questionduck: hey!
Evil1thirtyeight: whatup
questionduck: argh!!!
questionduck: just got off work
questionduck: i want to shoot this guy thats training me
Evil1thirtyeight: oh yeah
questionduck: i think im going ti talk to the manager about sexual harassment really, candice says shell back me
Evil1thirtyeight: oh yeah
questionduck: yeah im soo mad
Evil1thirtyeight: punch him in the face
questionduck: almost did
questionduck: i was going to slap him but thee were people around
Evil1thirtyeight: kick him in the cockell
questionduck: hehehe
questionduck: im going to...candice told him i had a boyfriend to get him to leave me alone so he corbnred me in dry storage and was like "its too bad you have a boyfriedn or youd give me our number"
Evil1thirtyeight: :-D
questionduck: and i was like "yep too bad"
questionduck: an he was like "oyu shouod give it to me anyway"
questionduck: and i was like "nope
questionduck: si then when i got off work he came and sat with me whike i was eating and was like "too bad you have a boyfriend"
questionduck: and i was like whatever
questionduck: and he was like" other wise i would pursue you"
questionduck: and then he looks at me and is like "i think i will anyway"
questionduck: thats when i almost slapped him
Evil1thirtyeight: you want me and shawn to take care of it
Evil1thirtyeight: tell him if he dont shut his mouth he is going to fell the floor.
Auto response from questionduck: peeeeeeeeing
questionduck: i cant do that!!!!!
questionduck: seriously like the whole time im sitting htere trying to be nice
questionduck: and everyones like "why are you bing nice?"
questionduck: and i just cant be mean to people
Evil1thirtyeight: why
questionduck: i dont i get walked on A LOT but id rather be nice and get walked on then be mean i guess
questionduck: oh and get this!
questionduck: he caleld me BLODIE all day long
questionduck: i begged him to fucking stop
questionduck: and i had to get the manager to tell him to stop
Evil1thirtyeight: I CAN BE MEAN FOR YOU
questionduck: would you?
questionduck: would you really?
questionduck: wanna come to dennys and play the part of my super tough super sexy boyfriend?
Evil1thirtyeight: Yeah
questionduck: sweet!
questionduck: so how was your day?
Evil1thirtyeight: Me and shawn can roll up
questionduck: NO SHAWN!
Evil1thirtyeight: Tell him he better fukin lay off or else
questionduck: i cant do that!
questionduck: i told him i have a boyfriedn and melissa told him my oyfriend s big and jealous
questionduck: isnt that enuf?
Evil1thirtyeight: no shawn is good he will just look at the guy and scare the shit out of him
Evil1thirtyeight: no you have to tell him or he wont listen
questionduck: but shawn could totally do something to get me fired
questionduck: ive heard stories
Evil1thirtyeight: what
Evil1thirtyeight: no he is lo key
questionduck: well no one gets to hit anyone
Evil1thirtyeight: he hardly ever has to use his fist.
Evil1thirtyeight: lets just say he has a way with words
questionduck: feel better..this guy was seriously making me sick.he owuldnt leave me alone..i almost threw up at work
questionduck: and then he made me do all his fucking work
questionduck: and wouldnt show me how to use the computers
questionduck: it was awful
Evil1thirtyeight: Look you need to tell him yourself or he wont leave you alone.
questionduck: i know..i just hate lyng and sit...hes my trainer you hes my boss..if i piss him off itll be worse then today..i mean he worked me fucking hard today and he was trying to get my number...melissas trainer was way cool..let melissa have breaks and shit..i had to bus all the tnles and do all the side work and seat everyone and take orders and run food
questionduck: im sooo tired
Evil1thirtyeight: after training it willbe ok
questionduck: i hope so
Evil1thirtyeight: i got a new desing want to see
questionduck: it does not help that i have to wear rediculously tight black pants
questionduck: totaly
questionduck: lets see it
Evil1thirtyeight: ok hod on a sec
Evil1thirtyeight: its comin
Evil1thirtyeight: some things wrong any wat im tierd
questionduck: sorry
questionduck: finally was able to check my god damned email
questionduck: got distracted
questionduck: hows work?
questionduck: why are you soo tired?
Evil1thirtyeight: rockin
Evil1thirtyeight: went in at eight
Evil1thirtyeight: didnt sleep well last night
questionduck: rockin? details?
questionduck: why havent you been sleeping pony boy?
Evil1thirtyeight: another day another dollar
questionduck: hehehe..hey i got 5 bucks today
Evil1thirtyeight: sleep pattern is all fucked up
questionduck: same here but i work the graveyrd so its a good thing...sunday is going to be hell though..argh!
Evil1thirtyeight: mellissa got my money
questionduck: lo...not tips for her
questionduck: she willthough
questionduck: when we get payed..if not ill pay for it and steakl it from her
questionduck: dont worry ill get it for you
Evil1thirtyeight: ok dont want to have to break kneecaps
Evil1thirtyeight: ha ha
questionduck: i was waiting on this family from africa
questionduck: and they were speaking french
questionduck: so i spoke french to the little kids right
Evil1thirtyeight: oh yeah
questionduck: so when they went to pay the kids like pooled there money to tip "the pretty white girl"
Evil1thirtyeight: word
questionduck: and paul the fucker TOOK IT!
questionduck: but later he put a five in my pocket (shudder) so i guess its okay
Evil1thirtyeight: dude you gotta tell him to fuck off
questionduck: ill wait and see if it gets worse
Evil1thirtyeight: ok
questionduck: but you should stil come and put in an appearence i bet it woul help
Evil1thirtyeight: ok
questionduck: ill be like "hey paul see that sexy guy over there?"
questionduck: and hell look and see you becasue youll be the sexiest guy there and easy to spot
Evil1thirtyeight: shutup
questionduck: and hell be so intimidated and in awe of you and your sexiness that hell leave me fact he may even hit on you
questionduck: i man come on you are damned sexy
Evil1thirtyeight: ono no no
questionduck: lol
questionduck: well maybe he wont hit on you but i bet he'll leave me laone
Evil1thirtyeight: ok
Evil1thirtyeight: must sleep now tierd have to work at 8
questionduck: okay cave man
Evil1thirtyeight: what ever
questionduck: sweet dreams
questionduck: and i want to se the new design
Evil1thirtyeight: nightynite
questionduck: event ually
questionduck: nite nite
Evil1thirtyeight: ok
Evil1thirtyeight: bye
Current Mood:
exhaustedCurrent Music: alkaline trio- radio