madeleine's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in madeleine's LiveJournal:

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    Wednesday, June 25th, 2003
    10:43 pm
    ramster_habbit's LiveJournal Slut Stats
    The below percentages indicate what ramster_habbit has done with the 9 people on her friends list!




    seen topless

    seen naked

    phone sexed

    made out

    oral sex


    What are your LiveJournal Slut Stats?
    Sponsored via Adult Friend Finder. Keep this meme and others like it checking it out or getting free account! You may meet the match of your dreams!
    Saturday, May 31st, 2003
    4:00 pm
    Friday, March 21st, 2003
    11:06 pm
    to quote a passage by SGT Curtis R. Frantz, US Army, in a letter to his parents:
    I fought to protect all the people back home that think freedom is a right. But freedom is not a right, it is a privilege, paid for in blood by millions of Americans ever since 1776 and we must fight to keep that right of being a free country. “For those who fought for it, freedom has a taste the protected will never know.”
    SGT Frantz died on November 21st, 1969 in Pleiku Province, Vietnam, for an ideal in which he strongly believed. At the time of his death Curtis was 21 years of age. He hailed from Palmyra, Pennsylvania, and was the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell R Frantz. Curtis is honored on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial at Panel 16W, Line 105.
    10:54 pm
    i would like to say
    that is all
    Monday, February 17th, 2003
    10:44 pm
    for mungprout (crystal)
    I jut wanted to point out that i am jason adams' sister
    that will only be relevant to one of you
    YOu being someone i hope will read this
    and not be freaked out
    jason gave me the url
    i forgot to tell you who i was
    but i think jason likes you a lot
    cause you know
    ive heard
    hi nice to meet you
    see you in march
    Tuesday, January 21st, 2003
    9:42 am
    sheep go to heaven
    im avoiding taking a sghower right now.. ahh the hassle of hygiene.. ew that sounds so wrong..
    i have clas at 11 ,, its 938 now ..
    then i have the whole day free for the sims.. or at least until 5 then i have to go to work.. and do my physics and calculus homework.. isnt this just the most exciting update ever!
    btw luke rules. he bought me a book.. its the sequel to a book i just finished and couldnt find the sequel to.. good stuff
    long weekends rule
    i dont know why mac hasnt figured that out yet
    i did however spend upwards of 12 hours playing maximum capacity
    but thats okay
    it was a long weekend
    i saw chicago over the weekend
    best movie ever
    i am avoiding the elephant in the room
    i am going to go shower
    Wednesday, February 20th, 2002
    10:03 am
    ahhh morning time
    melissa got a job...everyone rejoice...i am so HAPPY for is good on that front
    actuay lie is pretty good on every front...or at least quite
    im watching my sexy naked boyfriend cute...hes naked...its so little ...hehehe
    i really really really want to spend time with meissa matt kelly melissa diana i missing anyone, im not sure, this weekend
    just chill...wtch a movie...not get to dressed up and outlaw the wearing of make up...and then the next day put on layers of mak up and go to a party..woo hoo!
    i am so hungry for real fod by the way....its real i mean mcdonalds or chilis...some one (i dont care who) needs to get some money and take meout to cicis or such a brat..hehehe
    so im caling the health center and making a doctorsappointment..i need to get on the pil...and with the pill comes the end of my smoking days ....i wont iss them if itmeansnever having to decide between having a baby with fetal alcohol syndrome orhaving an abortion....not somehting i want to do...not my cup of tea...but if it works for you go right ahead
    my nails are getting super long and its causing me to miss keys...weird
    you know who i miss the most?
    dave george and matt gay
    that is all
    Tuesday, September 11th, 2001
    8:03 am
    I hurt: accidently
    I love: science
    I hate: silence
    I cry: in movies
    I fear: very little
    I hope: for some time alone
    I sadden: my mom
    I feel alone: in a crowd
    I kill: alot cause i have bad ass computer games
    I talk: a lot
    I listen: when i feel like it
    I break: dance
    I see: not so wel
    I smell: air freshener
    I taste: chips
    I work: for class but not for money damnit
    I remember: to never forget
    I hold: my arutro
    I hide: but im uusally found
    I pray: more often then you think
    I walk: to class
    I drive: HA!
    I read: biology
    I burn: not at all
    I breathe: not very well
    I play: don't have time
    I miss: everything and nothing
    I touch: i have nothing to touch
    I learn: thank god
    I feel: sigh, good question
    I know: what i know
    I said: too much.
    I dream: rarely
    I have: a good life.
    I want: you
    I fall: on my face, and get up
    I wait: not enough
    I need: too much.
    I live: in denton
    I die: not yet kiddos

    thee..and in livejournal..who knew

    Current Music: the paper chase- when and if the big one hits i'll just meet
    Sunday, September 9th, 2001
    9:41 pm
    ha...surprised you didnt i? is no one reads this...
    just wanted a change
    Wednesday, August 1st, 2001
    8:09 am
    i got a dead journal..forthose who would like to take the time i am i mispeled with on purpose...i am in a horrible mood..that is where my horrible mood entries shall go...which eventually may be al of them who knows...

