Jeremy Gallian's Journal
20 most recent entries

Date:2002-08-27 09:55
Subject:Hmmmm, fairly close I'd say

I Am A: Chaotic Good Elf Ranger Fighter

Chaotic Good characters are independent types with a strong belief in the value of goodness. They have little use for governments and other forces of order, and will generally do their own things, without heed to such groups.

Elves are the eldest of all races, although they are generally a bit smaller than humans. They are generally well-cultured, artistic, easy-going, and because of their long lives, unconcerned with day-to-day activities that other races frequently concern themselves with. Elves are, effectively, immortal, although they can be killed. After a thousand years or so, they simply pass on to the next plane of existance.

Primary Class:
Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy.

Secondary Class:
Fighters are the warriors. They use weapons to accomplish their goals. This isn't to say that they aren't intelligent, but that they do, in fact, believe that violence is frequently the answer.

Solonor Thelandria is the Chaotic Good elven god of archery and the hunt. He is also known as the Keen Eye, the Great Archer, and the Forest Hunter. His followers respect nature, and only hunt when needed, but are quick to defend the forest from intruders. Their favorite weapon is the bow, and they tend to be extremely talented with it. Solonor Thelandria's symbol is an arrow with green fletchings.

Find out What D&D Character Are You?, courtesy ofNeppyMan (e-mail)

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Date:2002-08-21 23:47
Subject:I've never understood mood-sensitive eyes
Mood: bored
Music:Aerosmith - Chip Away The Stone

I guess it's because mine are deep, dark brown. Damn near to black, brown. So, when people talk about how their eyes run from clear to dark blue depending on mood, I just don't get it. What, you're a chameleon all of a sudden? *laughs*

Also don't get people that look for trouble. I mean, if you wait long enough, trouble will show up and tap you right on the shoulder. You don't have to go seeking troubles out. For example, I just got treated to the floor show of all floor shows at my girlfriend Rita's friend's place. Turns out another, mutual, friend has decided that since Rita talks to the guy that she's dating (as in has conversation), that Rita's after him. With me in the room. Freakin' attached to me, she's after this other guy. *sighs* I mean, if you want to have an attack of low self-esteem, I say go ahead and mope somewhere, but don't drag others down in it. I'm dying to say something to her, but I can't think of anything that will clear the air that WON'T include something to the effect of "Here's reality, here's your perceptions...what the fuck?!?" So, I'm just going to leave it be. I can't believe that someone would throw away a decade of friendship over a fucking conversation. It's not like Becky even talks to him that much! Fuck it, I talk to him, does that mean I'm trying to spirit him away?!? *growls* Not that I have an opinion about this, mind you.

Oh, and can't forget that I really like Bombay Sapphire gin. Lemme tell you, if you're going to drink gin, and I do, you want the good stuff. Tanqueray and Gordon's, in honesty, are like freakin' Pinesol. Dr. Sapphire's smooth as silk. Take it from me, eh? And, if you develope a taste for gin, you'll almost never have to watch your bottle at parties. It's great!

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Date:2002-08-16 13:34
Subject:Ruminations on shooting stick
Mood: contemplative
Music:Indigo Girls - Thin Line

I love shooting pool. Mostly 8-ball, which I grew up playing, but I'm also a big fan of straight pool. You don't get to shoot much straight pool these days, what with the coin-op tables and all, but I think that's the true art of shooting pool. Call your shot, hit at least one rail, shoot 'til you miss. What more can you ask for than that? Angles, combos, banks, whatever you have to do to make it you do until you hit whatever point total (1 point per made shot) you and the opponent decided upon. Sure, it's going to take a little while to play 150 points, but it's a better challenge than 9-ball, if you ask me. And don't even start me on 7-ball. I saw that on ESPN the other night. Jeebus, what a waste! What's next, 4-ball? Hell, why not just lag for each rack until you get to seven? Oh, well, what's an old purist to do?

I swear, once I have a house it's going to have a room to put a pool table in. That's when I really iron my game out. I've got some piss-poor shooting mechanics, but it's rough to practice by yourself at hourly rates, ya know? And you can't find a coin table to play on by yourself. So, that goes on the big list of things to do: Get a pool room. *grins* Guess it'll have to go on under: Get a house.

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Date:2002-08-14 11:20
Subject:I've suddenly become beset with opinions

I guess I just needed to get out of my life for a week to suddenly reinvigorate my own opinionated nature.

