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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in dw33b's LiveJournal:

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    Monday, December 24th, 2001
    12:50 am
    Sunday, December 23rd, 2001
    8:35 pm
    Apparently the Kicker for the raiders came into my store 2 days ago and bought an X-Box.
    i found out today that he missed a few kicks.
    heheheheh ;) I wonder why.


    mlinkiewicz: What the HELL is going on?
    MMMMMMINX: i am supposed to know?
    mlinkiewicz: Yeah, you are...
    mlinkiewicz: :-(
    mlinkiewicz: Blackheart, Shumagorath, and Amigo are an unstoppable combo.
    MMMMMMINX: you are a faggot
    MMMMMMINX: who the fuck is this
    mlinkiewicz: I'd like to know why the hell you are on my list.
    MMMMMMINX: i dont care
    MMMMMMINX: take me off
    MMMMMMINX: you faggot stop warning. you are on ignore now.
    MMMMMMINX signed off at 8:46:32 PM.

    Current Mood: amused
    1:24 am

    An affidavit was signed stating that they were atleast 18 years of age when they signed up for the service. (MPlayer) Neat.
    Saturday, December 22nd, 2001
    12:19 pm

    Thursday December 20 2:01 PM ET

    Large Squid Baffles and Amuses Scientists

    By Maggie Fox, Health and Science Correspondent

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An enormous squid that grows 23 feet long and lives more than 3,000 feet under the ocean, has baffled scientists with what they call its strange looks and weird behavior.

    The squid have been spotted all over the world -- in the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans -- by undersea explorers using specially designed craft.

    ``These are real mystery,'' said Michael Vecchione of the National Marine Fisheries Service and the National Museum of Natural History in Washington. He describes the squid in Friday's issue of the journal Science.

    ``They behave strangely but they also look really weird,'' he said in an interview.

    Vecchione, who put together observations from several scientists working in various countries, said no one has captured one of the odd squid yet, so it has not been named.

    But its un-squidlike demeanor has Vecchione and other biologists speaking in decidedly unscientific terms.

    ``This is well beyond a new species,'' he said. ``New species are a dime a dozen. This is fundamentally different.''

    Vecchione said the squid do not act or look like other squid, which tend to be quick-moving and highly visual. Instead of having two arms and eight tentacles, the new squid has 10 appendages that all look alike.

    ``The really long skinny arms are so much longer than the squid's body,'' he said. ``We don't know of any cephalopod that has arms like that.''

    Vecchione, who looked at video taken by both robotic deep-sea submersibles and a few taken by people aboard other submersibles, said the squid did not move much at all.

    ``Whenever the submersible came up on one, it was in a characteristic posture, floating vertically in the water with the arms spread out,'' he said.

    Texas A&M; University oceanographer William Sager is one of the researchers who photographed the squid in the Gulf of Mexico while exploring in the deep-diving ALVIN submersible.


    ``I had never seen anything like this creature,'' Sager told Science. ``It just hung there, looking at us, as if suddenly seeing ALVIN float up like a whale with lights was no big deal. We photographed and videotaped it for five to ten minutes, and when we got to shore, we went looking for someone who could identify it.''

    Vecchione said it is not surprising that the animals are strange -- anything living at that depth, with the huge pressures, cold and lack of light, would look different from creatures found at shallower depths.

    The skinny tentacles may not be used to grasp prey -- which is what most squid do with them -- but may be used like a net, instead, he said.

    ``I think those long extensions are really sticky,'' Vecchione guessed.

    ``One of the animals bumped into the submersible and got tangled up in it. The animal seemed to have a problem letting go. It might go around waiting for small prey like crustaceans to stumble into it and get stuck -- sort of like a living spider web.''

    The squid -- which should not be confused with giant squid, which are an identified species, may be the adult forms of some juveniles found in recent years, Vecchione said. These were named Magnapinnidae, which means ``big fins.''

    ``All the juveniles came from the Pacific and they came from much closer to the surface -- 200 meters (650 feet) from the surface,'' Vecchione said.

    ``But it is not unusual for young to be near the surface and then go deeper as they mature.''

    Vecchione said the squid join an array of unusual creatures being spotted for the first time as improved technology makes underwater exploration more common.

    He hopes a program being started up by the Washington-based Consortium on Research and Education to run a census of deep sea life will reveal more about the squid and other deep-sea creatures.

    ``I think there are a lot of really strange things down there,'' he said. ``Every time someone goes down there and looks they find something really strange. It's Eureka time.''


    Friday, December 21st, 2001
    9:11 pm
    So where do I convert... and get cut..!!
    "When the Messiah comes, all will be slaves of the Jews".
    (Talmud, Erubin 43b)

    12:59 am
    It just aches. You don't know why and you don't know where. It just aches. You long for a break from it, but those moments are fleeting. When they pass it's back to normal. You can see the truth and you can feel what your future holds and you hurt. You just hurt. You remember the past and it only feels worse.

    Current Mood: sad
    12:43 am
    I judge a religion as being good or bad based on whether its adherents become better people as a result of practicing it.

    - Joe Mullally, computer salesman
    12:25 am
    Mark: [looking at Warioland 4 Marketing] Why is Wario's nose swollen?
    ASM: It's always been that way.
    Mark: Yeah I was just wondering.
    ASM: Maybe because Mario punched it?
    Mark: Hmm.. Maybe that's why Wario is evil, because Mario punched him in the nose when they were growing up.
    Customer: [while laughing] Man it really must be late.


    In other news sleep psychosis is taking effect. No visuals yet. Unfortunatly. heh.. I still remember when that wall in high school pulsed and breathed. And that was clean and sober.

