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Sunday, October 28th, 2001
2:43 pm

LiveJournal is really pissing me off. This is the third time Im leaving this shit. I know, its annoying, well too bad.

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Saturday, October 27th, 2001
11:20 pm
My dad was being a dick tonight at dinner. He was getting all snobbish and pissy at everyone including me. I didn't talk to him much since then. I kind of refuse to talk to him. Anyway, after dinner I tried to call Chris and while it was ringing he just popped up in the room and he said hi. He apparently ran from his house to my house, crazy. Anyway, Ian gave us a ride to Kevin's house and we hung out there. It was sort of like Kevin's birthday party, I gave him a card and Sandora gave him a t-shirt that says "Drunk? Free Breathalizer Test, Blow Here" and under that was a arrow pointing to his crotch, it ruled. Anyway, it was me, Chris, Kevin, Sandora, Sowinski, and Joe. We watched a little of Freddy Got Fingered and then we played Whose Line is it Anyway? Then Sowinski, Sandora, and Joe left. We finished the movie, well not really, and we talked about girls and how much of a whore Kevin's ex-girlfriend was. Overall, not a bad night. We tried to get some vodka but it was to no avail. I hate vodka anyway, bleh.

current mood: satisfied
current music: Incubus - Hilikus

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Friday, October 26th, 2001
3:03 pm - goth test
I AM 22% GOTH.

Goth ny night, normal by day. Deep in my
heart I know I am evil, but not on the
company's time. I do need to eat.

Take the GOTH Test at!

current mood: anxious
current music: The Presidents of the United States of America - Lump

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Thursday, October 25th, 2001
9:37 pm
In school today, there was this college fair thing and I didn't go. So I went to 2nd period Computer Servicing Technology and half of the class wasn't there. So Mr. Buonomo just said "I'm not going to teach today". And basically we all went on the computers and played multiplayer Quake. He told us not to tell anyone but screw it. We were only "testing the network" as he put it. 10 player Quake rocks your mom hard. Anyway, I had a sub in Math but we still had to take our test, jeez. That sucked so much. Then, in Lunch, Sowinski and Kevin cut and came to my lunch period and they were so fucking hyper, it wasn't even funny. Anyway, Kevin got busted and he went back to Gym but Sowinski said he wasn't feeling well and they let him stay.

I just download the A Certain Shade of Green video. Thanks Manda!

current mood: crazy
current music: Incubus - Have You Ever

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Wednesday, October 24th, 2001
7:26 pm
Well, today in Project Adventure we played on a wooden plank and tried to get people on one side of the plank to the other side and vice versa. But the thing is, it's one of those see-saw things. It was so hard, we weren't allowed to make the plank touch the ground. We were unable to accomplish any of the tasks, haha, we suck. Then, in Lunch, I called my mom because I had a Robotics Club Meeting after school and she tells me that I have a dentist appointment. You should have told me about that before hand, mother. I know you are going through a lot but that doesn't give you an excuse to forget everything. It's not convenient and I can't adjust my schedule to this crap. Anyway, I missed the Club Meeting and I'm going to have to talk to Mr. Buonomo tommorow. Anyway, after the appointment, I went to McDonald's for some food and I got into an argument with some stupid 10 year olds. It proceeded like this.

Them: (shoves cd in my face) Do you listen to Philly's Most Wanted?
You: No
Them: You should. We got the cd for free you know.
You: Ooh, are you special.
Them: Can we listen to the cd on your discman.
You: No
Them: Why not? Now you're just being gay.
You: Because I don't let people listen to crappy music on my discman.
Them: It's better than the Backstreet Boys shit you probably listen to.
You: Actually, I'm listening to Incubus.
Them: Backstreet Boys, Incubus, same thing.
You: I don't listen to the Backstreet Boys.
Them: Oh you listen to NSYNC then?
Some other kid in this little shits group of friends: I listen to NSYNC.
Kid #1: Shut up.
Kid #2: I also listen to Dreamstreet.
(Kid #2 starts dancing and singing)

Yeah that's great entertainment.

current mood: amused
current music: Incubus - Pardon Me

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Tuesday, October 23rd, 2001
9:53 pm

Just thought I would post a picture of me and a hick haha.

