tilapia's livejournal entries [entries|friends|calendar]

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(reach out...)

....ok...! [18 Nov 2001|01:57pm]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | "ticks and leeches" - tool ]

so i was reading my own journal, which is something i do a lot, when i noticed they've un-fogged out the faces of the two wretched sluts who were at the racist delta sigma phi party. just... noticing ::nods::

(1 touch | reach out...)

oh btw [18 Nov 2001|01:35pm]
[ mood | mischievous ]
[ music | "killing in the name (live)" - rage against the machine ]

in the interest of making us not look like quite the lemmings we really and truly are, i've taken to right clicking those test links and copying the shortcut, then opening up a new window and pasting it into there.

i'm assuming this way it doesn't register on the outside sites linked thing although i'm not quite sure what i'm assuming that motivates me to do this. clearly the popularity of online tests is a valid and telling phenomenon. but i still feel this need to evade it. irrational? sure. i mean, honestly, what else would huge numbers of people all link to in journals? news articles? ::silky, condescending laugh::

hmm, zack just said: "they use force to make you do what the deciders decide you must do!" and although i completely feel him on that, "deciders"? ach!

at any rate, i'm just glad that this is doing better than goatse. hohoho!

multiple linking the meme.bml doesn't actually help, does it. ::sob::

(reach out...)

if ignorance is bliss, knock the smile off my face [18 Nov 2001|01:17pm]
[ mood | satisfied ]
[ music | "x" - system of a down ]



i'm looking at a window that has my userinfo, looking at "friends of" and i'm looking at another window that has infojunkies community info, at "watched by" and i'm seeing this troubling discrepancy. i'd start pointing fingahs and calling people out, but then the people who i dint name would be upset even though they really wouldn't want to join. anyways, pointing fingahs isn't polite.

but you know who you are and if you know wot's good for you you'll start watching this community. ::threatening look!::

(1 touch | reach out...)

they try to escape across the street where [18 Nov 2001|01:06pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | "searching" - pennywise ]

jesus stripped bare
and raped the spirit he was supposed to nurture

i actually derive added er..utility, haha, from consumption of certain goods outside of their intrinsic value assignment. like diet coke. i actually get something out of the experience of drinking diet coke beyond just the taste (which i acknowledge is poor compared to normal coke!) (i actually don't drink coke, i drink safeway select, the local generic knockoff, but that specification is only relevant to west coast peeps, you feel me!) what i get is the slight thrill that i'm drinking something that actually has no calories. like, the difference between the calories my body will expend to break down the diet coke and the calories it gives back will be negative. wow! furthermore, i'm eating raw ramen again, and beyond the general vague approbation i'm feeling towards the taste i'm also minutely thrilled that i'm eating a meal that actually cost me 10 cents. 10 fucking cents. ::dies::

i just might eat another. 20 cents! hahahah!

(2 touches | reach out...)

noo... [17 Nov 2001|07:12pm]
[ mood | weak ]
[ music | "fashion show" - school of ruckus ]


i somehow managed to slip up and click one of those links to those tests that everyone is doing, despite recognising the sheer lemmingnocitinaciousness of it all!

to help ease my poor guilt-wracked mind, i've removed the link. hahah!

(reach out...)

damn those traitor academics! [16 Nov 2001|10:36pm]
[ mood | scared ]
[ music | "simple me" - fermented reptiles ]

Dear friends,

For all of us who thought Gary Hull is an isolated,
funny-scary academic weirdo: The American Council of
Trustees and Alumni just issued a report "Defending
Civilization: How our Universities are failing America
and what we can do about it".

The report lists names and affiliations of college
professors and students who show too little patriotism
and too much criticism. The group who authored this
list of names and complaints was founded by Lynne
Cheney, wife of our esteemed Vice President.

The report laments that, while almost everyone rallied
behind the President and the Military, US
professors are "the weak link in America's response to
the attack."
"While America’s elected officials from both parties
and media commentators from across the spectrum
condemned the attacks and followed the President in
calling evil by its rightful name, many faculty
demurred. Some refused to make judgments. Many invoked
tolerance and diversity as antidotes to evil. Some
even pointed accusatory fingers, not at the
terrorists, but at America itself."

( sweet jesus, they don't blindly follow the party line? )

(3 touches | reach out...)

