Lord Fuck Beast: from the head of Zeus and all...'s LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Lord Fuck Beast: from the head of Zeus and all...'s LiveJournal:

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    Saturday, December 22nd, 2001
    10:35 am
    Scarlete the Jewish Santa
    Scarlete the Jewish santa
    had a purple santa hat
    and if you ever saw it
    you'd see it's made of leopard cat

    All of the other Santas
    teased her 'cause they were retards
    so Scarlete then got even
    by pinchin' on their nips real hard

    Then one early Hanukah
    Jesus came to say
    Even if I'm not your Messiah
    I'll let you into heaven anyway

    It got all the fundies pissed off
    some so mad they even peed
    Scarlete the Jewish Santa
    I'll love you throughout history!

    Current Mood: Playful
    Current Music: Rudolf the red nosed reindeer
    Friday, December 21st, 2001
    10:05 am
    Extraterrestrial Sex Fetish by Supervert 32C inc.
    This book about fucking aliens is really kind of neat. A bit too intellectual for most and not enough graphic sex for others. I think I'd like to rewrite some of the scenes. I think the author, Supervert 32C inc, has not had enough sex to give his character Mercury Desade a proper writeup. Clearly this book is more social commentary than anything else, but I can't stop laughing whe I read it. His style and content remind me a lot of J.G. Ballard, if Ballard was dark humor.

    See Mercury is a an Exophile, as in he has a fetish for extraterrestrials. Since he can't fuck aliens (as none are known to exist by him) he abducts various people and fucks them in strange ways. The book also takes you along through the fantasies of Mercury, where he imagines fucking real aliens of various types.

    How absolutely appropriate to send this book to ME. I find myself flattered that Supervert 32C inc thought of XERO as a venue that might have a warm reception.

    One problem so far is that I find myself not liking how this book handles BDSM issues so far. But mayhaps this book is a journey in itself for Supervert 32C inc and he (yes the author's gender does peek out through the text) has not quite crawled to the edge of the abyss and peered into his own mortal soul.
    Wednesday, December 19th, 2001
    7:20 am
    5) Playing the indignant game.
    Have you ever had a lover cheat on you? Did you ever confront them about it? Just reminds me of Jerry Springer. (No, this is certainly not about scarlete and me.) Ever tell a friend that their lover is cheating on them?

    Seems to me that cheating is about lieing and betrayal. And hell, those things don't only fall into the realm of romance. Any kind of relationship can encompass those lovelies.

    One favorite tactic of rat-assed bitches who lie to your face about their betrayal is to act all insulted that you would even consider that they might have done something wrong. Here's why I find it particularly telling:

    The Facts:
    In this world it's damn hard not to screw up. Now maybe you are particularly good at doing the right thing, but all in all, somewhere along your natural behaviors you are going to make mistakes. Maybe those mistakes won't extend to being a lieing and cheating fuck, but you will not always do everything right. Simple fact.

    What to do:
    In the course of discovering you're busted making mistakes, have some integrity. If you are busted screwing up by a trusted friend or loved one, and your screw up has hurt one you supposedly care about in some way, don't add insult to injury by lieing to their face about it. What you should do is admit your faults, apologize, resolve to do better, and move on. Now if you do that and the hurt one won't forgive minor transgressions, then it is their lack of character that comes into question. If they won't forgive major transgressions, then it is not their character flaw, but yours that's the problem and hopefully the pain of losing a friend or loved ones teaches you a lesson. At least you can sleep knowing you tried to do the right thing. Try to change for the better.

    What not to do:
    Don't be an idiot by trying to refute the evidence against you with a lame argument. Don't try to slime out of the pinch by saying something like, "How could you accuse me?", "You are questioning my integrity!", or some other non-answer to the presentation of facts. If there is evidence against you, and you didn't do the thing in question, then simply explain why the evidence leads to false assumtions. Even an "I value you too much to ever do that" might add credibility to your (valid) claims of innocense. (If you try that claim, it really helps if your actions up to this point demonstrate your professed morals.) If you can't explain that, then guess what? You're fucking busted, bitch. This ain't a court of law. It's more like a civil matter. You have no presumed innocense.