    Current Mood: angry
    Current Music: tired
    Friday, July 27th, 2001
    8:52 pm
    alrite thats it..joseph and me are over....damnit..he totaly flaked on me today...hes always hangng out with fuckinglauren..i dont need that crap...fuck it
    im going to a pary and im going to get drunk the end

    Current Mood: aggravated
    Current Music: dont care
    1:15 am
    wel i havent heard from joseph at all today sooo..well maybe we arent going out tomorrow..that sucks with both hapen to have the day off work and i fifnished his mix cd...sigh..maybe hell call...
    tonite was really odd..but really cool too...
    like my entire old I.T.S. troupe met up at dennys and i had to serve was great though..i love those zany guys with a passion and have missed them...i think crystal cathy and i are going to become onine buddies..wish me luck...hehehe\
    on the downside vejay and alysia fought all day and i eneded up getting royally their efforts to steal tables from each other they ended up taking them all from a push over...i only made like 30 bucks tonite..that is not enuf..i need to go get new work pants tomorrow...
    you know ne ever comments on my journal...i dont think anyone even reads it anymore...thats really glad my friedns have them though..sometimes its hard to keep up in person..isnt that sad..that in this society we are relying more and more hevily on computers to bring us together..i meani never use the phone totally freaks joseph out that im online soo much..he signs on and says "im going to call you" and signs off...odd...guys we need to get together in person more...part of the reason why we all get along so well i think is because of each others reactions..our funny phases or mis spoken phrases...come on lets unite against the menace of technology..and then we can all go home get online and tlak about it

    love you al

    Current Mood: devious
    Current Music: johnny cash- folsom prison blues
    Tuesday, July 24th, 2001
    12:11 am
    "seems like every time i try to make it right it all comes down on me..please say honestly you wont give up on me and i shall believe..."

    well i tried..i tried to love chuck again and it just didnt happen....i wish i could ..hes devoted and in would be nice...

    i .uhh..closed the deal with joseph the other was alrite...i guess i sorta wish i had stronger feelings for him or he for me or whatever but its okay..i like him and he likes me and we both have the same goals for where this is going and thats just really focused on my family and work and friedns all building up to school...i have five weeks until everything changes...i dont know what i will do with out melissa going to have a moment of wekness now..
    i dont know what im going to do with out all of my friends..ive been lucky enuf to have a safety blanket of im going to be on my know what very glad of ready to go out there and take care of bussiness and what not...
    i dont know..its not going to be fun
    end of moment of wekaness...
    i emailed karin last nite and she hasnt emailed me back..oh well shell get around to it im sure...

    hung out with matt and courtney and mlissa and chris tonite...t was weird but im notupset about it..i still view it as a good time..i was just off on my game tonite..nothing really clicked...
    you know what i really miss?...girly nites at dianas or where kel missa and diana...we need to get some wine coolers and chill..get perspective be friends again..its not long til everyhting ends ...seriously i mean mom is going out of town..we are going to have a girly get together...

    i really want it to be august now and i really want it not to be,...well here is to the coming weeks and to those beyond....nite nite
    well not sure ill be up a bit linger dsince i DONT HAVE TO WORK TOORROW DAMIT..i NEED to work..i need tips argh!!!..oh by

    Current Mood: okay
    Current Music: wally pleasant - dennys at four am
    Thursday, July 19th, 2001
    12:58 am
    uestionduck: what does "pay a litle visit " mean?
    aphiox: come see you
    questionduck: at work?
    aphiox: no at your house before work
    questionduck: oh good
    questionduck: what time?
    questionduck: so ill getup
    aphiox: I don't know yet
    aphiox: I just thought of it
    questionduck: hmm..then i may not be awake when you get here
    aphiox: it's ok..I like waking you up
    aphiox: it's fun
    questionduck: so youll have to climb in bed with me and sing to me to wake me up
    questionduck: good idea
    aphiox: you are my sunshine!
    aphiox: My only sunshine!
    aphiox: YOU make me happy!
    aphiox: when skies are grey!
    aphiox: You'll never know dear!
    aphiox: How much I love you!!!
    aphiox: please don't take my sunshine away!!!!!!!!!!!
    questionduck: BRAVO BRAVO!
    aphiox: thank you thank you
    questionduck: ENCORE!
    aphiox: to all the girls I've loved before....
    questionduck: lol
    questionduck: oh god no