Where the hell has common sense gone in this world? Honestly, are we so afraid of being offensive that we're erring on the side of offend no one? Two very germane examples just from the Indianapolis Star today: Mother of three, who has already been convicted of neglect and had one child removed from her custody, places son in uncovered truck bed for an hour and forty-five minute trip. Child dies of hyperthermia with a core body temperature of over 108 degrees F. 25 year old man, convicted of twenty various crimes in Marion county including crimes of violence, is among those released to keep from hitting a federally mandated prisoner cap. Same man is now back in the slam on a murder charge.

Now, I understand that the thing is to keep families together and to try to rehabilitate and make people better and all that jazz. I hear this, but if this person (I'm not calling her a mother anymore, you can't do this shit and be called that) has ONE child removed from custody for neglect, how are you going to tell me that she's never and won't in the future neglect and abuse the other two? Common sense dictates that this is probably going to be the case. Of course, a middle-ranking official in the Marion County child services says (not quite the quote, but I don't have it in front of me), "the county didn't kill anyone, the parent did." Lovely. Fuckin' lovely, I'm sure that makes the child feel much better. This is a tragedy that, in my common sense mind, could have been avoided. Sure, it might not have been the nice thing to do, and no I've never had my family ripped apart by the system, but I say err on the side of doing no harm.

Now, to the convict. This is stickier, because we're getting into heavily charged areas (racial bias in conviction rates, high prison populations, unbalanced sentencing between violent and non-violent offenders, etc.), but in keeping with the 'I'm not going to knuckle under to PC' thoughts that I'm having, here it goes. You're telling me that SOMEWHERE in the county lock-up there wasn't a non-violent offender that could have gone? Some three-joints for home use guy, or check-kiting chick, or some such other that could have been released to keep things below the cap? Common sense (there's that phrase again) dictates that a violent offender will be violent again. This is not to say that ANYONE might not kill, rape, mutilate, and otherwise fugger someone up, but you should go with the trends. Politically correct, you ask? No, but true? Yes. And I think that's what it all comes down to, in the end. The truth. It's not pretty, it never has been. Why do you think we've all been lying to ourselves since the dawn of time? If the truth was that great, you'd NEVER seen lies. But sometimes, no matter how ugly it is, you have to see the truth and live with it. It's always there, because it's the truth.

Damn, where the hell did that come from? And please, if you don't agree with something I've said, be civil. I'm not saying you should agree with me, just try to keep the personal attacks to a minimum. Via con queso, my friends.

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Date:2002-08-13 15:34
Subject:Another Conclave in the books

Well, here I am back from the 46th Biannual Conclave of the Alpha Chi Sigma fraternity. Well, actually I've been back for two days, but yesterday was a serious sleep and decompression day. Don't want to get the Conclave bends, ya know? *grins* It was another week of contention, brotherhood, dorm beds, and interesting situations. I love Conclave, because I get to see people from all over the country that I don't see but once every two years, and get to have fun and meet new brothers and do all that sort of thing. I hate Conclave because I'm just not young enough to spend all night drinking, sleep 4 hours, and hit the morning legislative sessions with the fervor that it requires. But, in honesty, I love Conclave more than I hate. I'm right here to tell you, even as I was luxuriating in my own bed, I was thinking 'Dammit, two more years'. Hopefully all the good ideas and drive that came of this won't dissipate in the coming months, and we can get more things done to get the fraternity going stronger than ever, and last another hundred years. And, on a more personal note, I got to make an effect on this fraternity that will be remembered (I hope) for the next hundred years. That's kind of a sobering thought, ya know? If only my liver can handle 2004. *cackles*

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Date:2002-07-17 13:37
Subject:My thoughts on the Ted Williams thing

I don't much like baseball, though I can appreciate individual effort. So, Ted Williams passing was not the big deal for me that it might be a real baseball fan, but I was still saddened. I'm sad when anyone dies. But what really makes me sad is what's happened after the fact. The precis is this: Contrary to Ted Williams' wishes to be cremated and spread over the Florida Keys, his son has forzen him in Arizona a some quack-arse cryogenics lab for later revival and/or DNA cloning. Re-read that, see if you can get the sense of loathing that I feel. Now for the thoughts:

What the hell good is a will if, when you die, NO ONE does what you wrote down. It would be one thing if it wasn't in the freakin' document how his remains were to be dealt with, but it is. What is the problem??

On cryogenic and revival and cloning and whatnot. The body is not the 'spirit' (for lack of a better term), the person is not in the body. You can't clone out a body and it be Dad. I'm realtively certain you can't revive someone from being frozen and it be Dad. You CAN, however, sell his DNA to make mucho dinero which is pretty much what I'm thinking that John Henry Williams, the son and bloodsucking parasite in question, has in mind. Death is forever, it's terrible but it's true. Respect the memories, but don't think you can pull some sort of 'Pet Cemetary' routine.

