
Have you ever driven through a cornfield?: Yes.
Do you have pictures around the frame of your mirror?: No, not anymore.
Has an airline ever lost your luggage?: No, never been on a plane.
Do you read the comics?: No.
Do you read the opinion page?: No.
Do you read the sports section?: Sometimes.
Do you spend money more than you save it?: Yes :[
Do you believe in aliens?: No.
Do you believe in God, the Devil, heaven or hell? None of it.
Do you believe in reincarnation?: I hope I come back as a bird lol, no I don't believe in it.
If so, what/who do you think you were in your past life?: Huh?
What period in history are you most intrigued by?: Um.. The part with Rome.
Who are your best friends?: Trina, Kelly, Candice, Tanya, Kyle =]
If you died now, could you leave happily?: Nope.

3 Jokers | Speak

Time:12:00 am.

Rofl <3

Thursday, January 24th, 2002


Time:9:41 pm.
Face Mask: :kiss:
teaSe Lee: >:o dont kiss me
teaSe Lee: i have a bf
teaSe Lee: :-D
Face Mask: fuck him
Face Mask: me and you = together
Face Mask: =colby
Face Mask: D:
Face Mask: :D
Face Mask: D:
teaSe Lee: LOL NO
Face Mask: dont hate
Face Mask: ;p
teaSe Lee: i'm only sexually aroused by my man.
teaSe Lee: :-)
Face Mask: wouldnt you like for me to eat your hot wet pink pussy?
teaSe Lee: LOL!~
teaSe Lee: NO THX.

rofl, and us 'aogirls' are sluts? OKAY!


Subject:What the fuck!
Time:3:50 pm.
Mood: pissed off.
Music:ill nino - fallen.
Everything is fucking blowing up right in my face. My whole family are at each others throats. We found out today that my grandmother left her pension to me. That means... I'll get a payment every month for 5 years, or something. I don't even know what it means, I don't get any money until I'm 21, and it's going to go towards college. My aunt is so fucking pissed off because her kids didn't get put on it also, I was my grandmothers only granddaughter, and her first grandchild. I was more close to my grandmother than any of the other grandchildren, and she knew I was going to go to college, that's why she left it to me. My aunt and uncle and Mom are all getting at least $14,000, BUT.. Still my aunt and uncle are fucking bitch, it's so pathetic. They're so fucking selfish it's sick. I don't even know why I called him my uncle, he means nothing to me, and my aunt is going to try and persuade me to take my name off from it, and is yelling at my Mom telling her she's never talking to her again if she doesn't make me take my name off from it. It's bullshit, fuck her. If she wasn't the mother of my baby cousin, she would be completely out of my life, but I would die if my cousin was out of my life, so I'll have to deal with her. I fucking hate this, all over money, fucking bullshit. Bye.

2 Jokers | Speak

Time:11:07 am.
Mood: artistic.
Music:Custom - Hey Mister.
I decided it was time for a change. I did it ALL by myself, took a lot of patience, but I did it :) And I really like it, everything worked like I wanted it to, none of the links or colors gave me problems. If anyone wants me to do their journals I'll be more than willing to <3 I'm usually bored anyway. I've decided to add a lot more people back on my friends list also. Shower time, cya.


Time:10:07 am.
Mood: bored.
Music:Hoobastank - To Be With You.
Rofl, look at my friend Jeremy's profile:

Member Name: Jeremy
Location: NY
Sex: Male
Marital Status: single
Hobbies: i love skating and snowboarding i play football wrestling track,i go to a lot of concerts i have seen Godsmack stained lit papa roach crazytown good Charlotte i went to the warped tour twice iv seen a ton of other bands to i also like to go to parties
Computers: gateway, Compaq Mac, laptop and 2 other PC's ( i also play guitar ibanez and i skateboard (element))
Occupation: student @ hchs but soon to be a student at salpoly university in San Luis obispo CA
Personal Quote: thinking you need nothing means u really need something or someone don't fight it let go

Such a dork.

