Monday, December 24th, 2001
5:37 pm - Ick.
check ME out, i'm rufus! i am just so much cooler than you. you're all just jealous of my good looks anyway. i know i'm beautiful, you should too. Hey, I want to take the Shin-Ra-ite test too, made by purplette!
This is not a good sign, old boy.
In other news, I feel disgusting and sick. I'm going back to bed; I've already missed church, and I came home early from work on account of barfing three times. Peter felt it wasn't good for business when the associates are barfing. Icky.
My mother's upset because she felt I drove myself to illness and because I worked too much, leaving no time to help her around the house or whatnot. I dunno. My head's too fuzzy to properly sort this out; right now I'm feeling rather put upon because I'm sick, dammit, and I shouldn't be yelled at when I'm sick.
And I just looked up my grades. Ysursa of course gave me the bare minimum he could. Eng, a lovely old boy, gave me a straight A. Sonya gave me an A.
Tharp failed me.
No joke.
What a Christmas present, indeed.
I'm going back to bed, and I think it would be nice if Cho and Harry ended up together canonically. They're cute. Likewise it'd be cute if Ginny and Harry ended up together. Cute! This is my opinion and I'm sticking to it unless I see some canonical evidence that it should be otherwise, dammit.
When I wake up, I hope Santa got me something to take my mind off awful things.
current mood: quixotic current music: aiyee.
(Lap up 2 kisses |gimme some sugar)
| Sunday, December 23rd, 2001
10:49 pm - Boy, if this isn't me, I don't know what is.
10:12 pm - Dude.
DISCLAIMER: Leave me alone. This is just me ranting.
First off, I must simply scream -- "WHAT KIND OF LOSER doesn't have his Christmas shopping done by December 23rd?" Seriously! I would be HUMILIATED and STRESSED BEYOND BELIEF if I didn't have my shopping done by the fifteenth at the LATEST!
This may explain a bit about why I'm a little uptight at the moment; I just got home from working in retail, and the store was like a ZOO.
Awhile ago, I had two daydreams -- one where Tarou was eating beef jerky and discussing girls with Dark Schneider (the mind quails, absolutely KUH-WAILS); and one where Dhearec woke up in bed with Rian, who was perplexed that he was startled. When he asked where Aneiron was, she answered that Aneiron and their other husband were off doing work for the empress and dai'Marim.
I don't need to tell you that this was a weird bit of business.
I think that Merolan and the Twins did not exist in that AU; the empress was Chaldra, who was married to Sa'avalla and Quiran (Benedik had died in early childhood, before making himself of any consequence at all), and I strongly suspect that Merolan cannot exist in more than one reality, as He is the center of all that is real.
Kind of like Jack in The Talisman and Black House, and stuff.
Anyway, I'm off to bed now. La!
I feel much better now about having vented.
current mood: listless current music: "Barbie Girl", Aqua
(gimme some sugar)
| Friday, December 21st, 2001
11:19 pm - *laughs and laughs and LAUGHS*
The Castaway Quiz deems me:
You have an exotic aura that makes men instantly attracted to you. Unfortunately you have no personality, so they eventually ditch you for Mary Ann.
current mood: silly current music: "Opportunities", Pet Shop Boys (again)
(Lap up 1 kiss |gimme some sugar)
| Thursday, December 20th, 2001
11:07 pm - WAI!
I just saw The Fellowship of the Ring.
Despite no Bombadil --
Despite drastic shortening of the time in Lórien --
Despite cutting of certain key points --
Loved it. Loved it, loved it, loved it. I can even forgive Cate Blanchett for being Galadriel; I'd forgotten that she's beautiful when she's in motion.
I can even forgive this whole damned Arwen: Elven Warrior Princess thing. Liv Tyler, I would like you all to note, is a bimbo. Hmmph. Arwen is NOT an Elven PRINCESS, dammit!
... The guy who played Elrond was rather cool.
Legolas was a badass, ditto Gimli; Gandalf rocked, and the Balrog was ... gosh.
I am hereby announcing that my engagement to Alan Rickman is cancelled, and I am now going to marry Elijah Wood.