    so ive got these two guys right,,,one is in "love" with me...the other i totally i take the chance and give up someone who loves me?..hes hurt me so many times...and yet..we have these great times together...then again joseph is great hes nice and hes new..fresh..a brand new start with a guy who is passionate and though he may not love me he does dig me right back

    damn...i feel like aliar when i talk to im not.there is yet to be any relationship but still...argh!
    12:48 am job isnt bad...paul is a nightmare...he threatened to "get me fired" if i dont date him..later he played it of as a joke ....just goes to show that being straight with a guy and saying "no" doesnt get you anywhere..on to plan b..joseph...everything else is going going to se fianl fantasy again tomorrow with chuck after work..itll be nice to hang out with uim in a normal nonstressed or akward situaion
    got to talk to joseph online..hes soo great!

    Evil1thirtyeight: always tierd now adays
    Evil1thirtyeight: no good
    questionduck: ive i se you though ill give you a back rub and put you to sleep okay..go eat
    Evil1thirtyeight: by i will see you soon
    questionduck: YAY...bye
    Evil1thirtyeight: goodnight beutiful
    questionduck: nite nite pony boy

    Current Mood: complacent
    Current Music: none..comp sound died AGAIN
    Wednesday, July 18th, 2001
    1:14 am
    questionduck: hey!
    Evil1thirtyeight: whatup
    questionduck: argh!!!
    questionduck: just got off work
    questionduck: i want to shoot this guy thats training me
    Evil1thirtyeight: oh yeah

    questionduck: i think im going ti talk to the manager about sexual harassment really, candice says shell back me
    Evil1thirtyeight: oh yeah
    questionduck: yeah im soo mad
    Evil1thirtyeight: punch him in the face
    questionduck: almost did
    questionduck: i was going to slap him but thee were people around
    Evil1thirtyeight: kick him in the cockell
    questionduck: hehehe
    questionduck: im going to...candice told him i had a boyfriend to get him to leave me alone so he corbnred me in dry storage and was like "its too bad you have a boyfriedn or youd give me our number"
    Evil1thirtyeight: :-D
    questionduck: and i was like "yep too bad"
    questionduck: an he was like "oyu shouod give it to me anyway"
    questionduck: and i was like "nope
    questionduck: si then when i got off work he came and sat with me whike i was eating and was like "too bad you have a boyfriend"
    questionduck: and i was like whatever
    questionduck: and he was like" other wise i would pursue you"
    questionduck: and then he looks at me and is like "i think i will anyway"
    questionduck: thats when i almost slapped him
    Evil1thirtyeight: you want me and shawn to take care of it
    Evil1thirtyeight: tell him if he dont shut his mouth he is going to fell the floor.