    I don't know anyone who ever used "How could you accuse me?" when they weren't really the betraying fuck who actually did it.

    Some Special Secret Advice to Lieing Bitches:
    You retain the smells of your occupation. If you are in the habit of doing shitty deeds, guess what you begin to smell like... It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure out that the guy with the grease-stained hands is a mechanic. Cops begin to "smell" like cops. Fuck-faced liars begin to "smell" like rats. You may get away with it at the time, but many of us you lie to are able piece it together later.

    Current Mood: busy
    12:22 am
    I Love Being Co-editor of XERO
    scarlete, tacit, and I do a small press 'zine, XERO Magazine. Considering Tacit and I started the 'zine back in 1995, I'd say it has done nicely to stand the test of time. It's just a hobby, as we don't make any money from it, but one day soon, I'd like to be actually doing it full time. You know, for real and all.

    Anyway, one of the most fun things about doing a small press 'zine is that every now and then some stuff arrives in our mailbox and we get to check it all out. True, some of it blows chunks, but it's well worth it. Periodically, we get something either really good, or at least really fucked up and weird. It's a blast. The stuff we hate, we just feed to a goat...

    So we got some books in the mail a few days ago. Guess we'll be doing some book reviews then. One of them is about fucking aliens and all that. Neat-o. See what I mean? Wouldn't you just love to be chillin out and then a book about fucking aliens arrives in your mailbox, unprovoked? Hard to cry. Now all we need is cash to start arriving...
    Tuesday, December 18th, 2001
    11:57 pm
    Yowsa Yowsa
    I am a paid account now!!!!


    I'm going to do a little song and dance now. Hope y'all don't mind...
    10:42 pm
    How Paula Zahn is Like a Crack Whore
    If I were to discuss the ideals of journalism, at least the ones touted whenever we want to preserve the freedom of the press, I would talk about the journalist's ideal of objectivism. The idea is that one of the values of journalism is the importance of informing the populous of events so that abuses may be redressed and people can construct informed opinions on matters. The objective standpoint, in theory, is to try to tell the true story. In short, journalism that spouts propaganda does not serve that purpose. This is not to say that a journalist does not have a protected right to his opinion. I just feel that if he expresses that opinion, he is not conducting journalism, but is actually doing something else.

    Now, about crack whores...

    Crack Whores------------------------------Paula Zahn
    Her life sucks...........................Her journalism sucks
    Often has weird facial ticks.............Often has weird facial ticks
    Has no grasp of reality..................Has no grasp of reality
    Sold her soul for crack..................Sold her soul for corporate Amerika
    Is a sorry ass bitch.....................Is a sorry ass bitch

    Current Mood: annoyed
    Monday, December 17th, 2001
    6:26 pm
    2) I'm so sorry my character is going to fuck your character.
    I know you don't read my journal, but I just want to tell you that I am very sorry that my character has to hang your character out to dry. I know you are going to be mad about it, and I hope it does not cause the destruction of the game, but my character has to do it.

    It is not a personal indictment. I know that you, personally, in real life would not have done the things that your character did. My character would never let your character get away with it. Nothing personal. I hope you make a new character and come back into the game.

    Current Mood: calm
    9:04 am
    I have no time...
    I have a lot to write about... Things I want to express when I get a chance:

    1)I'm glad you think God loves you, Bitch!
    2) I'm so sorry my character is going to fuck your character. Please don't think that means I don't love you IRL.
    3) Don't be ungrateful.
    4) The difference between adults and children and why you should shut up and learn something.
    5) Playing the indignant game.
    6) I know you think you know everything. I used to know everything too. Then I grew up.
    7) Love hurts, but not because you have to love an idiot. It hurts because you have to put someone else before yourself and that flys in the face of reason and instinct.
    8) Don't isolate yourself. Shave off the fuckwits who try to destroy you and make it good for those who support you.
    9) Machiavelli was right about many things. Don't hate him for telling you what you don't want to hear. Recognize.
    10) Sun Tzu can teach you a lot.
    11) Don't shit where you eat.
    12) To deny what you are is to obscure the path of enlightenment.