If I were to do this with my Mom or Dad, my remaining family would descend on me with axe handles and leave not enough of my DNA for retrieval. Which I would expect and would applaud. This is disgusting. Honor your father's wishes, let him be cremated and scattered. *sighs* I'm going to try not thinking about this anymore, it just makes me sad. Used to be anger, disgust, and sad, but not it's just sad. The poor man.

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Date:2002-07-16 23:36
Subject:Random thoughts
Mood: tired
Music:Temple Of The Dog - All Night Thing

Why is it that I will think, on average, 15 times in a regular work day 'That's it, I'm done. I'm updating the resume and getting out of this rat-shit environment,' yet by the end of the day I just go home and do my thing and get ready for work the next day? This can't be normal. Well, I take that back. I'm sure it's normal to think these thoughts, but most people go through with it. Laziness, it would seem, has rooted in my deep. That, and I have a true respect and love for my fellow workers. I don't want to leave them in the lurch if I were to just up and quit. *sighs* Or is that just a crutch? Hard to tell when you're right there in the middle of it all.

They say that kittens grow out of the 'seek and kill anything that moves' stage, eventually. Can eventually be tomorrow? I'm freakin' COVERED in claw-and-bites. I try to thump him sternly and say 'No', but that just gets the hand that does the thumping attacked. And don't even start me on the climbing of the legs, jeans or no. On the upside, when he does wind down Patch just HAS to find me and curl up on me to sleep. I'm a sucker for cuteness, always have been.

I can't stand beans. The flavour is fine, it's just the texture that I can't handle. I've never liked beans to the best of my memory. I even try 'em every 6 months or so. I've gotten to the point where I can get a mouthful down, so long as I've got something to drink. Used to be that I'd damn near gag in the effort. I guess that's progress, innit? I suppose if I were on a desert island and had nothing to eat but beans, I'd grow to at least like them, but until then I'll just let any of y'all have my portion.

There's actually a Possumfest community on MSN. FEAR this as you fear no other. At least there's no directions or anything indicating where it's at, I can't imagine how many non-Possum'd show up then. *laughs* Can't wait for Possumfest this year, I'm ready for my next volleyball champ mug.

I truly love my cable modem. It rocks.

OK, seems I'm outta random thoug+ghs, b n Patch is helping out. Silly kitten. Take it easy, eh?

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Date:2002-07-08 15:38
Subject:Work? Pshaw!

Ever feel silly? Me, I like to be fairly serious when I post comments or put new entries in here (fairly being up for debate). But every once in a while, I just feel like writing some silly shit in. I hold back, though, because I've got this notion that this is all 'seriousness' in here, ya know? Where did that come from? I look back at my entries, and not a lot of them are super-serious. Odd, isn't it? Oh, well.

Damn but did I do some more travelling this weekend. Indy to Peru, Indiana. Then Peru to Worthington. Then Worthington to Indy. Then back to work this morning. Blah, working sucks. Too bad I've got all these bills, eh? Well, anyway, back to it. Take it easy and try not to be too serious, eh?

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Date:2002-07-02 16:39

I'm just now feeling right after the SCA event. I'm telling you, I don't know when it was that I got old, but it's surely happened. Being out in the gods-awful heat and humidity probably didn't help matters any, but at least I had a pretty kick ass time. Note to self: Don't drink so damn much next time!

Got a new kitten. Patch (he's all gray but for one little white patch on his chest) is a little foundling kitten, one of my Mom's co-workers got hold of him up by their building. They've evidently got more stray kittens/cats up there than you can shake a stick at. So I volunteered to take him in. *smiles* I'd forgotten how much fun it was to have a kitten least until he figures out how much he likes to chew on toes. Cripes those kitten teeth are sharp!

Hmmmm...can't really think of anything else going on in the life and times of Jeremy. So, until next time...and hopefully by then I'll have borrowed a digital camera to take somes pics of the new little one.

