Friday, December 21st, 2001
1:56 pm - You guys suck.
You guys should all be commenting in here telling Jon how much you miss him. FOR SHAME!
Love, Jon's girlfriend who knows his password
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Wednesday, October 31st, 2001
5:36 am - Goodbye
Hey. This is my last entry for a while. I leave for the navy in 9 hours or so. The majority of those 9 hours I'll be asleep. Dont even get to enjoy halloween. Oh well... I'll be back in a few weeks and I expect to be missed dearly. I also expect very elaborate comments about how loved I am and how I was missed for when I get back. So get started now. See ya soon.
current mood: indescribable current music: Sing along everybody!! In the Navy... you can sail the seven seas... in the navy....
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Monday, October 29th, 2001
12:23 am - Hey
My going away party thing was today. It was mighty uncomfortable with my step dad and my mom there together. And then stephanie and stacey were there who I never really felt comfortable around either. Everytime I went near them I became the center of attention and it was unpleasant so I just decided to hide behind video games the whole time. I think that pissed off my sister. Oh well. Sorry. I think Sarah's parents were uncomfortable too. They brought some kickass salsa though in which I'm enjoying right now. My mom was being a total dumbass with a camera. She couldn't turn it on or record. She was looking through it backwards and sideways. It was sad. Oh and Alonzo kept crackin gay jokes which wasn't the most appropriate thing to be doing in front of my sister's friend Robert and his "friend" Robert. Two more full days. Tomorrow will be spent at my dad's house... hopefully I can get outta there early. Then tuesday I guess I'm having a final dinner with my mom and sister. Then wednesday I'm gone. Everybody miss me.
current mood: drained current music: Suicide is Painless-Marilyn Manson
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Thursday, October 25th, 2001
3:58 pm - cakes and pies
Two days ago I went over to Mel's and we watched Duece Biggalo. We also went and blew up some shit in the dairies. I guess frogs get turned on by explosions cuz after we lit some hundreds of them were croaking. Then I drove home in the thickest fog I've ever driven through and I was on the freeway. Yesterday I took the potato launcher to Mel's work cuz he wanted to scare them by shooting a blank right next to them cuz the thing is pretty damn loud. Afterwards they wanted to shoot something out of it so we went up to the roof and shot it at a rival company. That damn thing went pretty fucking far though. The recoil of the thing almost ripped off Anthony's nipple ring.... which is a good thing cuz he's a fag with nipple rings. Then we went by Mel's again and watched Along Came a Spider and everybody was drinking the devil's liquid while I drank my Sobe. Today Sarah's parents are making me some jalapeno bacon cheddar thingies. Also I believe Alonzo bought Grand Theft Auto 3 so I plan on beating people's heads in with a bat soon enough. It's hot I'm leaving.
current mood: antipathetic current music: all this apathy locked inside of me tried to set it free it cant be
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Tuesday, October 23rd, 2001
3:44 pm
So far Sarah and I like Detest as a name. It fits with the lyrics of the songs and it's easy to remember and spell. So if you name the band that other horrible horrible name then I'll just call you detest.
current mood: opinionated current music: Mistake-nmso4
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Monday, October 22nd, 2001
7:20 am - Talabama
I have to go to my fucking school in Pensecola, Florida which is just way to close to those fucking hicks in alabama. alabama doesn't even deserve capitalization. I hate accents so much. I better get to help kill some Talaban dudes with sattelite images for all this. I got back from my grandparents house earlier today... Oh yeah I went to my grandparents house this weekend. They live way the fuck up there around San Francisco and Sacramento. They're my favorite grandparents.... and I got a lot to choose from in that department... like 10. I went to my dad's house on the way home from Fairfield. He's doing dandy. I really need to catch up on some sleep now I haven't really gotten any in a couple days. Toodleloo...