    Auto response from questionduck: peeeeeeeeing

    questionduck: i cant do that!!!!!
    questionduck: seriously like the whole time im sitting htere trying to be nice
    questionduck: and everyones like "why are you bing nice?"
    questionduck: and i just cant be mean to people
    Evil1thirtyeight: why
    questionduck: i dont i get walked on A LOT but id rather be nice and get walked on then be mean i guess
    questionduck: oh and get this!
    questionduck: he caleld me BLODIE all day long
    questionduck: i begged him to fucking stop
    questionduck: and i had to get the manager to tell him to stop
    Evil1thirtyeight: I CAN BE MEAN FOR YOU
    questionduck: would you?
    questionduck: would you really?
    questionduck: wanna come to dennys and play the part of my super tough super sexy boyfriend?
    Evil1thirtyeight: Yeah
    questionduck: sweet!
    questionduck: so how was your day?
    Evil1thirtyeight: Me and shawn can roll up
    questionduck: NO SHAWN!
    Evil1thirtyeight: Tell him he better fukin lay off or else
    questionduck: i cant do that!
    questionduck: i told him i have a boyfriedn and melissa told him my oyfriend s big and jealous
    questionduck: isnt that enuf?
    Evil1thirtyeight: no shawn is good he will just look at the guy and scare the shit out of him
    Evil1thirtyeight: no you have to tell him or he wont listen
    questionduck: but shawn could totally do something to get me fired
    questionduck: ive heard stories
    Evil1thirtyeight: what
    Evil1thirtyeight: no he is lo key
    questionduck: well no one gets to hit anyone
    Evil1thirtyeight: he hardly ever has to use his fist.
    Evil1thirtyeight: lets just say he has a way with words
    questionduck: feel better..this guy was seriously making me sick.he owuldnt leave me alone..i almost threw up at work
    questionduck: and then he made me do all his fucking work
    questionduck: and wouldnt show me how to use the computers
    questionduck: it was awful
    Evil1thirtyeight: Look you need to tell him yourself or he wont leave you alone.
    questionduck: i know..i just hate lyng and sit...hes my trainer you hes my boss..if i piss him off itll be worse then today..i mean he worked me fucking hard today and he was trying to get my number...melissas trainer was way cool..let melissa have breaks and shit..i had to bus all the tnles and do all the side work and seat everyone and take orders and run food
    questionduck: im sooo tired
    Evil1thirtyeight: after training it willbe ok
    questionduck: i hope so
    Evil1thirtyeight: i got a new desing want to see
    questionduck: it does not help that i have to wear rediculously tight black pants
    questionduck: totaly
    questionduck: lets see it
    Evil1thirtyeight: ok hod on a sec
    Evil1thirtyeight: its comin
    Evil1thirtyeight: some things wrong any wat im tierd
    questionduck: sorry
    questionduck: finally was able to check my god damned email
    questionduck: got distracted
    questionduck: hows work?
    questionduck: why are you soo tired?
    Evil1thirtyeight: rockin
    Evil1thirtyeight: went in at eight
    Evil1thirtyeight: didnt sleep well last night
    questionduck: rockin? details?
    questionduck: why havent you been sleeping pony boy?
    Evil1thirtyeight: another day another dollar
    questionduck: hehehe..hey i got 5 bucks today
    Evil1thirtyeight: sleep pattern is all fucked up
    questionduck: same here but i work the graveyrd so its a good thing...sunday is going to be hell though..argh!
    Evil1thirtyeight: mellissa got my money
    questionduck: lo...not tips for her
    questionduck: she willthough
    questionduck: when we get payed..if not ill pay for it and steakl it from her
    questionduck: dont worry ill get it for you
    Evil1thirtyeight: ok dont want to have to break kneecaps
    Evil1thirtyeight: ha ha
    questionduck: i was waiting on this family from africa
    questionduck: and they were speaking french
    questionduck: so i spoke french to the little kids right
    Evil1thirtyeight: oh yeah
    questionduck: so when they went to pay the kids like pooled there money to tip "the pretty white girl"
    Evil1thirtyeight: word
    questionduck: and paul the fucker TOOK IT!
    questionduck: but later he put a five in my pocket (shudder) so i guess its okay
    Evil1thirtyeight: dude you gotta tell him to fuck off
    questionduck: ill wait and see if it gets worse
    Evil1thirtyeight: ok
    questionduck: but you should stil come and put in an appearence i bet it woul help
    Evil1thirtyeight: ok
    questionduck: ill be like "hey paul see that sexy guy over there?"
    questionduck: and hell look and see you becasue youll be the sexiest guy there and easy to spot
    Evil1thirtyeight: shutup
    questionduck: and hell be so intimidated and in awe of you and your sexiness that hell leave me fact he may even hit on you
    questionduck: i man come on you are damned sexy
    Evil1thirtyeight: ono no no
    questionduck: lol
    questionduck: well maybe he wont hit on you but i bet he'll leave me laone
    Evil1thirtyeight: ok
    Evil1thirtyeight: must sleep now tierd have to work at 8
    questionduck: okay cave man
    Evil1thirtyeight: what ever
    questionduck: sweet dreams
    questionduck: and i want to se the new design
    Evil1thirtyeight: nightynite
    questionduck: event ually
    questionduck: nite nite
    Evil1thirtyeight: ok
    Evil1thirtyeight: bye