Kyle <33

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2002

3 Jokers | Speak

Time:9:05 pm.
Mood: okay.
Music:ill nino - rip out your eyes.
My subject sums my whole post up. My uncle and aunt are after nothing but the money they'll be getting. The whole family knows my grandmother wanted us living in her house if something happened to her, and now my uncle is being an asshole and saying he wants it (he has no children, and he's a drunk). Then, my grandmother told my Mom if she were to sell us her house, she'd sell it for $50,000, but the assessed value is more than that, and she has no proof, besides the people who were there when my grandmother said this, that she could buy it for $50,000. So my aunt and uncle want us to buy her house for the assessed value, not the value my grandmother said she would sell it for. They're greedy and selfish, they're just worrying about how much money they're going to get.. It's so pathetic. My Mom and my grandmothers sister are the two beneficiaries (people in control of her will.. etc. etc.) so my Mom makes the choices, but my aunt n uncle have to somewhat agree. My aunt wants to buy my grandmothers car, and my Mom said she would sell it to her for less than what she would a stranger, yet my aunt won't let my Mom buy the house for less. Lol, makes no sense right? My mom's fucking stupid, so my dad and I bitched at her for it. They're all going to see a lawyer, which nobody wants to do because the lawyer is going to walk away with 3-5% of the money.. Just because the three fucking idiots can't agree what to do. What my aunt and uncle don't understand is that even if no one is living at my grandmothers, there are still bills to be paid, so that's just decreasing the amount of money they'll be getting.. They're not fucking thinking, I'm what.. 20 years younger than both of them, and I am being smarter than the two put together.. Truly is FUCKING pathetic, makes me sick. So.. What my mom's trying to get through their heads is that in the long run, it would be smarter for us to move there sooner, so the taxes and bills would be paid while we're living there, instead of having to take money out of her will to pay them. Oh well, they're fucking stupid, all of them, they'll all learn, it's just money, money doesn't make people happy. We got the funeral expenses and all the rest of the expenses, hospital bill, etc., etc.. Came to about $12,000. A lot huh? Not really. About as much for a car =I Her funeral expenses alone were 7,000. We wanted nothing but the best, well I did anyway, and everyone actually listened to me, and got the best. Since it's winter here, she can't be buried yet.. We still have to go through the burial in the spring, it's not over yet, never will be. My Mom brought up the subject about her headstone, I get to pick it out. It's going to have an angel on it with a poem I will be writing... I can't talk about this anymore. I was up until 3am this morning talking on the phone with Kyle, we talked for about 4 hours straight. We both really enjoyed it <3 Even though I was dead tired when I had to wake up at 7:30, Lol... It was good though, my math regents was so easy, I'm sure I aced it. G'nite.

We are, we are ... the youth of the nation <3.


Time:12:03 pm.
" The Varsity Volleyball team was victorious over Weedsport last night with scores of 30-21, 30-10, 30-27. Leanne [ last name ] led the scoring with 13 points and 5 aces, followed by Katie DePentu who had 11 points and 3 aces. Nicole Lamie and Shara Dowd led the Warrior attack with 12 and 11 kills respectively. Congratulations to the team. A special thank you to all the fans for your support! Practice today starts at 4:20. "

Yeah yeah ;] I just got that from our school website.



Time:11:41 am.
Okay.. So I’m in school, in the library with Shannon + Steph. I've been reviewing since 9 this morning, just got back from the cafeteria.. It seems like it's around 3 or something already =I My math regent is at 12:15, so I still have another 30min. It's so boring... we tried just walking around the halls and fucking Ms. Reynolds was all "no kids gotta either be in the library, a class room, the gym, or the cafeteria." Wth is that? We can only go to our lockers to get something and return to wherever we were. Tomorrow I planned on re-doing my locker, not a slight chance of that happening. Well Steph wants to look up some shit about NY University. Cya.

Monday, January 21st, 2002

1 Joker | Speak

Time:10:58 pm.
I need the lyrics for ill nino - what comes around, anyone that would be able to get them, leave them in a comment please.

Night all.