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Date:2002-06-20 15:28
Subject:What the hell??
Mood: aggravated
Music:the freakin' telephone

You know, I'm sick to fuckin' death of being the answer guy. I never thought I'd say or think that, seeing as how one of my guilty pleasures is knowing stuff. But I'm tired of it! My Mom's clothes dryer is making a noise. The answer to this question is: Have a technician have a look at it. No, all I get is 'What's wrong, what should I do? Maybe the vent needs to be moved, maybe this maybe that...' to eternity! Guy at work is sending Email from his Hotmail account to his Indiatimes account (don't ask me, I don't know, and it DOESN'T make sense) and it's not coming up. He asks me why? WHAT THE HELL DO I KNOW??? My boss has a laptop and the hard drive has crapped out. It's going to take me half a freakin' hour to walk him through making a Windows 98 startup disk?!? Am I a freakin' computer technician??? *screams*

Gods it feels good to get that off my chest. Of course, I look back at it and think 'Christ, Gallian, that's petty.' But it's how I felt. I dunno, does that make me mature, or does it mean that I bury everything so deep that I can't even let myself vent off and feel good about it?

In other news, summer is setting in here in the Heartland (Indianapolis, IN). I LOVE humidity! *groans* Guess it could be worse, it could be in the 100s instead of the 90s. It's days like this that I wish I lived in San Diego. SD is the place to be, beautiful weather, beautiful place, right near the ocean. Maybe someday, maybe someday when I hit the lottery, right?

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Date:2002-06-14 08:53
Subject:Road rage moment
Mood: sore
Music:The server and workstation fans

Oh man was I pissed! Imagine, if you will: East/west road coming up to a stop light. I'm west-bound where it goes to two lanes straight and one left-only lane (where i turn to get on the highway to work). There's a double yellow line separating the lanes, mind you. Of course, there's also the east-bound people trying to make a left into the Super 7 on the corner CROSSING THE LINE AND SITTING IN MY TURN LANE!!! There's a reason that turn lane exists, it's because I GET TO TURN!! And they stare at me when I'm driving through, trying to get to my turn, like I'M fucking up!! *screams* That's what really does me in, it's the 'What the fuck are you doing?' stare that they give you when THEY are the ones doing the wrong thing. Why isn't there a cop around when you need one? And another thing, more often than not they're coming off the north/south road and THEN making this turn. Never mind that if they just keep going north they can make a RIGHT turn in the RIGHT TURN ONLY lane on Lafayette (the north/south road) into the Super 7 to get their freakin' coffee and donuts, no they have to take up my lane. I don't condone road violence, but damn if I don't understand it in moments like that.

Of course, that's been about an hour and a half ago and I've calmed greatly, but those were pretty much my feelings of the time. I've found that I have a great capacity to relax, much more than I did when I was younger. Must be a symptom of incipient maturity, but I don't hold grudges and keep anger in so much anymore. I guess that makes me a better person, right? Right? *smiles*

All's still sore on the tooth front, though I'd hoped it would be a little less by now. Wisdom teeth and appendixes (appendices?), the doctor's best friends. *sighs* Oh, well, I guess everyone needs a new boat, or down payment on a house. Freakin' teeth.

Hmmmm...I think that's all that's rattling about in my brain this morning. Expect more later, I'm feeling thoughtful today.

OOooo, and a little extra:

Take the 'Which Archangel are you?' Quiz!

Which Archangel are
you? by Xera

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Date:2002-06-11 14:16
Subject:One more time!

OK, last wisdom tooth is out, or at least the last one that's currently giving problems. The left side ones are either not going anywhere, or aren't even out yet. We'll worry about them another time. This upper tooth extraction SUCKED. The sucker was way in the back, so I felt like the doc was going to split my cheek open (like the DNR fellows do to age deer when you check 'em in. Creepy.) to get at it. Luckily, though, it was just a matter of me doing my Jim Carrey/Rubberface imitation. At least I got good drugs (Vicodin, the breakfast of champions). All that's left is to fill in the cavity caused by the first wisdom tooth, and the two proto-cavities in my front teeth from the deep grooves (freakin' deep grooves, why couldn't they have been strong??? *laughs*), and I'm back to A-1 mouth condition.

Feeling it now, I wish I'd have gone ahead to have all the wisdom teeth out when I was 18, because then I'd have still been covered by Dad's insurance and wouldn't have had to pay so much, if at all. I figure it would hurt as much (probably more, having all four done at the same time), but what can you do? I made what I thought was a good choice. Little did I know.

And that's your Jeremy's Dental Progress update. Now back to your regularly scheduled life. *grins*

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Date:2002-06-06 12:34
Subject:Huh, that's damn near uncanny


I act like I'm 27.
This test was brought to you by Liam - Serving you fresh farce daily. Take it here.

Because yes, if you do the math, I'm 28. *shivers* Spoooky! *laughs*

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Date:2002-06-05 13:38
Subject:F*&k; AOL!

