The Autumn Shroud's LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]
The Autumn Shroud

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[18 Dec 2002|02:03pm]
[ mood | defeated ]
[ music | Israel Kamakawiwo' - Over the Rainbow/What a Wonderful World ]

I spent this morning raking leaves. I had to keep myself busy. I feel too pained and crushed to stop working, because if I did I know I would break down. I'm at a new low, being here, and I want to get out, though, I know I can't. Not yet.

I need to grow up a little. Take more responsibility for myself. And make some money. Though, I...

I don't know.

What I want is to be back in Delaware. But, i don't know if anyone there even would want me there anymore. I'm being left too much in the dark to know what consequences my actions have brought. I don't know. I feel like shit. I feel used. I feel broken.

Anyone who feels like talking, feel free to call


I hate the phone, but, at the moment, I hate emails even moreso. I'd rather talk, it'd be more of a check to make sure I am still alive, and not just a corpse lying in a 50 gallon drum outside of Seiler Meat, waiting for Oscar Meyer to come and take my rotten body away.

I dunno. I feel like giving everything up. All I do is hurt.

I'm gonna stop right there. If I keep going I wont stop and I will want to hurt myself more than I want to already. I just want to kick around some leaves, smoke a Black & Mild with someone and munch on peanutbutter cookies while playing Animal Crossing. I suppose the best way to say it, is that I want a tiny bit of stability. And I can't have even that. Peh. I'm ranting again.

My dad just gave me two new sketchbooks.

They're hardbound.


Time to atempt at drawing. Don't wish me luck, you'll only damn your souls...


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Bloop. [17 Dec 2002|11:51am]
[ mood | crushed ]
[ music | Chemical Brothers - The Test ]

Well, East coast didn't last too long ;p

It prettymuch ended about two days ago when Kevin got jealous of the fact that I was there. So he came home from work and punched me in the face. I had kinda been expecting it, and I knew that if I wanted to, I could have roken him in half. But, really, it wasn't necessary. I heard this bellowing squak behind me, which happened to be Jessup. She promptly beat the shit out of him and bitch slapped him repeatedly. So, lot's of yeling and 'I don't know's later, It's evident that I was no longer welcome there. Jess and I flee the apartment for a night and spend it in phily before we go to Newark so she can see me off. So, now I'm in Oregon staying with my father. I'm very tired, mildly miserable, and rather lonely.

Hey, Samantha. Yeah, you.

Thank you.

For breaking every promise you made me and for ruining my life. I wish I had never responded to your email. I wish I had never bothered calling you. You are indeed beautiful. But now I know that on the inside you are hideous and ugly. In case you notice, I'm taking you off my friends list. Please don't send me any emails or approach me in IMs.

As for the rest? What the fuck do I know. I'm still lost. Still a pathetic loser. Nothing new, really. I just feel defeated. Very confused. I dunno. Maybe I'm starting to go beyond 'growing up' and maybe I'm already starting to grow old. Shit. In the past month I have done more things than some people do in their entire lifetimes. God and bad, I suppose. Mostly bad. The good stuff comes in more ways than I can notice at the moment. I dunno. I just want a little stability. I hope Jessup's okay. Time to send out an email.

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Dawdling [12 Dec 2002|09:01pm]
[ mood | thirsty ]
[ music | Jessup SNORING ]

Ferrets smell kinda odd, but in a good way. I can understand why some people don't like the smell. I don't mind. It's a kinda sweet smell, somewhat like clove and cinnamon.

So, need an explanation for why I wasn't in existance for so long?

Well, despite the attempted hijacking of our bus, being kinda mugged in Los Angeles and sitting next to a complete psycho, I can really blame the main reason on greyhound.

I check online, they say I get there saturday. i call, they say saturday. i ask the guy at the counter as I buy my ticket. Saturday. i look at my ticket as I board...



So, I don't wanna go into hysterics or nothing, just that I wanna light that damn doghing on fire and let it burn.

So, I'm here now.

I wanna make a Fucker Club.

We all are fucked up. And we like to jerk people around. Thefore, we are fuckers.

So, my fellow fuckers, I propose the creation of the Fucker Club. Fuckers united. You get to wear a patch that says simply... FUCKER


Time to send out emails.

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Kinda Alive... [11 Dec 2002|07:01pm]
[ mood | Paranoid ]
[ music | Umlaut - Perfect ]

I don't think I've ever felt so low, or shity, for that matter in a very very long time.

I'm still alive.

and... I made it to Wilmington safely.

I was trying to get in touch with many people on my trip. Bah.

I hate greyhound. They are the ones that made me arrive at the station a day late. Fuckers.

I went to too many places to get here.

Los Angeles. Albequrque or someshit. Amarillo. Tulsa. Saint Louis. Pittsburg. Baltimore. 4 days. I did hallucinate. I did want to scream. I did want to jump off he bus and into traffic with dark thoughts of me showing up and nobody being there. But I went on.


I show up. Nobody there. 6:50 a.m.

I wait until 4:00 p.m.

I call people. It's like the world had ended mysteriously. And then Jessica, who still hates me, finally helps me check my mail, As I was praying, I get a number and an address. So, yeah, I'm safer and sounder now. My neck hurts.

I see thirty places or whatever that I an work off. I think crap might actually start to work for me.

That is all.

BTW, posting will be fewer for me now. Trying hard not to be a lsoer like i was, and all. God, I'm gonna be stuck here for a while. Suck. I hate taking from people, and I always feel so damn guilty. So, though I enjoy the hospitality, this place is going to be one hell of a guilt trip for me.

I wish that less people hated me.

I also wish people wouldn't break promises.

(different story diffrent person diffrent life)

Okay, so, I'm here, for now. Not sure how long, I just hope long enough to get a roomy and a place to almost call my own. I just wish things hadn't dissolved. Over one person. And one sentence.

Fuck, I'm such a moron.