My Sincere Sympathy goes out to Gretchen and the loss of her friend. Hang in there homie.
current mood: mellow current music: Myriad-BLESSEDBETHYNAME
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Monday, October 15th, 2001
4:04 am - hey
Got back from the desert yesterday. I had a lot of fun. We spent the first day waiting around 4 hours for Alonzo's dad to show up with the bikes and food. He should have been an hour behind us tops. He had troubles and couldn't leave right away. By the time he got there we were bored and starving. He got there and took off on the bikes and blew some shit up away from camp. We found a car battery. It's now lead bits. Actually we found lots of shit that's just bits now. We did that thing where we shoot a can of gas into the air and then blow it up... and it actually worked on camera... that's a first. At times when other people were using the bikes we went out and found holes for rabbits, lizards, whatever.. i'm not sure. I was curious as to how complex the holes were and which holes were connected. Rather than using water to do so (which is boring) I used starter fluid. I sprayed it into 3 or 4 holes and then lit it up in another hole. You'd wait about a second and then WHOOSH... flames shooting outta four holes and a few unexpected ones damn near burning off our legs. It actually kept us entertained for about an hour. One hole had a lizard in it and when the flames came he came shooting out. I stopped after that... didn't want to hurt any of them. Plus the can was empty. At night we had to rough it... turned on the generator and plugged in the tv and playstation 2. We were watching Tremors 3 and playing Red Faction. On the drive out my car got stuck. Cant believe the sentra couldn't handle a little dirt. Actually it was a lot of thick sand that even the trucks were sweating over. My car's the bomb-diggity though and we got through okay. We have it all on film and it's quite amusing. I really need to wash my car tomorrow.. I'm getting lots of stares... probably just jealous that I have the only off-road sentra in the world. Now I'm home and I have a little over 2 weeks left. Then it's off to get my anthrax vaccinations while you all get scared opening up your letters. toodles
current mood: content current music: Hotel of California-Eagles
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Monday, October 8th, 2001
5:02 pm - Meat
Today I shall divulge in the awesomeness the steak provides. Hopefully my sister will come over and share this experience with me. Unfortunately I have to stay home to get this wonderful meal. There's nothing to do here so I'm forced to be online killing time til steak. I went to the nmso4 show yesterday. There was a good omen right when we first showed up. I drove right by Ron Jeremy and his limo. This told me that big things were soon to come. Then we went and met up with nmso4 and they made fun of my hair. James called me pee wee herman or somethin like that which really sucked cuz I think that the singer from Linkin Park looks like pee wee. I met the new drummer and then I suddenly realized that they have a band that is full of people who I like. James, although being very nutsacish is cool, Myke is nice and entertaining, both Tony's are cool, one really nice and one a funny ass, and I got no beef with martin, and the new drummer isn't fat. I have but one request from the band before I leave... please do not name your band either of the two possible choices you came up with. I wont say them on here for they're not worth being typed. When they went on there were actually people there. Some dick waiting for the next band snuck up behind the old guy that's always at nmso4's shows and pushed him to the ground. It was completely done on purpose and the most fucked up thing I've seen at a show. I'm not sure if it was the same guy but it was at least a guy from the same group who also punched martin in the face. I sincerely hope somebody stabs them in the eye. I fell a time or two during the show and landed on my already bruised knee. No bruise marks, just a big puffy, squishy knee. Then I went home and went to bed. Now I'm gonna go get a dr. pepper.
current mood: bored current music: Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out, breathe in
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Saturday, October 6th, 2001
2:30 pm - Busy week
Yesterday I went to the Disturbed/Drowning Pool show. Wet wooden floors and big fat sweaty guys moshing doesn't mix well. Everybody was falling and slipping and busting their faces open. I fell like five times and just gave up. Today I'm taking Sarah to some stupid ass Infected show with her friend that I hate. Tomorrow I'm going to the nmso4 show, hopefully it wont suck fucking ass. Wednesday I have to go to that navy meeting thing. Then Friday I'm driving up to the mojave cuz I got a whole box of seal control devices that need some tending to. Plus guns and off road vehicles. Sucks I'm gonna be up there for like two days. There's no shower up there. I dont see how those people do it for like four days. I'm gonna go eat.
current mood: hungry current music: There was a little spanish flea... a record star he thought he'd be...