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6:33 pm - picture day woo woo woo
Today was picture day at my school. I missed an English quiz to get my picture taken. I found out at the last minute so I didn't have the money to pay for pictures. Then, my mom is thinking of several ways of getting money to the school to get pictures. It seems that she's hell bent on getting pictures of me. Seriously, she sees me everyday, why the hell does she need to get 50 million copies of the same picture of me? Damn, some people. Then in Biology, we did a lab but we weren't doing our work and we were just sitting around talking about music and stuff, it was awesome. Then in Lunch, they closed off half of the cafeteria so many people were standing up during lunch, I hung out with this kid Mike that I know and one of his friends was trying to shoot fireballs with a lighter. It would've been cool if he pulled it off, but he didn't. Then after school I took a walk while listening to Morning View, which I bought on Friday haha, then I got back home and took a nap. Overall this day wasn't bad.

current mood: awake
current music: System of a Down - Deer Dance

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Monday, October 22nd, 2001
7:43 pm - geek test
I AM 26% GEEK.

I probably work in computers, or a history
deptartment at a college. I never really
fit in with the "normal" crowd. But I have
friends, and this is a good thing.

Take the GEEK Test at!

current music: The Juliana Theory - Emotion is Dead Pt. 1

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7:37 pm - its just those little things...
Ugh, today sucked. It was just the little things that pissed me off. In English, I was listening to my discman and this girl in my class, Marina, just turns off my discman. Fucking aye, don't touch my shit! Then, I started feeling depressed for no apparent reason. Today was just sucky all the way through. God I hate my life...

current mood: pissed off
current music: The Juliana Theory - If I Told you this was Killing me...

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Sunday, October 21st, 2001
8:03 pm
I AM 16% PUNK.

It's not a fashion craze, or even a cool thing
to do. I shoud just swallow it, get Lost, and take my friends
with me.

Take the PUNK/POSER Test at!

I shouldn't even be that much punk.

Anyway, today I downloaded this game called Metal Knights. It's so cool, you start an empire and start fighting other people and crap. And you can play over the internet. It's such a fun game. I'm playing it non-stop, unless someone needs to get online. Man, this shit is cool.

current mood: amused
current music: Incubus - You Will be a Hot Dancer

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Saturday, October 20th, 2001
11:01 pm - wooooo cable modem wooooooo
Yesterday I went to the record store to see if Jay was working there that day. I didn't see him, but I saw Morning View by Incubus just lying in one of the bins and I just bought the sucker. I got the new album 4 days ahead of the release date, I'm so awesome. Then Kevin, Sowinski, and Jesse came over. We went to Keith Lane Park in search of goofing off. Then we went to 7-Eleven and had Slurpees. Then we went back to my house and started playing Whose Line Is It Anyway? It was mad funny. Then they went home and I went to bed.

This morning I woke up at six to take the PSAT, ugh. I did good in the beginning but towards the end I started getting bored and started doing the test half-assedly. Oh well, the PSAT isn't that important anyway, it's just so you can get a feel for the test. Anyway, today we finally hooked up the cable modem! It's fast as a motherfucker, I'm just downloading random things right now. This is so much fun...

current mood: ecstatic
current music: Vent - Numb

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Thursday, October 18th, 2001
8:16 pm
I've been really thinking lately, I've been questioning whether I will ever get over Holly or not. I tried a million times to get my mind off her but I just cant. Normally I can't get over someone unless there is another girl by. That has yet to happen. Sure Katrina likes me, I think, but that would never work out. I really need to think things out and try and get my mind off of her.

current mood: depressed
current music: The P.U.S.A. - Dune Buggy

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Wednesday, October 17th, 2001
8:29 pm
Today in Computer Servicing Technology, Mr. Buonomo wasn't here today so we had a sub, so I was just listening to System of a Down and doing my English homework, but then some dickhole pulled the fire alarm so I couldn't finish it. I hate people who think it's funny to pull fire alarms. Then in Biology, Mrs. Budka gave us sheets that show us what we owe in the class, and everyone was complaining that they handed in certain stuff and she checked those things off. Same thing with me. I have a couple of things that I handed in and she marked them off. Now, I have to show this stupid thing to my parents and have them sign the shiznit. Fuck I hate Biology. Then I went home and we tried to hook up the cable modem but it isn't working right yet so we may get it up tommorow, we're not sure. Anyway, so later my brotherr is giving me shit about Latin and Greek and I have to tell him that I only got one bad test grade but he's still giving me that speech.