Bah, what am I doing with that subject?? FUCK AOL!! We use AOL at work (don't ask me why, it's just another one of the institutional inertia things) and, more often than not, it's screwed up. Can't download a .pdf, won't open websites, won't download NAV updates...I hate AOL. They suck. Oh, well, at least I can screw around on LJ and other stuff any time I like, pretty much. Being the tech guy has it's advantages. And I've learned a new love and respect for Excel. It has made my life SO much easier as it applies to coating formulations and figuring stuff up. Big Poppa Bill giveth with one hand and rammeth it up the ass with the other, what can you do? *grins* So anyway, I guess that's about all I've got to say. Looks like I'm going to have to restart AOL just to get the afternoon mail. *sighs* This is what I spent 5 years at IU for, earning 2 degrees?

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Date:2002-05-24 00:04
Subject:I swear
Mood: sleepy
Music:Page and Plant - Kashmir

I don't even know why I try to go to bed before midnight, because it NEVER happens!

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Date:2002-05-23 11:22
Subject:One of the better quiz/survey thingies I've found
Mood: good

OK, so the premise is to answer the questions with song lyrics (not as easy as it least not for me). So, without further ado:

1. Are you male or female?
Nothing man, nothing man. Could have been something, nothing man.
--Pearl Jam

2. Describe yourself
I'm a driver, I'm a winner, things are going to change I can feel it.

3. How do they feel about you?
I walk into the street, the air's so cool. I'm wired and I'm tired, and I'm grining like a fool.
--Joan Osbourne

4. How do you feel about yourself?
Sometimes I find it's easy to be myself. Sometimes, I find it's better to be somebody else.
--Dave Matthews Band

5. Describe your girlfriend/boyfriend
You're my blue sky, you're my sunny day, Lord you know it makes me high when you turn your love my way.
--Allman Brothers

6. What would you rather be doing?
Sittin' here a thinking, just a smokin' and a drinkin' beach-side, on top of the world. Got a drink in my hand, got my toes in the sand, all I need is a beautiful girl.

7. Describe where you live
Kick ass USA, Kick ass hey all the way, Kick ass USA
--Milo Tremley

8. Describe how you love
You find somebody to love in this world you'd better hang on tooth and nail, the wolf is always at the door.
--Don Henley

9. Share some words of wisdom
What makes me think I could start clean-slated? The hardest to learn was the least complicated.
--Indigo Girls

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Date:2002-05-20 21:29
Subject:Quiz time!
Mood: crappy
Music:Steely Dan - Hey Nineteen

I'm completely down-to-earth!

Find your soul type

Yeah, I'd say that's about right...I wonder how many out of work psychologists there are on the 'net, making these things up, eh?

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Date:2002-05-20 11:51
Subject:Attack of the Diabolical Acting II

Well, saw Episode II again this weekend with my cousins, doing the male-bonding cousin thing. The things I liked about the movie (Yoda kicking ass, sweet Jedi combat, Obi-Wan MacGregor, etc.) I still like, the things I didn't (Jar-Jar FUCKIN' Binks, Hayden Christensen doing his Chris Kattan imitation, horribly stilted and stiff dialogue, the purported romance angle) I still don't like. Swear to gods, where did they get Christensen? Does he have incriminating photos of Lucas and a goat? And the love story writing...If George Lucas is using any of those lines in real life, I hope he's ready for a vow of chastity. *sighs* On a whole, it's still better than Episode I, but it's just not nearly as good as one would hope. I'm ready for the next movie...where, with any luck, Boba Fett gets involved and REALLY whips ass.

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Date:2002-05-17 16:34
Subject:Attack of the Diabolical, Clones!
Mood:VERY tired
Music:Indigo Girls - Cold Beer and Remote Control

Well, saw the late-arse show of Episode II last night. I dunno, I think it was better than Episode I in that the story went somewhere (eventually) instead of being a big set-up for the next. And there was an interesting Machiavellian thing going on. The acting, though, was pretty freakin' atrocious. Hayden Chistensen does NOT impress me. Natalie Portman was OK, Ewen MacGregor was the best of the lot as Obi-Wan. Of course, on the positive side, MUCH more Jedi lightsabre-duelling (including Master Yoda kickin' some fuckin' ASS!! WOO!!!), and the action was pretty solid. So, it wasn't so bad, but it wasn't so good. Empire Strikes Back is still the benchmark, as far as I'm concerned.

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Date:2002-05-16 13:30
Subject:Hmmmm, wouldn't have figured this one...

I'm David!
Which Character from Stangers in Paradise Are You?

Of course, Strangers in Paradise is only THE best comic in the wide world. Trust me on this one, if you read no other comics in your life, read SiP.

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