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Sunday, September 23rd, 2001
2:21 am - Way too much driving
20 minutes to ontario, 2 hours to ventura, 3 hours of lost drivin to secluded spot, 2 hours back to ventura, 90 minutes to ontario, 15 minutes home. A grand total of 9 hours and five minutes. How much destruction? Maybe an hour or two. I had fun though... I made an ass of myself on camera and annihilated my old work shoes. First I launched them off the potato launcher. Then I shot them, then I blew them up, then I blew them up again with gasoline, then I let them burn. Somewhere in the mix of that I went running at them and almost beat them with a gun but didn't want to dirty the gun so I kicked them and then did the pose over them like how you would step on the bear you just shot. Lots of other shit happened.... but you guys dont give a shit. So I'm gonna go shower. No fantasizing
current mood: satisfied current music: Mystikal is one angry black man
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Saturday, September 22nd, 2001
3:44 am - Ha... ha.. ha.. ha.. table five table five.
Tomorrow I must get up at the earliest time I've gotten up by choices in months.... 9. That's 9 am. That blows. It's for a good cause though at least. We're gonna go do some chemistry and physics at it's funnest. Now of course every time I've tried to do this somoething goes wrong that usually ruins the entire thing. This time though I think we got a good thing going. I usually always feel like something's wrong when we do the other ones. I dont feel that this time though. So I'll probably wind up getting shot or blown up or something more creative thanks to the fate monkeys. If it all does work, I hope the tape comes out well. Oh I just had a great idea... I can fuck around with my electric detonation shit. And thanks to Sarah for reminding me I have my old work shoes in the car and ready to be disposed of. Thank you Sarah. Hope you have as much fun at your bridal shower as I do at my destruction appreciation day. Toodles
current mood: destructive current music: Oh margie... you came and you found me a turkey.. on my vacation away from workie
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Thursday, September 20th, 2001
3:20 am - Goodbye sweet, sweet hair
I figured since I'll be in the navy in 5 or 6 weeks then I might as well start slowing chopping my hair off. It was the first time scissors touched my hair since I was in high school. Problem is now I got this chick thing going for me. It's bad enough I look gay or bi... now I look like a lesbian. Fuck it though. Only people who see my hair are my friends and people who I dont give a shit about so yall can suck my balls. I'm going to six flags tomorrow.... I'm guessing friday I'll swing by the navy thing. I was supposed to go last week but just didn't. Saturday and Sunday might be devoted to good old fashioned destruction that I shouldn't elaborate on. I think I'll bring my camera... you gotta video tape illegal activities or else they have no case against you. Well there's a big bag of patata chips callin my name so I leave you. toodles.
current mood: apathetic current music: You should try not to be so courageous... you should try not to be so courageous...
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Sunday, September 16th, 2001
5:02 am - I'm free!
I finally quit my job. I am now an unemployed fucker for the first time since I was like 16. My shift was supposed to be 6-11. However when I went to work today I had two weird feelings. I had a feeling there was gonna be a physical fight and I had a feeling something else big was gonna happen. Mel and I took our break at the same time and we went outside and ate with my friend Alonzo. While we were out there some black dudes showed up and were started shit and it got escalated to the point where Mel almost fucked up this one dude. That took care of my first feeling. Then after our break we go back inside and Bambi was all pissed off at us cuz we left her when she needed help, yet she never asked for help. So Mel was all "hey don't be getting an attitude with me" and she said fuck it I quit. She was supposed to close tonight which meant now I had to close tonight. Whatever. More money for me. They tried gettng me to work one more week to cover for Bambi but I said fuck you no way. So that's feeling number 2 taken care of. So to recap.... Happy Quiiiit Daaaay to me Clap! Clap! There's nooooo mooorrrre Bambi Clap! Clap! Happy Quiiiiit Daaaay! Byyyy Friiiiiday I'll haaave nooo money Clap! Clap? lol I'm so damn adorable.
current mood: ecstatic current music: Pullll the tapeworm outta your ass HEY
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Wednesday, September 12th, 2001
4:40 am - Today wasn't too shabby
I woke up and saw my sister. We bonded and talked and what not. We planned on going to my dad's house next week to visit. Then sometime next month we're gonna drive to northern california to visit my grandparents in Fairfield. Then I swung by Sarah's house to say hello. Then I went to work and it was Mel's first day back. I like workin with him a lot better than working with Bambi. Then Alonzo came by and I had him go buy me a burrito. Then I ate it and some chips and salsa. I still have lots of chips and salsa left for tomorrow. I'm aware it's tomorrow for most people.. but not for me. To end the day I chilled at Mel's house for a while and had some honey roasted peanuts and a snickers ice cream bar. Today was a nice day. There are civil wars all over the world and holy land wars and all sorts of bad things happening around the world. They never made us talk about it or made us sad. I dont see why this is so big... genocide is much worse than "when buildings fall down- a Fox special." It's gotten so ridiculous I'm just waiting for John Madden to jump in and say "lets see that again folks.. in slow motion." Night, sweet dreams.
current mood: happy current music: Pushing little children... with their fully automatics.. they like to push the weak around.
