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Oblivion Dust - The Nude |
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hey, wanna piss the hell outta me? play your fucking bass with a fucking pick. wanna piss me off more? fucking insult bassists who have the fucking sense and musicianship to use their fingers, like the fucking bass was made for, you sack of shit. i've spent 16 years being raised by one of the greatest bassists in Orlando (i'm not biased. fuck you.) and being educated about the RIGHT fucking way to make music, and you're going to tell me that playing bass with your fingers is queer. suck my fucking NUT, man. if you're too fucking afraid to get your pansy white manicured fingers calloused on a fucking fret board like the GREATS do, then don't talk to me, because it's bullshit. AHHHH fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you, man. fucking pick using CHUMP.
[ten minutes later] ok, before EVERY single bass player on my friends list freaks out, i was over-reacting...i mean...i just tend to be a little elitist when it comes to music because i was raised in a musical family...especially with a cocky bassist for a father...*laughs* if you play with a pick, i'm not going to shoot you, i promise...i've just always been taught that bassists with TRULY good technique use their fingers. it's an unspoken law. that's just the way it is, and since my dad has played for 30 years now, i figure he knows what the hell he's talking about....and YES, i know a lot of GREAT bassists use picks. my FAVORITE bassist uses a pick. he's one of daddy's favs, too. but he uses his fingers too, though, and he's STILL damn good. he has the technique. that's all there is to it. so....yeah. that's just my opinion. picks=bad. i mean, unless you're going for a certain effect.
and yes, i know i sound like a complete hypocritical bitch having never played an instrument in my life, but if you don't like it then you can take me off your damn friends list. opinion is not changing. when i start my band, my bassist is NOT playing with a pick, even if i have to hire my DAD. *snort*
you may now commence the flaming.