Mugged, bruised, unhappy, lost. But here. At least I didn't lose my more often used camera.

That is all.

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Feeling Fine [08 Dec 2002|01:36pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | Tool - Pushit ]

I still don't know where I'm going.

But at least I have enough money to get anywhere here.

Go me.

Crystal and I talked some over these badass rolls she bought. Sweetbread rolls with chinese barbeque pork and carmelized onions inside *drools* some of the best shit I've tasted in this cumbucket of a place.

I didn't even ask her for money. She just asked if I needed any. I felt good. Yeah, its true. In times like this you do learn who your real friends are. We did that then drew more stick figure porn and penises and random shit like british dudes singing the Jamba song and peeing on frogs on a stick. Randomness kicks ass.

So, I mean, nowhere to go. I'm not sure how random I should be into picking which place of everywhere I can go. Because now I can literally go anywhere in the continental US and have some extra cash to spare. So, that's all good.

I like my trenchcoat. I thought it was a woman's, but my friend pointed out that it has buttons on both sides. Thereby making it unisexual. Cool, I now am equipped with herm wear. I rule.

And yeah, I kick some ass. But only a little bit. Not enough to make it count. But still, I have potential to be kicking ass.

So, once more I am in front of this computer screen. Checking email,s hoping it's not too late for someone to say YES to me coming. Seems things are too hairy with everyone. Thus the downside of having dysfunctional friends. Not that it's a bad thing. But it's true. We are all pretty fucked up. But, at least it's good knowing that we can be fucked up together, right?

I think I had a morality check happening all morning. I think I've decided that shit with relationshit is probably not going to happen with me the same way as before again.

What I mean.

I want the intimacy and closeness of being loved. But I don't think I ever want the physical closeness with anybody, really. I dunno. The body is beautiful, but, I mean, I was brought up to think of sex and being something extremely disgusting and something to loathe.

So, I think I'd have to throw out the physical intimacy with the next person I date. Just to see what happens. Besides, I have more control over my body than most males do. Or even some females, too.

I dunno. A detachment. I see my body as a tool, not a means. I gotta make do with what I have, may as well not let my body get in the way, right? Good.

Okay, so, on another spot of randomness. Checking my horoscope. Check this shit out.

If you've ever wanted to be in charge, this is your chance to take hold of the reins. You have the makings of a true leader right now, Aquarius. Your intense and persuasive words hold the attention of people who are hungry for your kind of change. Like the other Air Signs, you're wonderfully free and open in the current circumstances. Network with people who share your passion for this cause. The connections of a lifetime are forged right now.

A group you're involved with may want to discuss planning a trip of some kind - perhaps to a convention. The drive to expand your horizons is very strong today, and therefore trips like this, or other opportunities to learn and grow, can be especially appealing. You might come up with a few ideas of your own that you prefer to pursue alone. Give it some thought!

Think about your most typical response to conflict and ask yourself what you would change if given the chance. This is not an easy question. The planetary configuration is going to present a situation (or two) which will require you to work something out. You do not have to make things perfect but you will want to understand your role in whatever happens. What you do physically during this time will color your behavior: drink plenty of water!

My throat is dry now. Fuck you, Yahoo Horoscopes. But, eh. I suppose it's somewhat true. I was planning to go to FC. Maybe if I get enough munny wherever I wind up I still might be able to. I dunno. Maybe I'll just travel and expand my horizons

I dunno.

Freaky shit.

I took a bodily excrement test.

If i was a Bodily Excretment i would be:
kind of Excretment are you?

I wish I had a pocket knife, or something. Big world. Nasty people.

Big World + Nasty People = Violence on me.

Damn paranoia. All I have is a screwdriver. Sure, I -could- hurt somebody pretty bad with it. But still. A knife is more intimidating. because the fact of the matter is, the crackheads who would come after me wouldn't know that i could hurt them with a screwdriver. Get my point? *sigh* Besides, I'm a libertarian. I believe in a person's right to defend themselves. I'd rather have a gun. But a knife works just fine. I'll see. I want to have at least 10 dollars when I get wherever I'm going. But If I have, like, five bucks to spare I'll go buy myself a pocketknife.

Bah, damn paranoia. Damn crackheads.

No, not fuck you, Puto

Fuck you, world. Bring it on, biatch.

I'll try and toss up one last post before taking off.

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[08 Dec 2002|10:51am]
[ mood | Skrewed ]
[ music | The Autumn Shroud - Purgatory ]

I'm shitfucked for everything in general. I wrote a good long entry and for some reason it just mysteriously disappeared. Fuck it.

Migoshi. Do your parents even know you're inviting me to stay? This isn't just a slumber party, I'd be stuck there for at least a month. I'm not sure you understand that. But, if they're okay with that, and you are too, let me know.

I need to call people for money in a few hours. For the next two hours I don't plan to budge from here. I'm having some kind of a hopeless hoping that someone will actually respond to the mails I've been sending out. Dammit. I am starting to hate being frantic like this.

Yeah, Fuck you too, Puto

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[07 Dec 2002|12:25am]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | Tomahawk - God Hates a Coward ]

I still have nowhere els to go. I'm taking a one-last chance measure and trying to contact one of the last people I'd trust with my health. For some reason I don't expect a response. Mostly because that's what's been happening with me.

I got my money, and my clothes and drawing shit. I did some mad ass drawing. Surprisibgly, I drew some funny shit. Penises and bunnies licking a bleeding squirrel and skulls and teabagging and stick figure porn and whatnot. I created a skeleton head I call skellellon. He's so cool, and I hope to eventually make him into emoticons. Because HE'S THAT COOL. He's got the Jhonen Vasquez square teeth when he's laughing. And and and...

He's cool.

I got my money. more than I expected. 180. I went and bought my friend a badass dinner at the best Mexican restaurant in Salinas. Here, they serve the real shit. You would not see how Taco Bell could call their food 'Mexican'

It's that good.