[16 Nov 2001|12:54pm]
[ music | "trio, premier mouvement" - ravel ]


i think i'm going to take a break from uncooked ramen noodles.

::rubs tum::


(reach out...)

the starry night [15 Nov 2001|01:46am]
that does not keep me from having a terrible need of - shall i say the word - religion. then i go out at night to paint the stars. (vincent van gogh in a letter to his brother)

The town does not exist
except where one black-haired tree slips
up like a drowned woman into the hot sky.
The town is silent. The night boils with eleven stars.
Oh starry starry night! This is how
I want to die.

It moves. They are all alive.
Even the moon bulges in its orange irons
to push children, like a god, from its eye.
The old unseen serpent swallows up the stars.
oh starry starry night! This is how
I want to die:

into that rushing beast of the night,
sucked up by that great dragon, to split
from my life with no flag,
no belly,
no cry.

(reach out...)

hum... !! [13 Nov 2001|08:03pm]
Poll #9985: gratitude
Open to: all, results viewable to: all

i am now a paid member, again, despite not "paying it forward." What do you make of this?

View Answers

you don't deserve it and i hope you die!
3 (21.4%) 3 (21.4%)

you don't deserve it and you owe chr0me_kitten a big thank you!
2 (14.3%) 2 (14.3%)

you do deserve it because you're so special!
4 (28.6%) 4 (28.6%)

I was going to say you deserved it, but then you made this ridiculous poll, so now i've changed my mind.
4 (28.6%) 4 (28.6%)

I wasn't paying attention, what?
1 (7.1%) 1 (7.1%)

(reach out...)

this will surely fail to work [13 Nov 2001|11:14am]
[ mood | dirty ]
[ music | "acid milk" - gus gus ]

someone wants to fight memes! the fool! but i'm all about foolishness.

more interesting than the link to a post about memes being one of the leading memes would be the link to the actual statistics on memes being one of the leading memes, which would be such a clever outcome to this whole foolish endeavor. goooo http://www.livejournal.com/meme.bml!

(2 touches | reach out...)

there's evil afoot! [13 Nov 2001|11:04am]
[ music | "is jesus your pal?" - gus gus ]

i kinda forgot who kimmy gibbler was, until i stumbled across a website ranting against Full House and the awful memories flooded back! :;sob::

"But still,the show sucked,I hated Kimmy Gibbler and Michelle,they stunk up the show! Especially Kimmy!Why would you have a character with stinky-ass feet? What a retarded show!!!

(reach out...)

see how i shine, i'm a star [12 Nov 2001|01:57pm]
[ mood | mellow ]
[ music | "because i'm worth it" - mint royale ]

okay, the question on japan's zero interest bonds completely took me by surprise. blahrh!

revising estimate of grade to...A...minus! hahaha.

these next few hours/days if i stretch it out are the best. when there's no academic pressure and everything is just cool and smooth.

MSN isn't working. how dare something disrupt my otherwise hopefully-good day! it's not a good thing, i know, but when i start having a good day i get increasingly nervous that something's going to screw it up. ::nervous laughter!::

the rain is making everything lovely, ::nods to koan::

do i want to go to SF?

yes i do!

do i want to lie around and take in the day one breath at a time?

yes i do!?

do i want to go bother people?

yes i do!!

do i want to continue this post??

(3 touches | reach out...)

[12 Nov 2001|10:32am]
[ mood | awake ]

30 mins to midterm. i'm actually awake for this one...hahahahaha oh.

(reach out...)

only believers in death will die [11 Nov 2001|06:55pm]
[ mood | silly ]
[ music | "tao of now" - saul williams ]

and fathers must feather the wings of women
for the unfeathered masses dangle ridiculous
carrying crosses to balance filled tombs
the future sells silence through blood rivered wombs
that ripple with riddles of cows and spoons

okaay, i finally figured out exactly what section of woodwork these random posters came from, except for the original person who posted it to fuckyoulist, whose only link to me is empressphoenix. most irritating is that none of them added me! i'm super special!!! add me, you unappreciative wretches! ::indignant sob::

okay, back to studying.

(reach out...)

[11 Nov 2001|06:52pm]
[ mood | surprised ]
[ music | "untimely meditations" - saul williams ]


Take the MONSTER RANCHER test at dontbewillful.com!

i guess i should go watch monster ranch and find out what the hell that means, eh chrome kitten!