    Don't forget the sunscreen...

    Current Music: What's that song with all the advice?
    7:12 am

    You were in our thoughts last night and we burned a candle for you. We are wishing you will be back with us again, healthier than ever and ready for action. And I am very sure that barkface of yours misses you terribly.
    Tuesday, December 11th, 2001
    9:27 am
    Ashcroft is a Nazi
    Have you all been reading the papers?

    If we allow someone to rule without checks and balances, invariably they will take advantage. That is human nature. That is what we are. We must accept what we are and work with what we have. We cannot allow ourselves to believe that others will abuse power any less than we would ourselves. We are beasts. Accept it. Love yourselves. Now try to rise above, but do not forget what we are.

    Anything that happens in back rooms with no recourse will certainly have consequences that serve personal interests and agendas. Life feeds on life, feeds on life, feeds on life.

    Current Mood: Understanding
    Monday, December 10th, 2001
    9:51 pm
    Trauma and Losers
    I feel a little guilty about this because liquiddreamgirl said I was a beautiful person, but I have to rant. I have to do some damage here.

    First off, there are some LJ Users who are afraid of their own shadows and "intensely" hurt by this and that. Get some real fucking trauma in your lives people and maybe then you'll see that things over here aren't so bad.

    When I was a kid, I was always the smallest one. The other kids made fun of me all the time, even up to high school. That's fucking traumatic. That hurts your feelings because you are a child and you haven't had time to develop your adult self enough to shrug it off and see things for what they really are. Eventually I learned this magickal phrase to banish all my fears that I am inadequate, "Fuck you asshole!"

    Now those of you who feel you need to delete your journals or "friends" because it's all getting too much for you, do your loser self a favor and repeat the mantra. FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!!!! There. In the pagan community some might call that a chaotic LBR for lesser banishing ritual. If you don't know what that is, just assume it banishes demons and you'll start to get it.

    Later, in the highschool days, I learned that the LBR also required a unique ritual component called the sucker punch. That's when you pretend to be getting away from the cock sucking jock tormenting you and then you spin around and cave in the asshole's face. He then kicks your ass, but never bothers you again afterward because it's too damn expensive to fuck with you. I call that particular spell The Nose Full of Bees.

    Now, as an adult, you really should reserve the sucker punch or other violent additions for more appropriate times like when fighting is "really" called for. However, as an adult, you are supposed to be able to know the difference between REAL WORLD trauma and petty bullshit that some idiot with a keyboard who is feeling rather removed types to you on the internet. Grow a fucking skin, people.

    Now. Here's some relationship advice, while I'm at it. If you think someone you meet on the internet might be "the one" then save you change and catch a bus to go meet them before you get all gloopy over them. People in type are 90% illusion. Trust me on this one. People on the phone can be as low as 70% illusion, but that is if you are REALLY paying close attention. At least if you meet them in person, then you won't have to spend hundreds of hours whining over someone who doesn't even exist except in your own mind. Take the plunge. It's worth it.

    Any relationship worth having has an element of risk to it. Take the initial risk of finding out that the person who seemed cool online turns out to suck EARLY. Do it as early as possible. Quit wasting your time. You will not live forever, people, I don't care what Jesus promised you.

    Current Mood: annoyed
    Current Music: ENEMA --Tool
    Sunday, December 9th, 2001
    8:37 pm
    On the Gorian Thing...
    First off, for me it isn't about right and wrong. Is it right to grab your lover by the hair and force her to suck your cock? How about to make her admit she is a slut? (I know, some of you think this is pretty vanilla. You sluts know who you are. Would you prefer I tell about the jelly sandwich ass fuck? Ok, then.)

    Some people think it's because that is the proper place for a man to have over a woman.

    No. It is not about the proper place or men VS women or any of that stupid bullshit. It's about what gets me off. Plain and simple. I have a lot of feminist ideas. Not radical feminist, but feminist in the sense that I see women as equals. Do I think men are smarter? Some yes and some no. Do I think women should rule the world? I don't think anyone should rule the world.