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Sunday, August 26th, 2001
3:16 am - Poor Bambi
Her best friend/drug supplier/vagina filler died the other day. She found out last night that he killed himself. I dont really understand why he did. He was quite the up and coming drug dealer. He just bought a couple new cars and a house and his kid was coming to see him. Life was good and then he did that. Sad. On a lighter note, I heard that Aaliyah died too. Something about dying on the way to the bajamas in a private jet. Such sweet irony. Her own success and fortune brought her to her demise. I'm sure bums never worry about wrapping their shopping cart around a pole and dying or having their cardboard box collaspe and kill them. Stupid pilot. Apparently when he lost control of the plane nobody told him "if at first you dont succeed... dust yourself off and try again." I must shower... long hard day at work.
current mood: dirty current music: What is love? baby dont hurt me dont hurt me... no more
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Monday, August 20th, 2001
3:02 am - Hey hey
Today I celebrated my birthday over at my friend's house. Sarah and Alonzo showed up and basically we ate and watched movies and were bored. It was entertaining watching my friend and his gf fight though. He made this salsa that was really good but really hot. I'd take a bite and my mouth would be burning for a half hour. But it was so damn good once I could handle it again I'd take another bite. Sadistic little bastard. He made some sort of porkish thing for dinner. Then he cut it up and heated up some tortillas. I probably had about 15 of them. It was damn good. I spent like ten hours there though before I finally got outta there. I was there way too long. Today was the last day of my work break. I have to close tomorrow. I wish shit didn't cost money so I could just quit now. Less than 2 1/2 months until I go into the Navy. Hope I'm doing the right thing with all of that. No turning back now though. Wish I could see the future and see if I'm making any mistakes. The fate monkeys are some evil whores. Hopefully they wont fuck with me on this one. I'm sleepy. I think I shall sleep.
current mood: worried current music: Courage-Alien Ant Farm
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Saturday, August 11th, 2001
12:54 pm - Back from Alta
The drive back sucked ass. I had to piss really bad from about Bakersfield on. I figured I could make it home. But then traffic completely stopped so that people could clean fucking lemons off the road. That set me back a lot. Then it was just sucky ass traffic and no bathrooms for a long time until finally there was a gas station. Sweet sweet relief. Nothin was going right yesterday. We tried to go out and see American Pie 2. We went to the mall... sold out til midnight. We went to another place... doesn't play til 11. Went to another place... plays at 9. It was 8. We waited. Got our tickets.. went to see it. Sarah isn't 17 so no movie for her. So we left. I go home and sleep. My sister wakes me up at 6 am to go with her to watch Petee in some Talent contest. Fuck that... I went back to sleep. Last week at Alta I made geese eat off of my shoe and out of beer bottles. They became addicted to our crackers and followed us everywhere. We were playing ping pong and a goose stole the ball and took off. I saw a naked fat lady on accident and it was quite disturbing. That was about it. The day before we left we went to Gab's house in Sacramento. I was just driving along minding my own business when a goddamn trolly almost hit me. Why the hell you got trollies in the lanes is a mystery to me. Gab's house was fun. We went to McDonald's and saw some interesting and entertaining folk. Gab took pictures of us but I turned out freakish in them. I have three necks. They mustn't get out. Now I shower.
current mood: dirty current music: The National Anthem
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Wednesday, August 1st, 2001
10:38 pm - Yo
I'm back from my dad's house. I'm not even sure if I ever mentioned that I was going there. My dad said that I wouldn't be working. Just gonna come and visit him. He worked my ass like a preacher on a ten year old boy. I was digging and undigging and cutting and sweating and all this shit. Had to replum a pool filter thing. Now it's this huge complex thing of elbows and reducers and shit all cuz he wanted some backflow system thing. However I did get free rear brakes outta it for my car. He was gonna put em on for me to show me how easy it is. After six hours of work and two locked back tires I had to get my car towed to Pep Boys to get it fixed. My dad paid for it though so not my problem. And now we know what not to do on my car. I also polished my car and waxed it so it's all shiny new and black. 3 months exactly til I leave. That blows. 15 days til my birthday though. Two days til Alta. Gonna go watch TV... toodles.