Love you Sara <3

2 Jokers | Speak

Time:10:41 am.
Mood: satisfied.
Music:Save The Last Dance Soundtrack - True Colors..
So.. It's 10:21am. I went to bed around 7 last night for some odd ass reason. Sorry to those of you I told I'd be back tonight =I I wake up around 4:30am and my brother is sleeping on the other side of the couch kicking my feet (we have one of those corner couches). So I kick him and tell him to move down and he just curls up in a ball. So I'm like, okay, and I go back to bed. Ten minutes later he's kicking me again, so I fucking pushed him off the couch and he wakes up screaming. So he goes to his room and plays playstation ... at 5am, Lol. My family, including myself, is completely fucked in the head. All right.. I wake back up at 9:30, and my dad and brother are outside trying to lift our snowmobile in the back of his truck, what a funny sight. Of course I don't get my lazy ass out there and help =] It's snowing, AGAIN, how fucking pitiful. Don't we have enough God damn snow? I fucking hate snow, it's a pain in my ass. I hate cold weather too, especially when I shave, and 5 fucking minutes later I have the hair growing back cause I'm so fucking cold >=I Yeah so.. I'm bored, it's 10:25am now. I'm guessing my brother and dad went to go snowmobiling racing with MY friends. I introduced them into it ... we got going at least 70 with our snowmobile, it was awesome, of course my dad lectures me, AND THEN ... takes my brother and goes and does the same exact thing, what a fucking idiot. Oh well, they ruin my snow mobile and some asses will be grass. I swear I'm addicted to this song [p.o.d - youth of the nation]. I'm surprisingly happy that I don't talk to hardly anyone on AOL anymore, I can actually go and "surf the net" without being bothered every 5 minutes. Now I have no reason to come online at some certain time, or for some certain person, I can come on whenever I like without thinking right before I sign on.. "i hope he's on." Dad's home brb. Okay... I'm fucking pissed off, he BROKE THE FUCKING BARON. How fucking stupid ... what a fucking MORON. Err. I'm fucking pissed.. I'm beyond pissed, he's such a fucking idiot, I swear to God, I want to take a brick and bash his skull in. Wth... now I'm stuck boarding until he gets it fixed. This is bullshit =I Everyone [aunt uncle Mom] Are fighting about my grandmothers belongings. My uncle already got most of the shit because he's a little whine ass, I seriously hate him, I shouldn't even call him my uncle. My aunt got her black leather living room set, her full size bed that was supposed to be mine.. And uh.. She got her oak kitchen set and I dunno what else. My Mom get her entertainment stand, TV, And this cupboard thing that was in the kitchen. My Mom sort of got jipped, but everything my aunt n uncle got, we didn't need. We're going to end up moving into her house also. This has been hard on everyone, but wth, my uncle is just worried about the money he's going to be getting. He thinks with the money he gets he's going to be able to buy a house on the river, how fucking funny is that. Houses on the river are like $100,000+. He's not that wealthy, nor will he ever be. He's a low life drunk. He's all butt hurt because we want to buy my grandmothers house and he think he won't get any money from it, he's so fucking pathetic.

New Subject:

About not speaking to many people on AOL anymore. There are a selected few that i "miss." If you're thinking it's you, ITS NOT. Because the selected few that I'm speaking about ... do not read my journal. So don't assume, k? =] I don't know who reads my journal anymore, besides Jade and Sara, Lol. But if you know I don't want you reading it, please don't, I hate you, I want nothing to do with you. Don't ever think of IM'ing me again, i HATE you, so much.. You don't even know. Besides the fact that you hurt + betrayed me, you fucking lied. I wish you death, a painful one at that. I'm done with your fucking feelings and opinions, I don't care a tiny bit about you, if you died tomorrow I would smile and think of how much of a fucking pathetic asshole you really are.

That's all i have to say.. bye everyone =]

Sunday, January 20th, 2002


Time:7:10 pm.
Holy shit look at the times from my last two posts; 6:06pm then 7:07pm... crazy. Okay, bye.