    It's not about men dominating women either. Some women make hot dominatrixes. It's about me. It's about I get off on the control. I get excited by "forcing" my willing lover to do what I say and take what I have to give.

    I wrote a poem about it if you care to read... Boundaries

    Current Mood: horny
    Current Music: Fuck you like an animal- NIN
    Wednesday, December 5th, 2001
    7:29 am

    If I were a work of art, I would be Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa.

    I am extremely popular and widely known. Although unassuming and unpretentious, my enigmatic smile has charmed millions. I am a mystery, able to be appreciated from afar, but ultimately unknowable and thus intriguing.

    Which work of art would you be? The Art Test

    6:23 am
    TRUTH in advertising
    I had a dream that Jen and I were chain-smoking cigarettes. I quit smoking a while ago. Five, maybe six months? Just put 'em down. No sweat. Funny thing is for the past week I have really started craving them again. Isn't that weird?

    After Jan. 10th I think I'm going to get a paid account. I like this place despite the fact that I can only show up every other day or so because I am so busy.

    Current Mood: anxious
    Current Music: I have to work hard to listen to music.
    Sunday, December 2nd, 2001
    7:30 am
    Been Away
    I don't really even know what to say.

    I searched my whole life for Jen. I had many relationships before I met her, but I always felt alone. I stopped looking even and had resigned myself to pretty much be alone. I decided to go on a path of self-discovery. I wanted to learn more about my own dark side. I wanted to learn about what other people were doing with their dark side in a sexual setting.

    I started looking for people to talk to about bdsm. I emailed her on Christmas eve. I didn't really expect a response, but I had nothing better to do. My familly is Jewish (I am Pagan) and I didn't really feel like festivities with friends. What the hell. We started talking. Two months of just talk. No assumptions. No promises. No relationship. Just talk between friends. Hell we discussed our relationships, current and past.

    When we actually met in person we were happy to find we were attracted to eachother. We spent four days drinking eachother in, barely able to catch our breaths. It was so intense. So many things happened, but in my current state I can't really go into it all, but I'll just say that the world was collapsing around us and we barely noticed. There were problems with the room; I was a vendor at the confeerence; I got so sick that I thought I was going to die. I was so cold. Under a million hotel blankets and I was still shaking. She climbed on top of me and warmed me with her body. We forgot the world.

    When I got back home I put in the music tape she made for me and headed for work. I couldn't stop thinking about her. Halfway to work I just cried. The experience of her was just so intense, so real, so deep. If she wasn't "the one" then there was just no such thing. We had to make a run for it.

    She packed her things and moved to Florida with me. Two years later, in a restricted area in the park, I got down on my knees and asked her to marry me. "Will you be my teacher, my student, my lover, and my priestess?" She said YES! It's inscribed inside my wedding band, that, "Teacher Student Lover Priest." We wrote our own ceremony. My music was Kashmere; Jen's was Dear Prudence.

    Jen, I know we can try again. We will have the most beautiful baby in the whole world. So much blood. I'm so sorry.

    Current Mood: Awed by her
    Current Music: Kashmere
    Sunday, November 25th, 2001
    7:50 am
    Fascism, Not Just For Breakfast Anymore...
    I don't know what happened tomy sister, but it seems she did a mental 360 and has gotten very conservative. I think it has to do with her boyfriend, Jack. My sister says things like "In Isreal there are no hijackings, maybe we should learn from them."

    We were at dinner. My mom and stepfather, are visiting us here in Florida -which is North (joke) of West Virginia, where they're from.

    My stepfather interjected, "In Isreal, all woman who want to get on planes are subjected to full cavity searches. There is no discussion. If you want to get on the plane, you put up with it."

    My sister's face about turned blue.

    Apparently she also approves of the way Isreal polices the Palestinians. I tried to tell her that you can't have order with caged animals that have nothing to lose. Those people need something to preserve. They need something to protect. All they have is an ideal and hopelessness. I'll be the first to prosecute them when they have an alternative to their attrocities.