    Current Mood: exhausted
    Current Music: alkaline trio- radio
    Tuesday, July 17th, 2001
    2:27 pm
    i think i am only updating to avoid calling work..i had a great nite last nite with kelly and melissa...i really miss kel..she is rad!....i realised that i know A LOT of embarassing things about her from way back in the old school ( cause im an old fool who's so cool) jason miller was really freaking me out last nite..i feel bad..he said he felt kind of drugged (chuck and i are convinced the keaton the slime of the earth drugged him saturday nite so as to have his way with him) and then he just started going off on weird tangents wich made no sense...had he been saying SOMETHING it would have been cool but it was just random quotes from moivies and such....anyway i hope he is feeling better and hi sfeeelings arent hurt by my not tlaking to him....besides i was kinda busy talking to chuck about....what was i talking about ...oh yeah he apparently loves me...who knew? i told him that he doesnt ..he just wants what he cant have...its not a good thing..him loving doesnt really change anything..we still arent going to be together..hes hurt me too much and he is too commitment phobic....
    argh!..i want to see joseph more often..i just want to talto him and snuggle with him..why does he have to live so far away?
    i think a huge cheesy waiter is going to be training me tonite...he was hiting on me last nite and now i see it as inevitable that we will come in was flatering though
    we ended up ,making lists last nite of how many peps weve "kissed/made out with/ whatever" in the past year last nite..i think m and diana almost tied..i guess hers was longer...melissa came in third and kelly embarassing as it was it was a bit of an ego mood booster...although there were too many "guy at party", guy who i bruoght home, lived in oink house" "guy who wanted to ck for me" entries...i need to remember to ask for names....
    You know my life doesnt really revolve around really glad of that..i dont really need joseph or chuck or any super excited about work and school..(mostly school) and hapy about life...i want to see more of my friend matt because i read that he is geting sad and lonely and that just isnt right..and if i could turn my self into a gay man to make him haoy i would just isnt fair that people cant do what other people want...oh well...later kidos
    by the cat now sleps on my mouse pad..cute?..sure why not..but it is beconing a problem

    Current Mood: awake
    Current Music: that gorillaz song is stuck in my head..thanks missa
    Monday, July 16th, 2001
    6:36 pm
    dont know how much of an update this will be...this weekend was wild..fought with chuck made up with chuck fought wth chuck and now friday is kristin and chcuk day..melissa is right...hes angry because he has lost my attention..i figure i can fford ro give him some of my time and prove i really do want him in my life...
    I spent practicly al day saturday with joseph it was great..i really like him and im pretty ure he likes me...sugh....i gave him a mammoth back was great..we snuggled and naped and talked and messed around in purvis' bed..hahaha...
    had a complete mental break down friday nite..lots of panc attacks and crying and the fetal position ..dont know what i would have done with out chuck friday nite...
    Oh and HEKLLL YEAH! i saw final fantasy last nite...SWEET!.it was great..the plot was very final fantasy the dialoue very simple but come on what do you expect..the computer bussiness was exceent
    not much else to say i dont think..i think im going go tgo call joseph..bye bye....oh yeah and im going to a good will store..yy1

    Current Mood: cheerful
    Current Music: ash- kungfu
    Friday, July 13th, 2001
    1:21 pm
    i am now off icially registered for the fall..YAY!!! kinda upset cause sign language and criminal psych ewre full but oh ealiest class is at 11....illlet you see for yurself
    ADAMS's Class Schedule for Fall 2001

    Flags Course ID Credit Days Times Location Fees
    HIST2610.027 03.0 M 06:30P-09:20P WH 222 $14.12
    MATH1100.012 03.0 MW 05:00P-06:20P GAB 317 $23.50
    PSYC3620.002 03.0 TR 12:30P-01:50P GAB 105 $8.00
    BIOL1710.002 03.0 MWF 11:00A-11:50A BIOL 117 $47.07
    BIOL1710.202 00.0 M 04:00P-04:50P BIOL 106 $47.07
    BIOL1730.515 01.0 T 06:00P-07:50P BIOL 113 $74.32
    SMHM1450.003 03.0 TR 02:00P-03:20P ESSC 255 $20.00
    & - Course is Pass/Fail
    * - Course conflicts with another in your schedule

    yep thats my schedule..wish me sooo happy
    ogh and i may have a job..that would just make everytihign perfect

    i hope the same goes for you

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: tom petty- you dontknow how it feels
    Monday, July 9th, 2001
    2:24 pm
    "the world has turned and left us here..."
    well i just read everyones journal and i would like to say that we should screw this whole "someone to love me" bussiness...well i dont know..even as i typed that i goit a feeling in my stomach like "NO NO NO , dont give up!" oh well we shall see, but i do feel your pain kids...things with me and joseph arent working ...hes much better in my i may go back to "not being home" when he calls.
    last nite was interesting to say the least..a few things were revealed , facts and character traits still behind my girl melissa because i just amn....some people need to grow up..somepeople need to commmunicate...i feel extremely lucky to not actually be invovled in any of this and thus will say nothing more for fear of geting sucked in..i did however get to hng out with jason last nite which is great..he and i are going to see final fantasy so fucking excited....
    well i want al of you guys to know and realise that through all of this shit with other people we al astill have each other..remember that next time this happenes to you...friends are more important "BROS BEFORE HOS!!!"
    and oh yeah if i never saw chuck again i coiuld die happy
    "and in your place an empty space..."

    Current Mood: awake
    Current Music: sicko- little star (again)
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