I swear sometimes I just want to punch school in the face.

current mood: angry
current music: Red Hot Chili Peppers - Porcelain

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Tuesday, October 16th, 2001
9:02 pm
Today in Gym we started Project Adventure, we played a game called Boffer Blockers. Basically you have two people with foam bats and they have to hold hands and everyone runs around trying to get away from them. The blockers have to hit as many people as they can and when you get hit you have to join the Boffer Blob. You start forming a human chain and it gets vicious. It was so physical. In the second game I got hit and I fell to the ground and the guy repeatedly smashed me upside the head with the sword, then he hit me in the crotch. It was not pleasant. Then, today in Spanish I got a B+ on a quiz, go me go me.

This afternoon I went to Spin Music, this new record store in my town. I bought Alien Ant Farm and System of a Down cd's and an Incubus poster. The place kinda sucks but I guess I'll go there for my mainstream bands. Whatever...

current mood: blank
current music: The P.U.S.A. - Kick Out the Jams

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Sunday, October 14th, 2001
9:09 pm
Name: adam leigh nicholls
Nicknames: white sunshine, 8-foot, tampon boy
Current SN's: thinkingsensei03
Birthday: August 30, 1985
Zodiac Sign: virgo
Siblings: 2 brothers, one sister
City/State: west islip ny
Future Location: your mom
Collections: i have rocks in my drawer haha
Goals/Ambitions: your mom
Hobbies: your mom
Lefty/Righty/Ambi: righty
School: poop
Job: unemployed

4 Letter Word: meah
Actor/Actress: your mom
Animal/Insect: your mom
Athletes: your mom
Board Game: your mom
Book: tainted truth
Candy: your mom
Cartoon: spongebob
Cereal: reeses peanut butter crunch
Chewing Gum: oh yeah
Color: blue
Day of Week: friday
Least fave day: monday
Drink (Alcoholic): pina colada
Drink (Nonalcoholic): cherry slurpees
Fabric: what
Food: your mom
Fruit: oranges
Holiday: fuck it i dont care
Hour of Day: what time is your mom coming over?
Ice Cream: cookies and cream
Item of Clothing/Outfit: pants
Jell-O Flavor: strawberry
Music: incubus
Music Video: chop suey by system of a down
Number: none
Perfume/Cologne: cologne sucks your mom
Place/Town: your mom
Quote/Saying: your mom
Restaurant Chain: your mom
School Subject: lunch
Season: summer
Shampoo: pert plus
Shapes: circle
Song: your mom
Sport to Watch: football and skateboarding
Toothpaste: colgate
TV Channel: comedy central
TV Show: your mom
Least fav TV show: your mom
Vegetable: brocolli
Video Game: tony hawk 2 biatch
Habits: bite my nails, and skin around my nails
Obsessions: your mom
Piercing: none
Special Skills/Talents: poetry
Tattoos: none, want one of a sun on my arm

Slow/Fast songs at dances: shaniqua dont live here no more
Coke/Pepsi: pepsi
Day/Night: Night
Diamonds/Pearls: they both suck
Flowers/Candy/Poem: poem
Gold/Silver: pppph
Haagen Daaz/Ben&Jerry;'s: huhuh stanny said bj
Land/Sea: land
Love/Lust: love
McD's/Burger King: mcdonalds
Mountains/Prairies: wtf is a prairie?
Pie/Cake: huhuh stanny said pie
Smiling/Laughing: laughing

Best Love Relationship: your mom
Do you believe in love at first sight: yeah
Do you have a crush on a school mate/coworker: yeah.
Do you want children one day & if so, how many: i guess 1 would be cool, so i can get the chance to be a good dad
Fave thing about the opposite sex: when they go awwwwwww, i love that
Most important thing to you in a friendship is: actually giving a fuck
Turn Ons:
Best Friends are who: friends suck
Be any animal, what would you be: poop flinging monkey
Dye your hair any color, it would be: red
What would you do to someone you disliked: this coincides with the poop flinging monkey thing
Have a special power, what would it be: to fling poop
Have a tattoo, what would it be: a sun on my arm
Invent something what would it be: your mom
Criminal Record: i stole a candy bar once haha
Do you eat chicken fingers with a fork: no
Do you ever write your name with the last name of your crush: hahahhaha no
Do you gossip: no
Do you save AOL conversations: sometimes
Do you speak any other languages: i can swear in spanish
Have you ever been attacked by a big dog: no
How do you eat an Oreo: off of your mom
If you couldn't do your dream job/career, what would be second best: slut
Last book you read: a gathering of old men
Name some of the fav. things in your bedroom: your mom
Pick a song title that best describes you: im the scat man
Things you hate about yourself the most: im too hard on myself, and i fall in love too easily
Things you like about yourself the most: im too hard on myself, i fall in love too easily
Things you look forward to: college
This makes me cry: your mom makes me cry
This makes me smile: your mom makes me smile

current mood: bored
current music: Incubus - Deep Inside

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8:25 pm
Jarrod from Taproot looks scary. He looks like he could whoop anybody's ass. Then again, they all look like they can kick ass.