    My sister thinks that military police are a good idea. Where do I begin?

    The movies... She needs to watch movies... Apocalypse Now, Brokedown Palace...

    Anyone have suggestions for movies that are entertaining, but also show what happens when the Rightwing Ideal is realized?

    Current Mood: distressed
    Current Music: Come on Feel the Noise, Quiet Riot
    Tuesday, November 20th, 2001
    7:09 am
    On the Nature of Poison
    It happens to everyone. Life just fed you a coffee mug of poison. You drank it unwittingly, perhaps. What do you do?

    Most people try to puke it up. Hell, that's what every part of you is telling you to do. Sometimes, even, it is the right thing to do. But with life's poison, puking it up entails spitting it all over the place. It goes everywhere: on your clothes, so that everyone paying a little attention can see and smell it; on your work, so that all your papers and products reflect the work of a poisoned craftsman; and into other people's coffee, so that they taste a bit of poison for breakfast, too.

    Such is the way of life. We all run around spitting poison on our friends' danishes, egg rolls, and twice-baked potatoes. It's really a shame. I've been under a lot of stress lately. I feel at this time I should apologise to my wife for spitting poison all over the house yesterday. "I'm sorry, Love."

    Often times what you should do when you find you've gotten a mug full of poison is chase it with a tall glass of milk and call poison control. Life's milk, for those still paying attention, is the good stuff. It's the confidence in yourself. It's the love you have for yourself. It's the belief in yourself that you have. It's the understanding you have of yourself. It's that fragment of enlightenment that you can have for the low price of aspiring. And, it's what can follow from the above with a little more aspiration: an understanding for your fellow man. That understanding can lead to a love for your fellow man. It can also, as a side benefit, act like poison control.

    So, in life, what IS poison control? It is not outside intervention. It is not like going to the doctor and having him magically tell you what is wrong and suddenly you are fixed. There are plenty of places to go that may try to offer that service. Some of them can even help steer you in the right direction. In TRUTH tm, the real poison control is your ability to take the poison you've unwittingly swallowed and neutralize it yourself internally.

    In the end, yes, your reaction to the poison changes you. But if you choose, your reaction can be a step towards enlightenment.

    Current Mood: awake
    Current Music: Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magick
    Friday, November 16th, 2001
    7:05 am
    Ever see that video game SMASH TV? I don't know why I liked it, but I did. Maybe because I like things with impact. I like to stir up the soup. SMASH TV was a nod to the concept that violence, like sex sells. Hell, Hollywood knows it. Fighting and Fucking. Fighting and Fucking. And then there's eating (conceptually even), of course. But I think that does not interest me as much as fighting and fucking because I am male. (duck) Maybe women like Eating and Fucking. (duck)

    Which brings me to a point: Gender and Sex, while related, are not the same thing. Why are we so afraid to say sex? Instead we refer to people with a pussy as of the female gender. You have a cock? You are of the male gender.

    Maybe gender affects the way you fuck, but I think it's more than that. Gender is about your relationship with the people around you. How do you interact in the whole. In other words, division of labor is probably an aspect of gender. Social standing in different arenas belongs in there too, I think. Your attitudes about sex, maybe too.

    I won't try to define male and female genders, but I will throw out that traditional roles are not applicable in many situations. In the past people have brought up homosexuals (men and women) and bisexuals as alternate genders. I have thought that dominant, submissive, and switch could maybe creep in there as well. Maybe, like many conceptuals, when you try to define them they break down.

    It's like fuzzy threshold stuff. You go "maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe," and then all of a sudden you are recognizably standard issue tripple vanilla male. (Not referring to race, of course. I know many minorities who are more vanilla than thou. Maybe I digress because vanilla is represented in many cases as white.) If you are a garden variety gender, everyone recognizes you and can interact with you in a confident fashion that they know sort of what to expect from you. If after the "maybes" you don't fit a gender that is easilly recognizable, it makes inflexible people uncomfortable. They can't figure you out fast enough. You're too much work. Whats more, you might be an insult to their paradigm. You tend to fuck up their planning, too.