And I went to a thrift store. Got myself some essentials. A decent winter coat. 20 bucks for a grey trench coat. 1.15 for a black tie(tm). HOW CAN YOU BEAT THAT.

I plan to hop onto my bus tomorrow with a freshly washed white dress shirt wearing my tie and my hair all nice and straight and wearing my tie and my burple sunglasses.

Whoever takes me in will see me as Visage. The second coolest mofo in the universe. Because he hangs with jessup. The numbah one coolest mofo in the uniplace. Mstly coz she's teaching me what friends are really supposed to be like.

Oh yeah. Jessup.

You have made me a better person just for knowing you. Thank you so much.

So, tomorrow I spend my time cleaning clothes and showering and cleaning up and getting ready for, wherever.


I feel anxious and excited. Don't know where I'm going tomorrow just yet. But I hope I do before I step on the bus. I should probably stock up on some munchies and batteries for music. I plan to have about 80 bucks left over once i get wherever I'm going. That should pay for my food until I can afford to feed myself.

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Lost [06 Dec 2002|01:00pm]
[ mood | Lost ]
[ music | Nine Inch Nails - Wish ]

this is the first day of my last days
I built it up now I take it apart climbed up real high now
fall down
real far
no need for me to stay the last thing left I just threw it away
I put my faith in god and my trust in you
now there's nothing more fucked up I could do
wish there was something real wish there was something true
wish there was something real in this world full of you
I'm the one without a soul i'm the one with this big fucking hole
no new tale to tell twenty-six years on my way to hell
gotta listen to your big time hard line
bad luck
fist fuck
don't think you're having all the fun
you know me I hate everyone
wish there was something real wish there was something true
wish there was something real in this world full of you
I want to but I can't turn back
but I want to

So, sending out emails to people. No response. Dare I try to sontact friends? Knowing my luck that would only make them bitter towards me after getting a full dose of the Autumn Shroud.

But I suppose it's better than nothing, I guess. Time to send more emails.

Though, I only have a few hours before I get my money, and only one more night at a friend's house. I hate being stuck. Time to find out who my friends are.

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Purgatory [05 Dec 2002|05:01pm]
[ mood | depressed ]


No more to rain
the sky cascades
the darkest shade of indigo

The winds are gone
no more to play
No kites to soar in empty sky

No water flows
no shaking boughs
The river has become a cave

Although it would be nice
having friends without a price
without a doubt I know

I am... alone

Purgatory isn't so bad
Losing friends I never had
losing sanity can make you feel...

to know that you're alone

Although it would be nice
having friends without a price
without a doubt I know

I am... alone

No more to rain
The tears that never came
now cannot cease to flow

The winds are gone
your sighing breaths
are all that I have left

No water flows
inside my heart
empty vessel of a fractured soul

Although it would be nice
having friends without a price
without a doubt I know

I am... alone

My fingers touch the scroll
my other is holding the bow
my cheek resting upon a plastic kiss
the bow is drawn, and a sound... I miss.

The violin plays
my body shakes
my soul is once more fractured with it's bleeding aches

Although it would be nice
to have friends without a price
without a doubt I know

I am... alone

Been a very long time since I last wrote poetry.

But I felt inspired by nothing.

Thank you very much, my sweet nothing.
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Stay A Little While... [05 Dec 2002|11:50am]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | White Noise ]

I hear them breathing
They know what I have done, all that I've been through
I tell them secrets
And who's to say it isn't so?

Move, don't move
stay a little while on my linoleum
Breathe, don't breathe
Walk a thousand miles on my linoleum

This is frustrating
I'm sensing some of my hostilities
Distress and conflict
I've really just about lost all control

Move, don't move
stay a little while on my linoleum
Breathe, don't breathe
Walk a thousand miles on my linoleum

What do you really want from me?
What is it?
I just really want to leave
I just really got to...


Did someone whisper
I'm really not so sure
I could've been asleep
Is everyone this frightened?
Are there more like me? There's just got to be.

Move, don't move
stay a little while on my linoleum
Breathe, don't breathe
Walk a thousand miles on my linoleum
Drink, don't drink
Still I'm lying drunk on my linoleum
Dream, don't dream
All the patterns fade on my linoleum

No sleep for me. I stayed up all night in the sound studio, feeling creativily hyper. So, I run a few programs and I start Fruity Loops and Acid Pro.

What is that, par?

Fruity Loops has various synth sound samples in it you can warp and sequence into mini sound patches. Such as a little ditty played by Piano. Though, you can distort it very precisely. You save it to .wav and export it to Acid.

Acid lets you loop it more easily. And do fading, panning. You take several sounds you made and you layer them one on top of the other and all of a sudden you have viable music. Acid also changes the speed of each sound sample so they can stay in beat. All you need to do is make a drum track and you have enough quality of music to work a night club as a locally respected DJ.

Unless you're real good.

Then there's the ProTools Workstation.


a computer dedicated solely to audio editing. You can take your Acid track and move it in there, sharpen the sound on it, do some clever mixing, and within about three hours your song is complete and ready to be burned onto CD and sold.

And using that you get music better than most local artists.

So, what did I do?

You'll see.

You'll see.

But trust me, it's better than the MIDI shit I spewed out at the college. This is better than being in my house cutting myself. This is just better. Two days. I can dig it. Then I go.

I been sending out some emails.

Trying desperately to find my resume. I think I lost my disk that had it on it. Dammit, I did. That means I have to rewrite my resume. Fuck. And it was a badass resume, too.

Dammit. Oh well. I'm out of cigarettes, too. I hope All will be well.

I found Jessica today. Walking. She wouldn't even talk to me. Seems something happened. But she isn't telling. So, the last conversation we had was to the extent of...