    My check should be pretty good tommorrow. Almost full time for two weeks (with 26.5 hours of school a week). Hence the sleep psychosis. Will it be worth it? Depends on the ladies I'm going to take to dinner. hire.


    Oh yeah and there's also that 25 page technical paper due tommorrow today, I'm glad I can work good under pressure. ;)

    Current Mood: psychotic
    Current Music: Daft Punk - aerodynamic
    Wednesday, December 19th, 2001
    11:56 pm
    We are.
    I am seeing..
    I can see things. They're all symbols.. All of them.
    11:30 pm
    Much better
    2:36 pm
    oooh! It's WARM!
    Some added, Some removed, One BANNED by indirect request.
    Hmmm.. Large doses of Stimulants really do make you feel better. :)

    speed, uppers, meth, crystal meth, chalk, ice, glass, copilots, crank

    Here is a Photograph of all those suffering because of the simple, simple fact that you and I are Americans and it's our fault, and you know what? I couldn't possibly feel better about it.
    I wish you could hear the thoughts I can hear.

    Here is a photograph of a baby cow, calf, ready for the slaughter simply because you and I eat Mammalian flesh.

    We're in this together. You AND I are at fault for this.

    Current Mood: content
    Current Music: Phase Variance Modification
    12:13 am
    Fucking hell
    Parrot Bay.. Just need something.

    Worst day ever at work. POS Terminals kept crashing, only me and one other working.
    Way too many people.
    280 lbs of Mark crushed a little boys hand. I TOLD THE FUCKER NOT TO SIT DOWN ON THE FUCKING FLOOR! I TOLD HIM TWICE! Stupid little shit ran away crying. He should've fucking listened maybe then his finger wouldn't be broken, I'm just glad he has a drunk ass alcoholic mother to yell at him and beat him as well as apologize to me.
    Tore the plug out of the wall mount for the PS2, XBox and Gamecube, the fuckers got mad and told me to plug it in. I told the fuckers playing it to piss off.
    Partner almost beat the shit out of a customer.
    Stupid fucks tried to get into the back room damn crackah ass honkey mother fuckers this time.

    not the fucking half of it.

    I need a $2000 a night hooker and a shitload of vicoden.
    I just need something.

    Current Mood: pissed off
    Tuesday, December 18th, 2001
    2:48 pm
    if you don't think something exists, how do you defend against it?
    2:41 pm
    have you ever had a thought pop into your head, and said to yourself "Where the fuck did that some from?"
    What if it wasn't you?
    There's a war inside me. I don't know what happening.
    2:29 pm
    conflict.. interior.
    Monday, December 17th, 2001
    11:55 pm
    Welcome back
    Do you ever feel as if it is building and will soon spill over? Frothing, bubbling. It's just about there. I can smell the fumes.

    It's teetering they can't control it anymore. They got too greedy. It was all planned. It was all on purpose. They controlled it all. Their love of power led them. They saw it all they arranged it all. Except for this, they didn't see this one coming. No one did. I can hear it humming. Just there, a faint noise barely conscious but just over the horizon. It will hit us with a force that we refuse to prepare for, because we don't want to acknowledge it. Because we reject it.

    I'm falling back to what I was. I can feel it again. I'm starting to see where I couldn't. The way I used to be. I'm starting to hear the voices and sounds that were below the limena. The way I was. I gave it up. I ignored it. I got rid of it for a while. But it has gotten me nowhere. I stopped hiding. It's enveloping me now. I don't even care anymore. I'm letting it free. It is letting me see the sight and hear the sounds. I'm giving up, it sees it's chance to come back. And it took it.

    Current Mood: indescribable
    Sunday, December 16th, 2001
    10:47 pm
    It's good working at a video game store.
    Ok So I go to dinner with my co-workers and boss along with another store in the same Chain. As we were waiting in the bar a group of girls walk by the window, I of course look.
    ASM 1 says, "Mark, they're all underage put your tongue back in your mouth."
    Mark: [incomprehensible facial expression]

    All and all it was a good night. $235.64.....

    Current Mood: dirty
    5:17 pm
    Where's your head at?

    Take the Corporate Mascot Test at Willaston's Lounge!

    Current Music: Basement Jaxx - Where's Your Head At
    1:12 pm
    Fuck American Beer, it's made with rice.
    A double shot of Grün and a double shot of Zwack Unicum. Makes a man feel alright.

    It has absolutley no relation to an australian trying to speak with a french accent. Considering australians don't open their mouths more than a third of an inch and french peopl's mouths are all over the fucking place. Kinda like those Brits, don't get me started on those Brits. I hate those Brits, always pissing on my feet. but don't get me wrong I like Australiens. I want to go to an Aussie bar and drink a beerThen turn the glass upside down and place it on the bar, and then start shooting every mother fucker in the place.. Yeah.. that would be fun.

    Current Mood: sad
    Saturday, December 15th, 2001
    10:38 pm
    Fucking hell it hurts.
    Knock kneed
    Lock kneed
    One leg is shorter than the other
    I can turn my right foot 180 degrees
    I walk with a limp
    Right shoulder is off set and pushed back about an inch and a half
    Other physical deformites I'd rather not mention.
    Mxed with some mental.
    Dysthimic Disorder
    Avoidant Personality Disorder
    Antisocial Personality Disorder
    Partial Psychosis
    Predispostion for Bi-Polar Disorder
    Predispostion for Schizophrenia
    Probably some others that haven't surfaced.

    Atleast I won't fuck up the gene pool any more than it is, and don't worry, I'll take out a few of my kind when I leave. And maybe some who aren't.

    Current Mood: sad
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