2 Jokers | Speak

Time:7:07 pm.
1. What is your full name: Leanne Marie
2. What color pants are you wearing right now: Baby blue =I
3. What's your favorite brand of underwear: Um, I get most of my underwear from Fredrick's of Hollywood.
4. What song are u listening to right now: Custom - Hey Mister.
5. What are the last four digits of your phone number: 0321
6. What was the last thing u ate: Peanut butter toast.
7. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend type person: Nope =]
8. If u were a crayon, what color would u want to be: White.
9. Where would u like to go on your honeymoon: Italy.
10. What happened to #10?: What?
11. Do u like snow, sun or rain: We're getting more snow tonight ='[
12. How is the weather right now: Freezing, kind of windy.
13. Last person u talked to on the phone: My uncles wife's sons wife.
14. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex: Their teeth + hair.
15. Do u like the person that sent u this: I copied it from someone's journal.
16. How are u today: Extremely tired.
17. Your fav. drink: Water.
18. Alcohol: Hard lemonade, strawberry pucker.
19. How do you eat an Oreo?: I eat it?
20. Favorite sport(s): Volleyball <3
21. What makes u happy: NOT being lied to.. oh yeah, that's why I'm NEVER happy =']
22. What's the next CD: Next is a band.
23. Birthdate: March 21st.
24. Hair color: Dark brown.
25. Eye color: Dark brown.
26. Height: 5'2 =I
28. ashdkjfhaskdjfhasd?: Okay?
28. Who do you like: I hate you all.
29. What school do u attend: Hannibal Jr./Sr. High School.
30. What religion are you: I don't believe in heaven/hell/jesus/god etc.
31. What do u like to do: Sleep, bitch, and complain.
32. What's the best advice given to u?: "He'll lie." Did I listen? Nope..
34. What are your future goals: College.
35. Fav music: Alternative.
36. Fav food: Deli things.
38. Fav day of the year: The day you die.
39. Fav month: June.
40. Do u like to dance: When I'm drunk.
41. Are u shy to ask someone out: I've never asked anyone out.
42. Worst sickness u ever had?: Hm, there's a few.. The stomach bug, flu, strept throat.
43. What's the stupidest thing u have ever done: Um, difficult question, believing someone's stupid ass.
44. Do u like scary or happy movies better: Scary.
45. On the phone or in person: Depends on who it is.
46. Summer or winter: Spring.
47. Hugs or kisses: Hugs.

G'nite, bbl.


Time:6:06 pm.
Mood: tired.
Music:P.o.d - Youth Of The Nation.
What a day. So I went to the movies with Candice, Deb, Tara, & Zach, what a blast [sarcasm]. We saw a beautiful mind, which was the most stupid and confusing movie I have ever saw. Throughout the whole movie I was just like.. "Wth just happened, I don't understand this." It was beyond lame, but in the beginning, during the previews, there were three other movies that looked interesting. One of them were Dragonfly. It looked pretty cool. So.. we drop Candice and Deb off, and we go the store and there are these two seniors there taking back bottles + cans, and I walk by n they're all "hey" and my Mom goes "and who are you." And they all start having a fucking conversation, so I just walk away, Lol. Then we get home, and i TRY and go to bed and my fucking cousins next door kept riding the snow mobile past my house. So I jump out of bed, slam my bedroom door open, and scream out the front door, but unfortunately they didn't hear. So my dad call's and tells them to stop :/ But I don't even bother going back to bed.. I go make some toast and sit with my Mom and dad's friend. And my mom's like "I bet you weren't even trying to sleep, you just didn't want them over here." Haha, she's completely right, I don't =I Then we're sitting there talking, and my Mom and I started arguing, but in a playful sort of way, and she calls me a little bitch, Lol! I'm all "Oh and you aren't" And she's like.. You're more of one than I am, you just like to make people miserable. Haha... I never knew she knew me that well ;] That was the highlight of my day. It's now 6:02pm.. and I'm half asleep, my dad has the football game up as loud as it'll go.. Green bay against uh, I dunno. I'm waiting to see if anyone's gonna get on, if not in the next 10mins I'm gonna go lay down and I'll be back on later.