Me: Hey
Jessica: ...
Me: Are you alright?
Jessica: I guess...
Me: Are you in trouble?
Jessica: I don't want to talk about it...
:Long Pause:
Me: Would you prefer it if I left you alone?
Jessica: ...
Me: ...
Jessica: Have a Nice Life.



Jeeze, I hate it when I'm dumb.

So, she turned and walks away. I don't think I'll ever see her again.

Sometimes I want to read minds. Sometimes I don't. But this was one time that I did want to.





Those words come to mind...
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Bad? Good? You decide... [05 Dec 2002|02:10am]
[ mood | Sober ]
[ music | Green day - Hitchin' a Ride ]

I myself am not sure of what happened, it is still sorta kicking in. The fact that as of now I am essentially homeless.

I go to the pawnshop and I give it for what it's worth, but the guy who owns the place doesn't budge. Two hours of haggling and nothing. The fucker knows he;s the only pawn shop in the county. So, what do I get for sacrificing some of my prized posessions?

30 bucks.

The stereo, the lamps, the sword, the tetsubo, the goblet. My fucking playstation. Fuck. 30 bucks. I was prettymuch in hysterics. If Jessica wasn't in the shop with me I would have done something real stupid.

I felt dangerous as I walked out. I knew that if I went home, and went upstairs to close myself behind my bedroom door, I knew I wouldn't be coming back out ever again. I mean, at that moment I don't think i ever felt so low in my life. My life was 30 dollars.

The books. I don't want to admit, but I got 3 bucks for all my prized books.

So, what do I do?

What does Jessica do?

I knew she had shit. And she asked that i tell nobody about what is really going on with her, so I wont. but I will say that we were prettymuch equally hated by God. So, I look to her, and just as simply, it clicks.

"I'm taking you to Los Osos."

My thirty bucks paid for gas, some food, a roll of film and a pack of my favorite cigarettes. Plus about two bucks left over.

We get onto highway one after sundown, and we just go. We don't tell anyone. We just go.

three hours to drive the 160 miles to Los Osos. We pull over on the lonely Turri Road and we get out, look up at the stars. She passes me the zippo I had given her, and we lit up, and talked. And talked. And talked. And talked.

maybe 12 hours total of solid discuccion, screaming, laughing and just getting all our shit off our chests lying on the hood of her car.

Sun comes up. She has four hours to get to her acting class, which she was bound and determined not to miss. So, we went to the beach, a small coffeeshop with crappy coffee. We had our cups, and a muffin. And then we headed back. REALLY FAST.

Try 125 mph on a 55 mph freeway. She gets to her class running on fumes and i walk home. Oh, and yes, i did shoot the roll of film on Turri Road to show what kind of a world we woke up to.

anywho, I get home, and I quickly come to realise that strangely, the locks on the doors have been changed. So, now what? My mom was at church, it's sunday, duh. I go to the backyard to sit and wait. There I see my gray sidebag and a note pinned to it. All in all, it's an instant eviction notice. I'm locked out, no access to clothes or money of any kind until tuesday. When she will salvage what's left of my bond she slaughtered (about 160 bux) and then kick me out for good.

Luckily, an obscure music friend of mine finds out what went down and sorta came to my rescue. I'm in his guest house/recording studio to sleep and get my shit together for the next few days. By then I'll have money to jump on a greyhound bus to... somewhere. I think that's my choice, and I think I know where I'm going.

Portland Oregon.


I have a neutral friend there who invited me a long time ago, for just in case I needed it.

That means...

I wont have to mooch from close friends and leave hurt feelings.

I wont have to deal with relationships, just yet.

And finally, I wont have to be on the streets.

I can be there for about two months. by that time I will have earned my driver's license, and hopefully have found myself a job to help pay half the rent.

I can go from there to college at nights and get my CNA training. Once again, guaranteed job once I get through that training.

and then I can travel where i like, and if all goes well, will have a life of my own. Totally independant of all others.

Sounds good on paper.

hope it will work. If not, well, shit.

If any of you honestly want to help, send an email and we'll see what's up. I'll have enough money for a greyhound ticket, plus bux for enough food to last me a while. So, other than taking up space, I wont be much of a nuisance. But we'll have to see.

So, that's the news from the void.


My life is such a damn dream. Maybe soon I'll wake up and scream "MY GOD, WHAT HAVE I DONE?!"

Or not.

But, I feel somewhat destructive in energy all around. but not in a bad way. I feel more chaotic and spontaneous than I'm usually comfortable with.

But, to be honest...

I feel fine.

Comments? Questions? Concerns?

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Purgatory [04 Nov 2002|05:02pm]
[ mood | depressed ]


No more to rain
the sky cascades
the darkest shade of indigo

The winds are gone
no more to play
No kites to soar in empty sky

No water flows
no shaking boughs
The river has become a cave

Although it would be nice
having friends without a price
without a doubt I know

I am... alone

Purgatory isn't so bad
Losing friends I never had
losing sanity can make you feel...

to know that you're alone

Although it would be nice
having friends without a price
without a doubt I know

I am... alone

No more to rain
The tears that never came
now cannot cease to flow

The winds are gone
your sighing breaths
are all that I have left

No water flows
inside my heart
empty vessel of a fractured soul

Although it would be nice
having friends without a price
without a doubt I know

I am... alone

My fingers touch the scroll
my other is holding the bow
my cheek resting upon a plastic kiss
the bow is drawn, and a sound... I miss.

The violin plays
my body shakes
my soul is once more fractured with it's bleeding aches

Although it would be nice
to have friends without a price
without a doubt I know

I am... alone

Been a very long time since I last wrote poetry.

But I felt inspired by nothing.

Thank you very much, my sweet nothing.
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Well... [02 Nov 2002|10:22am]
[ mood | exanimate ]
[ music | Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here ]

It's come to this.

I will remain in my mother's house for only one more week, then I leave, a pocketful of cash and a bad case of angst behind me. I go one of two places. Idaho. Or nowhereland.