current mood: okay current music: In the Navy... while you sail the seven seas, In the Navy.. they make you get down on your knees... In the Navy... and take it from your fellow man.. In the Navy... get Man Gravy
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Saturday, July 21st, 2001
5:29 am - Bitchin' O plentay
I've been rather busy the last week. Sunday night I worked from 6 pm to about 2 am... from there I had to drive to Los Angeles to take a physical for the Navy. After 40 hours of no sleep, 20 hours of no food, 13 hours of testing and sitting I come to find out they fucked up on my test saying my eye sight was keeping me from what I want to do in the Navy. I get out of there and then go straight back to work from 6pm to about 2 am again. Then I go home and sleep. I wake up and it's now tuesday. I had to make an appointment for the optomistrist to get this eye fuck up cleared up so I did. Wednesday I go and get the eye thing cleared up. Then I'm chilling at sarah's when I get a call from my recruiter telling me to leave right away. So I drive down to Los Angeles again at about 6 pm. They hook me up in a hotel for the night in which I do not get any sleep. At three they come in so I can get ready to re-take my physical. I go and show them I can see. The fucker yells at me like why didn't I just see it right the first time? Cuz you guys fucked up. Why am I even listening to your bitching anyways? Your job is to watch guys piss in a cup all day. Fuck off. So now it's like noon and it's time for me to pick my job. I wanted to ask questions about the differences between Intelligence Specialist and Crytologic Technician but the problem is nobody in the fucking building is qualified for shit like that so they dont know a damn thing about it. So whatever. I picked CT cuz it teaches me IS and it's a longer class so it should teach me more. Hopefully it'll give me a better chance to get into CIA. So yeah. I signed four years of my life away. I leave November 1st. Miss me. I get 40,000 for college when I'm done though. I'll just take stupid ass classes to get my money's worth. Advanced Cambodian for Cambodian speakers and shit like that. It's now thursday and so far this week I've missed two nights of sleep. I had to work 6pm to 2am again so I didn't really sleep til Friday morning. It's now saturday morning and I have to be up in about 2 hours or so. Night.
current mood: bitchy current music: Slipknot album August 6th
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Saturday, July 14th, 2001
2:18 am - Today was good
Today started off with me havin to work way early in the morning. And worse off I was working with this hardcore christian bastard who tells me how I'm going to hell and stuff. I got him good though. He mentioned how it was Friday the 13th and that's bad luck. Then he said oh well though cuz I dont believe in superstition and I said why not you believe in God? His response was "damn. you got me on that one." I think I might finally be breaking him down. Later on that day I said something like you aint shit or you're full of shit to him. Then he said something like I'm not full of any shit and I said you sure do preach a lot of it for not having any. Got him speechless. After work I went to los angeles for a porno convention. Fifteen fucking dollars to get in. I was pissed... then we got in. Right before we got in we were taking an escalator to the entrance and Gus said this is the stairway to heaven. I found it amusing. We got in and there were strippers but they wouldn't strip. Mainly just a bunch of chicks who were dressed really slutty and cold the whole time. They also flirted with us a lot. I got a bunch of autographs from them and took pics with them. The absolute highlight of this day though is Ron fucking Jeremy. I was walking by and saw him and we rushed him. I got him to autograph my Watch More Porn shirt and shook his hand. I got him on camera too. He's just funny as hell. Chicks would see him and be in awe that they were right next to him and he'd go "hi I'm Ron Jeremy." He was signing people's shit with "keep it up" and other witty remarks. He's da man. I should get my pics tomorrow or the next day. Hopefully I dont look like a dumbass in them. I have to be up too early to disappoint a navy dude by saying I didn't feel out the paperwork shit he gave me cuz I was busy looking at cold chicks and that I'm not going there monday to sign away my life. Should be fun. He's trying to rush me still. I'm about to kick him in his navy balls. Night.
current mood: Ron fucking Jeremy current music: I got some Jimi Hendrix in my head for some reason
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