Hi Sara + Jade >=]

Saturday, January 19th, 2002


Time:10:35 pm.
Mood: bored.
Music:Olivia - Bizounce.
I'm bored.. I just got off the phone with my friend Candice, we were talking about the "girls night out" tomorrow :/ How fun is this going to be. I guess I'm picking up Candice, Deb, and Tara. My mom's gonna give me the whole lecture about her not being a taxi cab, haha. Oh well. What she doesn't know is she has to bring them home also ;] I swear I keep hearing things. I hung up the phone with Candice and put it on my computer desk and went to sign on AOL.. And I swear to hell I heard Candice say "Leanne" in like.. This soft voice. It was creepy ;\ And I have my headphones on now listening to music and I keep hearing someone talking or something.. I dunno, I'm fucked up. Oh yeah, Friday afternoon I never made it to my doctors appointment because we got a bad snowstorm. Monday there's no school, Tuesday I'm going into school at about 10, I have a test at 12. Wednesday I'm going to school at around 9.. I have another test at noon, but I guess Candice and I are going to redo our lockers, my theme: Prep, buahaha ;] Actually, it's going to mainly be pictures of my cousin, my friends and I, and probably volleyball pictures. I've been tired all day, yet I couldn't fall asleep. My cousin called me at about 7 and wanted me to go with her again this weekend but I decided not to, I got wasted last time I was with her ;/ Haha, me and Jade were talking about working on corners and what not, she's a funny girl <3 Sara wants to call me so we can talk about Frankie, Adam, and Kyle, lol. We've both have had our share of "bf's" lol. What a shame.. Okay well I'm going to go find someone to bother, cya.

Strong inside but you don't know it
Good little girls they never show it
When you open up your mouth to speak
Could you be a little weak
Hurt that's not supposed to show
And tears that fall when no one knows
When you're trying hard to be your best
Could you be a little less

2 Jokers | Speak

Time:10:28 am.
Mood: determined.
Music:Usher - You Got It Bad.
What a night.. Me and Juan actually sort of "talked" ..through journal comments, Lol. Pete also IM'd me last night and we had a long good conversation. I guess he doesn't hate me, just has mood swings, don't we all? :/ I'm pretty sure we got a good seven inches of snow last night, at least 5 anyway. I woke up to the sound of my driveway being plowed, how pleasant. Next thing I know my dog is licking my face, how fucking gross? I thought my morning breath was bad. Then.. I go wash my face, brush my teeth + hair and go get some breakfast. I guess my mom's taking my brother to get new bindings and some snow mobiling boots, she didn't before now because no one was expecting snow this winter, or this much snow I should say. All throughout December we had no snow, and here it is, middle of January, and we're getting hit the hardest. How lame. Yeah so.. I bitched about my brother getting new bindings so my mom's getting me a new snowboard and uh.. My dad will end up buying me new bindings, Lol. I'm so spoiled... I probably won't even use it this winter, I'm thinking of getting a pleaser 150.. Nothing to extreme. For the bindings, I dunno yet. I'll have to check them all out and see what fits comfortably. I'm still a beginner yet, Lol ;x If I do end up going my cousin will take me and show me a few things. My house is such a disaster right now, I should go and help my Mom clean, I still feel so tired, I'm fucked up so who knows :\ My dad and my uncle got into an argument last night about my grandmothers house and ours. My uncle said if we move into my grandmothers house, he wants to buy ours. And my dad wants to keep ours, and rent it to people. And my uncle is a fucking dickhead, so I dunno what's going on. I know for sure that we're moving into my grandmothers house, just don't know how long it will be, by summer we'll be there my dad says. I don't know how I'll handle living there, I haven't even been there since she died.. My aunt was telling me how my grandmother had like $30 in quarters in her dresser drawer. And.. My uncles wife's two songs cleaned her dresser our, because my uncle got her whole bedroom set. So.. today I'll have to go see who fucking took it because I think that money was for my baby cousin. My uncle is pissing me off so much, he only lives next door, everytime I try and go over there my mom's all "where are you going" I'm like.. "next door" and she won't let me go :/ I guess I'm known for losing my temper. Well, someone keeps trying to call in and not leaving a msg. So I'm gonna go get ready for what the day has to bring. C-ya

Jade your journal isn't working, so i can't comment :[ I'll fix it for you if you'd like <3

I love you Sara fo fana <3 ;x

Friday, January 18th, 2002


Time:10:01 pm.
Mood: gloomy.
Music:Dmx - Angel.

you're a suicidal nurse. take the quiz here.

Does this mean I get to cut people up?! I sure hope so :] That's the #1 thing on my future plans: explore a human body, surgically.

I miss my grandmother, more than anything..

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