    So back to the SMASH TV Theme. Maybe your attitudes about Fighting, Fucking, and Eating have a feedback relationship with your gender. I don't know. I just like to stir up the soup a little.

    Current Mood: analytical
    Current Music: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead
    Thursday, November 15th, 2001
    9:34 am
    On the Nature of Ripoffs...
    Let me preface this by saying that I hate companies and stores that take advantage of the consumer. Especially if they have managed to corner the market in some way that makes it impossible for the consumer to get a "fair" shake. But I will also say that what someone who is not in business thinks is "fair" may not be realistic.

    It's been going around now for a while, but yesterday the radio got me fed up. This idiot is on the box, telling me that companies that charge more for a product than what they paid are ripping you off! Then in the same sentence he is saying that he expects more customer service than he gets and it pisses him off! Is this idiot from Mars?

    ( Let's address this: )
    Wednesday, November 14th, 2001
    6:51 pm
    Colorgenics is such a load of hooey. Oh my. Here is what it says about me:

    You are under considerable stress ...

    (Um Hmm... True)

    and you are almost about to "blow your top" but you are fortunate enough to be able to exert control .... Control is the name of the game and it is so good to realise that whatever the situation may be a this time - it will pass. You need to get away from everything for a while ... and if you do, you will find that, strangely enough, it will seem that most of your problems and situations will seem to wash away ...just as the sea may wash away "footprints" in the sand...

    (Yes, I do need a vacation, but no I am not as close to "blowing" as say I was when I was in college a hundred million tears ago or when my wife lost her mind.)

    Being impulsive and irritable, your desires and needs are paramount. You do things with insufficient thought - with little regard to the consequences that may follow. As a consequence of this attitude, you may be experiencing stress and conflict.

    (I am stressed because of financial reasons. Just for the record, I don't know many people who calculate their personal equations to the degree that I do. This is utter BS)

    You are a demanding egocentric and therefore quick to take offence. This attitude makes people feel somewhat inadequate when in your company ... and so it is no wonder that at times you feel alone .. and unwanted..

    (Yes, I am egocentric, but no, I do not feel alone or unwanted. I keep good company and ever since I met my wife a few years ago I have not felt alone even a little.)

    Matters have not gone well for you. You are experiencing severe stress trying to guard yourself from further disappointments.

    (Which disappointments would those be? I own a business, have a satisfying small press magazine I Co-edit, and have other ventures making progress. Failure is not something I accept.)

    It would seem that all of your hopes and dreams have not been realised .. and you are now beginning to doubt yourself.

    (Um, considering how many plans I have, I'd say that I haven't fulfilled them all is a given. And then when I do accomplish them, I will find new ones to replace them. I have no doubt I will succeed in all things I set my mind to.)

    You no longer wish to be further advised by anyone and you insist on going it alone...

    (I seek the advice of other when their abilities in areas I seek to accel in are stronger than my own. I know I am not the best at everything, but am smart enough to also know that there are others who will help me if I can show them my projects have value.)

    to control your own destiny. Even though deep down you doubt whether things will get better in the future... you have one consolation - and that is that they couldn't possibly get worse.

    (Every year my life is better than the last. It is not through luck, but hard work and faith in myself.)

    Unwilling to give up anything that you possess, you are looking for some sort of security as a protection against any further setback or loss of position and prestige. You are so negative that you tend to exaggerate your problems and refuse to accept any advice from so called well-meaning friends.

    (I only refuse the advice of people who clearly do not understand my situation, or obviously lack the faculties to act in an advisory position for me. I listen to the advice of those I respect or believe have excelled where I have stalled.)

    Disappointment and the fear that there is no point in formulating fresh goals have led to anxiety, and you are distressed by the lack of any close and understanding relationships.

    (Clearly does not describe my relationships with the people I care about.)

    You feel you are not appreciated by those who matter to you. You are attempting to escape into a world on which you can relax and feel at ease.

    (Um... I play Role-playing games. Does that mean the above is right?)

    Current Mood: working
    Current Music: Earache My Eye
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