(2 touches | reach out...)

a poet quoting a poet to a poet [09 Nov 2001|04:12pm]

(1 touch | reach out...)

and another thing...! [08 Nov 2001|04:39pm]
[ mood | silly ]
[ music | "all is full of love (strings mix)" - bjork ]

Results of the Sensuality Test
Sensuality Index
Your score = 80

just...just...because keken did it!!

ok. if anyone needs me i'll be lying on my bed being all sensual and shit. ::waggles eyebrows::

(1 touch | reach out...)

robots taste funny [08 Nov 2001|04:27pm]
[ music | "joga (ATR mix)" - bjork ]

time differences are wild. ::solemn nod:: goood morning, Chun!

one of the best parts of statistics is the opportunity to enjoy all sorts of emotions i don't normally get out of doing problem sets or taking midterms. like the utter despair that seeps through me when i hit a problem that's utterly incomprehensible to me and whose solution is completely out of my grasp. normally don't get that. it's new, it's interesting, it's...yeah.

i was going to put up some pictures of some screen caps i did that i found TERRIBLY amusing, but the terris.nu server is being evil, so laa!

(27 touches | reach out...)

my country tis of thee [07 Nov 2001|04:42pm]
[ mood | disgusted ]

"America was targeted for attack because we're the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world. And no one will keep that light from shining.

Today, our nation saw evil, the very worst of human nature, and we responded with the best of America, with the daring of our rescue workers, with the caring for strangers and neighbors who came to give blood and help in any way they could."
~george w. bush, 9/11/01

Jim Crow on Fraternity Row

November 5, 2001 -- As the nation's first fraternity to include both Christians and Jews, Delta Sigma Phi has a long history of inclusion. But on Nov. 5 the fraternity's Auburn University chapter was suspended, along with the Auburn chapter of Beta Theta Pi, for "potentially offensive and racist conduct" at Halloween parties on Oct. 25 and 27.
Photographs from Delta Sigma Phi's party showed fraternity members in blackface and KKK costumes. Some even went so far as to simulate the lynching of a member in blackface wearing a T-shirt bearing the name FUBU. (The FUBU line of clothing was created by African Americans and marketed "FOR US BY US.") ...

the full article, and pictures

(2 touches | reach out...)

so... [07 Nov 2001|02:52am]

images of the war on "terrorism" you should keep in mind when you read "Substantial number of Taliban troops killed" on fucking CNN.

ta, nat.

(4 touches | reach out...)

my name is zem [06 Nov 2001|09:36pm]

(1 touch | reach out...)

all's fair in love and love [06 Nov 2001|09:33pm]

"after skimming the headlines that "we've" begun to drop the largest non-nuclear bombs on Afghanistan, I'm thinking the U.S. should just get this thing over with an nuke Afghanistan, especially since the Hiroshima precedent is already there. That is, we nuked (or atomized) Japan for the pr, showing the world our new toys, exclaiming "Don't fuck with us, man!" That whole "we don't want americans to die in a ground war shit" was pretty much bullshit, since America really wanted to kill a civilian population just to show its might.

We might as well the fuck just do it again, 2001 style. After all, we continue to bomb some desert wasteland for a month with no real or propoganistic results, so just nuke the shit and move on to the next chapter of worldwide annihilation brought to you by the letters G W B and the number one."

stolen from paper son

(5 touches | reach out...)

the fury of sunrises [05 Nov 2001|03:07pm]
as black as your eyelid,
poketricks of stars,
the yellow mouth,
the smell of a stranger,
dawn coming up,
dark blue,
no stars,
the smell of an old lover,
warmer now,
as authentic as soap,
wave after wave
of lightness
and the birds in their chains
going mad with throat noises,
the birds in their tracks
yelling into their cheeks like clowns,
lighter, lighter,
the stars gone,
the trees appearing in their green hoods,
the house appearing across the way,
the road and its sad macadam,
the rock walls losing their cotton,
lighter, lighter,
letting the dog out and seeing
fog lift by her legs,
a gauze dance,
lighter, lighter,
yellow, blue at the tops of trees,
more God, more God everywhere,
lighter, lighter,
more world everywhere,
sheets bent back for people,
the strange heads of love,
and breakfast,
that sacrament,
lighter, yellower,
like the yolk of eggs,
the flies gathering at the windowpane,
the dog inside whining for food
and the day commencing,
not to die, not to die,
as in the last day breaking,
a final day digesting itself,
lighter, lighter,
the endless colors,
the same old trees stepping toward me,
the rock unpacking its crevices,
breakfast like a dream
and the whole day to live through,
steadfast, deep, interior.
After the death,
after the black of black,
this lightness -
not to die, not to die -
that God begot.