Elijah Wooooooooood! *glomps him* Yiss. I find his nose adorable. I shall now proceed to go totally fan-girl on him. Yosh'!
Anyway, yapes, and happy birthday to Aerith!
current mood: excited current music: "Opportunities", Pet Shop Boys
(Lap up 6 kisses |gimme some sugar)
12:46 pm - Foo.
Five songs that move you: 1. The Alfee, "Brave Love" 2. Katharine Lee Bates, "America the Beautiful" 3. Two-Mix, "White Reflection" 4. Vivaldi's Winter 5. Martin Luther, "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God"
Five things that nobody/hardly anyone knows about you: 1. I cannot stand being cold. I would rather have a migraine headache than be cold. I sleep under nine quilts from October until April, and I like being heavily swaddled and sniggled by lots of jackets/quilts/occasionally people. 2. I am a Libertarian antarchist, and I hope to God that America lasts forever, even as I hope that it'll be overthrown and a new incarnation of John Locke's dream takes its place. 3. I have been on a total of two dates in all my life. 4. My mother's side of the family -- extended family, not my aunt Toni or my uncle Paul-tachi -- makes me REALLY uncomfortable, because I don't know them, don't really wish to know them, and will go to great lengths to avoid being in the same house as them. If they weren't my relatives, I would be extremely open in my dislike. 5. ... I have an extremely persnickety complexion; sometimes it's clear as a bell, and other times I look like a pizza without its skin on. Icky.
Five things people think about you that aren't true: 1. I'm not that funny, goddammit. 2. I'm not a free-thinking anarchist. 3. I don't look down on people who ain't up to my IQ level, and I don't CARE if I'm a certified genius. I talk every damned day to people who are smarter and more insightful than I will ever be, and I have come to the conclusion that IQs, certification, and psych evals mean precisely jack when it comes to true brains. 4. I do NOT always know what I'm going. In fact a lot of times I don't know what I'm doing. 5. I don't either go out of my way to be unpleasant to people. A lot of times it just happens by sheer tactlessness or being self-centered to the point of genuinely not knowing what effect the dumb thing I'm saying will have on others, and when it happens, I need to be told what it is I did, with concrete examples, instead of just a frozen wall of "Boy, you screwed UP, jerk!"
Five great things that happened to you this year: 1. I found out that I am deeply loved, where I had thought I was just someone who was there in the background. 2. I have far more books than I could ever need, and I read them all, wai! 3. I discovered a broader horizon to my musical loves, like J-rock and Euro-rock, and now I don't sit around listening to classic rock or classical music all the time. 4. I think, and stop me if I'm wrong, that I'm finally outgrowing my selfish bitchiness. Although, mind you, it is a long and slow process. 5. I've learned that I am not really cut out for any sort of professional job; I should stick to retail.
Oh, and I woke up at noon today when I was planning to get up at nine so I could help Mom and Bee around the house. Dammit, I am SO useless...
current mood: crazy current music: "Living Dead Girl", Rob Zombie
(gimme some sugar)
| Wednesday, December 19th, 2001
10:12 pm - Epiphany!
... La!
I have come to the conclusion, which has been rather murky in my own mind for a while now, that I have no right to condemn people for what they like.
I don't think I HAVE been condemning people for what they like lately. I might've been condemning WHAT they like, in the sense that, "I don't like [such and soforth]", but I haven't been trottin' out the ol' "You're a big fat jerk for liking [such and soforth] cuz I don't like it".
The main reason I came to this conclusion is because today after we closed the store, we put a number of CDs into the mix on random, and my CD happened to be one of my mix CDs with predominantly J-pop and some J-rock (oh, and one song by Rammstein).
Almost unanimous, from everyone except Terence (who is quite possibly the most broad-based music fan I KNOW): "This sucks. Meg, doll, you suck for liking this."