I had a screaming match with my mother last night. Called Samantha an Unpaid Whore. Because, in her exact words, I deserve no less than an unpaid whore. I wont go for that shit.

I'm packing. I'm gathering together valuables. I go to the pawn shop this afternoon to sell my most prized posessions. My swords. My stereo. My lava lamps. My Bose speakers. My sterling silver goblet.

I expect the person will try to stiff me, but, I know the prices of each of my items, and I have receiptes to show exacty what they're worth. Plus I haggle like a demon.

So, I'll have some money. I will clean my clothes. And buy a Bus Ticket. That gives one week for someone to come around.

Samantha, You're wrong. Simply. I do know what it is. I know exactly.

You made promises to me. I will help you, if you help yourself now and learn to be stronger than you give yourself credit for. Sleep, think about it. I'll call you in a few days.

Because either way I leave on saturday. I can do one of two things. I can go where I planned, or I can just hop on a random bus and go somewhere that I've never been to before and most likely live on the streets.

Pain, no. I'm not in pain.

Samantha, after all you said to me, prove to me how strong you really are.


Because you are my logic and reason.

Where would I be without my logic and reason?

I... don't want to think about it. No, I'm not hurt, because I'm sure you don't want to do something you'll regret. And if you do, well, fuck. You know what that means.

One more week.

One more.

I have to go now. Time to wrap wires and get ready to go to the shop.

I should probably sell my books, too.

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Tired, Thoughtful. [01 Nov 2002|01:06pm]
[ mood | melancholy ]
[ music | DJ Shadow - You Can't Go Home Again ]

SOOO many thigs happened.

I was in Monterey, I went many places that night.

I suppose I should describe what heppened. I should drop one of those links so you don't have to read it withou clicking, but I'm DUMB, so I don't know how.

7:00 p.m.

Mucky Duck Pub.

Aucka, Nate, Rich, Lord Bobby, Eugene and Marissa are all there. All dressed up. Aucka is a black kitty with a 6 foot long tail! >.<

Nate and Eugene are a bunch of dykes with big boobies. Rick was a Redcap (changeling nightmare thing that eats everything) with a hand hanging out of his mouth. Lord Bobby was BATMAN. My fucking hero. Marissa was the she-devil with a tail that looked more a like a big red penis. I was teh mad Hatter. Kristal was supposed to be there dressed as American McGee's Alice. But she was sick. But, I got lots and lots of non artsy pictures for memory, yay. I was wierd. I ate liver. A chick was dressed as a vampire. Nate wanted to stake her. I have Nate my Liver on a fork. Stake Steak, get it? Bah.

Anyways, this cool ass chick in a frilly black dress and a basket of rose petals walked up. She wa slooking badass. I looked at her and smiled and said "YOU WON!" and then I gave her a huge bag of Peanut Butter Cups. She said they were her favs and she gave me a bunch of flowers.


We go to the State Theatre to see The Ring. It wasn't playing >.< But, we did see Ghost Ship. Okay. The previews for Ghost Ship made the movie look shitty, but it was so kickass! The first five minutes made me instantly love the movie. See it! And plus, the theatre was more beautiful than I remembered. Apparently they closed the balcony because people used to push others out to go splat on the ground. Fuckers.


My friends start to head to the Black Box. I suddenly start to think of one particular person, so I stay in monterey, and I catch a taxi using money they gave me.


Pacific Grove

Lighthouse Avenue, I walk down. Totally dead. This place hasn't had any new buildings since the lats 1800s, so you get and idea of what the place looks like. I can hear the ocean, and I walk down the last mile of 17 mile drive to the butterfly groves...

I feel like not writing this, mostly because I feel odd that someone mentioned them to me. Were they thinking of them while I was there? I feel, watched. Somehow. But not so bad, just odd.

But, yes.

I crossed the barrier of legality and walked straight into the grove, feeling hundreds of dead Monarch butterflies crush under my feet. I leaned against atree, and I watched the silohuettes of the hundred of so that were still alive flitting around. I wrote a poem.

I was about to leave when I saw a butterfly land maybe six feet away from me. I walked over and picked it up. I don't know if any of you know this, but the monarch is a protected insect in California. Touching one could mean up to six years in prison, if caught in the act.

It seemed to fall over into my hand and right itself. I walked back out to the street and held it up to the light, looking at it. It's small tongue was out just a bit, like it was thirsty. I sat down on a park bench, and it died.

But, I had to do one more thing. I had only six dollars for bus fare, so, I had to walk the ten miles to get to Point Lobos.

I must Side Track Now.

I finished my letter and gave it to my Mom. She read it. And she kinda realised how much I hated her.

We talked the whole afternoon about it.

She wants ME to think about it. And, I suppose she's right. She's alright with it. She told me that she doesn't approve that I'd be living with a woman whom I wasn't married to. But she said that I am an adult and my decisions are her own, so, if on monday I'm still certain that I want to go, she'll pay if I promise to go back there to her house for our first real christmas.

That's what happened there [/emotional moment]

So, I walk. I think i split my callous about halfway there walking uphill through the woods to get there. But, I knew a secret entrance from Carmel that you can get into at night. So, I went in.


Point Lobos.

I walk down the rugged and rocky path, the waves crashing all around me. I couldn't see much from where I was, as I was still surrounded by trees, but it all soon dissolved before me.

I was at Weston Beach. So named after the photographer Edward Weston, who purchased that spot for his photography projects.

I was on the bluffs, walking. I could see the ocean glowing, and tempestuously boiling so far below the cliffs. I find a flat rock. I sit down.

I take off my jacket.

And I think.


I had never been there long enough to see the sun rise before. I don't thinik I've ever really watched a sunrise. But I did that day. I felt it warm and welcoming on my back. I felt good, and refreshed.I stood up, reached into my pocket, and I took out the fragile butterfly.

