Desdinova's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Desdinova's LiveJournal:

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    Tuesday, February 5th, 2002
    9:20 am
    'Ten Myths of the Anti-Smoking Movement'

    damn antis, always keeping us down
    9:01 am
    Me == pissed
    ::Shakes his fist at Nintendo::
    The DAY after I bought my GBA, walmart dropped their prices in accord with NOA's price drop.
    Now, walmart carries them for only $69. I'm going to see if I can recoup that $20

    everyone else: GO BUY ONE! Now there is no reason not to, I don't remember the original Gameboy getting that cheap until after the GB Pocket came out!

    Current Mood: aggravated
    Current Music: tenacious d - explosivo
    Monday, February 4th, 2002
    9:14 am
    Whee, it's my day off!
    I was *planning* a surprize visit to everyone back at UML, but my poor Celica is in bad repair. I don't want the muffler backing up or falling out. I can barely afford a new muffler, having said muffler burn out my catylitic converter would be dire :(
    So I dunno what I'm doing today

    Maybe I'll go hang out at barnes&grenolbles; or somethin'

    Current Mood: bored
    Current Music: System of a Down - 09 - Mind
    Saturday, February 2nd, 2002
    7:01 pm
    hmm, it *is* released here, under a different name

    ...but in lieu of a battery it uses password 'saves,' guh

    ::off to find import version::
    6:57 pm
    Go Here NOW
    I don't care how much it costs, I want it translated and sold in NA, now god dammit

    Current Mood: anxious
    Current Music: Smashing Pumpkins - Bullet With Butterfly Wings
    Thursday, January 31st, 2002
    7:42 pm
    "...this kid is just another one of those moronic LA "Bring It All Down"(TM) punks, totally oblivious to the fact that The Man is the only thing keeping the skinheads from beating the crap out of him and stealing the oxblood 20-eye Doc Martins his mom bought him for his birthday."

    Gotta love yuppies who think

    err... well, hate less

    Current Music: Smashing Pumpkins - Zero
    5:16 pm
    Aside from the fact that I had not slept in like three days, last night was probably the easiest shift I've done yet.

    I'm glad I kept the GBA, Rockman EXE fucking rocks. Maybe it's because I haven't played console games, and haven't had a hot rockman injection in forever, but I think that Rockman EXE is going to be one of my favourite games of all-time.
    It's wicked fun/interesting, like a Role playing action game. The battle engine is unique, if forced to describe it, I'd say it's like Ogre Battle meets Link meets Chrono Trigger with an 8-ball thrown in for good measure. ::snort::

    The *best* part however, is that neither X nor Zero are anywhere to be found. This 'alternate reality' is a part of the Rockman mythology that I'll actually enjoy. Not to mention that all of the EXE bots are wicked sex0r
    Goddess bless the Japanese, lolita yuri robot porn, you just can't beat it

    ::goes searching for rockman.exe/johnny 5 slash::


    Current Music: Rammstein - Links 234
    Wednesday, January 30th, 2002
    8:06 pm
    I'm such a woman
    I just got back from going to Walmart after getting fingerprinted. I bought a GBA, but I couldn't stop there, oh no. Nintendo was sitting there, massaging my balls, "Come on dude, you can't have a GBA and just play old, shitty GB games in her!" I'm very disapointed in myself

    One thing at a time... I went and put in for an FID today. They fingerprinted me, which I protested. I understand why they think they need fingerprints, but I don't think that the government has the right to track their law-abiding gun-owning citizen's like trained monkeys. Real thugs don't go out and take the time to get an FID/LTC, so fingerprinting the people who do is silly.

    All since last week I've been thinking I should get a GBA, because working third sucks. No buts about it. I figured I need something to help preserve what little sanity I have left.
    I shouldn't have bought it, you called it dude. I'm a fucking bitch, instead of continuing to save up for an 8500DV, Nintendo 0wnz my pathetic ass.

    I haven't opened it yet.
    I'm debating returning it. It wasn't just the system, oh no. If it were I probably wouldn't be so worked up, because just the system is only like $90. That's all I went into wally world planning to spend, $90.
    Then I figured I might as well grab Megaman EXE, because it r0x0rs....
    Then I figured I'll pick up a hinged light/screen protector, wouldn't want my "investment" scratched up, would I?...
    Then I grabbed an Official(tm) Nintendo(tm) mini carrying case, done in the same style as my old-school GB's case was.

    $150 later and here I am.

    Current Mood: saturnine
    Tuesday, January 29th, 2002
    10:16 am

    See which Greek Goddess you are.

    Well, that makes sense. I don't have to like it though :/
    Friday, January 18th, 2002
    12:30 pm
    "One deal is what we made..."
    Greetings programs,
    So, I'm employed at Xtramart now. It's alright, I get paid for basically standing around.
    The POS system is laughable, I haven't found any 'fun' things to do with it yet, though.

    It's my day off, back to counterstrike :P

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Current Music: Blue Oyster Cult - Blue Oyster Cult
    Thursday, January 3rd, 2002
    6:41 pm
    "You know, Hobbes, some days even my rocketship underpants don't help." -Calvin
    6:06 pm
    possible name for Alien prequel
    Alien, the Booty Call years
    5:23 pm
    by the way
    There's a thing on MTV's "Sex Club" tonight apparently about furs:
    "Plushies and Furrys
    There's a new sex trend in town and it's soft to the touch. Discover the world of young people who dress up in furry costumes and get off on it."

    I heard about it on the NGs, I don't watch mtv. Apparently, they have fursuit sex footage. They'll probably make a huge spectacle and attempt to embarass and make fun of as many people as possible.

    This does not bode well

    Current Music: Megadeth - Kill The King
    5:20 pm
    greetings programs
    Bad japanese techno, it's like crack

    Applied for an animal husbandry job today. Hope I get it, starts at 11USD/hr. I'm not sure if there are any benefits or not
    Spoke to geen today, he went to see the LOTR again :P

    I'm not sure how I'm feeling right now

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: Initial D The Movie - 06 - Speedman - Speed Lover
    Wednesday, January 2nd, 2002
    11:01 pm
    as much as I abhor online tests:

    You are Sailor Neptune!
    You are beautiful, very intelligent, and
    are a very talented musician.
    You have a special love for someone
    out there who means the world to you.

    You fight with the power of the deep sea!

    Take the Which Sailor Are You? Quiz!

    ...created by Kenzie.

    12:24 am
    "We will not end the nightmare, we'll only explain it - because this is the Twilight Zone."
    Tuesday, January 1st, 2002
    11:21 pm
    Rod Serling kicks ass
    "You're looking at a species of flimsy little two-legged animal with extremely small heads whose name is man."
    -The Twilight Zone 'People Are Alike All Over'
    1:13 am
    The Twillight Zone is scary shit

    especially combined with lack of sleep and too much of this new tobacco blend
    damn new year's eve marathons
    Sunday, December 30th, 2001
    11:56 am
    There is no god

    Current Music: Ah Megumi-Sama Movie Soundtrack
    Saturday, December 29th, 2001
    10:52 pm
    want to look cool, go buy a fancy car. want to win, go get an *old* country squire, strip *everything* from it, and drop the biggest fucking engine you can find in it. people will laugh, and you'll smoke 'em before they know what hit 'em

    I am the Country Squire, baby. ph33r
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