(reach out...)

[04 Nov 2001|04:17pm]
oh, and happy birfday, empressphoenix!!!!111

(6 touches | reach out...)

[01 Nov 2001|02:10pm]
why do i get the feeling this is vietnam all over again, except this time there are significantly fewer people protesting?

what the fuck am i doing about it?

(reach out...)

"okay" until further notice [31 Oct 2001|08:36pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | "the warmth" - incubus ]

the next installment in our ongoing random stalkerish obsession with bryonicman:


(3 touches | reach out...)

[31 Oct 2001|09:52am]
i just woke up.

ohhhhhhh fuck.

i'd honestly be crying now but i'm still too surprised.

(1 touch | reach out...)

i am not [31 Oct 2001|03:17am]
status report

time: 03:17 AM
location: dorm room
level of preparedness for finance midterm at 09:00 AM: sub-par
projected grade for midterm: C-/D+

recommendation: stay up, cram hardcore, bring up projected grade to B-/C+

decision: sleep

(6 touches | reach out...)

[30 Oct 2001|03:10am]
the.laughing.heart .bukowski
your life is your life.
don't let it be clubbed into dank
be on the watch.
there are ways out.
there is light somewhere.
it may not be much light but
it beats the
be on the watch.
the gods will offer you
know them, take them.
you can't beat death but
you can beat death
in life,
and the more often you
learn to do it,
the more light there will
your life is your life.
know it while you have
you are marvelous
the gods wait to delight

(reach out...)

BRUN [29 Oct 2001|07:05pm]
[ mood | n/a ]
[ music | "swan dive" - ani ]

someone's avoiding me! ::stabby motion::

in other news, the stats midterm destroyed me. hopefully it destroyed everyone, so i come out with a B average. ::nod::

now? finance midterm! in two days! wut wut.

then i get to relax-not-quite! since i will clearly have to kick my ass much harder in stats to manage to survive.

of course [28 Oct 2001|05:59pm]
[ music | "plowed" - sponge ]

another thing my high school basketball coach was good at was taking me out of the game, which wouldn't be at all appreciated if it happened in real life.

audrey lies on bed, not doing work, damning herself, damning existence

coach comes in, calls time-out, motions audrey to get off bed and get back onto the bench

replacement comes in, proceeds to turn around what appeared to be a no-win situation, gets a great job at morgan stanley, goes on to business school, quits in 5 years, starts non-profit...

audrey is forever 3rd string and never gets any more play time.

(2 touches | reach out...)

honestly [28 Oct 2001|04:29pm]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | "make yourself" ]

the first thing i'll do when i'm rich and powerful, assuming i do become rich and powerful, assuming i don't completely sell out, is hire someone to just wander into my room, grab me by the shoulders and shake me out of melancholy and pump me up back into shape. i need a high school basketball coach, basically. my own personal coach to come in during the million half-times that occur throughout the day, scream abuse at me while at the same time encouraging me to get back up. tell me to watch the baseline and to look for cutters. tell me i can do it and she'll be damned if i just sit around and fuck things up and ruin her 4 season winning record streak.

okay, until then i'll listen to incubus.

(6 touches | reach out...)

vive la difference! [28 Oct 2001|04:59am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | "what if i" - mandalay ]

freshman yr:
1. go out
2. party
3. after party
4. pass out

senior yr:
1. go out
2. party
3. go home
4. do laundry

in other news, i made it private, soufy ::hanky::

(2 touches | reach out...)

rar [27 Oct 2001|07:39pm]
[ mood | buh ]
[ music | "one million miles away" - j. ralph ]

i hate not having the security clearance to view some people's memories.