Once more, looking at this I feel so surreal as to what I did. I don't know why.


I let the butterfly fall from my fingers, and cascade, carried playfully by the wind, and it disappeared behind crashing of waves. It would be another couple hours before the busses started running again so I could get a ride back to Salinas.


I still hadn't gone home yet.

I stopped at the college, still in my costume. I went into the library, and I checked my email. I felt, drunk.

I walked back to the house and showered, which brings me to the now in my life.

I came back, missed my class, and now sit in front of a computer. My feet are sore and painful. I have no more clean clothes here. And I feel refreshed and great. I had the last thing I wanted before I leave this place. Just to see Point Lobos one last time...

I opened my package when I got home. I am tasting them one at a time. I can detect Cinnamon. Like a piece of chocolate with a Red Hot in it.

I remove a handkerchief and I cover my face with it and inhale deeply. Memorizing it, and already missing something all over...

This weekend I will spend it awake and thinking.

Do I really deserve this?

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Seeing him happy makes me happy [31 Oct 2002|12:14pm]
[ mood | vicariously bouncy ]

It's Samantha again.

I have eaten far too much today, which consists of carmel (my teacher gave me), toast with honey on it(I had for breakfast), and the entire school lunch offered. Even the hot dog. Ugh, what was I thinking?

But all is well. I will most likely choose not to eat anything at home tonight.

Speaking of eating, my package should have gotten to you now, Weston...

Please check and if it has finally reached its destination, enjoy!


P.S. I am sorry I wasn't there last night. I slept. And slept.

P.P.S. I am trying to fix that damned answering machine.

RrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRR @ technology

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Mad Hats Arising. [31 Oct 2002|11:31am]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Low - Half Light ]

Last night I called and no response. Once again the answering machine that while I leave a message sound slike it cuts me off everytime. Bah.

Will most likely not be able to call tonight.

This morning I wake up and I start to get ready. To the bathroom I go. I spray my hair gray all over. With irregularities. I notice that I look damn good in gray hair. That's a bit comforting for when I'm an old geezer.

So, I don't shave my goatee, I just make that gray too. I don my basic clothes. Blue Pants, black T-shirt, Cyan necktiething, black leather jacket, and my big ass fucking Lime Green Hat with the 10/6 card.

I'm wearing it all now.

And my purple sunglasses. It was great, I walked to the cherrybean and sat in front, drinking a pot of Earl Grey tea with my leg crossed and a merry smile on my face. People grinned when they saw me, and it was neato.

So, tonight I go out with friends to the Mucky Duck Pub for british food and lots of curse words and some offbeat music playing. Last year they had a live band that did cover songs from Alice in Wonderland and nursery rhymes in this really dark industrial theme to it. It was great.

"Ring Around the Rosy, Pocket full of Poesy. Ashes Ashes.... We all fall down!"


Then from there we walk to the rennovated State Theatre to see 'The Ring' during it's Nine O' the Clock showing.

I look forwrad to it. Then, we go to Fort ord to the old Barracks to see what someone did to it to make it a haunted house.

Featured by the Black Box.

A party lasting until sunrise.

Tonight will be great.

Of course it wont be the same if I had a particular someone with me. But, next year. I'll make it up then.

w00t. Someone just gave me peanutbutter cups for candy right now. My fav. Go me!

So, this morning while I had my cup of tea. My friend wants to take me over to Los Banos to one of the clearcut areas to shoot Clay Pigeons.

These spots are odd and serene at the same time. Picture, driving through lush and beautiful forests, ferns growing on the side of the road and tall monstrous trees in every direction. And all of a sudden you turn a corner and you're in hell. Thirty miles of nothing but dirt and rubbles and rusted junk left on the side of the road. The lumber companies having cleared absolutely everything. And it's there that I'll use a shotgun to shoot clay disks. Good way to release kinda everything. And I can yel and holler and hear the thundering roar of the gun resounding up and down the valley. Chaotic, and yet, serene.

So, now another friend is bugging me. Wants me to go back to the coffeeshop and look cool.

I must go.


p.s. Dear God I'm so hyper!

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I wish I could listen to you... [30 Oct 2002|05:04pm]
// series one - as usual
-- Name: Weston
-- Birthdate: 02-18-84
-- Birthplace: Venice, CA
-- Current Location: Salinas, CA
-- Eye Color: Smokey Blue
-- Hair Color: Coppery brownish Blonde. Fucking Curls. Argh!
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty Tighty Lefty eh.
-- Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
-- Innie or Outtie: Innie.

// series two - describe
-- Your heritage: Mostly Scottish, with a splash of Slavic and Irish for flavoring.
-- The shoes you wore today: Boots. Same as always.
-- Your hair: Fucking Curly and brown. Flat on top, poofy on sides, kinda like those victorian fagboys, minus the silk slippers. Sometimes straight when I BURN THE FUCK OUT OF IT!
-- Your eyes: Don't like them. They tend to creep people out because I don't often blink and I like, look like I can see right through people, or so they say.
-- Your weakness?: Peanut Butter...
-- Your fears: Drowning, Penises, Potato Bugs, Canned Pet Food
-- Your perfect pizza: Normal crust (plus the cornmeal stuff) with Meatballs and olives. Light on the cheese.
-- One thing you'd like to achieve: Respected Artist.