.. Sheesh. I don't say a word about their Destiny's Child or Korn CDs, do I? Nope. I don't. I don't go around saying things like "Listening to Destiny's Child will rot yer brains", or anything. (Which, by the way, I don't believe. I don't like Destiny's Child myself -- too screechy and whore-ish -- but goddammit, it's America and people can listen to whatever they damned want and it's none of my business. Unless they're blasting it at Volume Twenty-Seven and will not turn it down, in which case they are infringing upon my right to listen to whatever I want at a reasonable level.)
In conclusion, quit bothering me about what I like and how I'm lame/intolerant/stupid for liking or disliking whatever I like/dislike.
Also, I've been re-reading the HP books. Lee Jordan is cool. I want a broomstick, goddammit, and I would settle for even one of those weird things that everyone says are slower than dirt -- the, uh, Comets, or whatnot. Rowling writes Draco totally two-dimensionally, and, as Dana says, the chances of Harry/Draco slash ever happening canonically are slightly less likely than Hagrid winning the Miss Hogwarts contest. What the hell.
People are not lame or stupid or incredibly 'shippish for liking the Harry/Draco fandom. Conversely, then, people are not lame or stupid or incredibly insensitive for NOT liking the Harry/Draco fandom.
Case closed.
I want some taco salad.
In better news, my sister Brenna is finally home from school, and if she weren't busy wrapping my presents I'd go and glomp her silly right now. She says I can do so as soon as she gets all of my stuff safely wrapped or otherwise hidden from my prying eyes. Wai!
Bee! Oh, how I've missed the baby sisterling. I like Brenna. Lots. I partially based the Surya/Gaia relationship on her and myself, only of course it's rather inverted, since she's the extroverted, beautiful, funny, elegant one that everyone loves, and I'm the introverted bookworm funnything, but hey, I do have red hair. And Brenna is a lot nicer to me and more stable than poor Surya ever has been...
Wai, Bee! Welcome home!
.. I wonder what they got me. Mom and Bee have had their Christmas shopping all done (in Bee's case, for WEEKS), except for me, so today they shopped ONLY for me. It's damned near driving me crazy, not knowing..
But I do have Michael Collins, on back order since forEVER, and now I will see Alan Rickman play Eamon de Valera.
I wonder if Black Yamada sunburns easily. i should think that he would, since Graycloaks have such fine, sensitive pale skin... but they don't WINDBURN easily, and they almost never get frostbite. This could, however, be more due to their "in" with the cold god than with any real merit of their own. Hmm.
I think that Black Yamada sunburns, simply because it's more amusing that way. This big, badass pirate admiral... who has to wear a wide-brimmed shady hat so his face won't burn fit to make him go into fits...
Tomorrow I'm gonna go see The Fellowship of the Ring with Alisha and Rose and possibly Chad-baby. It makes me HURT to hear Liv Tyler call Arwen Undómiel an "Elven princess". OH, PLEASE, let me DIE. ELVEN PRINCESS. No! She is NOT! Elrond is not a king, and even though Galadriel is a queen of sorts, Arwen is NOT a PRINCESS.
And she's definitely not "Arwen: Elven Warrior Princess". I bet ol' John Ronald Reuel is spinnin' in his grave at the mere thought of it.
I mean, I understand that they had to write in a strong woman character to be all PC and stuff, but DAMMIT, if they write out good old Tom Bombadil, they CAN'T write in Arwen as the Elven Eowyn, goddammit!
I feel very strongly about this. I mean.... JEEZ MON.
Oh, and Hector? Tell me what conclusion you've reached about one of our major characters, or I'll smack you.
Sweetly all y'all's, MJ
current mood: complacent current music: "Don't You Know It's Love", Rabbit
(Lap up 1 kiss |gimme some sugar)
| Tuesday, December 18th, 2001
10:50 pm - I want Dark Schneider. NOW.
I saw the Bastard!! DVD set at Suncoast while picking up my long-awaited copy of Michael Collins (Alan Rickman as Eamon de Valera, BLISS), and I want it. I want Dark Schneider, dammit! And even Kall-Su, the little twerp! I'm gong to buy it for myself as a self-present, after Christmas. I think. Wai wai wai!
Ultra is still not updated, MISTER Gagne...