::peanut-sized hissyfit!::

(reach out...)

fuckfuckfuckfuckufckufkcufkcufkcufkcukfuckufkcukfuck [27 Oct 2001|07:15pm]
[ mood | FUUUUUUUUCK ]

so, i fell asleep while being hardcore about studying.


(2 touches | reach out...)

in other news [27 Oct 2001|01:28pm]
[ mood | touched ]
[ music | "softly (red snapper mix)" - lamb ]

i'm running out of underwear!!!

this is why i'm not more punk. :( !!!

(2 touches | reach out...)

[27 Oct 2001|01:09pm]
[ mood | predatory ]
[ music | "gorecki" - lamb ]

thanks to peeps who recommended stuff :)

despite having two midterms this week, one on monday, it is imperative i party tonight. it simply IS.

for the past 3 years i refused to dress up in any way for any parties. not sure why. just...just...yea. but this year i have decided to dress up as death. or, at least, death if death went to more parties. and i don't mean the neil gaiman kinda death. wut wut!

this of course means kicking my ass studying until then. vrrrrr.

(8 touches | reach out...)

hip pop [26 Oct 2001|04:28pm]
[ mood | geeky ]
[ music | "no regrets" - aesop rock ]

i've taken to listening to hip-hop that i consider "good." drawing a lot from recommendations and observations of friends and some wary exploration i've found a bunch that i really like! yay! hahahaha.

*swollen members
*pharoahe monch
*planet asia
*talib kweli
*digable planets
*aesop rock

based on this sample, any suggestions? ;)

(2 touches | reach out...)

at times like this when i have nothing at all to say i'm glad i feel no guilt in resorting to this [26 Oct 2001|01:37pm]
[ mood | sick ]

Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch says:
the redoubtable milton friedman, biznitches!! says:
i hate that show!
Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch says:
Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch says:
the redoubtable milton friedman, biznitches!! says:
Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch says:
that's so incredibly UNFUNNY!
the redoubtable milton friedman, biznitches!! says:
the redoubtable milton friedman, biznitches!! says:
i feel SICK
the redoubtable milton friedman, biznitches!! says:
i had a V8 for LUNCH (g)
the redoubtable milton friedman, biznitches!! says:
and then i had some CHOCOLATE (g)
Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch says:
wot is a v8!
the redoubtable milton friedman, biznitches!! says:
i cannot help but feel this was a bad MOVE (g)
Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch says:

(1 touch | reach out...)

vuuurgh [24 Oct 2001|09:11pm]
[ mood | frustrated ]
[ music | "harvest" - opeth ]

me and problem sets.

i swear.

i miss papers so much. oh god. i miss them! even papers that had to do with econ. they were worth so much more and i pwned them. i fucking pwned them.

problem sets leer and gibber at me through the monitor screen and infuriate me in their smug, "should-be-easy," "worth 2% of your total grade" manner. i'm so direly tempted to scream, "Feck eeff yew!" at them and traipse off to engage in happier pursuits like, say, licking 5000 envelopes. to throw their leering alphas and betas and variances back into their faces and retort, "i will solve you on my own time thus still deriving what understanding you so wickedly wave in my face, without the stress and hassle!"


i also did my first screen capture to-day and i want to make it an icon but i'm afeared if i do anything with my userpics i'll suddenly have to delete all but 2 of them to put in a new one. i'll post it lataaar.

(reach out...)

where the bodies are [24 Oct 2001|08:36pm]
[ music | "demon of the fall" - opeth ]

i stole this from paper son. asian on asian crime! :o

Where the Bodies Are...
Where the Bodies Are
Geov Parrish, WorkingForChange.com
October 23, 2001

Last week, when President Bush traveled to Shanghai for an APEC meeting, his first venture outside the country since Sep. 11, a few American reporters noted that some Chinese are skeptical of the current U.S. bombing campaign in Afghanistan because of the "mistaken" U.S. strike of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade two years ago. The U.S. claimed it had relied on outdated information.

But what virtually nobody -- at least in the United States -- has reported is that in the two most publicized instances of civilian death in the two-week-old Afghanistan campaign, the exact same thing appears to have happened. And that's only the tip of the iceberg. As survivors and refugees, and their stories, have begun to trickle into Pakistan, the scope of the civilian destruction the U.S. is creating is only starting to become clear.