// series three - what is
-- Your most overused phrase on aol\aim: Bloop.
-- Your thoughts first waking up: BATHROOM. o.o
-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: The Mouth
-- The best Name for a Butler: James.
-- Your best physical features: Damn I love my ego. I have a perfect penis!
-- Your bedtime: ... bed?
-- Your greatest fear: Greatest fear is abandonment.
-- Your greatest accomplishment: Impressing a pulitzer winning photographer.
-- Your most missed memory: Trneton Monument, 1992

// series four - you prefer
-- Pepsi or coke: Bah. I prefer RC (but Pepsi'll work)
-- McDonald's or Burger King: Booger King. I fucking hate both of them. I'd rather have Jack-in-the-Crack
-- Single or group dates: Funny...
-- Adidas or nike: Fuck you. Doc Martens!
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: That's Brisk, baby!
-- Chocolate or vanilla: VANILLA o.0
-- Cappucino or coffee: mmmm, caffeine. Gimme a bag of beans and some milk. Make me happy. Oh! Um, coffee.
-- Boxers or briefs: Boxers

// series five - do you
-- Smoke: Tobacco. I tried to quit, but it gets harder with each passing day.
-- Cuss: Too fucking much.
-- Sing well: I'd like to think so. Nobody complains.
-- Take a shower everyday: Just about.
-- Do you think you've been in love: Well, I am now.
-- Want to go to college: Gee (pokes college computer screen) Yeah, I'd like to go to college someday.. dumbshit.
-- Like high school: NO.
-- Want to get married: Of course.
-- Type with your fingers on the right keys: I just type. Fast.
-- Believe in yourself: I'm trying. But, no.
-- Get motion sickness: In cars I have to keep a window down. That's the extent.
-- Think you're attractive: MUAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! no.
-- Think you're a health freak: Not really. I like cream in my sauces, thank you.
-- Get along with your parents: Parents? What are those?
-- Like thunderstorms: I remember I used to get a chair and go outside to watch.
-- Play an instrument: Nothing in particular, but I can learn to play any instrument decently in 30 minutes.

// series six - in the past month, did/have you
-- Drank alcohol: Yeah. Was really sad.
-- Smoke(d): Yeth.
-- Done a drug: Does massive amount of sleeping pills and the occasional ibuprofen count? No? Of. Well, then. um. No.
-- Have Sex: Nope.
-- Made Out: Never.
-- Go on a date: Yep, been on one. Just taking a friend to the movies.
-- Go to the mall?: At least once a month.
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Haven't had Oreos in so long..
-- Eaten sushi: Yes!
-- Been on stage: Karaoke
-- Been dumped: I dunno.
-- Gone skating: Rollerskating. Once.
-- Made homemade cookies: YES!
-- Been in love: Not before now.
-- Gone skinny dipping: Yep >^.^<
-- Dyed your hair: Yep.
-- Stolen anything: Used to be klepto. Kinda. Sorta. But haven't stolen in about a year.

// series seven - have you ever
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing?: Strip Poker. I tend to win. Nothing to lose. Literally.
-- If so, was it mixed company: Duh.
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Heheheh yeah.
-- Been caught "doing something": Oh jeeze. Yep.
-- Been called a tease: I'd fall over anime style if someone said that.
-- Gotten beaten up: More times than I'd like to admit.
-- Shoplifted: Yep. Twice.
-- If so, did you get caught: Nope.
-- Changed who you were to fit in: I did it once. Started smoking pot. Gave up eagerly.

// series eight - the future
-- Age you hope to be married: mid to late twenties...
-- Numbers and Names of Children: One kid. I'd name him Cleod or John. If it was a girl. Mari or Amanda.
-- Descibe your Dream Wedding: Scotland. At the clan castle. Same place for honeymoon.
-- How do you want to die: Not alone.
-- Where you want to go to college: Anywhere as long as I learn.
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: Art.
-- What country would you most like to visit: Scotland.

// series nine - opposite sex
-- Best eye color? Blue.
-- Best hair color? Black.
-- Short or long hair?: Long
-- Best height: 5'2" to 5'4"
-- Best weight: Not picky
-- Best articles of clothing: Dress.
-- Best first date location: Dinner on the beach.
-- Best first kiss location: Behind Acme Comics where I used to work.

// series ten - number of
-- Number of girls I have kissed in my life: 20... 30...? I hear I kiss great.
-- Number of girls you have made out with: Nada.
-- Number of girlfriends you've had: Nada.
-- Number of boys I have kissed: 1, just to be provacative as all hell while I was drunk.
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: 5... 6?
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: 1
-- Number of CDs that I own: 12 - 13 If I wasn't robbed so often I'd have about 300-400
-- Number of piercings: None
-- Number of tattoos: None yet...
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: 15... 20ish?
-- Number of scars on my body: 362
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: Too many.


// series one - as usual
-- Name: Samantha
-- Birthdate: 06-10-85
-- Birthplace: Watertown, SD
-- Current Location: Gifford, ID
-- Eye Color: Arguably blue or green
-- Hair Color: black. Very.
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty
-- Zodiac Sign: Gemini
-- Innie or Outtie: Innie

// series two - describe
-- Your heritage: Norwegian, German, Cherokee
-- The shoes you wore today: average shoes
-- Your hair: note: I like curly, but mine is wavy and free-flowing.
-- Your eyes: are spectacular, in my opinion
-- Your weakness?: eating disorders anf ficklety
-- Your fears: rape, severe illness, motor vehicle accidents, things that lurk in the dark
-- Your perfect pizza: thin crust, easy on the cheese, hawaiian. I... haven't had pizza in far too long. months.
-- One thing you'd like to achieve: finding a place to belong

// series three - what is
-- Your most overused phrase on aol\aim: *smile*
-- Your thoughts first waking up: What time is it? Dear, lord I hope I'm not late again.
-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: hair, eyes
-- The best Name for a Butler: Virgil
-- Your best physical features: Hmm.. my lips and eyes
-- Your bedtime: around 1 or 2, sadly
-- Your greatest fear: rape
-- Your greatest accomplishment: A standing ovation for my singing, maybe
-- Your most missed memory: Probably hanging out with friends at one time or another

// series four - you prefer
-- Pepsi or coke: Depends on my mood
-- McDonald's or Burger King: Yuck and slightly less yuck.
-- Single or group dates: single. Unless you're talking about the food.
-- Adidas or nike: long. Black. Ass-kicking.
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: ...
-- Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
-- Cappucino or coffee: neither
-- Boxers or briefs: ...?