Spent the entire day shopping with my mom. Wai! So, I've got my father's, brother's, sister's, and cousin's present; I only need my mother's present, and I'm all finished. I've pretty much resigned myself to getting out the online-friend presents by Epiphany, which is actually quite good, since then Epiphany will be a kick-ass holiday. Wai! My mother managed to finish all of her shopping. *grin* The only one she has to get presents for is... me! I thoughtfully pointed out the things I wanted today, while we were in those particular stores -- boots at Dale's, jeans and sweaters at Anchor Blue, the anime DVDs at Suncoast, a few books I'd like at Barnes & Noble, and the fountain pen and inks at Gorblimey. (I sometimes think I like that store as much for its name as for the cool stationery.)
From hints I have received, I have the distinct suspicion that I'm going to get a DVD player from Santa. Kick ASS. That'll be nice, all right....
And now, bed for me; I have work tomorrow. I'll try to update again tomorrow, but definitely on Thursday...
current mood: tired current music: "Opportunities", Pet Shop Boys
(Lap up 1 kiss |gimme some sugar)
12:11 am - *dying*
| Monday, December 17th, 2001
11:00 pm - Now is the time on Sprockets when we dance!
Which Rocky character are you?
Oh, and Jacky? I made everyone at my store listen to "Brave Love" today. The converts are beginning to snowball. *snicker* Jillyworld will be here before we know it!
And my little brother got a part in his school's production of The Music Man -- *proudly* He's going to be Professor Harold Hill! The LEAD! Oh, I'm so proud of him! Good brother.
And I reviewed my tapes of the Sprockets sketches from SNL. Hee hee. "Now is the time on Sprockets when we dance." WAI.
I have... discovered that I have a weird obsession with Lee Jordan, from HP fandom... Weird, as I've yet to read a single story that mentions him more than in passing. Huh. I still like fanon!Draco better than canon!Draco, but then, I suppose it's because most fanfics considerately strip him of his anti-Muggle bigotry. That's good, as it's the tied-for-first thing I don't like about him. Bigots drive me up the WALL, right up there with blindly self-centered people and falsetto bands like Styx or Rush or Supertrampp.
Off to bed with me.
current mood: blank current music: "Don't You Know It's Love", Rabbit
(gimme some sugar)
| Sunday, December 16th, 2001
9:54 pm - Har!
Oh, and just for Irk-kun -- ARA!
I don't really see the point of Mulder/Krycek slash, to be quite honest. It just doesn't do a thing for me. Such being the case, I'm going to start skipping Eroica fanfics with the notation of being X-Files crossovers; they almost always end up with Fox and Alex being a couple, which doesn't sit well with me. Fox is too much of a loser to ever get laid, thanks.
And Krycek ... is an amoral bastard who should be shot.
Christmas presents of certain persons are going to be late. Again. Dammit! Oh, well; it's because I'm extending the Christmas holiday 'till later, or something. Or something.
Entries may be sporadic for a while. There will probably be a mass updating when I get back from school, though.
current mood: okay current music: The Gap Band, "You Dropped A Bomb on Me"
(gimme some sugar)
| Saturday, December 15th, 2001
10:52 pm - Ara...
I'm home. HOME.
And I have to get up at five-thirty tomorrow morning to report for work. Wheeee!
But it will be fun. I'll write letters in the breakroom. I'll snork around with Chad-baby and Melly-baby and Alisha-baby. I will kick ass and take names, yiss!
And then I'll come home and watch The Simpsons for the first time in years, and I took the Twoflower Character quiz, and came up as Cobalt. This amuses me, but I'd still rather have been Controversial Jack.
And I started on AHA chapter eleven, and wish it to be formally communicated to all and sundry that, as of having read Claire's ending of Chapter Ten, I will personally hunt down and kick the ass of anyone who still thinks that FnF is the better story. To persons of that opinions, I say to you: you have the literary taste of BENITO MUSSOLINI'S BASTARD CHILD BY SPAM.
And, by Jove, I mean it to STING!
Me, over and out.
current mood: amused current music: "Come Out And Play", the Offspring
(Lap up 8 kisses |gimme some sugar)