In the first abominable incident, four men died when the offices of a United Nations agency, the Afghan Technical Consultants in Kabul, were bombed on October 9. The Pentagon has said that the ATC was near a military radio tower, but U.N. officials say the tower was a defunct and abandoned medium and short wave radio station that hadn't been in operation for over a decade. The ATC had even given its address to higher-up U.N. officials to pass on to the U.S. military, so that it would be spared. One of the victims, Abdul Saboor, had arrived only two hours before after volunteering to make the perilous trip from Pakistan into Afghanistan on foot to deliver much-needed cash salaries to U.N. employees so that they could eat. The cash was incinerated along with the offices.

The second incident of mistaken identity was far worse. Independent witnesses have now confirmed that in the northern village of Karam, between 100 and 200 people -- mostly women, children, and old people -- were killed when bombers made repeated passes and flattened the village during early evening prayers. This time, the Pentagon said that Karam was once a training camp for Al-Qaeda. In fact, the site was used to train mujahideen during the 1980s and was run by Sadiq Bacha to train members of the Hezb-i-Islami faction, with CIA support. Some of those men later joined the Taliban, but the base was never used by Al-Qaeda. It was closed and abandoned in 1992, before bin Laden moved to Afghanistan. In the 1990s, families moved in and built mud and rock houses on the site. During the winter, nomads also made Karam their temporary home.

Karam is now gone. It's impossible to know how many other villages have shared its fate, since the Taliban have expelled all western reporters and Pakistan has closed its border with Afghanistan, making it hard for reporters to get into the country. Both the U.S. and the Taliban have incentives to understate casualties. Pakistani border guards are beating Afghani refugees with sticks and firing guns at them to keep them from crossing into Pakistan, where their eyewitness accounts may further enrage the Pakistani populace.

But a few are making it in, and the stories are leaking out, mostly in the Islamic press but also in Europe -- but, notably, not in the United States. Here is a small collection of the civilian deaths told to reporters so far. None of these accounts come from Taliban sources; all are from refugees and Western or Pakistani reporters.
In Jalalabad, the Sultanpur Mosque was hit by a bomb during prayers, with 17 people caught inside. Neighbors rushed into the rubble to help pull out the injured, but as the rescue effort got under way, another bomb fell, killing at least 120 people.

In the village of Darunta near Jalalabad, a U.S. bomb fell on another mosque. Two people were killed and dozens--perhaps as many as 150 people--were injured. Many of those injured are languishing without medical care in the Sehat-e-Ama hospital in Jalabad, which lacks resources to treat the wounded.

More civilian deaths are being reported in the villages of Torghar and Farmada, north and west of Jalalabad. At least 28 civilians had died in Farmada, which has an abandoned Al-Qaeda training camp nearby.

In Argandab, north of Kandahar, 10 civilians have died from the bombing and several houses have been destroyed. The same has happened in Karaga, north of Kabul.

A five-year-old child was killed while sleeping in his family's home outside Kandahar when two bombs fell on a munitions storage area half a mile away. The explosion threw shells and rockets in all directions and one of those shells smashed through the mud-brick wall of his bedroom, slicing open young Taj Muhammed's abdomen and burning his six-year-old sister, Kambibi. Taj suffered for 12 hours at a nearby hospital before he died.

On Oct. 7, the first night of the bombing, at least one private residence in Kabul suffered a direct hit and others were damaged. The U.S. also destroyed the Hotel Continental in the city's center. On the same night, bombs were dropped on the houses of Taliban leaders in Kandahar. Two civilian relatives of Mullah Muhammad Omar were killed: his aged stepfather and his 10-year-old son.

On Oct. 8, the second night of the bombing, three missiles were aimed at the airport in Jalalabad, but only one hit the target. The other two went astray and exploded nearby, killing one civilian, and injuring a second so severely that he was driven to a hospital in Peshawar, Pakistan, to have shrapnel removed from a deep wound in his neck and his spinal injuries treated. He's not expected to survive. A third 16-year-old boy injured in the same attack was also taken to a hospital in Peshawar; he lost his leg and two fingers, and he says that many more people were injured and may have died in the same incident.

On Oct. 11, a bomb aimed at the Kabul airport went astray and hit Qala-e-Chaman, a village one mile away, destroying several houses and killing a 12-year-old child. On the same night, another missile hit a house near the Kabul customs building, killing 10 civilians.