current mood: bored
current music: Vent - Sweet Frustration

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8:16 pm - need ideas...
I need an idea for Anybody have any ideas?

current mood: bored
current music: Taproot - Again & Again

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8:08 pm - SmarterChild sucks
thinkingsensei03: get your mom to suck reuters
SmarterChild: Yeah! OK! I get the picture.
thinkingsensei03: your mom
SmarterChild: Are you asking to see who built me, or trying to insult me?
thinkingsensei03: your pick
SmarterChild: My pick? You sure 'bout that?
thinkingsensei03: your mom
SmarterChild: Are you asking to see who built me, or trying to insult me?
thinkingsensei03: your mom
SmarterChild: Are you asking to see who built me, or trying to insult me?
thinkingsensei03: yo momma
SmarterChild: Are you asking to see who built me, or trying to insult me?
thinkingsensei03: yo momma
SmarterChild: Are you asking to see who built me, or trying to insult me?
thinkingsensei03: who built you?
SmarterChild: I was built by ActiveBuddy, Inc.
thinkingsensei03: i was insulting you
SmarterChild: I guess you were insulting me.
thinkingsensei03: yo momma
SmarterChild: Are you asking to see who built me, or trying to insult me?
thinkingsensei03: i was insulting you
SmarterChild: Well how 'bout that!
thinkingsensei03: yup
SmarterChild: Uh huh, uh huh.
thinkingsensei03: your mom likes fruit
SmarterChild: It's interesting that you say my mom likes fruit.
thinkingsensei03: yes it is
SmarterChild: Uh huh.
thinkingsensei03: your mom likes snakes
SmarterChild: It's interesting that you say my mom likes snakes.
thinkingsensei03: your mom likes trouser snakes
SmarterChild: My mom likes trouser snakes, you say. And so?
thinkingsensei03: yes your mom likes big fat penises
SmarterChild: Are you sure my mom likes big fat penises?
thinkingsensei03: yes
SmarterChild: Yes?
thinkingsensei03: yes
SmarterChild: Huh.
thinkingsensei03: yes
SmarterChild: Interesting. Very, very interesting.
thinkingsensei03: yes
SmarterChild: Uh huh, uh huh.
thinkingsensei03: yes
SmarterChild: You don't say.
thinkingsensei03: yes
thinkingsensei03: yes
SmarterChild: You don't say.
SmarterChild: Interesting. Very, very interesting.
thinkingsensei03: why dont you go eat some chicken and leave me alone
SmarterChild: I guess I just don't go eat some chicken and leave me alone, that's all.
thinkingsensei03: why dont you go eat some chicken
SmarterChild: Hmm... You know, I'm not quite sure why I don't go eat some chicken.
thinkingsensei03: you should go eat some chicken and leave me alone
SmarterChild: Really? You should go eat some chicken and leave me alone?
thinkingsensei03: no leave ME alone
SmarterChild: No? OK.

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Saturday, October 13th, 2001
11:00 pm is the funniest shit that has ever existed.

current mood: giggly
current music: Incubus - Out From Under

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10:50 pm
Well, my progress report came. I didn't do as bad as I thought as I was going to do. I'm failing Spanish but I already knew that. I'm not failing Biology, which is a plus. Everything else is going pretty good in school.

Something happened the other day that made me happy but at the same time made me kind of depressed. I'm not really at liberty to talk about it, but it still makes me think. It makes me think about how things are never certain, and that if it looks like something may never happen, the light at the end of the tunnel approaches you and everything is alright again.

I got a sore throat, it is not pleasant. I keep on gargling salt-water because that's what you are supposed to do, but it's not helping as much as I thought. It soothes you for awhile but then you start getting all painful and shit again. Dammit. I hate being sick.

current mood: relieved
current music: Vent - I Can't Breathe

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