// series five - do you
-- Smoke: not unless I'm on fire
-- Cuss: Not often enough for some peoples' tastes ;)
-- Sing well: Yes.
-- Take a shower everyday: Yes
-- Do you think you've been in love: ... *rolls eyes*
-- Want to go to college: No, but I guess it's unavoidable.
-- Like high school: yes, a little
-- Want to get married: Someday
-- Type with your fingers on the right keys: *refer to Weston's answer
-- Believe in yourself: I think therefore I am.
-- Get motion sickness: Never
-- Think you're attractive: A little
-- Think you're a health freak: Not really
-- Get along with your parents: MOst of the time.
-- Like thunderstorms: Yes
-- Play an instrument: Several

// series six - in the past month, did/have you
-- Drank alcohol: No
-- Smoke(d): No
-- Done a drug: No
-- Have Sex: No
-- Made Out: Hmm... No
-- Go on a date: No
-- Go to the mall?: No
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No
-- Eaten sushi: No
-- Been on stage: No
-- Been dumped: Sort of
-- Gone skating: No
-- Made homemade cookies: Hey, finally, a yes answer
-- Been in love: More and more I wonder if there is such a thing or if it's intense affection or maybe that's all love is anyway or...
-- Gone skinny dipping: no
-- Dyed your hair: no
-- Stolen anything: no

// series seven - have you ever
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing?: yes
-- If so, was it mixed company: yes
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: no
-- Been caught "doing something": ..?
-- Been called a tease: You'd better believe it
-- Gotten beaten up: no
-- Shoplifted: ... *sigh* yeah
-- If so, did you get caught: refer to aboce answer
-- Changed who you were to fit in: No, I don't think so

// series eight - the future
-- Age you hope to be married: mid-twenties
-- Numbers and Names of Children: one, if any. Petra, or Ethan.
-- Descibe your Dream Wedding: I would be involved.
-- How do you want to die: *blink* not at all
-- Where you want to go to college: Albertson's
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: wonderful
-- What country would you most like to visit: Japan

// series nine - opposite sex
-- Best eye color? Blue
-- Best hair color? Hmm... white. But it really does depend on the person's other features.
-- Short or long hair?: medium-length, for a guy.
-- Best height: 5'9"-6'1"
-- Best weight: If he can move, I'm fine
-- Best articles of clothing: something unique
-- Best first date location: In the forest, in the afternoon, running around like happy little imps
-- Best first kiss location: during said imp-running around. It would just happen

// series ten - number of
-- Number of girls I have kissed in my life: 5
-- Number of girls you have made out with: 3
-- Number of girlfriends you've had: 2
-- Number of boys I have kissed: *blinku* Probably around... 30
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: none
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: 1
-- Number of CDs that I own: around 50
-- Number of piercings: 2.
-- Number of tattoos: none
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: 10 (art contests and honour roles, etc)
-- Number of scars on my body: countless little ones only I notice, some big ones
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: Five. Just because it's a good number.
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RED MEAT [30 Oct 2002|04:00pm]

Okay, I think I've decided that if anyone can make me a comic strip like Red Meat with fuzzy critters will deserve something. Um, yep.

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And I miss you... [30 Oct 2002|02:36pm]
I've had an account on deviantart for a while, at least a few months. THough I never really felt like posting anything. BUT, not I do, and I have posted my photographs there. My account is autumnshroud, respectively. Simple.

So far I have been getting good feedback. Make me feel glinty.

So, whenever I can scan stuff, I'll be posting it there for now. Just for the record.

But I'm sure I'll mention it.

In a few hours I will be going into the darkroom again, perhaps for the last time. Developing my night photography project. Making prints. Make me wish I had a scanner. I hear rumors that one of my friends is setting up a scanner, maybe time to start mooching them for access.

No, I haven't written that letter yet *sigh* I feel nervous. But I'll start now.

That is all.

** Samm's Piece:

Take all th time you need.

Folks, this could be a life-altering document, here....

it is no wonder that it takes a little time.

and on that note, I made a song called "Autumn sentiment"

right click and save if you want to hear it.
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Comfortable. [30 Oct 2002|09:32am]
[ mood | nostalgic ]
[ music | Everything But The Girl - Missing ]

And I miss you - like the deserts miss the rain
And I miss you - like the deserts miss the rain
And I miss you

Last night I felt very, comfortable. It was raining when I left the library and walked myself home, taking a mile out of my way to walk to central park. I picked rose petals and put them in my pocket. I had no umbrella, and I was soaked to the bone, but not shivering when I came home and walke dupstairs, my boots squaking with the water they contained from walking through puddles.

Bon Temps

I talked on the phone and had a complex conversation that was so simple. I think that might have been one of my best memories, now.

I feel comfortable in my skin now.

I wake up, and my neck is stiff, but a hot shower take4s care of it, and I feel refreshed. That was at 8 this morning. Thoughts wandering to one person.

I need to write a letter today, and go to my class tonight.

I also have lots of laundry that needs washing. Wish I had three bucks to go to the laundromat.

My mom lost her job yesterday. She informed me that she would no longer pay for my food or my school. So, I have nothing left to do here. I plan to move out in the next three weeks. At least that is the plan.

Can I do it? I feel nervous, but in a good way. I think of a small town a few thousand miles north of here. Yes, I can do it. The day and a half journey on a smelly bus. I have no choice, I have to do it.

Thus writing that letter is important. Requesting my mother to be a mother for the first time in my life and to let me leave this hell and go on to something better. A new life. A new start. I hope.

I hope I am everything she wants me to be.

I hope there is such a thing as 'Happily Ever After'

I hope that all my new dreams will come true.

I hope I can find some form of happiness.

I hope.
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