As of Oct. 12, the U.N. had independently reported at least 20 civilian deaths in Mazar-i-Sharif and 10 civilian deaths in Kandahar.

On Oct. 13, Khushkam Bhat, a residential district between Jalalabad airport and a nearby military area, was accidentally bombed by U.S. planes trying to down a Taliban helicopter. More than 100 houses were flattened. At least 160 people were pulled from the rubble and taken to hospitals. In Kabul, witnesses described a huge fireball over the Kabul airport, indicating either the possible use of fuel-air bombs, which can cause destruction over a wide area, or the bombing of an enormous fuel storage facility which can have the same effect. Casualties are not yet known.

On Oct. 16, two bombs fell on two Red Cross warehouses in the center of Kabul. The warehouses, bombed in full daylight, were clearly marked with red crosses on their roofs. U.S. spokesmen claim that the warehouses were hit because there were military vehicles parked nearby. They were Red Cross transport trucks.

On Oct. 17, a bomb scored a "direct hit" on a boy's school in Kabul, but fortunately didn't explode. A U.S. plane, however, dropped a bomb at Mudad Chowk, a residential area of Kandahar, which did explode, destroying two houses and several shops, and killing at least seven people. In Kabul, four bombs fell near the city center; casualties are still unknown.

On Oct. 18, a bomb killed four members of a family in the eastern suburb of Qalaye Zaman Khan when it demolished two homes. A half mile away, another bomb exploded in a housing complex, killing a 16-year-old girl. The U.N. reported that Kandahar had fallen into a state of "pre-Taliban lawlessness," with gangs taking over homes and looting shops. By the next day, according to the U.N., at least 80 percent of Kandahar's residents had left the city to escape the bombing. They are swamping the surrounding villages, where there are no resources to care for them. Some have moved on to the border and crossed into Pakistan. One refugee said that there are bodies littering the streets of Kandahar and people are dying in the hospitals for lack of drugs. "We know we will lead a miserable life in Pakistan, in tents," he said. "We have come here just to save our children."

The civilian death toll is probably in the thousands, and sure to rise with two new developments. U.S. Air Force pilots may now fire "at will" -- at anything they desire, without pre-authorization from strategists peering at satellite and surveillance photos. In fact, there are now regions of the country that have been designated "kill boxes," reminiscent of Vietnam's "free-fire zones" but without benefit of advance warning to Afghanis. Kill boxes are patrolled night and day by low-flying aircraft with the mission to shoot anything that moves within the area.
American planes are also now dropping cluster bombs, an anti-personnel weapon that disperses small bomblets over a wide area -- essentially, hundreds of flying landmines, slicing through people, cars, trucks, and even certain types of buildings. About 8-12 percent of the brightly-colored bomblets don't explode on impact, leaving behind attractive but deadly toys for children to play with later.

Or, maybe the United States will drop a food packet on top of one. With winter coming on and an estimated seven million at risk of starvation, there's not much time left to kill civilians before they start dying on their own.

love is the child of illusion and the parent of disillusion [24 Oct 2001|01:18am]
[ music | "sea" - morcheeba ]


so she came over today which was completely surprising since the last time we talked the vibes had been all whack and crazy and shit! but i'm very glad she did and suddenly my plans for the weekend have suddenly and magically been replaced by even better plans...!

(1 touch | reach out...)

op [24 Oct 2001|01:17am]
belated happy birthday to you, nat!!!!

i hope today is a lovely day and tomorrow too. ::nods solemnly::

(3 touches | reach out...)

ohm [22 Oct 2001|02:03pm]
[ mood | dorky ]
[ music | "frail' - jars of clay ]

I AM 19% GEEK.

I wanna be a geek. But I'm not. Why would
I even want to be one. Do I think it's fun?
I should try writing an online test application at 1
am in my underwear.

i do want to be a geek! i want to be an l33t h4x0r type person who speaks in binary and installs operating systems on other people's comps for fun ::nod::

(3 touches | reach out...)

hmm [22 Oct 2001|01:24am]
[ mood | distressed ]
[ music | "from rusholme with love" - mint royale ]


#1: Radical feminism: Radical feminist analysis identifies patriarchal sexual
politics as a fundamental organizing principle pervasive in all aspects of
modern and historical societies. Radical feminist activism works to organize a
mass movement uniting women to abolish sex-class on political, economic, and
cultural levels.
#2: Amazon feminism-- Dedicated to the image of the female hero in Greek
mythology and in fact, as it is expressed in art and literature, in the
physiques and feats of female athletes, and in sexual values and practices. See
#3: Anarcha-feminism: See InfoShop Anarcha-feminism

#4: Womanism-- "Black feminism is sometimes referred to as womanism because both
are concerned with struggles against sexism and racism by black women who are
themselves part of the black community's efforts to achieve equity and liberty"
-Barbara Omolade
#5: Liberal feminism-- See http://www.orst.edu/Dept/pol_sci/liberal.htm
#6: Libertarian / Individualist feminism: see http://www.ifeminists.com
#7: Socialist Feminism-- See
#8: Femme-inism: the use of traditional accessories of femininity or 'femme'
identity, such as make-up or high femme clothing, in subversive, celebratory
#9: Antifeminism - actively opposing feminism; views male supremacy as natural
and/or necessary.
#10: Eco-feminism-- Theory that rests on the basic principal that patriarchial
philosophies are harmful to women, children, and other living things.

i'm distressed that my 9 and 10 are in that order. ::distress::

(3 touches | reach out...)

i would like to say [21 Oct 2001|06:53pm]
[ mood | lose ]
[ music | "shadow boxer" - fiona apple ]

that i'm having an inordinate amount of difficulty getting started on this problem set that is due tomorrow. but i can't, because it's not at all surprising and very normal for me to have this much difficulty starting problem sets.

i = lose!

(3 touches | reach out...)

this is not a rebel song! [21 Oct 2001|05:24pm]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | "which will" - nick drake ]

not that i thought i was. haha. ta, holly

it's a lazy, warm sunday kinda afternoon, incredibly, since i have a problem set and again, 300 pages of reading to do. i find that the problem with doing work early on in during the weekend is impossible because of the knowledge that there is a sunday upon which to do work instead. if only somehow i could continually trick myself into thinking i didn't have a sunday to do all my work, i would be able to hurry and do work all through the weekend and find a nice sunday devoid of any work where i can just rest.

furthermore, i'd be able to go to the nat'l day of protest against police brutality kick off at the co ho. too much work tonight, cannot be socially aware!

someone told me there was a printer sale at fry's so i went to investigate to-day and saw some nice printers for under 100 but, suspicious, i went back home and checked up on how much they normally sell for and they actually usually sell for under 100. those baastards! i need a printer. ::sob::

i got a green knit sweater jacket thingy this weekend. i am in love with it. i also got a brown ribbed turtleneck thingy that is uubersoft and lovely.

yeah, fuck shit up...!

(6 touches | reach out...)

in other news [19 Oct 2001|12:03pm]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | "svefn g englar" - sigur ros ]

i finally played ff8 the other day, and uhm, although the intro is eh, eh, how dew yew zay, "omyfuckinggodfuckingamazing" the first 5 minutes of gameplay is rather boring!!!

i mean, once you get over the fact that the animation is much smoother and the characters aren't big polygonblobs, it just involves a bit of running around and talking to people and wotnot.

that and i foolishly set the time trial thingy in the fire cavern for 5 minutes and i lost while i was fighting the big fire wotsit. :( !!!!!

and i also foolishly forgot to put in a memory card so i had to start over!

not good!

(2 touches | reach out...)

haha [19 Oct 2001|08:04am]
[ mood | wired ]
[ music | "on the c side" - absolum ]

i'm so lose!!!

i suppose i'm still awake just on pure adrenaline or something, if one can get an adrenaline rush from doing problem sets late into the...early morning.

now the dilemma.

done with problem sets.

5 hours until first class.

do i sleep?? it's bloody 8 o'clock in the morning. i still feel wired, but i'm not sure how perky i would feel if i stopped blasting absolum directly into my brain via headphones. i mean, i could umm...hit the gym or run or work on banking problem set due on monday... something productive...hehe.

::longing looks towards untouched bed::

oh no.

we knew the answer to this long before we POSTED.

nite nite.

ummmmmmm........ [19 Oct 2001|02:17am]


if that's tired and frazzled...heehhe.

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